A loving couple, Part 1 [sharing, hotwife]

I originally wrote this for a good friend. I hope she won’t mind my sharing it here — I enjoyed re-reading it recently and I hope others will it enjoy it too. All rights reserved, please do not copy and use elsewhere.

(Warning — length)


The trip to the hardware store takes Daniel a little more time than he had planned for … which is no surprise. Every time he goes, he reflects, there seems to be something that distracts him, or something he remembers that he’s been meaning to get.

Today it was new screening and rubber spline to fix the back screen door, which has a few holes in it big enough to let squadrons of mosquitoes in. And while it’s only February, Daniel knows that a warmer-than-usual winter will mean more bugs, and earlier bugs, than normal in the fast-approaching spring.

Resisting the urge to buy stuff he doesn’t need at the hardware store, he checks out with his purchases, hops in the car, then makes a quick side trip to his favorite liquor store for a bottle of Jen’s favorite wine and a six-pack of the IPA he can’t resist.

He’s about to put the car in gear when he pauses, fishes his phone out of his jeans and types off a quick text to his wife at home.

>Hey — about to head back. Anything you want from the store or anywhere else?

He waits, tuning the radio to the sports station to see if there’s anything about last night’s hockey game, when the phone buzzes in the cupholder near his arm. Picking it up, he reads her reply.

>Hi! Got dinner stuff already. But could you get some lube? ;)

He reads it again, feeling his heart start a familiar fast pounding and feeling a grin forming on his face. He types quickly, his hands now shaking the tiniest bit.

>Oh really? Yes, happy to stop. Want to tell me more??

This time the wait seems much longer, and he adjusts himself as he looks around at the cars on either side, his erection already stiffening in his pants. The phone buzzes again and he reads the reply, laughing out loud.

>Nope! You’ll find out, Mr. Impatient. Just hurry back. ❤

He drops the car into gear, grinning, and backs out of the parking spot, on his way to the chain drugstore down the road.


He pulls into the driveway after looking up and down their quiet street. He doesn’t see Tom’s car, a dark-gray Audi coupe, and feels a little twinge of disappointment. But then again, had Jen been entertaining her regular boyfriend, she most likely wouldn’t have dropped any hints at all, and would have let him come home to find Tom’s car on the street and she and him, no doubt, having a ball in their bed.

Smiling again, he parks, grabs his purchases and heads to the front steps, unlocking the door and letting himself in.

He can hear music coming faintly from upstairs as he puts the bags down and shuts the door, the house tidy and well-decorated, then slips the bottle of lube from its bag and climbs the stairs.

“Babe? You up here?” he calls out as he reaches the top floor.

“In here!” Jen calls from their master bathroom.

Daniel pauses to go into their room, and notices that Jen has tidied in here since this morning — clothes folded and put away, shoes tucked into the closet. The bedspread, comforter and top sheet have all been neatly turned down and the ground sheet laid bare. The Bose radio-clock is on, low R&B music playing. And he notes that she’s taken his camera from it’s charger base and placed it on his nightstand.

He feels his erection grow even more as he puts the lube on her night stand, then comes back to the partly open bathroom door.

“Okay to come in?” he says, smiling.

“Sure can … need your help, actually,” he hears her reply, and he can hear the smile in her voice.

He opens the door … and then has to pause.

His pretty wife is sitting in the corner where their tub meets the far tiled bathroom wall. Wearing her comfy bathrobe, she’s otherwise naked, though he notes her hair is brushed and in a neat ponytail, and she’s taken the time to put some makeup on.

The open robe hides little of her, her smallish but perfect breasts visible, as well as her sexy tummy and her vagina, with its light, downy fuzz of hair. One foot is propped on the rim of the tub, the other foot in the tub itself. She’s got the shower wand down and the nozzle closed, though he notes a slight drip from the shower head itself as it lies on the tub floor in front of her., indicating that the water is on and the nozzle ready for use.

She’s holding out her razor to him with one hand, and a can of shaving cream with the other, a grin on her lovely lips.

“You’re just in time … we have about an hour before he gets here,” she smiles at him, that sexy grin that almost unmans him as he walks over to her.

“He who?” he asks, reaching for the razor and shaving cream, then going to one knee as she leans forward for a loving but brief peck on the lips.

“He Dylan,” she says, imitating a simplistic Tarzan-style delivery, then giggling. “I realized after you left that it’s been more than two weeks since the last time. I don’t want him to forget me!” she says, caressing Daniel’s arm.

“Yeah, right … as if he could,” he replies, loving her even more. And he’s even more aroused now. He looks at her lovely body, then up at her eyes. “So … you want to be, um … nice and smooth for him, is that the idea?”

“Uh-huh,” she nods, and he sees the pretty pink flush rise in her cheeks and the way her lovely, rosy nipples harden. “He’s never seen me bare … I want to show him what a woman’s pussy looks like without anything in the way.” He hears the change in her voice, a bit deeper, still playful … but also aroused.

He nods, and picks up the wand, turning on the water to a gentle flow, then testing it. The temperature is perfect, warm but not hot, and he aims it at her sex as she widens her legs for him.

“Well, I’m sure you know that all these kids do is watch porn,” he murmurs, bathing her in the warm water, his eyes traveling up and down her lovely form. “I’m sure he’s seen plenty of bare pussies — it’s all the rage these days.” He pauses, then leans forward to kiss her knee. “But of course, none are as pretty and sexy as yours. I think it’s nice you want him to see you close up and beautifully bare,” he smiles.

“Thank you baby … I knew you’d want to help,” she murmurs lovingly. “I’m so excited my hands are shaking — I didn’t want to nick myself,” she giggles at him, caressing his cheek, then his neck.

“What do you think my hands are doing?” he chuckles. He puts the wand back down and then squeezes a dollop of cream into his hand … then gently applies it to her vagina, focusing on her neatly-trimmed bush, making sure the cream covers anywhere he might shave her.

“Mmm … that’s nice,” she murmurs, her hand lightly on his neck, watching him rather than his hands, seeing his eyes, his own excitement making hers more intense. She watches as he carefully begins, at the top of her bush, shaving the dark blonde hair upward in small, gentle strokes.

“He’s so anxious … I texted him and he texted me back in, like, three minutes,” she laughs softly. “He wanted to come right over. But I wanted to do this for him first.” She leans close and kisses Daniel’s forehead lovingly. “And I knew you’d want to help me.”

“I do,” he murmurs, his erection now painfully constrained as he tries to will his hands to be steady. “You know I love it when you give me something to do to help out.” He pauses to find her eyes and gazes at her, letting her see his love and his own mounting arousal. “You’re amazing. And so good to me.”

“You’re so good to me,” she replies, her smile sexy and her eyes wide on his. “Letting that beautiful boy come fuck me in our bed. He’s so hot … all those muscles. Not an ounce of fat. And his cock … oh my God,” she whispers, shaking her head. ”He doesn’t know how amazing he is,” she purrs.

He has to consciously look down, away from her face, and will his hands to steadiness, even as his heart is pounding with excitement. “Well … he’s the luckiest kid there is,” he replies softly, shaving her lovely pussy, as carefully as he can, scraping away her pretty blonde pubic hair. “Having you be his first. Having you teach him,” he murmurs, picturing the last time … the handsome 18-year-old rutting atop his wife, her stocking-clad legs curling around the backs of his thighs as she’d groaned in pleasure, her hands clinging to his neck and shoulders, urging him on.

Today would be his fifth time with Jen, and she had told Daniel, somewhat amazed, how much better the kid was each time — lasting longer, more inventive, remembering her past tips and adding inventive little things of his own to his repertoire.

Daniel uses the wand to wash away the accumulated hair and cream, revealing just one tiny patch, right above the perfect little cleft at the top, and puts one more dab there before carefully shaving it away. He looks up at her … then cups her sex in his hand, feeling her warmth, and then slides two fingers against her folds, now feeling her warm slickness.

“Ohh … mmm, that feels nice,” she whispers, her hand caressing his neck. “But we have to wait, baby … Dylan first. Okay?” She leans forward and kisses him again, her lips now soft, clinging to his, and he feels just the lightest, teasing tickle of her tongue on his lips before she pulls back, staring into his eyes. “I want him to fuck me until he’s drained. Then I want *you* to fuck me with me full of his young, fertile seed. I can’t wait for that. But you *have* to wait!” she smiles at him, clearly aware of what she’s doing to him.

“Fucckkk,” he groans, her words, and the excitement in them, almost driving him crazy. He leans back, reaches for the towel on it’s rack, and hands it to her.

“Your wish is my command … as always,” he laughs, then carefully stands, aware of the erection pushing the front of his jeans out … and quite sure she sees it too. He takes the shaving cream and razor from her and puts them away, then watches as she carefully dries herself.

“What else can I do?” he asks, trying to keep the adoration out of his voice … and probably failing.

“Just make sure there are a couple Dr. Peppers in the fridge for him,” she grins. “And send him up when he comes. Oh!” she says, almost as an afterthought. “Will you get out that black lace garter belt and the black stockings? I think he’ll like them … he hasn’t seen me in those yet.”

Daniel nods, pausing to take in the sight of his amazingly sexy wife for a few moments more, then leaves and returns to their room.

She’s got two lingerie drawers where she used to have one, just a few years back. He reflects on how times have changed in the past three years, since they’d started this adventure. How his confession about the fantasy had led to their talking about it. Probing questions from her. Then dirty talk in the bedroom while they’d grown more comfortable with the idea. Part of the appeal for them both had been the awareness that his own libido wasn’t what it was. A combination of stress from work, his age (he was seven years older) and her own seemingly growing sex drive had led them to seriously consider the lifestyle.

She’d started with men online – chat groups, then one-on-ones with certain men who appealed. That had led to a few texting and sexting friends. She’d grown into the role slowly but surely, sharing each new friend with him, showing him the texts and emails and photos that were being shared back and forth.

He’d become her boudoir photographer, posing her and taking pics she’d then send on to online flings.

It hadn’t taken much to convince her to dress sexier on their nights out … and then sit at one end of a bar while he sat separately, watching as men approached, flirted, bought her drinks. She’d loved it. Grown more and more confident, more and more aroused by it all.

That first contact with another man had been memorable. An older, handsome businessman had plied her with drinks. Flattered her. Danced with her. When she’d gone off to the lady’s room, he’d gotten a quick text from her. The man — George, just his first name — had wanted her to go out to his car with him and suck him off. Could she?

His own hands had been shaking as he’d replied. Giving her permission. Her only reply had been a smiley-face emoticon … and when she’d returned from the bathroom, she’d shot him a look of love and gratitude before rejoining George. They had finished their drinks quickly … and she’d winked at him as the two of them left the bar.

He’d waited a moment and then paid his tab, then had gone to their own car, texting her to meet him there. It had been the longest 45 minutes of his life. He’d been achingly hard, waiting. And then he’d seen her, walking down the street toward their car, smiling at him. Hair a bit mussed, lipstick all but gone. His heart had ached with how much he loved her. When she climbed in and shut the door, he’d surprised her with a kiss … deep, longing, loving. When she’d pulled away, gasping, he’d seen the embarrassed, almost shocked look on her face. “But baby … he came in my mouth!” she’d protested, eyes wide. “And … and you kissed me!”

He’d laughed, shocked at himself too. But more aroused than ever.

“I don’t care,” he’d told her. He dropped the car into gear, pulling out, then gripped her hand, hard. “Now … tell me all about it. And when we get home … I’m going to fuck your brains out,” he promised.

He laughs to himself now, softly, remembering that memorable night, and all the amazing times since. He opens her left drawer … the one with lingerie meant for playtime with her regular boyfriend, Tom, and fun little escapades like today’s date with Dylan. Dylan, who they’d known for three years now, who’d been mowing their lawn all that time. Who had grown into a tall, gorgeous teen, now in his senior year and set to graduate in a couple months before moving on to Brown in the fall. Dylan … who’d looked like a kid on Christmas morning the first time Jen had invited him into the house on a hot August afternoon after he’d gotten done in the yard, gleaming with sweat, tan, looking like a young god … then led him upstairs to the bathroom, undressed him then herself, then had taken him into the shower. And then into the bed she shared with her husband.

Dnaiel finds the black garter belt and stockings just as Jen comes back in, still in the open robe. She slides her hands around his neck and kisses him, a sexy, moist kiss, then slips away and sits on the bed, eying him.

“Do you want to watch today? I don’t think Dylan will mind. He was a bit shy at first but I think he’s gotten over it,” she laughs, picking up a stocking and beginning to roll it carefully.

“If you’re sure he won’t mind … yeah, I’d love to,” he says, feeling his own face flush a little with a combination of embarrassment and arousal. “You’re sure he won’t tell anyone about this, huh? He is 18 after all … and teenagers like to brag.”

She laughs again, shaking her head, as she slips the stocking down over her toes and begins to roll it up her smoothly shaved leg. “No way. I told him if I even think he’s talking, he’s cut off. He swore up and down he’d never mention a word.”

He grins, actually believing the kid will keep his word. Who in his right mind wouldn’t want more of Daniel’s sexy, gorgeous wife?

Just then, there’s a knock on the door, followed almost instantly by the ringing doorbell.

They both laugh, and Jen rolls her eyes. “He’s early … what a shock,” she giggles. “Go let him in, would you? Then you can both come up. I got your camera ready too,” she smiles, stooping to pull up the other stocking now, then reaching for the garter belt.

“So I saw. More naughty home movies,” he laughs. He stops to kiss her cheek, and whispers: “I love you so much.”

“And I love you more,” she replies softly … then swats him on the bottom. “Now go get my hot young boy toy and bring him up here so he can fuck me!” she commands, then giggles again .. a sexy, excited laugh that stirs him to his core.

He leaves, heart pounding, and heads down the stairs.


Dylan is waiting on the front step, shifting from one foot to the other, hands shoved down into baggy jeans, wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt with his high school’s panther mascot, paws seeming to leap out at you, and a wide yet somehow shy grin. His dark mop of hair is casually swept to the side, his boyish face handsome, bright blue eyes and a straight, fine nose above a white-toothed smile and firm jaw.

“Hey Mr. Reed,” he says as Daniel opens the door for him.

“Hi Dylan. Come on in,” Daniel smiles in return, sensing the boy’s embarrassment and sharing it as the teenager brushes past, an inch taller and with hips far slimmer than Daniel’s.

Daniel eyes the street and neighboring houses for a moment, as always feeling a combination of guilt and heady arousal when Dylan comes over, before shutting the door and turning to the teenager. Dylan has already shoved off one tennis shoe and is working on the other, well aware of Jen’s rule about no shoes on her nice carpets.

Daniel watches him, the teen’s lithe, graceful frame, the easy way he balances on one foot, then another. When Dylan looks up, Daniel gives him another smile and steps a bit closer.

“Glad you could come by,” Daniel says quietly. “Today I’m gonna be joining you two. Just watching, taking a few pictures. I promise they won’t be posted anywhere. That okay with you?”

Daniel can see the kid’s face flush a little more, his ears turning slightly red, as he looks at the older man searchingly for a few moments, clearly a little taken aback at the idea.

“I mean … of course … sure, if that’s the way you guys want it,” he finally stammers, hands nervously playing with the drawstring of his sweatshirt. He glances up the stairs, then back at Daniel. “You want to, um … take pictures? Of me and Jen — Mrs. Reed — um … doing it?” he asks, shyly.

“Yeah, if that’s okay,” Daniel says, quietly, feeling the kid’s embarrassment. It makes him like Dylan even more. “Don’t worry about me being there, if that’s what’s bothering you. We do this sometimes. Jen and I both like it. I like to see her happy.” He lowers his voice even more and inclines his head, conspiratorially, toward the teenager, who naturally reacts by doing the same. “And you make her happy, Dylan. She loves spending time with you. Just always respect her … and never tell anyone about this. Right?”

“Right!” he agrees, nodding. “Never, Mr. Reed. I swear.”

“Good enough for me. Go on up, I’ll be up in a second with something for you two to drink.”

Dylan grins and turns immediately, climbing the stairs two at a time. Daniel pauses at the bottom of the stairs, then hears his wife laugh and say: “Whoah! Not so fast, tiger!”

Daniel grins and walks into the kitchen, opening the fridge and getting a Dr. Pepper and two water bottles. His erection is still there but he’s calmer now, more in control. He takes a deep breath and then climbs the stairs himself after making sure the front door is closed and locked.

He pauses at the doorway, looking.

Dylan is seated at the foot of the bed, already stripped of his clothes. His arms are around Daniel’s wife, who’s sitting crossways in Dylan’s lap, her arms around Dylan’s neck as the two kiss. Her legs, clad in the black stockings, are crossed, and he can see the young man’s hands moving on his wife’s flanks as their heads angle and move, the kiss passionate and playful and familiar.

Daniel comes in quietly and puts the drinks on the nightstand, then picks up the camera, going to the opposite corner and sitting in the small overstuffed chair there. His erection is back, tenting his pants, as he turns on the camera and then focuses on Jen and her young lover as they make out, the only sounds the soft R&B from the radio, distant noises of traffic on Elm Street a few blocks over, and the wet sounds of his wife and her college-age paramour kissing passionately.

Daniel sits and watches as Jen, in control for the moment, eases her lovely legs apart, then reaches between them, searching … then clearly finding, as Daniel hears Dylan groan happily. He watches as his wife slides carefully off of the young man, her full ass looking beautiful, framed by the black lacy straps of the garter belt, the tops of her hose unbearably sexy as she gracefully slides down to her knees. Her movement reveals Dylan in all his glory … broad muscular chest, his torso a swimmer’s V — wide shoulders, well-muscled arms, tapering to a slim waist and a flat, washboard stomach. Rising from between his legs is his impressive young phallus … thick, 8 inches long, already engorged. Daniel hears Jen murmur appreciatively as she takes it into her dainty hand and begins to stroke it, smiling up at the young man as he looks adoringly down at his middle-aged housewife lover … and then the young man’s eyes slip closed in ecstasy as Daniel watches his wife take Dylan’s thick cock head between her lips and begin to suck him as she strokes the teen’s thick cock.

Daniel swallows, trying to keep the camera steady, as always loving to watch his wife in these moments. She’s the love of his life, the woman he adores above all people on the planet. And he loves how much pleasure she gets from these stolen little moments … her face is almost glowing with happiness as she begins to expertly bob up and down on Dylan’s thick young cock, moaning softly, her small but full breasts brushing the teen’s muscular legs as she sucks him.

Daniel has had some practice by now … holding the camera steady despite how hard his heart is pounding, despite the ache in his groin and the discomfort of his erection trapped against the rough material of his jeans. Through the viewfiender he can see Jen’s college-age lover occasionally glance in his direction, clearly aware of Daniel’s presence and the camera … but also clearly enjoying Jen’s ministrations to his thick and now gleaming erection, as she bobs up and down on it’s formidable length, her lovely hazel eyes wide and looking up at the godlike young man watching her with such pleasure.

Daniel sees Dylan reach down with his big hands, the fingers slipping into his wife’s dirty-blonde hair, and holding the back of her head as the kid groans and raises his hips minutely, pushing more of his thick cock into Jen’s mouth as she moans in response.

“Fuck … that’s so fucking good, Jen,” the kid groans. A moment later, his hands move from Jen’s head down under her arms, and he’s lifting her, his strength as always surprising and impressive, bringing her up to him even as he leans down for a hungry kiss, Jen’s own lust evident in the hands that clutch his broad shoulders and the mewled moan of pleasure as their mouths merge wetly as he lies back, drawing her with him, her petite form now atop him, full ass moving as she grinds atop him.

Daniel shifts slightly to the side and zooms in … and the viewfinder is filled with the image of Jen, her pussy now delightfully bare, grinding atop Dylan’s thick phallus. Her labia are spread so that her wetness is evident, the pink center of her glazed-looking as she slides her wet vagina up and down her young lover’s thick cock. Even as he watches, he sees her left hand appear, squirming between the two, and the flash of her wedding band and diamond engagement ring as she grabs hold of Dylan’s erection and guides the swollen glans to her opening.

Daniel looks up from the camera in time to see his wife sink lower, forcing the kid’s swollen head inside herself … and he hears the dual moan, Dylan’s a bass growl and his wife’s a soft sound of utter contentment and lust.

“So big … mmm, fuck, that’s so good, baby,” he hears her murmur, and watches as his wife pushes herself down slowly, inch by inch, Dylan’s big cock stretching her wet hole as she forces herself down on the young man’s thick phallus. “Oh … oh God yes … oh my god,” she whispers, and Daniel has to swallow, heart aching, as she finally, lustfully, settles her wet lips down over the base of his shaft, impaled … and then pushes herself up, drawing up her knees. He watches her plant her hands on Dylan’s broad chest and lean down to kiss him, lovely breasts swaying, her nipples perfect, rose-colored buds, each extended half an inch in her arousal, before she raises herself again and begins to rock … back and forth, still fully settled onto the teen’s engorged penis, her stocking-clad feet tucked against his calves as she begins to ride her beautiful young lover, the wet sound of their fucking rising in the quiet sanctuary of the master bedroom.

“You’re so beautiful … I love fucking you so much,” she whispers to him, caressing his broad chest, feeling his muscles, the tiny little tuft of hair between his hard pecs. “Grab my ass, Dylan. Squeeze it.”

He doesn’t have to be told twice — his big hands slide down Daniel’s wife’s flanks to her full bottom and he caresses her before squeezing, muscular hands full of Jen’s ass as the two begin a steady, needy rhythm … Jen now lifting slightly, using her hands on his chest as leverage, Dylan’s shiny-wet cock appearing momentarily before she drops back down onto it, while Dylan lifts his hips up into her downstroke.

“God, Jen … you’re so fucking hot,” Dylan murmurs to her, eyes wide, watching her, eyes dropping to her small but perfect breasts as they bob, then back up to her pretty face. “I’m the luckiest guy in the world.”

“And don’t forget it,” she whispers, moving atop him, her hips now circling minutely as she adjusts herself around his cock, maximizing contact, clearly working toward her first climax. “None of those little girls can make you feel like I do … can they?” she coos.

“No … no fucking way. Nowhere close,” he agrees, and then groans as Daniel watches his wife force herself all the way down again, clearly loving the feeling of Dylan’s big cock filling her, stretching her, in a way Daniel can’t.

*(To be continued…)*

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ibnuim/a_loving_couple_part_1_sharing_hotwife