Wild Week chapter 3 (family fun)

CHAPTER 3 : Tuesday

Billy didn’t wake until 9 the next morning when his alarm went off. Groggily, he reached out and groped for the off button. “Shit,” he cursed, squinting at the clock. He had missed Brianna. He remembered how her tits had bobbled under her T-shirt at supper last night, her nipples poking out on either side of the teddy bear on her chest. He rolled out of bed, checked Madeline’s window through the binoculars, seeing no sign of her, then went down the hall to the bathroom. After taking a leak, he went downstairs and got a bowl of cereal, eating it in front of the TV watching American Gladiators. When he finished, he went back up to his room and got dressed for practice. He decided he had better wake Mom before leaving.

He went down the hall to her door and raised his hand to knock, but hesitated. Instead, he slowly turned the doorknob, opening the door an inch as silently as he could, and peeked in through the crack. The door was only a few feet from Mom’s side of the bed, with her night table between the two. His breath caught as he saw Mom sleeping, lying on her back with one arm across her face and her mouth open. She had no covers on and her short white nightgown was hiked up around her waist, revealing the large bushy triangle of her dark red-brown muff. He eased the door open quietly and crept over to the side of the bed.

He could see her giant tits beneath the see-through material of her gown, rising and falling with her slow, even breathing. His eyes trailed down to her incredibly hairy bush, uncovered below the hem of her nightgown. He moved closer to the foot of the bed and leaned over her legs. One leg was bent at the knee and cocked to the side, and Billy could see the puffy pink lips of her pussy buried in the forest of wild pubes. He stood for several long moments, staring wide-eyed, his dick straining against the zipper of his jeans. His hand reached out shakily, as if it had a mind of its own. His fingertips grazed lightly across the silky soft curls.

He forced his hand to retreat, pulling it back to his side, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away. He continued staring breathlessly, his heart giving a lurch when she suddenly stirred, her legs opening wider, affording him a better view of her hairy slit, the pink petal lips parting slightly. He glanced up at her face to see if she was awakening, but her arm still hid her eyes, although her mouth was no longer open, and he noticed that her nipples had grown erect, clearly visible through the sheer material. He looked back down to stare at her pussy for another minute before quietly leaving the room, easing the door closed behind him. He fled down the hall, downstairs, out the front door, and sprinted the two blocks to the park where they practiced.

* * * * *

Gayla awoke and squinted from beneath her covering arm, seeing Billy standing over her. She started to speak, but stopped when her eyes focused fully and she saw the look on his face. His mouth was hanging open and his eyes were wide, staring down between her legs, and she realized that she was uncovered, her groin exposed. She suddenly remembered what Brianna had said the day before about him spying on her. Well, she thought, it’s only natural for a boy his age to be curious about girls. Knowing he would be very embarrassed if she were to catch him looking at her, she pretended to still be sleeping. Peering from the crook of her elbow, she noticed the bulge in the front of his jeans. Maybe if he got a good look it would ease his curiosity a bit. She pretended to stir in her sleep, spreading her legs further until she was sure he could see her vulva. She saw alarm cross his face when she moved, and quickly closed her eye when he looked up to her face. She kept her eyes closed, and after another minute, heard his soft footsteps leaving the room, the door closing quietly.

She lay in bed quite a while after he had gone, thinking about how fast her children were growing up. It made her a little sad knowing they weren’t her babies anymore. Her thoughts turned to her husband and her mood brightened. This morning when she had awakened him, he had wanted a repeat of the morning before, but she had rebuffed him, which she intended to continue doing until he came home tomorrow at noon to prepare for his trip. She wanted to build up his lust, tease him. Tomorrow Brianna would be at work and Billy had a baseball game in a neighboring town, so they would be assured of privacy. I’m going to give him a fuck to last three whole days, she thought with a giggle.

* * * * *

Brianna was having a typical boring day at work, selling scarves to little old ladies and swimsuits to giggling teenagers in the little boutique where she worked. Caroline, the owner, was busy in the back and as usual, Tami, Caroline’s daughter, was sitting at the counter reading a glossy magazine, leaving Brianna to tend to the few customers in the store. Brianna didn’t really mind, but she did throw the oblivious Tami an occasional annoyed glance.

Although she was a year younger than Brianna and looked like a little blonde waif, Tami seemed older and was definitely much wilder. She was always relating her experiences with boys to Brianna, seemingly enjoying shocking her with explicit tales of her exploits. She had even gotten her nipple pierced. She had shown it to Brianna a few weeks before when her mother was out of the store. They had been standing at the front counter talking, there being no customers at the time, when Tami had told her about it. Then, in plain veiw of anyone walking by in front of the shop, she had lifted her T-shirt and pulled her right boob out of the lacy cup of her pink bra.

Brianna had gasped at Tami’s daring brazenness, glancing nervously at the front windows before leaning close to stare in fascination at the little silver hoop dangling from the delicate pink rosebud that was Tami’s nipple.

“Didn’t it hurt?” she had asked incredulously.

“Sure,” Tami answered nonchalantly, “but it was an incredible rush when the guy did it. It was sore as hell for a week or so, but now it feels totally intense when a guy pulls on it with his teeth when he’s boning away on me.”

Brianna had blushed profusely, of course. “Does your mother know you have it?” she asked to hide her embarassment.

“Hell no!” Tami answered with a laugh. “She doesn’t know half the shit I do.” If all the things she said were true, Brianna could well believe it.

Brianna was staring into space, lost in thought, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She jumped, startled, turning to find Lauren Gregory, one of their regular customers, standing behind her.

“Oh, I’m sorry Sugar,” the elegant lady said sympathetically. “Did I scare you? I just wondered if you could help me to try this on.” She held up a hanger with a black lace bustier on it. “I hate to be a nuisance but it has so many little buttons in back.”

“That’s okay, Mrs. Gregory,” Brianna answered. “Of course I’ll help you. Come this way please.” She led the way to the dressing rooms, pulling open the curtain for her. “You just give me a yell when you need me. I’ll wait right here.”

“Thank you, Sugar,” Lauren said, entering the booth and pulling the curtain closed. Brianna smiled to herself. Mrs. Gregory always called her and Tami ‘Sugar’ and was always very polite and nice. She was small, with honey blonde hair, somewhere in her mid forties, although she didn’t look it, and always finely dressed. She was a widow, and was rich. When she called out, Brianna slipped through the curtain.

Mrs. Gregory was waiting for her, standing in her stockings and garter belt and white silk panties, holding the strapless black bustier to her naked chest. Brianna moved up behind her, pulling the two sides together and began buttoning the long row of fancy buttons. When she finished she stepped back and allowed Mrs. Gregory to check her reflection in the mirrors on three sides of the small cubicle.

“What do you think?” she asked Brianna’s reflection in the mirror. “Is it sexy?”

Brianna blushed lightly and looked at the provocative garment in the mirror. “It looks great, Mrs. Gregory.”

“Thank you, you’re very kind,” Lauren smiled at her, then returned her gaze to her own reflection. “I think it will go quite nicely under my new strapless evening gown. Would you undo me now, Sugar, please?”

Brianna unbuttoned the bustier and started to leave, but Mrs. Gregory stopped her. “Would you wrap it up for me, please?” she asked, turning around and holding it out to Brianna.

Surprised, Brianna couldn’t help looking at the older woman’s naked breasts. They were not large, a small B-cup, tipped with small brown nipples. They were not very firm, hanging down softly, and jiggled with her movements. Brianna noticed Mrs. Gregory watching her as she stared and quickly averted her gaze, reaching out for the bustier. She took it and hurriedly left the dressing room.

When she went to the front counter and began wrapping up Mrs. Gregory’s purchase, Tami was looking at her with an amused expression on her face.

“You went in the dressing room with her?” Tami asked, as if she couldn’t quite believe it.

“So?” Brianna retorted.

“Well I sure as hell wouldn’t.”

“Why not?” Brianna turned to face her.

Tami rolled her eyes incredulously. “‘Cause she’s a dyke!”

Brianna couldn’t believe it. She had actually thought of Mrs. Gregory as the ideal type of woman she would like to be one day, refined and sophisticated with impeccable taste and manners. “No way,” she shook her head.

“She sure is,” Tami shot back. “You think all that lingerie she buys is for herself?”

Brianna looked at the bustier. “I saw her try this on.”

“That one might be for her, but she can’t wear everything she buys here. I bet she spends $300 a month. She buys most of it for her girlfriends.”

“How do you know?” Brianna asked, beginning to doubt her initial disbelief.

“Mom’s known her forever,” Tami said. “Just ask her if you don’t believe me.”

“But…” Brianna searched for an argument. “But she was married.”

“So?” Tami snorted derisively. “Just because someone’s been married doesn’t mean they don’t eat pussy. Maybe she’s bi.”

Brianna flushed hotly. Tami’s crude comment brought lewd images to her mind’s eye, giving her that same funny feeling she had felt yesterday when Mama had touched her most private areas. This made her think of the feel of Mama’s gentle fingers, the feel of her soft breast as Brianna had sucked at her big stiff nipple. She was snapped out of her reverie by a nudge from Tami. Startled, she looked up and saw Mrs. Gregory coming towards the counter. Flustered, she hurriedly finished wrapping the package.

Lauren walked up to the counter, fishing in her oversize bag for her billfold. “Hello, Sugar,” she said to Tami. “How are you?”

“Just fine, Mrs. G,” Tami answered, smiling sweetly like a perfect angel.

Brianna put the package in a bag and picked up the credit card Mrs. Gregory had lain on the countertop. After ringing up the purchase and getting the charge slip signed, she handed the card back.

“Thank you, Sugar.” Mrs. Gregory smiled at both girls. “‘Bye ‘bye now,” she said. After she had gone, Tami looked at Brianna and giggled before turning her attention back to her magazine.

Brianna wandered away from the counter, musing confusedly. Had Mrs. Gregory’s fingers lingered on hers just a shade longer than necessary when she took back the credit card, or was it her imagination? Was Tami lying just to fluster her? If so, why had Mrs. Gregory exposed herself to her? Thinking back now, Brianna was sure the nipples had been erect, and Mrs. Gregory had definitely looked directly at her face, as if gauging her reaction.

She slowly became aware that all this had made her go damp at the crotch. She quelled the urge to go into the restroom and touch herself, telling herself that she couldn’t leave Tami to mind the store alone, ignoring the fact that Tami often did just that to her. Actually, she wasn’t ready to admit to herself that the thought of two women together could excite her, despite the fact that she’d had an orgasm yesterday at her mother’s hands. She busied herself selling scarves to little old ladies, etc., and ignoring the horny thoughts.

* * * * *

After rising from the bed, Gayla decided on a shower, but first she wanted a cup of coffee. She went downstairs and poured a cup, sitting at the counter to drink it, then went back up and took a quick shower. Standing at the mirror in her silk robe, she had just finished blow-drying her hair, still surprised at how quickly it went now that she had her boy cut, as she called it. Suddenly she heard a commotion at the front door. “Mrs. Ward?” she heard a boy’s voice call, “Billy’s hurt!”

Alarmed, she ran to the front stairs and, coming down, saw Billy just inside the front door, being supported by two boys she recognized as his friends, Randy and Alex. Billy’s face was screwed up in a grimace of pain and he was holding his right leg up off the floor, one arm over each of the boys’ shoulders. “What happened?” she asked as she raced down to the bottom of the stairs.

Both boys were struck dumb by the sight of Billy’s gorgeous mother, wearing only a short silk robe of emerald green, rushing down the staircase, her huge jugs bouncing crazily, nipples dancing under the shiny fabric. They both stood, pop-eyed, gazing at her chest.

“What happened?” she repeated, hurrying over to them.

Finally Randy, ogling her tits, blurted out, “That asshole Freddy Carlson cleated him in the nuts!” Then, realizing what he had said, he blushed crimson and stammered, “Uh, I mean, Freddy was sliding into second base and Billy was, um…The throw was low and Billy …Freddy slid into him and, uh…”

“Yes, I see,” Gayla interrupted him, looking down and seeing a rip up the inner thigh of Billy’s jeans running right up to the crotch, blood staining the faded denim. “It’s okay, boys,” Gayla said. “I’ll handle it from here.” She moved to replace Randy under Billy’s right arm, wrapping her left around his waist and starting toward the stairs. She was a little surprised at how much taller than her he had grown.

“Well, uh…I guess we’d better get back,” Randy said. “See you later, Billy.”

Billy didn’t answer, but Gayla called over her shoulder, “Thank you, boys. I’m sure he’ll be fine.” She helped Billy up the stairs, hearing the boys leave behind her. She took him into her bathroom, which was closer, and leaned him up against the wall. Kneeling down in front of him, she unbuckled his belt and undid his jeans, pulling them down to his knees. Examining his inner thigh, she saw a scratch about three inches long extending up under the legband of his white underwear, which also had blood on them. “That doesn’t look too bad,” she said. “It’s stopped bleeding.” She reached up for the waistband of his shorts.

“Mom!” Billy exclaimed, alarm in his voice, grabbing hold of his underwear.

“Billy,” she gave him an exasperated look, “don’t be silly. I used to change your diapers.”

She batted his hands away and slid down his shorts, his manly penis and testicles spilling out. A bit surprised at how mature he was, she hesitated, then gingerly lifted his heavy balls out of the way, seeing that the scratch ended right at the junction of his thigh and pelvis. She turned away to get a washcloth and some iodine from the medicine cabinet.

The second that Mom touched his balls, Billy’s pain was forgotten and his dick started to rise. When she turned away, he stood stiffly, eyes closed, trying to will his dick back down, but images of his mother flooded his mind. He saw her fingering her own pussy, sucking Dad’s cock, wildly bouncing on top of him, but most vividly, from less than an hour ago, her hairy cunt barely a yard away from his face. In seconds, his prick was rock hard, pointing straight out and throbbing.

When Gayla turned back to her son, she was startled by the sight of his erect penis standing out from his pelvis, aimed right at her. The first thought that came to her mind was, My God, it’s nearly as big as Bill’s. Indeed, it looked almost like an exact replica, only slightly smaller, about 7 inches long to Bill’s 8 1/2, and not as thick. She caught herself staring at it, just as he had been staring at her only a short time ago. She looked up at him, thinking he was even more grown up than she had realized. His eyes were closed tightly, his whole body tensed, hands at his sides clenched into tight fists.

Her heart was fluttering as she reached out with her left hand and pushed his cock to the side with her fingertips, his body tensing even more when she touched it. She began gently washing the dried blood from around the scratch, and had to stifle a nervous giggle when his stiff penis slipped from her fingers and came bobbing back to once again point at her face. Glancing up at his tightly closed face again, she gave a slight shrug and grabbed hold of his rigid pole, lifting it out of the way. She wiped away the remainder of the blood as she held his hot, twitching prick in a loose fist, trembling slightly, trying to ignore the excitement building in her own loins.

By this time, Billy’s cock was so hard it hurt, and he thought it must soon split open to relieve the pressure. It throbbed and twitched as Mom’s cool fingers held it loosely. Releasing his penis, she twisted the cap off the iodine. Lifting his bulging cock once again, she applied the iodine to the scratch. When the red liquid contacted the broken skin, Billy jumped and yelped at the sting. “Oh, I’m sorry, honey,” Gayla said, and leaned close, blowing on the burning scratch. Billy gritted his teeth, feeling the stream of air tickling past his tight balls, his muscles so tight that his back was starting to cramp. When Mom turned loose once again and turned to place the iodine bottle on the counter behind her, he had to stand up away from the wall to stretch his back.

When Gayla turned back to her son, she was brought up short, nearly bumping into his jutting cock, which was suddenly so close she could have stuck out her tongue and tasted it. She held her breath, trembling all over, butterflies suddenly fluttering in her stomach. She was mesmerized by his bloated purple cockhead, barely an inch from her face. She stared mutely for several seconds before realizing she wasn’t breathing, finally exhaling in a gust. When Billy felt her hot breath wash over his aching prick, his hips gave an involuntary lurch forward, bringing the swollen head into contact with her soft lips.

Gayla froze, his smooth, bulbous cockhead butting up against her lips. Time seemed to move in slow motion. Slowly, almost of its own volition, her mouth opened, her eyes closing and her hands coming up to grip his firm young buttocks, pulling him slowly forward, her lips sliding over the head and gliding down the shaft, engulfing his cock, until the entire shaft was embedded in her mouth, his cockhead in the back of her throat, his coarse pubic hair tickling her nose.

Billy groaned loudly when he felt a warm wetness slide down his dick, finally opening his eyes and looking down to see Mom’s lips stretched around the base of his hard cock. He felt dizzy, and might have fallen had she not been holding onto his ass. He watched as she slowly drew back up to the head, leaving the shaft slickly gleaming with spit. She stopped with just the head still inside, her lips clamped behind the bulging ridge of his cockhead. She swirled her wet tongue around the engorged head several times before she sank back down on his cock. Billy groaned again and had to reach behind him to steady himself against the wall, making his hips thrust out even more.

Now that the damn was brokem, Gayla brought her oral talents to bear. She wanted to give her 18 year old son the blowjob of a lifetime.

Billy watched as her wetly sucking lips glided up and down his rod in a slow, sensual rhythm, making obscene slurping noises as she sucked hard. God, that felt too good, he wasn’t gonna last much longer. After a dozen long, slow strokes, he felt the hot cum cum boiling up from the base of his dick. “Mom! It’s gonna…..UUNNNNHHH!” his warning came too late as the first hot spurt shot out of the end of his cock.

Gayla felt his cock spasm in her mouth, his ass cheeks clenching tightly as he rose up on his toes and cried out. Hot semen shot into her mouth, trailing out over her bottom lip and down her chin as she quickly pulled his jerking cock out of her mouth and grabbed the washcloth, putting it over the head of his cock and pumping the rest of his spunk into it with her hand. When he finished spurting, she folded the cloth over and tenderly wiped off his softening penis, licking cum off her lip and swallowing what was in her mouth. She then wiped the rest off her chin with the rag and slowly turned away, saying quietly, “You had better go and change those jeans.” He quickly pulled up his pants and hurried from the room. “And put on some clean underwear,” she called down the hall after him. She heard him go into his room and in less than a minute was back out and down the stairs, leaving. She continued to kneel on the bathroom floor, dazed, leaning up against the counter, wondering what the hell she had just done.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/iftzxx/wild_week_chapter_3_family_fun


  1. I like the way you’re slowly building up the tension between mother and son and mother and daughter.

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