How Things Change – Chapter 5 [Incest] [M/S] [M/F]

*Well, here’s Chapter 5. I just want to take a moment to thank everyone who took the time to give feedback on the previous chapter. It’s nice to hear that people want more. As usual, I recommend that you read the previous chapters first. These can be found on my profile. On with the story:*

I drank in the sight of my vulnerable mother sat on the bed, my sperm dribbling out of her. I expected her to be furious with me. After all, what if she did get pregnant? I couldn’t even begin to grasp how our lives would change if my seed took. To have your own son potentially impregnate you is a scenario that few women would ever even imagine. Yet there was my mom living through that exact situation. She had every right to be angry.

Yet she wasn’t. Seeing the fear on her face caused me to be overcome with a sudden intense empathy tinged with regret. I opened my arms, drawing my naked mother close. To my surprise, she willingly melted into my embrace, holding herself close to me in complete silence.

We stayed like that for some time. A couple of minutes at least. Eventually, we both loosed our grasp on one another.

“I’m sorry, Mom”, I said sheepishly.

She stayed silent a moment. “It’s okay, dear. We’ll figure something out”. She didn’t sound confident in what she said. Yet I somehow took comfort in the motherly warmth that remained in her voice. Perhaps somehow, despite me pumping my fertile mother full of my semen, I had not destroyed her love for me. If I was right – if her love could overcome such an obstacle – then perhaps my feelings for her were justified. Perhaps it was right for me to feel longing for this woman I loved so dearly. This woman who had been my constant source of strength for my entire life. Perhaps she felt similarly.

I felt as though there was nothing left to say and began to rise to move to own bedroom for the night.

“Jason…” my mother called out.

I turned, looking at her soft features.

“Please… I don’t want to be alone tonight. Stay with me” she said. Her tone was gentle, and betrayed her tender emotions. We had both dealt with a lot of confusing feelings, and it was clear that she wanted me close. That my being close would bring her comfort.

I turned around, returning to my mother’s bed. As I approached, she got into bed herself, before lifting the sheets on the other side of the bed in invitation.

Memories of climbing into her bed as a child came flooding back and I gave a nostalgic smile. Yet this time was different. The warm security felt more intimate now.

I climbed in, covering myself with the sheets. I leaned over, kissing my mother on the forehead.

“Goodnight”, I yawned, exhausted from the events of the night.

“Goodnight, dear” she responded sleepily, before shuffling closer to me, wrapping her arms around me and placing her head on her chest.

Within moments her breathing began to slow as she drifted into a deep sleep.

Before long, I would similarly drift into the nocturnal darkness of slumber.

I awoke the next morning to light streaming through the window. Initially I was groggy, as always, but slowly my senses began to come back to me. My senses and my memory. Suddenly, I remembered what had happened the night before. Memories of me brutally pounding my mother’s pussy came flooding back. Was it all a dream?

I looked around me. It couldn’t be a dream. I was in Mom’s room. I had slept in my mother’s bed after crossing that most forbidden of lines. I looked at the space next to me. It was empty. Clearly my mother had already woken up.

I eased myself out of my mother’s bed, gathering up the clothes that I had hastily thrown to the side the previous night. Slowly, I got changed. I found myself pausing frequently as I did so, my mind struggling to come to terms with what had happened.

I made my way downstairs, finding my mother sat in the kitchen drinking her morning coffee. She greeted me warmly as I approached, a smile on her face.

“Good morning, sleepy head!” she beamed.

I was taken aback. It was the morning after her son had fucked her senseless. The memory of her desperately trying to dig my load out of her pussy returned to me. She’d been terrified of becoming pregnant by her own son only the night before. How could she be so happy?

Suddenly it hit me. Had I managed to fuck my mom into a state of post-sex bliss? I began to harden a little at the thought.

“Morning, Mom” I replied, barely able to make eye contact with her. This all felt so weird. Surely she should be avoiding me? Or at least feeling a little more conflicted. Instead, she seemed happier than I’d seen her in a long time.

We spoke for a while about normal, mundane things, as though nothing strange had happened the night before. Perhaps my mom was putting on an act for my sake so I didn’t feel too much guilt? I couldn’t get my head around it.

Eventually she left the house, saying that she needed to do some errands. As soon as the door closed behind her, I headed upstairs.

On my way up, I couldn’t help but peer around the door into my mother’s room. Memories of what took place there flashed into my mind, and I began to harden. As I looked at the bed I could almost hear my mother begging me to fuck her harder. In my mind I could see her heavy breasts bouncing up and down as my cock pounded her soaking wet insides.

Suddenly, I snapped out of my trance and returned to my own room. I lay on my bed trying to chew over everything that had happened. Did I regret what I did? I realised very quickly that I didn’t. Looking back on it, the experience was the hottest thing I’d ever done.

I thought about the possibility of having knocked my own mother up. At first, a wave of panic swept through me, but over time, I managed to control my fear and reason it away. My mother was a mature woman, she knew about these things right? I’m sure she had it all under control.

Somehow, my mother’s cheery mood this morning was the one thing that I couldn’t quite come to terms with. It wasn’t what I expected at all. I spent the rest of the morning thinking back over this again and again.

I had time to kill, and found ways to do so as best as I could. Somehow, despite the monumental events of the night before and the confusion of the morning, I was still able to find ways to distract myself.

Eventually, part way through the afternoon, my mother returned, weighed down with bags of shopping.

I greeted her upon her return, but yet again, she seemed to act completely normal, speaking to me as though it was any other day. She spent the rest of the day doing household chores, until eventually it was time for her to start cooking food for the evening.

As I was sat in my room browsing the internet, I distantly heard my mother’s voice.

“JASON!” she called up the stairs.

Quickly, I headed down, finding that her voice had come from the kitchen.

“There you are, dear” she said, smiling at me. “I was wondering if you’d give me a hand preparing everything.

I had no problem with that. It would be nice to spend time with her. In a weird way, her lack of visible regret made me feel closer to her than ever. That, and I couldn’t stop thinking about how fucking sexy she was. Seeing her tits in her plain t-shirt, I couldn’t help but remember how fantastic they looked the night before.

“Of course, Mom” I replied.

The tasks that she had me doing were nothing special. Mostly peeling and preparing vegetables. The tasks were monotonous, and for a great deal of the process, my brain was able to disengage.

As I absent mindedly completed the tasks assigned to me by my mother, we chatted quite happily about nothing in particular. With all of the things that had happened, it was nice to be able to talk to her normally. Better than normally in fact. Gradually, my concerns about the fallout of our sexual encounters began to melt away into the back of my mind. It was a welcome respite.

Yet despite this, I couldn’t help but sneak occasional glimpses at her body while she looked away. I had got what I wanted. I’d buried myself balls deep inside of her, and yet I still felt as though I needed to hide my sexual urges from her. Clearly, I still viewed her very much as my mother and I felt I needed to behave around her.

Yet, there were times when I felt that she was looking at me. Small glances out the corner of her eye that I caught the back-end of. Just a small, rapid movement of her eyes. I couldn’t be sure and convinced myself otherwise. Surely not?

Both of us finished our tasks at around the same time. “Done!” my mother exclaimed. She put an arm around me, pulling me into a hug. “Thanks for all your help, sweetie”.

I returned the embrace. We both spent a while like that. The hug was warm and comforting. More so than before. I couldn’t help but feel that there was a new depth to our interactions.

Slowly, we released one another. I looked at my mother, and she looked back at me. We said nothing, each of us simply staring into the eyes of the other.

Suddenly, my mother leaned forwards. She moved quickly, leaving me utterly unprepared. Her lips met mine. They were as soft and gentle as I remembered. I was tense at first, shocked that my mom had made a move.

I rapidly fell into the swing of things though and the tension began to fall away. I returned her kiss, shuddering at the feel of her soft lips on mine. Her hunger seemed to increase and she began to make out with me with an increased ferocity.

Far too suddenly she stopped. Withdrawing backwards. She wiped at her mouth with her wrist. “Ahh…” she gasped. “I-I think that’s it. You can go up to your room now if you’d like”. She sounded as though she couldn’t believe what she’d just done.

With that, she left the room and I was left stunned, frozen like a statue in the middle of the kitchen.

The rest of the afternoon was a blur, honestly. I went upstairs and just wasted the time away. I couldn’t tell you what specifically I did, because the truth of the matter was that my mind was elsewhere.

Over and over again, my mind repeated the kiss. That and the image of my mom’s face contorted with pleasure as I thrust in and out of her returned repeatedly. Around and around my mind went, obsessing over the same few events. Had I awoken something in my mom? Did she want more? It was hard to say. I couldn’t quite seem to accept the idea.

Eventually, my mom called me down for food. She seemed to avoid eye contact a little, but was still amicable. We had a perfectly normal conversation before I retired to my room for the night.

I didn’t leave my room for the rest of the night besides to make the occasional trip to the bathroom and my mother seemed to stay unusually quiet. I did not hear her doing any housework, or clattering about with plates in the kitchen. Nor did I hear the TV blaring noise around the time she would usually settle in for the night.

Eventually, just before midnight, I decided that it was time to call it a night. I stripped off my clothes bar my underwear and climbed into bed.

Lying in the darkness, I began to think over the same events yet again. As I mused over these thoughts, I felt sleep begin to overtake me, slowly but surely.

Just as I was beginning to drift fully into sleep, a noise roused me. It came again. A gentle knock on my bedroom door.

“Come in…” I managed to groan.

The door slowly swung open, and I saw the curvy figure of my mother stood in the door, softly illuminated from a light coming from some other distant part of the house.

My eyes were immediately drawn to her body. She was wearing a transparent white babydoll. The material flowed ethereally down to the middle of her smooth, thick thighs. Her buxom chest was held up teasingly by the lingerie, her breasts barely covered by floral lace patterns. Through the transparent material, I could see that she was wearing a pair of light pink lace panties.

My heart began to pound, immediately sending blood rushing into my penis which immediately began to harden.

“M-Mom, what are you-” I started.

“Shhh…” she whispered in a seductive tone. She began to move towards me. The night was still and silent and the only sounds I could hear were my own heart beat, and the padding of my mother’s feet as she advanced ever closer.

As she neared me, she began to speak. “I know I shouldn’t” she began. “But last night… I can’t stop thinking about it. I haven’t felt like that in years”.

I couldn’t seem to find words to say. I simply stared at her like an idiot.

“I feel like you awakened something in me” she continued. “I want it again. I want you to fuck me again. Do you want to make Mommy feel good again, baby?” she cooed.

I nodded slowly. It seemed that my mother had robbed me of my wits.

She gestured for me to move up, pushing me gently further across the bed. Once I had moved, she lifted the sheets and clambered in herself, her breasts pressing against my arm.

She seemed to waste no time, and immediately began kissing at my neck, her breath was rapid and laboured. A gentle moan escaped my lips as she began.

Soon, I felt her hand begin reaching down. Her hand gently brushed my penis over my boxers drawing a gasp of pleasure from me. My mother whimpered erotically in response as she felt how heard I was.

She rubbed it a couple of times before removing her hand. She immediately grabbed the waist band of my underwear, aggressively pulling them down.

Her hand quickly returned to my penis. Her soft fingers quickly wrapped around it and she began to jerk me off, the soft flesh of her hands carefully massaging my cock.

I threw my head back in pleasure and began to moan once again. Finally, I managed to speak words. “M-Mom… Ahhh… That feels so good”.

“That’s what I like to hear, baby” she moaned. She began to nibble slightly at my neck. “But make sure you don’t cum, dear. I need to feel this inside me.”

This continued on for another minute or two, before my mother abruptly stood up.

I watched mesmerised as she began to slide her panties down seductively before kicking them off.

“Do you like what you see?” she teased. “Do you like your mommy’s body? How does it make you feel?”

I couldn’t believe I was seeing my mother like this. Maybe I really did awaken something in her. She was so… Sexually aggressive. It was a stark contrast to how she was on our first time.

Her teasing had made me hornier than ever. “I love your body, Mom” I panted. “You’re so fucking hot. It makes me feel…” I considered my words carefully. This was my mother I was speaking to after all. “It makes makes me feel like I want to fuck you senseless.”

My mother smiled a cruel smile. “Not tonight, dear. Tonight I’m going to fuck you senseless”

She moved back to the edge of the bed and threw her leg over my body. She gradually moved so that she was sat on top of me.

Her face was flushed, and her breasts heaved rapidly. I could tell how horny she was.

Immediately, she grabbed hold of my penis and held it against my body. Then, slowly she lifted her own body up and sat so the lips of her vagina made contact with my shaft.

She was soaking wet, immediately covering my penis with her juices. Gradually, she began grinding forwards and backwards, coating my whole shaft. It felt like heaven.

She leant down, kissing me deeply. She was the one to break the kiss. She looked me dead in the eye.

“Do you want to come back inside me, baby?”

“Y-Yes” I stammered.

“Then you’re going to have to ask nicely” she teased.

“Please, let me inside you” I pleaded.

She shook her head. “Not good enough, dear. Try harder. Who am I?”

“Y-you’re my mom. Mom… Put it inside you. Let me in.”

She began to smile. “Call me Mommy. Say it like you mean it.”

I’d never seen her like this before. I never imagined my mother to have a kinky side, but it was making me beyond horny. I was desperate by this point.

“Sit on my fucking cock, Mommy!” I shouted. I couldn’t believe what I’d said.

“Good boy.” she said, chuckling.

She began to lift her body up. Waves of pleasure hit me as my tip made contact with her hot, wet lips. Yet she didn’t put my penis inside her yet, instead rubbing my head against her entrance.

“Now it’s my turn to be on top”, she said. “Maybe it’s best this way.” She smiled wickedly before continuing. “Since SOMEONE, can’t be trusted to pull out.”

Earlier in the day I would have been ashamed to hear her remind me of what I’d done the night before, but for now, I was just horny. I was desperate to feel her inner walls again. “Please Mom…” I groaned.

“Get ready, baby…” she whispered.

She slowly began to ease herself down. My head immediately pierced her lips with ease, setting my head to spinning as pleasure overwhelmed me.

“Ahhh…” my mother moaned as she sank down onto my whole length.

She sat still for a moment, clearly enjoying the feeling of me inside her. After a couple of seconds, she reached forwards, placing her hands either side of my head. She wiggled her hips teasingly, grinding against my groin.

“Ready, baby?” she said.

I nodded.

As soon as I had given my consent she began to ease herself up, slowly at first. Gradually, she sank back down again. The process repeated, the same incredible pleasure washing over me with each stroke.

Gradually the speed increased, and so did the intensity of our moans.

I grabbed hold of my mother’s wide hips, helping guide her rhythm. At the same time, I began to buck my hips up and down, meeting her thrust with my own, increasing the intensity for both of us.

“Oh fuck, Mom! You feel so good!”

“So do you, baby!” she cried in response. “Keep going! I can’t believe your cock feels so good! Fuck me!”

I looked up at her as she bucked wildly. Her hair hung down over my face, creating a sort of veil, blocking the outside world. I could see only her. My own mother. Her face was twisted in pleasure as she worked my cock relentlessly.

I looked at her breasts. They were as magnificent as ever, but they lacked that bounce I remembered since they were still trapped in her lingerie. I reached up, grabbing the material holding them and pulling it down. They half popped out, what lingerie remained on them somewhat helped accentuate their shape, but with the majority of her breasts exposed, they began to bounce up and down. It was mesmerising.

By now, my crotch was completely covered in her juices as they dripped down my shaft. Both of us continued to play our part with as much ferocity of possible. My mother was flushed, a combination of pleasure and physical strain as she continued to bounce up and down on my cock.

Eventually, her breasts bounced completely free. I grabbed at one, massaging it with my hand. As I did so, I craned my neck forwards and took her nipple in my mouth, giving it a forceful suck.

“Yes! Oh fuck it feels so good!” she cried. Her speed began to increase. “I-I’m going to cum, dear. You’re making your mother cum!”

Immediately she tightened around me, and he leg muscles began to twitch violently. She fell forwards, burying her face in my neck. She bit at it viciously, nibbling and biting as she rode through her orgasm.

She started to slow as she came down from her climax. “That… Ahh… That was so good, Jason”.

“M-Mom!” I cried. “Keep going, please!” I knew I was getting close to my own orgasm.

Immediately she began to buck her hips harder than ever, her wet walls slid over my cock again and again, her folds massaging my penis. It was as though we were made for one another.

Suddenly, I felt my body begin to tighten as incredible ecstasy began to well inside me. My face contorted in pleasure and my mother noticed.

“Mom! I’m going to cum!” I shouted.

“Oh no you don’t!” she said in response. “You’re not cumming inside me again!”

She withdrew from me suddenly, my now free penis flopped slightly as it was ejected from her warm, motherly folds.

Immediately, Mom moved down my body. Her lips touched my penis as she engulfed it with her mouth. She began to aggressively bob her head, her soft lips sliding up and down my shaft as her tongue gently passed over my tip.

“I’m cumming!” I cried. Immediately ropes of my cum shot into my mother’s mouth as she continued to massage my cock with her lips.

Eventually, the pulsing of my penis began to subside, and my mom withdrew her lips. She sat up and visibly swallowed. It was as though she wanted me to see.

I lay on my bad, exhausted. I felt movement as my mother shuffled up next to me, pushing me to the side so that she could lie besides me. She nestled her head into my shoulders.

“That was amazing…” she groaned, absent mindedly running a finger of my stomach.

“It was.” I agreed.

There was silence for a moment. After a little while my mother spoke up, breaking the silence. “I’m so happy.”

“Me too, Mom”, I replied.

Silence again. Once again broken by my mother. “Do you regret this? Do you think we might be doing something wrong?”

I paused for a moment, thinking earnestly. “No. Do you?”

Another moment of silence. “No… Not any more.”

With that said, we both drifted off into a deep slumber.

*Author’s Note: Thanks for reading all. Sorry this one took a while, I’ve been a bit limited in my writing time recently. Don’t worry, this isn’t the ending yet. I initially planned to just do an epilogue but I got carried away. As usual, feedback is encouraged. There should be one final chapter left to come, but who knows, maybe I’ll get carried away again.*
