Chapter 1

I never could have imagined that Yassen and I would split up.

We were happily married for two years and together for six months before that.

I thought I knew everything about him.

I thought I knew him.

My husband, my lover, protector, and everything else.

And then I found out the truth about him.

What he actually does for a living.

I never worked. Not while I was with him because there was no need to. Yassen earned enough to provide for the two of us and was by far the most generous person I has ever encountered. He claimed that he was generous to me because he loved me and loved spending on me, but I knew deep down that he had a very big heart.

Which brings me to this.

He is an assassin.

A fucking assassin.

The sudden death of a foreign politician, an infamous mobster or a drug kinpin. 

You know it.

And not only was he an assassin, but he was the best at his job.

All those so-called ‘business trips’ he claimed were too boring for me to attend with him was actually an assignment of his.

Who to kill next.

This man – the same man I had fallen for – was a cold-blooded killer.

And I couldn’t bear it.

Love was really not strong enough to overcome everything or maybe our love was based on falsehood and pretence. I couldn’t even tell anymore.

All I did know was that I no longer wanted anything to do with him. Our marriage was over and there was no going back.

Of course Yassen was surprised when I confronted him about his actual profession but he was livid when I demanded a divorce. He was delusional if he thought I would remain a second longer in his company.

But sadly, after a couple of months of anger, fighting, conflict and tears, he finally relented.

He would divorce me on two conditions.

The first I could do. He had recently bought a business and wanted me to be his personal assistant for six months after he signed the divorce papers.

Even though I could barely stand the sight of him, I agreed to it. Anything, everything would be fine as long as Yassen and I were separated.

It was the second condition I couldn’t bring myself to do.

Because only recently I had discovered that Yassen had a bit of a kink.

Our sex life was great. It was explosive, raw and passionate. Everything I had ever dreamed of.

If Yassen was ever dissatisfied or unhappy about it, then there really was a lot I didn’t know about him. And it made me question what did I know? And how much of it were lies and what was true?

Yassen had a private room in the manor but like always I didn’t ask questions. Maybe if I did, I wouldn’t have been in this situation.

He wanted me for one night. My last night at his manor, he wanted my body. After that, he would sign the papers and I would work for him for six months. And then finally, when I would forever be rid of him, I would pretend like he never existed and carry on with my life as if the last three years had never happened.

If only it were that simple.

I didn’t want to sleep with him. I couldn’t bear the thought of him touching me without feeling sick. But if I didn’t sleep with him, our divorce process would just prolong and increase, the longer I refused him.

And so I did.

I entered the private, forbidden room of pain and horror that Yassen had hidden from me and succumbed to him and his wicked desires that night.

And I would live forever with that regret.



  1. Dude! This is not what I was expecting. But I like it! Can’t wait for the next part!

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