How to run a [Harem] out of the local Dairy Queen [MFFFFFF] [vanilla] [first person] [drug use]

**I. Sandy**

I was so burned out after college I ended up doing nothing of value for a whole decade after. Well, I had this dream of becoming a “professional gamer” and so it felt like all the time I spent grinding in various games was time well-spent, but then I found myself in my early-30’s with no job skills or real prospects. I was also incredibly depressed and lonely, having had one relationship with a really hot slightly older woman named Michelle who dumped my ass once she realized how immature I was. Besides Michelle, and by the way it was painful to even think of her name at that time, I had been unlucky in love for the better part of a decade. By the time I took a job at Dairy Queen, just to pay for rent and weed, I hadn’t had sex in three years. Or four, I’d honestly lost count. The work was, to be honest, pretty humiliating overall. I had to wear a stupid uniform and stand for most of the day, and I was always afraid of angering customers or my boss my doing the wrong thing. Over time I got okay at the job, though.

But it wasn’t all bad. My boss was an older gay guy (who made it a point during my interview to let me know I wasn’t his “type” by the way) who liked to hire younger women to work at his store. He’d later confide in me at a party that he’d found younger women are also the most obedient and it’s easier to “make them work harder,” which I ended up finding a lot more about.

It turned out that, while my enthusiasm for video games, pot, and my lackadaisical attitude toward most things was a hardcore pussy-repellent for women my age, my combination of nihilism and a pop-culture-soaked lifestyle made me a good match for these younger girls. I was plain-looking but not ugly by any means, though definitely not good-looking or “hot” by any sane person’s definition. But that ended up being perfect. It turns out younger girls A) don’t care as much about how you look anymore (thank you body-pos movement!), B) love to hook-up with older guys (thank you sex-pos movement!)! It’s an item on every hot young girls’ bucket list, it seems. As one of a very few straight males working at that DQ, it turned out I was the most eligible bachelor at work, and I soon figured out if I said the right things I could basically have my pick of the 18-22 year old women my boss liked to hire.

I probably could have picked a better “first.” I hooked up with a busty 20-year-old girl named Sandy, who was kind of what some would call slutty. That wasn’t part of the mistake, though. Or, rather, it wasn’t a problem that she had a lot of experience. It meant that she could suck cock like a vacuum sealer and loved to ride, but my relative inexperience, pathetic against hers, meant I often came really quick and since I was out of shape (living on food from Dairy Queen after all), I had kind of a long refractory period. She usually fell asleep before I was ready to go again.

Sandy and I had a lot of shifts together and loved to joke around while putting orders together and stuff. I was discovering with her that if I just made them laugh, maybe made them feel a little scared, and didn’t say anything too awkward or weird, I could really charm and hook up with these young girls. Sandy actually invited me to her place to check out something related to a cartoon we’d been talking about, and the night ended with her head bobbing in my lap on the couch. We started hooking up regularly on a semi-secret basis, but it eventually tapered off when my schedule changed.

**II. Jordan**

We’d had some people quit and my boss needed me to cover their shifts, so my schedule changed and I ended up working more with a girl named Jordan. It was just like with Sandy, just teasing, joking around, and flirting. Jordan , 19, was wholesomely pretty but not inexperienced, and liked to send underwear and bikini selfies to me. I first hooked up with Jordan at an after-work party with other co-workers. I mean, we didn’t hook up, like, *at* the party in front of everyone. I drove her home and Jordan, nosy little brat she is, found a condom while rifling through my glove compartment that she teased me about. We ended up making out in my car in the parking lot of her apartment complex and then she rode my cock in the back seat. Being less experienced than Sandy, Jordan was less disappointed when I came too quick, because she probably assumed it was normal. Jordan was also very affectionate, and would insist I hold her hand while I fucked her or while she sucked my cock, her big brown eyes staring up into mine.

Jordan seemed to enjoy spending time with me while hooking up, but really wanted it to be secret. She had me park across the street from her complex instead of in the actual parking lot, and didn’t want anyone else from work to know we were hooking up. Although the sex was very romantic, Jordan was resistant to the idea of me being her “partner” in any way shape or form. So after a few weeks we kind of drifted apart, seeing each other less frequently. I started to notice Sara, who worked a lot of the same shifts I did. She was sort of chubby and usually wore tight stretch jeans to work. It was around this time that my shifts were migrating back to the way they were before, and I worked more often with Sandy. As well, my boss had been hiring other girls to fill up the staff after people had quit before, and Sara was one of the new hires.

**III. Sara**

So I flirted with Sara a lot during work, and sometimes it felt awkward to do in front of Sandy, but it was hard to stop. Sara seemed to tune in the most to the dark parts of my sense of humor, so I used a lot of that with her. Sara was 21, so I could invite her out to the bar, which made things a little easier. The very basic things I knew about alcohol seemed to impress Sara, and we ended up making out in the bar parking lot before I took her back to my place to have slow, stoned sex in my bedroom for hours. I loved Sara because she loved sucking my cock seconds after fucking it. I loved getting to look up at her while she rode my cock and then see her flip around and suck it, often giving me a great view of her big round ass cheeks the whole time.

Meanwhile, as my fuck-buddy-ship with Sara was heating up, I’d started hooking up with Sandy again on the side. I guess flirting with Sara in front of her had made Sandy jealous enough to want some more of me. Sandy knew I was hooking up with Sara, and it really changed the flavor of my hook-ups with Sandy. We teased each other a lot more, my premature ejaculations in our first hook-ups was a running joke, but now instead of drifting off to sleep she’d often try to make me cum again (to be competitive with Sara, I guess). It was also around this time that I discovered the “cum holy grail” and had started buying and taking that weird supplement stack that purports to make your cum loads bigger. I don’t know if it was just a placebo effect but it seemed to help my recovery time and the size and quality of my nuts. Also, just spending more time with these girls meant I wasn’t laying around at home by myself eating junk food, and all the sex was enough exercise that I was getting into halfway-decent shape.

**IV. Mikayla**

So while Sara and Sandy were semi-competing for my cock (Sara didn’t know I’d started hooking up with Sandy again at this point), I kind of stumbled into an easy connection with Mikayla, a very tall 18-year-old for whom DQ was her first job. She was a tall girl at 6’1, taller than me, but had to be 135 lbs soaking wet. She had a small waist that flared out into an attractive set of hips that were well-displayed in the tight pants she wore to work. I got closer to her by offering help with menu items and other work procedures she appeared to be struggling with. I hadn’t intended to go any further than that, but apparently my charm worked its magic on Mikayla and we texted a lot outside of work. She actually invited me on our first “date” while I was hooking up with Sara on a day we both had off. My cock was in Sara’s mouth when I got the text inviting me to go shopping with Mikayla.

After cumming in Sara’s mouth and making up an excuse, I said goodbye to her and then met up with Mikayla to watch her try on some dresses. She was in a sorority and trying to find a dress for an upcoming formal, and insisted on getting my detailed opinion on each selection, which meant I was making a lot of comments about her body in the process. After a few hours of shopping and finally choosing a slinky black strapless cocktail dress that fit her well enough, she invited me to the party. I turned her down, saying I would be totally out of place there, but my cavalier attitude seemed to be enough to drive her to sneak me into her sorority house where we fucked on her unmade twin bed. When I’d kissed Mikayla goodbye for now and slipped out of the house to my car, I saw I had a missed call from Sandy.

This was kind of unusual since, like most girls her age, Sandy typically communicated exclusively through text, and I didn’t have any new texts from her. I send Sandy a text, just a simple, “What’s up?” Sandy called again and told me she’d seen me and Mikayla at the mall, had heard some rumors, and had put two and two together to deduce that I was also hooking up with Sara. My blood ran cold for a second. I thought I was ruined! But then Sandy said, “Uhm, maybe you could come over and we could talk more about this…” with a tone of voice that told me I wasn’t in trouble at all. Well, not with Sandy, anyway. I went to Sandy’s place and we had sex into the evening and night. Me hooking up with other girls made her incredibly horny, so I ended up confessing to her about Jordan as well.

**V. Candace**

Sandy kind of became my “main girl” as a result. She didn’t care if I continued hooking up with Mikayla or Sara, and even encouraged me to go after Jordan again. I gave most of my attention to Sandy, simply because we seemed to have the most chemistry. I’d been getting closer with Sara as well, and we opened up to each other about some fantasies we had, during which time I told Sara about Sandy, and we started occasionally having threeways. I was seeing Mikayla the least-frequently, as she had a frat-bro boyfriend that she spent most of her time with, but she cheated on him with me.

Then my boss hired Candace, who had just turned 18 and had full, very firm DDD’s which co-workers and customers alike couldn’t help but comment about to me on the sly. It was like the world was telling me, “Go get it, dude!” I played it fairly cool with Candace, waiting almost a whole month before I really started flirting and joking with her in a serious way. Another month passed and nothing had happened between us. Meanwhile I was getting my dick drained every day by either Sandy, Sara, Jordan, or Mikayla. Candace got invited to another after-work thing and I ended up fingering her while we made out in a random bedroom in the house. It felt kind of dirty to lay on a stranger’s dirty sheets, but it was worth it to feel those tits. Sandy did a bad job of hiding her jealousy that I’d made out with a girl who was younger and had bigger tits, but luckily for me it meant she gave more titfucks and tried harder. I started low-key having to turn down her initiations because by the afternoon I’d be pretty much spent, but by the evening I’d be ready to go again.

I didn’t see Candace again for a few weeks just due to scheduling. Business was slow so I was getting fewer hours. This just meant I had more time to fuck my four “girlfriends,” and with my many choices I almost never had to let my dick get dry. A typical day off for me could look something like this: wake up in Sandy’s bed to her sucking me off; cum in her mouth and eat cereal together; fuck Sandy after breakfast and cum all over her tits; go to my apartment and shower, see text from Sara inviting me to smoke, but tell her I have plans; meet up with Jordan in the park for a picnic lunch, get blowjob in my car from Jordan; after saying goodbye to Jordan send text to Sara seeing if she’s still hanging out; go to Sara’s house, get high together, fuck on her couch; find out Sara’s room mate is out tonight so we invite Sandy to come hang out; get double blowjob from Sandy and Sara; chill with them for a little bit and eventually end up back at my place; a few hours later get drunk booty call from Mikayla, go to sneak into her sorority house again and fuck her while her boyfriend is passed out drunk downstairs.

So after those few weeks of not seeing a lot of Candace at the restaurant, I found out she had actually been dating a guy from her previous job, so I took that as a sign that I should keep things professional on the rare instances that we did work together. After all, my hands were full enough, and my balls were empty enough, as it was. Then Candace’s shifts drifted to be more concurrent with mine, and we found out that joking and flirting made the days go by quicker, so we started doing it again, despite her having a boyfriend. She also started texting me outside of work, and through that I found out she was a virgin, and was really nervous about having sex for the first time with her boyfriend. In case you’re in suspense about any of this, I’ll just say that no, I didn’t get the pleasure of de-flowering Candace. She decided to lose it to her boyfriend, but confided in me that it had been disappointing. One thing led to another and I did end up getting to fuck her shivering, shuddering little body in her parent’s basement while her boyfriend was out of town. Her pussy was so incredibly tight, and later on down the road she let me straddle her stomach and fuck her tits, while sitting up occasionally and putting it in her mouth to keep it lubricated. The way she dutifully wrapped her mouth around my cock and bobbed on it whenever I sat up and presented it to her was so fucking hot I was ready to blow right away, but by then I’d had enough experience to know how to last the right amount of time.

**VI. Michelle**

Throughout all this my money situation stayed largely the same. I got promoted to “shift lead,” which meant I earned more than minimum wage (but still not a living wage, thanks fast food industry), so I still just kind of had money around for food, rent, and weed. It didn’t matter much to me, since having five girls a decade or more younger than me wanting to take and pleasure my cock in various ways was enough to make me content with life. And as if it all wasn’t enough, I randomly ran into my ex, Michelle, who I mentioned all the way at the beginning of this story. She said hi and I, still a little hurt by what had been a painful break-up, said hello back but affected a curt and professional kind of demeanor. Michelle asked if I was interested in catching up with her. My mind flooded with all the things I could tell her about, the crazy direction my life had taken since our break-up. I made a soft commitment to make plans and headed back to work, not really wanting to see her. But by the end of my shift, I had a text from her asking for a firm date. I guess I just didn’t want to say no, so we made the “date.”

We met at a coffee shop and when I eventually let my guard down a little bit we actually ended up having a lot of fun catching up. I was still kind of a pot-smoking loser, but in Michelle’s words, there was “something different about you now…” Michelle told me she was in a relationship, a fact that was still like an arrow through my heart despite how sexually-fulfilled I was. I realized that the “love” element was not missing, but not very strong in my relationships with these younger girls. I’d chased these casual hook-ups and pursued sexual satisfaction precisely because of how different it was from being with Michelle, and talking with her again made me realize how much I missed that connection. Of course I cared about each girl in my “harem,” but the closest thing I had to you could call a girlfriend right now was Sandy, and even as she was making me cum at least twice every day she resisted the “boyfriend/girlfriend” label. Michelle then told me that her relationship was open, and so it wasn’t long before she was kneeling by the side of my open car door with her head bobbing my lap. It felt like old times, in an intoxicating way. I wanted to be drunk on how it felt to have my cock in Michelle’s experienced mouth. She moaned on my cock in a way the other girls didn’t. Sandy, Sara, Jordan, Mikayla, and Candace all gave great head, but you could really feel the lived-in loving quality of how Michelle performed oral on me. I came after just a couple minutes. We hugged each other goodbye and even kissed on the lips (more on that in just a sec) as we parted.

After that meet-up with Michelle, we started hanging out more. Michelle made it clear that she was very much in love with her husband, and would never leave him, especially for me (which hurt my feelings a little, but Michelle was blunt like that), but each hang-out we had inevitably led to another blowjob. When we first did it at my place, she kissed my cum into my mouth after I nutted in hers. She’d done that before and after our break-up, and I never really liked it, but the way she did it, with her cock-drunk face drifting up towards me, my cum dripping from her lips, was incredibly hot. The fact that she was older, and I hadn’t been with anyone my age or older sexually in a while, lent an air of maturity to the sex we had. I realized I’d missed it, and it was enough that I kept in touch with Michelle and we re-kindled our friendship. She also kept sucking my cock, but it wasn’t an “every time we hang out” kind of thing. I obviously told her about my sex life, and she was pretty blunt about it being creepy, but also admitted it made me more desirable. She had me tell her about each girl while she sucked me off, but I only got as far as telling her about Sara before I came right on Michelle’s tongue. Michelle became a frequent “suck buddy” who occasionally wanted me to put it in her as well.

These girls eventually started drifting out of my life, and silly details like who drifted and when they did it might be a story for another time, but whenever one of my incredibly hot hook-up partners quits, another potential hook-up partner seems to be hired to take her place. I still work at DQ and don’t intend to quit any time soon.
