Falling for Halloween [MF] [Costumes] [straight sex]

Can I just say that Halloween is hands down my favorite holiday? I mean, you get a chance to be anyone you want for a solid 24 hours. You can be covered in blood head to toe and no one bats an eye. However, skimpy clothes definitely get noticed. I tend to shy away from people the rest of the year, but on Halloween I don’t have to be me. I can be an anonymous girl with no expectations on my shoulders. I can have fun.

Then I can go back to being my shy geeky self the next morning and no one is the wiser.

I received an invitation to a Halloween party being thrown at a bar about a few blocks from my house. I was excited as it was the first time I’d be able to go to a Halloween event without having to drive a hundred miles away from home out of fear of running into a friend, co-worker, or relative. I’d just moved here, no one knew my address yet, and no one I knew lived within twenty miles of me here.

This would be fun, as I could truly be free to delve into the darker side of Halloween without feeling anyone’s judgmental gaze right in my own backyard, so to speak.

I scoped out the bar ahead of time, it was a bit of a dive with some questionable patrons, but they already had it decorated for the party. After a couple of drinks, I started talking to one of the bartenders, a blonde just a few years older than me with a very curvy figure.

“So, what’s up with the party being thrown? I got an invitation in the mail but this…doesn’t really seem like the type of place to throw a costume party,” I said.

She smiled and nodded, “It wasn’t until a few months ago. We got a new owner, they want to bring in a younger crowd, costume party and inviting some of the younger neighbors seemed the way to go about it.”

I sipped my drink and looked at her, “Trying to be the new hip joint in the area?” I asked.

“Not a chance, we don’t want to run off the regulars, just bring in some fresh cash is all. Our regulars are of the age where they stop coming in then we find their names in the obits and understand why.”

She tilted her head and came over to me, leaning on the bar in front of her and motioning for me to come closer, “You’ve already caught the attention of someone important if you got an invitation, but you should also know that anyone with a half-assed costume will be turned away, invitation or not. Don’t pull out any stops and you may find yourself one of the recipients of free drinks all night.”

“Are you going to be working the party?” I asked.

“I’m the only god damned bartender here capable of working a party like that,” she said as her co-worker groaned and threw a bar rag at her. He was an older man, smirking at her as she laughed and ran over and hugged the older guy, pushing his arm between her breasts as he gently pushed her away.

She seemed pretty cool and appeared to be maybe a decade older than me at most. The interaction with her helped me make up my mind to attend. At worst I could hang out with her and have a good time drinking all night. I went home and repeated the motions of life as I readied the costume I’d been working on all year. It was a week and a half of eat, sleep, sew, work, eat, sleep, work, sew, eat, sleep, work, etc.

That Friday finally arrived and I couldn’t be more excited about it. I had heard some buzz around town from various people who were planning on going and it was starting to sound like it would be a great party. I applied my makeup, a deep violet and black smoky eye adorned with small white and purple crystals applied in a swirl pattern along with a sweep of glitter leading towards the inner part of my eye, deep violet lined lips with a shimmery purple applied over it, there was a slight ombre effect leading to the center of my lips, where I applied a light dusting of silver glitter. I decided to go dark, and lined my eyes in the same deep violet and black. My eyes took on a bright peridot color.

My dress was little more than a bra with layers and layers of sheer purple, silver and green tulle carefully sewn to the bottom of the bra. It flowed down into a handkerchief hem skirt that landed just above my mid-thigh. The handmade dress and bra were also decorated with scraps of burlap, fabric with fancy script written across it, and ornamental flowers and crystals carefully affixed and intertwined into main fabric.

I wore a pair of peachy-cream colored silk hip huggers under it. After looking in the mirror for a bit I was happy that the tulle layer was thick enough that you couldn’t really see my underwear through it. The fact that my underwear was pretty much the same color as my skin helped a lot with that as well.

Then I affixed my handmade, shimmery, swirly fairy wings onto my bra straps and along my stomach, through the fluttery layers of tulle at my back. I looked in the mirror and smiled. I looked like a fairy, a collector of lost things from the human world. I fucking loved it.

Finally, I pulled my hair up and pinned it messily in place. I had recently done a dip-dye, ombre effect on my hair which took my hair from raven black to violet down to a shimmery silver on the very ends. When it was pinned up, the violet and silver were the predominantly visible colors, which went very nicely with my costume. I dusted glitter over my cleavage, arms and legs, and donned my knee high purple leather boots. I carefully pinned the ornate leather mask in place in my hair and looked myself over once more. The mask really completed the look, it reminded me of an old Victorian masquerade mask.

The decorative makeup around my eyes was mostly hidden by the mask, but should I pull it off later, I would still be unrecognizable. I wore contacts tonight, something I never did in my day to day life. I loved my cat eye glasses and wore them everywhere. My day to day wear was demure, though very retro. I loved the style of the fifties and sixties so I often wore very clean lines and dressed very conservatively. Halloween was my night to be free, to wear barely anything and to enjoy the attention I never got on any other day as I hid myself from those around me.

I grabbed my ID and some cash and tucked both discreetly into a piece of fabric I had decoratively wrapped going from my hand up my arm and ending at my shoulder in a big bow.

By the time I reached the bar I had already received a few propositions from both older guys and teenagers out to cause trouble. I think this costume was definitely an attention-getter.

The bouncer at the bar let me in just ahead of a group of guys. They caught my eye right away, each one was dressed as a pirate, and they made very handsome pirates, I might add. I winked at them as I went in, kind of hoping they would find me once inside.

The bar had a different vibe tonight, a live band played in the corner. Most of the grungy tables had been taken away to make room to dance. The patrons were very clearly much younger than they had been on the previous night I visited. Many were in ornate costumes, some were in simpler outfits but still with significant effort put into their design.

I went over to order a drink. The same bartender was on, I handed her my license and opened a tab for the night. My first drink was a froofy fruit drink of some sort, I’m not even sure what was in it, but it was the special for the night. It was a deep red concoction in a hurricane glass. Even after drinking it I wasn’t sure what was in it, but I did get another one before venturing over to the dance floor. I stayed around the edges, just looking things over, swaying very slightly with the music.

I felt a hand on my waist and was suddenly pulled into the middle of the dance floor. I looked around behind me to the guy who grabbed me, trying to establish who he was. Before I could see him he maneuvered with me to keep himself just out of my line of sight.

He leaned down to my ear and, kind of loudly, said, “Just dance with me, Erin.”

That caught me off guard. He clearly knew who I was in spite of the costume and mask. I tried to place his voice but the music was loud and it was making it hard to pinpoint who he was.


“Nope,” he slid his hands between the strips of fabric on my costume and pulled me closer as we danced together. He was almost half a foot taller than me. His lips stayed right by my ear as we danced, “Don’t think too hard on it, just enjoy it,” he said a bit softer than before.

I should have taken his advice, but it was honestly bugging me that I couldn’t figure out who he was. For the moment I tried to push it out of my mind and enjoy the dance. When the song ended he turned me around so I could see him, “Vaughn?!” I was genuinely shocked. He was a coworker of mine who had never shown so much as a hint that he was capable of doing something fun. “I didn’t know you lived in the area,” I said as a deep blush flushed my cheeks, making me more grateful for the slight obscuring the masquerade mask offered me.

“I actually own the bar, live above it. Was my dad’s until a few months ago,” he said softly.

He grabbed my hand and led me over to one of the few remaining tables, “He died, left me the bar, it’s a shithole and it’s going under. Hence the Halloween party to try to get some people in here,” he said as we sat down.

“I saw you moving in when I was scoping out the neighborhood for people to invite. I was hoping you’d show but I wasn’t sure how you felt about Halloween,” he said with a smile as he looked over my costume.

“How come you never said anything at work? You know we all go out for drinks on Friday, we could start coming here,” I offered.

He shook his head, “I don’t want them to know about this place.”

“You invited me though?” I asked more than said.

He glanced back towards the bar than turned his attention back to me, “Yeah, I invited you, just you,” he said.

I wasn’t quick to pick up on the underlying statement he was trying to convey, the whole “I like you and wanted you here,” undertone went right over my head at first.

I tilted my head and spoke up, “How did you recognize me?”

He reached over towards me and pulled at one of the loose tendrils of hair, “It’s kind of distinctive coloring.”

I blushed, I hadn’t considered my hair would make it obvious who I was, though I also didn’t think I would run into anyone I knew here. I unpinned the mask from my hair and sat it on the table between us, kind of pointless to try and hide my face if someone already knows who I am.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards the dance floor, “Come on, one more dance and then I’ll leave you alone.”

He kept his body pressed tightly to mine as we danced together. Between his wandering hands and my skimpy costume it was a much more sexual dance than I think it was meant to be. I hadn’t realized how attractive he was before. Maybe it was because I had never seen him out of the business attire I was accustomed to seeing him in at work. His costume was basically a pair of tight black jeans and an open blazer with no shirt under it. A top hat sat slightly crooked on top of his head and he had what looked like a talisman around his neck.

I leaned up and asked, “What’s your costume supposed to be?”

He laughed a bit, “It said it was a warlock, I’m not sure how this equals warlock. But I seem to have you under my spell,” his smirk was oddly sexy.

As I pressed my body against his and swayed with the music I noticed a rather distinct bulge hardening against me. I smiled and turned back around to face him, “You like my costume?”

He nodded, his hands slid over my sides, under the fabric. I didn’t object. “It’s a very creative and inviting costume.”

Our dance was interrupted as the group of pirates from outside made their way onto the dance floor. They worked their way between us, separating me from him. I tried to push them away from me, my interest from outside had waned upon seeing Vaughn, but they became rather pack-like and surrounded me. I couldn’t see where Vaughn was, just the group of pirates moving to box me in.

I found myself suddenly terrified and feeling very exposed in my costume. Each one of them got touchy in spite of my objections. The music stopped and the dance floor cleared except for them and me. They taunted me, threatened me and grabbed at me through the splits in the fabric of my dress. I slapped one of them, I’m not sure which one. They had just gotten into the party and already reeked of booze.

Their attempt at overpowering me ended almost as quickly as it began. Vaughn grabbed my hand and pulled me away as a group of bouncers forcibly removed the pirates from the bar. They started yelling slurs directed towards me, called me names and made some derogatory comments about how I was dressed. Basically saying that they were only doing what I clearly wanted them too. The band started back up and people went back onto the dance floor as though it never happened.

Vaughn rushed with me into the back of the bar, away from everyone else and the loudness of the party. He looked me over, gently rubbing a small bruise that was forming on my wrist, “You alright?”

I nodded. I wasn’t sure what else to do or say, but I was grateful that he pulled me away from the crowd for a bit. He went out to the bar, I took my wings off while he was out of the room, and he got a glass with ice in it then came back and sat next to me, holding the glass to my wrist. We sat together in the dark as the ice in the glass melted.

After a while, he put the cup down on a shelf and took off the blazer he was wearing and draped it over my shoulders, “It’s not true you know, you could’ve been naked out there and it wouldn’t have given them the right to assume anything about you or what you wanted or didn’t want.”

I just shrugged and looked to the floor. I pulled his jacket around me tightly. He rubbed my hand as he looked me over, “My bouncer shouldn’t have even let them in, they were drunk assholes before they even stepped foot inside.”

He was looking at my face, a sad expression came over him, as though this little practically nothing incident had ruined the whole night. I moved over beside him and he let me lay my head against his shoulder.

“It was dumb of me to think I could be someone I’m not for one night and nothing bad would happen,” I sighed a bit as I said it.

“Who did you want to be tonight?” A genuine curiosity hung in his tone.

“Someone fun, a little bit reckless and daring. I guess I got the reckless part right,” I tried to laugh a bit but it just came off as awkward and uncomfortable.

“You can be fun without being reckless and daring, you know? I invited you to this party tonight ‘cause you’re fun, well, and cause you live nearby, but mostly because you’re fun,” He reached over to me and tucked the loose curls back behind my ear. I caught him looking at me when I glanced up towards him, a deep blush crossed his cheeks and he quickly looked away.

“You’ve only ever seen me at work, how do you know I’m fun?”

He smirked as he looked to the ground, “The way you laugh. Someone with that genuine of a laugh has to be fun.”

“I hope dancing with me tempered the negative of your interaction with the pirates for you, at least a little,” He said as he rubbed the top of my hand with his thumb.

I tilted my head as I looked up at him. I was trying to read into his motives but he seemed to simply be concerned about how I was feeling. He shifted a bit on the floor and I suddenly felt very bold. I leaned over and kissed him gently on the lips. He moaned softly and I watched as he fought with himself over whether or not he should touch me but his grip on my hand tightened slightly. When I broke away from the kiss he looked shocked, but happy.

He looked over at me and smiled, “What was that for?”

I shrugged, “For getting me out of there, for not just walking away. For liking my costume without seeing it as an invitation to more.”

“Don’t forget giving you my jacket, which left me half naked in front of you,” he gave me a sly smirk and puckered his lips a bit.

I smiled and kissed him again.

“And not to mention how fairly gentlemanly I’ve been all night,” he puckered his lips a bit and opened one eye to look at me, trying to gauge my reaction.

I openly laughed and then kissed him again, a bit deeper this time. He placed his hand on the back of my neck and kissed me back. I pulled away and put my fingers to my lips. It was a very nice kiss and I wasn’t expecting it.

He turned away from me, “Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”

He started to get up and I grabbed his hand, keeping him down on the floor with me. “Don’t go…” my voice was quiet, slightly uncertain sounding, even to me. He looked at me and tried to gauge my expression.

I climbed over onto his lap and kissed him again, much more passionately.

He moaned as I slipped my tongue past his lips. His hands found their way to my hips and squeezed me gently as I kissed him deeply. When I pulled away I tilted my head to the side, he had a tear rolling down his cheek, he pulled his hands off of me. He seemed embarrassed by his reaction to the kiss. I kissed the tear and put his hands back on my hips, under my dress. He squirmed under me and seemed to be wrestling with something he was thinking.

I asked rather bluntly, “Do you want to fuck me?”

He nodded and looked away from me. I reached down and unfastened his pants. He lifted his hips and I pulled them down to expose him. I think he’d been hard this entire time. I moved down and began sucking on his cock. He was trying to hold back. I could already tell he wanted to let go and cum as I sucked on him but he held on, fighting the urge. I slid my panties off of me and he helped me as I climbed back onto his lap. He slipped into me easily, I was just as excited from our interaction as he was.

I stayed still on his lap as I lowered myself fully onto his cock and he finally let go of the doubts swirling through his head. He reached forward and placed his finger under my chin, pulling me towards him into a deep and passionate kiss.

I was feeling a little overwhelmed and he hadn’t even started fucking me yet.

Having such an emotional reaction to being like this with him was confusing me and kind of scaring me. I just knew the level of intimacy felt amazing, not just the pressure of his cock in me and his hands on me. I felt tears streaming down my cheeks and I began to ride his cock. He clumsily reached behind me to unfasten the bra I was wearing. I let the straps fall down my arms, exposing my breasts to him. He seemed to get caught up in the sight and eagerly lifted me until his mouth could encompass my breast, licking and sucking on me as I fucked just the tip of his cock. He gently suckled one, bringing it to a firm, bouncy peak before moving his lips to my other breast.

I already knew he was trying hard not to cum, so I was moving gently, slowly on his cock. He reached down between us and began rubbing my clit, slowly at first but he picked up his pace as I felt his cock throbbing within me. The closer he brought me to orgasm the needier I became as I rode him. He finally had enough and grabbed my hips, holding me tightly down against him as he thrust upwards into me, repeatedly and hard. I cried out and wrapped my arms around his neck as he began truly fucking me. My dress fell completely off of one arm, one breast was partially covered and the other bounced and rubbed against his chest as he brought his hips up to meet mine.

I moaned loudly, as did he. A final deep thrust caused me to tense up and tighten around him just as a loud groan escaped his lips. He came within me and held me there as my own body rode out the wave of pleasure he had caused within me. I didn’t move, I didn’t climb off of him. I simply lay there with my arms locked in a trembling embrace behind his neck, breathing heavily. He rubbed my lower back and held me tightly to him. I kissed his cheek, then his neck and nibbled on his earlobe just a bit, “So, you live above the bar, right?” I whispered in his ear as his cock twitched in me slightly, causing my breath to catch.

He nodded and without missing a beat, he grabbed my ass and held me against him as he lifted himself up to his knees just long enough for me to lock my legs around his waist. Then, he carefully climbed to his feet and carried me up the back steps to his apartment.

I looked at him as he opened the door, “Does this end when Halloween ends?” I asked.

“Not unless you want it to,” he whispered.

I smiled and kissed him deeply, “As long as what I look like right now isn’t your normal expectation of me…”

He interrupted me as he carried me into his apartment, “I think we both might get fired if you showed up to work with your dress half on and my dick so securely inside of you,” he said with a teasing smile.

I laughed and he groaned as I inadvertently clenched on his dick. I put my hand on my stomach and whimpered as I felt him go from semi-hard to like a rock rather unexpectedly.

He pushed me against the back of his door as he closed it behind us, “HR on Monday?” he asked as he started thrusting into me again.

I nodded and lifted my legs along his sides as I dropped my dress fully off of my body, “God, yes,” I whispered. He thrust hard into me and I rocked my hips against him when we connected, causing both of us to moan with a need for more. I looked him in the eyes and smiled as he thrust me against his door again, my grip on his shoulders tightened, “My house for dinner tomorrow night?” I asked.

He laughed and nodded then continued to thrust in me, banging my back against the door in a very enjoyable rhythm.

Monday was going to be interesting, but I’d wager the rest of this weekend would be even more interesting.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/id8vnf/falling_for_halloween_mf_costumes_straight_sex