Wild Week chapter 2 (family fun)

Chapter 2 : Later on Monday

Gayla didn’t reawaken until after 11 o’clock. Yawning, she stretched her naked body under the covers and looked over at the clock. She was surprised at the time. Usually, Billy would wake her before leaving for his baseball practice, then she wouldn’t see him again until dinnertime. Throwing back the covers, she swung her legs out over the edge of the bed and sat up, arching her back and stretching her arms up over her head in another mighty yawn. She ruffled her fingers through her thick auburn hair, which she had gotten cut tomboyishly short a few months before. She was still not used to it after having kept it long since she was a girl. Her body felt nicely fatigued from her early morning workout, though she felt badly in need of a bath. Sweat had dried on her body and her pubic hair was matted with the dried juices from their lovemaking. She smiled as she remembered Bill’s urgency when she had made him beg, the wild, almost desperate look in his eyes. She loved to drive him wild with desire before letting her own passion sweep her away.

She stood, naked, and padded on bare feet into the bathroom. She turned on the water in the tub, adjusting the temperature as hot as she could stand it and added some rose scented bath oil. While the tub was filling she sat on the toilet and relieved herself, then moved over to the sink, eyeing her reflection in the mirror critically. Curly dark red hair framed a fair complected face, with high cheekbones, a daintily upturned nose, and a full lipped mouth. Her eyes were emerald green.

She carried her inspection lower. Her breasts were large and heavy, she now wore a size 40 bra with a D cup. Though they hung lower and less firmly than they had when she was a bride, they were far from sagging, she noted with approval, turning for a profile view. Bill loved them. A few thin blue veins could be traced under the pale, almost translucent white flesh. Her nipples were dusky pink, as thick as the tip of her thumb, standing out 3/4 of an inch and turning scarlet red when erect, surrounded by wide, pale pink aureolae that she could just cover with the palm of her hand. Below, her tummy was still reasonably flat, although a few extra sit-ups certainly wouldn’t hurt, and her hips and ass were full and firm, without a trace of cellulite on her thighs. All in all, not too bad for a 38 year old mother of two teenagers, she decided.

She stood on tiptoes to examine her muff. She never wore a bikini, never sunbathed, staying out of the sun as much as possible because she burned very easily, so she had never needed to trim her pubic hair. As a result, her bush was full and thick, a wild tangle of dark, russet brown hair forming a wide V, in stark contrast with her milky white skin. There was a thin trail of dark hairs leading from the top of the triangle up towards her belly button which she had always thought was very sexy, and hair grew a little way down each inner thigh. She ruffled the furry muff with her fingers, smiling as she imagined what Bill’s reaction would be when she gave him his surprise when he returned from his trip.

Snapping out of her reverie, she quickly brushed her teeth then stepped gingerly into the now full bath, easing down into the steaming water with a sensuous sigh. Lying back in the tub, she soaked a plush washcloth and draped it over her face, letting the hot water soothe her entire body for a full ten minutes. Raising her knees and spreading them apart, she reached down and tenderly spread her labia, inserting two fingers and gently scissored them apart, letting hot water flood her vagina. Using her pelvic muscles, she expelled the water, then repeated the makeshift douche. Finally, she reached for the soap and began to wash herself. She washed her entire body, then shaved her legs and underarms, wondering what her pussy would look like when she finally granted Bill’s wish. Lastly, she used the hand-held shower head to wash her hair.

Getting out of the tub, she toweled herself off and slipped into her robe, a short silk kimono of emerald green that matched her eyes, and wrapped a towel around her wet hair, turban style. Putting her slippers back on, she made her way down to the kitchen to see if Bill had left any coffee. There was a half a pot left, so she poured herself a cup and sat at the counter drinking it, amusedly watching through the kitchen window as Madeline’s dog Butchie frolicked in the yard next door, chasing butterflies in the bright sunshine. He was a Labrador Retriever puppy that Madeline had gotten from the pound to keep her company after her marriage broke up, saying she was swearing off men. When Gayla asked her, “What are you going to do for sex?” Madeline had shown her another new purchase, an 8 inch vibrator shaped like a cock. “And it’s a hell of a lot bigger than Eddie,” she had said with satisfaction. “Yes, it’s almost as big as Bill,” Gayla had offhandedly remarked. She laughed, remembering Maddie’s blushing face.

Finishing her coffee, Gayla poured herself another and popped an English muffin into the toaster. Usually she would have brunch with Madeline, but today she was too famished to wait. When she went to the refrigerator to get the butter, she spied a note tacked up with a magnet. It was from Bill.


Brianna stayed home today, said she didn’t feel well, so you might check on her. Call me if you need anything. See you this evening.



P.S.- Thanks for the wake-up!

She heard her muffin pop up, and decided to eat it before checking on Brianna. If it was anything serious Bill would have woken her. Still, she hurriedly ate and finished her coffee, then went up the stairs to her daughter’s room. The door was closed. She knocked softly and opened the door. “Brie honey? Are you awake?” she asked quietly.

“Yes, I’m awake,” Brianna said without turning over. She was lying on her side with her back to the door, her legs curled up into a fetal position.

Gayla moved around to the far side of the bed and sat down on the edge next to her daughter. “What’s the matter, dear? You don’t feel well?” she asked, her voice full of concern.

Brianna looked up at her, tears welling in her eyes. “Oh, Mama,” she said plaintively, “I couldn’t sleep at all last night. I feel just awful.”

Brushing the long hair back from her daughter’s forehead and checking her temperature with the palm of her hand, Gayla said, “You feel a little warm. Where does it hurt?”

“It’s my tummy,” Brianna replied. “It feels all bloated and crampy.”

“Is it time for your period?” Gayla asked.

“No, Mama, it’s not that,” Brianna said. “It’s that…..I haven’t…” she hesitated, lowering her gaze abashedly.

“What, Honey?” Gayla persisted.

“I…I haven’t been able to poop for three days,” she blurted out, face blushing crimson.

Gayla sighed in relief. “Oh, is that all? I’ve often had that problem myself.”

“You have?” Brianna looked at her mother’s face hopefully. “What do you do for it?”

“All you need is a good cleaning out. But first, I’m going to give you a sponge bath. You’re all sweaty. Then we’ll take care of your problem so you can get some rest.” She bent down and kissed her daughter on the forehead. “I’ll be right back, dear.” She got up and left the room, soon returning with towels and washcloths, and a big bowl of hot, soapy water. She sat the bowl on the bedside table and dropped the towels on the bed.

“Let’s get that sweaty shirt off of you,” she said.

“Would you close the door first, please,” Brianna asked.

“Why?” Gayla asked. “There’s no one here but us.”

“Yes, but Billy could come home, and I think he’s been spying on me.”

Gayla looked at her daughter in surprise. “Oh, I’m sure he wouldn’t do that,” she said, but Brianna looked at her doubtfully, so she went and closed the door anyway. Coming back over to the side of the bed she said, “Now then, sit up.”

Brianna was wearing a light blue, knee length sleep shirt with a picture of a fuzzy kitten on it. She raised her arms in the air as her mother drew the shirt over her head and tossed it to the floor at the foot of the bed, leaving her clad only in her white cotton panties. Gayla spread a large towel over the sheet, then eased her back down onto it and placed another under her legs, motioning for her to lift her bottom so she could get it under. She soaked a soft washcloth in the bowl of water and wrung it out. She began washing her daughter’s face with loving tenderness. It felt so good to be taken care of after such a long, uncomfortable night that Brianna wanted to cry.

Gayla smiled warmly as her daughter looked up at her with the same look as when she was a child and had an ache or pain, trusting her mother to make it better. It was hard for Gayla to believe that her daughter was no longer a child, but this was the body of a full grown woman lying before her. She washed Brianna’s neck and shoulders, raising each arm and washing the armpit, noticing that there was a growth of dark stubble where she hadn’t shaved for a few days, then continued down each arm to the fingertips, periodically dipping the cloth in the water to rewarm it.

She used the last towel to dry the damp areas, then started on her daughter’s ample chest, watching the brown nipples stiffen under the soft cloth. She sensed Brianna getting embarrassed. She had always been a shy girl. “You certainly are getting tan,” she said to distract her daughter’s discomfort.

Blushing anew, Brianna said, “Shelly works at the tanning parlor at the mall. She gets me in for free after work.” She had always been self conscious about the size of her breasts and now her nipples were standing erect, the dark aureolae pebbled with goose flesh.

“I didn’t even know you had a bikini,” Gayla said, nodding down at the stark tan lines as she washed along her daughter’s ribs and slightly bloated belly.

“I got it on discount at work,” Brianna replied. She watched as her mother toweled her breasts dry. She hesitated a moment, then asked, “Mama, do you think they’re too big?”

“I think they are beautiful,” Gayla answered gently. “I used to hate mine, when I was younger, but believe me, you’ll be glad to have them a little later in life.” Brianna smiled up at her gratefully. She looked at her mother’s breasts as they jiggled and swayed under her robe with every move she made, her own nipples clearly defined through the light fabric. It was evident she was naked under the robe, and that thought gave Brianna a strange feeling that had nothing to do with her tummy ache.

Gayla helped her to sit up so she could wash and dry her back, having her hold her long hair up out of the way. She then washed Brianna’s shapely legs, starting at the toes and working her way up to the very hem of her dainty panties. By the time the bath was over, Brianna felt warm and relaxed, and tingly all over, the discomfort in her tummy temporarily forgotten.

Gayla rose from the bed and draped the towel she had been drying with across Brianna, covering her naked breasts. “You just relax a moment, dear,” she said, and left the room. When she was gone, Brianna stretched and yawned, then squeezed her breasts through the towel, the terrycloth sending electric thrills through her hard nipples. Pleased with her mother’s compliment, she admitted to herself that behind her embarrassment she was secretly proud of them. Hearing her mother coming down the hall, she hastily smoothed the towel and lay her arms at her sides.

Gayla returned carrying a tray with a pitcher and some other less recognizable items on it, and had a plastic bucket hanging from the crook of an elbow. She carefully sat the tray down beside the bed, and sat the bucket aside, then went back and reclosed the door.

“What’s all that for, Mama?” Brianna asked.

“I’m going to have to give you an enema,” Gayla answered. Seeing an apprehensive look come over Brianna’s face, she smiled reassuringly and said, “Don’t worry, honey. It won’t hurt a bit, and it will make you feel much better.”

Brianna sat up on the edge of the bed holding the towel to her chest watching Gayla prepare. She took the towels from the bed, spreading one on the floor next to the bed and draping the other over the side. She hung the enema reservoir high on the bedpost, making sure the clamp on the hose was closed, and poured the warm water from the pitcher into it.

“Okay, honey, I need you to take your panties off,” she said.

Brianna laid the towel aside and raised her butt just enough to slip her underwear down, sat back down and bent over to take them all the way off. She looked up at her mother nervously and handed them to her.

Gayla threw the panties on top of the sleep shirt and said, “Now just kneel down here and bend over the bed.” Brianna complied, kneeling on the towel and leaning her elbows on the bed, her rear end sticking out. Gayla picked up the pail and knelt down beside her daughter, saying, “Open your legs a little bit, dear,” and placed the bucket beneath Brianna’s bottom and between her calves.

“Now, Brie,” she said gently, reaching for a tube of K-Y jelly on the tray, “I’m going to use a little lubrication so you’ll be more comfortable.” She squeezed a dollop onto the index finger of her right hand and dropped the tube. With her left hand, she stroked Brianna’s back soothingly and said, “Just try to relax, honey.” She ran her left hand down to gently spread the cheeks, leaning her head down so she could see. Brianna’s puckered brown anus was surrounded by curly dark hair, and below it, Gayla could see the slit of her daughter’s vagina. She had inherited her mother’s substantial labia, except brown whereas Gayla’s were pink.

Gayla smeared the KY around Brianna’s asshole, then squeezed another glob onto her finger and said, “I’m just going to check for any blockage, honey.” She placed the tip of her finger at the dark opening and slowly inserted it up to the second knuckle, feeling Brianna tense up with a sharp intake of breath. Gayla pulled her finger out and scooped up some of the excess KY from around the hole, then gently reinserted her digit into the tight sphincter. She rotated her finger to spread the lubricant evenly, murmuring soft reassurances, then pushed her finger slowly all the way into the tight orifice, the backs of her other fingers coming to rest against her daughter’s vulva. Feeling no obstructions, she drew out her finger and wiped it with a washcloth, saying, “Well, I don’t feel anything there. Are you okay, dear?”

“Yes, Mama,” Brianna answered quietly. Feeling her mother’s finger sliding into her ass and her hand pressing against her pussy made Brianna feel very strange and excited. Her face felt hot, heart thudding heavily in her chest, her skin prickly and tingling. She leaned just low enough so her nipples drug across the towel upon which she rested, exciting her even further.

Gayla got the hose and gently slipped the white plastic nozzle into Brianna’s rectum. “Okay, honey, here it comes,” she said. “Try to hold it in as long as you can, then when you have to, go into the pail.” She released the clamp on the hose, and warm water started to flow into Brianna’s bowels.

Brianna gasped, instinctively clenching her asshole as she felt the warm flood fill her tummy, which had felt full already. She unconsciously clutched her left breast with her right hand, squeezing it in sympathetic unison with her straining sphincter, and her left hand clenched into a tight fist. Her head hung down, eyes screwed up tight as she struggled to hold her bowels, and still water rushed in, filling her until she thought she would burst. She was in ecstatic agony, shuddering and gulping air. “I can’t hold it anymore!” she said. Just as her mother pulled the nozzle out, Brianna cried out, “Mommyyyyy!!!” and her body convulsed, an intense orgasm engulfing her, and she let go with a great gush, squatting atop the bucket as her mother looked on. She kneaded her breast, hot water gushing out of her ass, clear at first, turning dirty brown, then carrying chunks of shit out with it. She involuntarily let go with a stream of urine, hot liquid streaming out of both front and back to mix in the bucket as orgasmic spasms wracked her body. Finally the flow subsided, but Brianna wasn’t finished yet. With a grunt, she released her breast and pushed on her lower belly, a long, fat turd sliding slowly out of her asshole to drop into the foul mixture with a plop. Brianna collapsed onto her face on the bed, breathing hard, eyes closed in exhaustion.

Gayla removed the bucket, setting it aside and covering it with a towel. She took a washcloth and wiped away the dirty water that had trickled down Brianna’s inner thighs, then reached between her thighs to wash the thick dark hair of her curly bush. Brianna shuddered as the cloth brushed across her sensitive clit, over her tingling pussy lips, and finally washed clean her still spasming asshole. Unfamiliar emotions overwhelmed her and tears began to run down her cheeks as her mother helped her into bed, pulling the covers over her naked body. It was the first time she had ever been given an orgasm. She’d had them before, but only by touching herself. This was the first time she had one as a result of what someone else did to her, even though it had been unintentional.

Gayla gathered the towels and washcloths and threw them on the pile at the foot of the bed, then began putting the other items back on the tray. She looked over and noticed Brianna crying softly. She went and sat next to her, softly stroking her hair, and asked, “What’s the matter, dear? Why are you crying?”

“I don’t know, Mama,” Brianna sniffled, trying to quit. But her mother’s tenderness only made her cry harder.

“It’s okay, honey,” Gayla said, lifting Brianna’s head to cradle against her chest. “A girl needs a good cry every now and then.” She rocked slowly back and forth, her cheek resting on Brianna’s hair, and murmured soft reassurances as Brianna sobbed and held on to her. Almost instinctively, Gayla reached down and loosened the sash on her robe and worked the silk open, exposing her breast, and guided her daughter’s mouth to her nipple.

Brianna’s crying quieted as she took the stiff nipple into her mouth, suckling like an infant, one hand coming up to touch the soft white flesh of her mother’s breast. She didn’t realize what was happening until it was already in her mouth and paused a moment in mild surprise. Her mother’s nipple felt big and thick on her tongue, much bigger than her own, and her breast was so soft. A calm feeling washed over her, making her feel safe and warm as she was rocked gently. It felt somehow natural to be held like a baby, so she closed her eyes and began sucking again. She was very tired from lack of sleep, and still feeling the glowing aftereffects of orgasm. After a few minutes of contented nursing, she drifted off to sleep, her mouth still pursed around her mother’s engorged nipple.

Gayla carefully pulled her nipple from Brianna’s mouth and gently laid her down, pulling the covers up to her neck. She retied her robe and quietly gathered all the items and tiptoed from the room, taking two trips to carry everything out, then softly closed the door to her daughter’s room. She went to the bathroom and cleaned up the mess, dumping the contents of the pail into the toilet and washing all the items she had used. She then dressed in a light sun dress and went over to see Madeline.

* * * * *

Several hours later, Brianna woke to a quiet house, lying naked between the sheets. She had never slept in the nude before, and it made her feel deliciously grown up and womanly. Lying on her stomach, she reached behind her, running her hand over the curve of her ass and down her crack to finger her asshole. Remembering the sensation of her mother’s finger sliding in, she brought her finger to her mouth and coated it in saliva, then reached back down and slowly slid it into her cleanly washed asshole. She rolled onto her side and moved her left hand down to touch her dampening pussy. She stroked her clit as she fucked her finger in and out of her ass, small moans escaping her lips, until she came in another intense orgasm, whimpering into her pillow. She curled up into a tight ball and went back to sleep, pulling the covers up over her head.

She slept until her mother came and woke her up in time for dinner. Rising with a yawn, she walked nude over to her dresser and got a clean sleep shirt, pink with a teddy bear on the front. She put on the shirt with nothing underneath, feeling slightly lascivious, then ran a brush quickly through her hair. After going into the bathroom and washing her hands, she went down to the dining room where her father and brother were already seated, waiting on Gayla to bring in supper. Right away she noticed how Billy ogled her jiggling breasts, nipples showing through the thin cotton. Daddy asked how she was feeling and she told him she was better and would be returning to work tomorrow.

Gayla brought in the food and they all started eating. “Billy,” Gayla said after some time, “why didn’t you wake me this morning? I nearly slept the day away.” She gave her husband a sly smile which he returned with a grin. Billy blushed and mumbled something into his food, not looking up.

After a while, Bill said, “Well, my secretary booked my flight for Wednesday at three. I’ll need to go in to the office first, so I guess I’ll go in ’til about noon then come home before leaving.” He winked at Gayla. “I can pack then.”

“That sounds fine, Honey,” Gayla said, smiling at him. She knew why he was really coming home. She turned her attention back to her son. “Billy, what time is your baseball game on Wednesday?”

Still not looking up, Billy replied, “The bus leaves at 10:30. We won’t be back ’til around 5 or 6. We’re eating after the game.”

After dinner, Billy went off to his room and Brianna went in to watch TV with her father. Gayla cleared the table and did the dishes, then went in to join them. Brianna went to bed at 9:30, still not caught up on her sleep, and Bill and Gayla turned in after 11.

In his room, Billy watched TV and played video games until midnight, then turned out the lights and watched out the window for Madeline’s light to come on. He sat fidgeting for about fifteen minutes, seeing again in his mind’s eye Dad begging as Mom hovered over his huge dick. Finally the window lit up, and Billy snapped the binoculars up to his eyes. Madeline, dressed in her nursing uniform, came to the window and opened it to let in the cool night breeze. He held his breath as she turned away, reaching up behind her to unzip her white dress, letting it slip off her shoulders and stepping out of it. In bra and panties, she crossed the room and entered the bathroom, leaving Billy’s line of sight.

“Damn!” Billy swore. Why couldn’t she undress in her bedroom like a normal person? “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon,” he muttered, fidgeting, but when she emerged she was wearing a long nightgown. “Double Damn!” Billy cursed as he watched her cross to where her bed was, out of his sight on the left, then the light went out.

Billy dropped the binoculars and climbed into bed. He lay for awhile, remembering what he had seen that morning, his dick getting hard rapidly. He pulled his pajamas down and began stroking his dick, reaching to the bedside table for a Kleenex with his left hand. Visions of his mother lewdly sucking and fucking his father swam through his head as he pumped his dick faster and faster until he shot his wad into the Kleenex. He threw away the soaked Kleenex and pulled up his pajama bottoms, settling in to go to sleep. Still, it was quite awhile before sleep finally came.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/idzh2e/wild_week_chapter_2_family_fun


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