The Secret Life of Grace Harper Part Three A True Submission Story

This is the final part of this story. It is left wide open for a sequel so if enough people want to read more I may revisit the characters. Enjoy part 3 and leave a comment if you wish.

When Grace woke up her blindfold was gone. She could see the room that she was chained up in. It looked like a basement with various apparatuses that Grace had never seen before, but had a pretty good idea about what they would be used for. There was one light In the center of the room, but there were candles for mood lighting on shelves along the walls. In front of her was a table with various instruments on it. Were these the things that had been used on her? She immediately recognized the bullwhip. It had only been used on her once, and she never wanted to feel that again. Beside the whip was the long riding crop that had been used to spank her with.  She could still remember the intense stinging it had caused on her bottom, but she found herself strangely interested in feeling it again on the other parts of her body. Beside the crop was the bucket of water and wax used to clean her with. She was reminded of the softness of the sponge and the warm feeling the wax gave her after the water had gotten cold. Next was the feather that had been used to tickle her and something else she didn’t recognize. She knew that it had been used to prick her, but she had no idea what it was. It looked to her like spurs that had been attached to a stick.

Suddenly Grace heard the robotic voice coming from behind her. She had not been alone like she had thought. “Are you ready to admit that I am your master?” The robotic voice echoed from behind her.

“If you can make me come like that again you can have all of me, forever.” Grace never thought she would say that, but she meant it. Grace had never felt that much pain, but also that much pleasure before. If the pleasure could be recreated she would learn to like the pain. The voice continued.

“If I release you from your chains, would you try to run?” When she had first been taken she absolutely would have tried to run, now all she could think about was feeling those sensations again. She was fairly sure that no one else could ever make her feel that so her immediate future was tied to that room, and her captor.

“I would not try to run,” said Grace.

“What would you do then?” asked the voice.

“Well first I would pee, I really need to go, but then I would probably beg you to do that to me again.” Grace heard a metal sound being placed on the ground and slid in between her legs.

“Relieve yourself then,” said the voice. It didn’t take Grace long to figure out that he wanted her to pee right there in whatever was sitting on the floor under her.

“You want me to just pee while chained up, and right here in front of you?” Grace heard the metal object being slid away from her.

“If you don’t want to use what I’ve given you then you can hold it or just go all over yourself.” Grace really had to pee.

“No, please! I’ll use what you give me!”

“You’ll use what I give you what?” Snapped the voice. Grace had forgotten again.

“I’ll use whatever you give me, Master.” Grace could hear the metal pot being pushed back under her. She took a deep breath and relieved herself. She felt even more exposed and more embarrassed than ever.

After the pot was removed, her captor cleaned her again with the soapy sponge and dried her up. Then the voice continued. ” I am about to release you from your chains. From here on out the only thing keeping you here is you. If you want to explore more of yourself then you must submit yourself to your master. When I release you from your bondage I want you to kneel down, face forward and place your hands behind your back. Do not turn around. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.” Grace could still not see her captor, but she could feel him releasing her restraints. When the final cuff was unlocked Grace paused for a moment and looked at the door. Was it really unlocked? Or is it just a test so that he can capture and punish her more? Grace’s curiosity got the better of her and she walked to the door and turned the knob.  It was unlocked. He was telling the truth. She could leave if she wished.  She didn’t know where she was and she didn’t know where she would go. Her clothes had been destroyed so anywhere she went she would be naked, but she would be free.  Then Grace thought, “Free to do what? To go back to my boring life and never again feel the sensations and excitement that she had felt here in this room?  It was hard, but she admitted to herself that this had turned her on.  Grace decided to see where this would go.  She did not turn around, but she backed up to her previous position by her chains and fell to her knees and placed her hands behind her back. The voice spoke again.

” I am about to move into your field of vision. When I do, do not move a muscle, and do not speak. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.” Grace could hear his footsteps slowly moving into her view.  Her captors body looked normal enough, but he was wearing a mask. It was probably creating the voice she had grown accustomed to hearing. Her captor stood on front of her with his back to her and then slowly started to remove his mask. The suspense was killing Grace and she was surprised that she was starting to grow wet again. When her captor turned around Grace almost fainted.

Her crush of six years was standing right in front of her. At first Grace was outraged. Her crush was a kidnapper. Her emotions were all over the place. Grace was furious and turned on at the same time. She decided to let him speak first.

“Grace, I know this must come as a shock to you, and if you give me a chance I will explain.” Grace was silent but listening. Harry went on. “I heard what you said under your breath to me in the office on Friday about me giving you a spanking. It caught me off guard and at first I wasnt sure if I was making it up in my head or not.  If you haven’t noticed I’m a dom and spanking and bondage is kind of my thing. I wanted to be sure so I talked to Rachel about you. Dont be mad at her, she had your best interests at heart. She told me about your fantasies and that you really did ask me for a spanking under your breath, and we both came up with this plan thinking that it might add some spice to your life. Rachel’s been here the whole time making sure I didnt go too far. Is it okay if I ask her to come in?”

Grace was dumbfounded. Her best friend and her crush kidnapped her, scared her half to death, cut up her favorite purple panties and bra, and caused her a LOT of pain. Then she remembered that she was also given the greatest orgasm she had ever felt in her entire life. Grace decided to hear Rachel out too. “Okay she can come in.” Grace just remembered that she was completely naked. Now her best friend and her crush will have seen every inch of her body.

Rachel walked in already explaining herself. “Grace I hope you don’t hate me forever, but he had already heard what you said and you were never going to express your feelings for him and when I found out you were both into the same things I had to help give you a little push. I’ve been here the whole time and you’ve never been in any real danger. I made sure of that. Don’t you think it’s time that you two were just honest with each other?”

Rachel had a point, but as naked and exposed as Grace’s body was she was still too embarrassed to speak her feelings. Harry went first. “Grace, I’ve had a crush on you for years now, but even though I may seem confident and in control in this environment I’m not like that in real life. In real life I’m a coward. I wanted to ask you out so many times, but I was afraid of what you might think of me when you found out what I was really into. Rachel helped give me the push I needed. I really like you, Grace and I like pleasing you and satisfying you. Now that you know everything I would like for you to let Rachel go home now and for you to stay with me. I have some rather personal experiences I would like to share with you.”

Again, Grace couldnt believe what she was hearing. It was everything she ever wanted Harry to say to her and yet it came out of the most messed up of circumstances. Grace was finally ready to speak. “I can’t say for sure if I agree with how you two went about doing all of this, but you are right Rachel. I never would have said anything. Harry, I’ve had a crush on you ever since I first saw you and I was also too much of a coward to say anything to you. This has been an overwhelming experience, but you have made me feel things that I have never felt before. I would like to continue to explore those feelings and sensations with you.”

Rachel bent down and gave Grace a hug. “Are you sure you are okay with me leaving? I can stay in the other room if you need me to.”

“Yes, thank you Rachel, but I want to stay with him. You can go home now. And thank you Rachel, for everything.” Rachel turned and left the room and Grace was left alone, completely naked and helpless in front of her crush.

Harry spoke first. “Grace you now have a choice to make. I wasnt lying when I said that I would release you. You are free and you no longer belong to me, but I would like it if you did belong to me. I want to own you. I want to look at you whenever I want and do whatever I want to you, but that has to be your choice. What do you think?”

Grace thought for a moment even though she really didnt need any time to think. She knew what she wanted. “You own me, Master. Do whatever you want with me.”

“I’m so happy you feel that way Grace. Are you ready for what comes next?”

“Yes, Master.”

Harry took the things that were on the table and spread them out all over the room. “Be honest with yourself. What did you enjoy the most about last night? Do not leave your knees and do not move your hands. Go get your favorite toy and bring it to me. You may not use your hands. to pick it up.”

Grace thought for a moment. Another bath would feel nice, but for some reason she could not take her eyes off of the riding crop that Harry had placed in the corner. She slowly crawled over to it trying to figure out how to bring it to him without using her hands. When she got to it she lowered her head and grabbed the crop with her teeth and slowly returned to her Master. She dropped the crop at his feet. He bent over and picked it up. “Sit up straight and stick your chest out as far as you can.” Grace did as she was told. At first she could feel the leather rubbing across her breasts, then the violent sting as the crop fell on her right nipple. Grace flinched. When she was blindfolded she had no idea what was coming, but now that she could see and anticipate the incoming pain things were different. Harry noticed too.

“Trust me Grace. I’m going to do things to you that will cause you pain for a time. Learn to enjoy the pleasure and the pain equally until you fear neither one.” That was a lot easier said then done, but Grace would try. “If it helps to close your eyes you can.”

Grace tried her best. He focused the crop on one nipple, fanning it until it was hard and protruded. Then smacking it head on. He stopped and reached down with his hand and grabbed one of her nipples. He twisted it gently to the left and right. Each time twisting farther and harder than before. Then he started pulling her nipple upwards. “Stand up,” he said, but he didnt stop pulling. Grace hurried to her feet to keep up with her nipple. It was going somewhere whether she was or not.

When she was standing he reached in his pocket and pulled out what looked like the tinyest clamps in the world. He unscrewed them and clamped them hard onto both of Grace’s nipples. The pinch was both painful and erotic. He then attached a small chain between the two clamps and it dangled cutely between the valley of her chest. Grace thought that this was an amazing fashion accessory until he grabbed the chain and started walking away. The pull and pain on her nipples was instant and Grace was quick to keep up. He led her to what looked like a workout station where you would bench press, but the bar had no weight on it. “Lay down face up on this and place your feet up on the bars here.”

Grace did as she was told. He had released her from her chains but she still had cuffs on each hand and ankle. He cuffed her feet spread apart on that bar and then cuffed her hands under the bench as if they were put behind her back. He stood right at her crotch and slowly started fingering her. He then took some more clamps from his pocket and spread her vaginal area and placed one clamp on each of her lips. He attached another chain and gave it a quick tug to test his work. He tugged the chain on her nipples too for good measure. He then went over to another table and came back with a bucket of ice. He placed a cube on her naval and slowly moved it around until it melted.

He then pulled a homemade popsicle tray into Grace’s view. He took one out. It was clear and Grace could see the stick in the middle of it. “If you boil water first before freezing it it will freeze clear.”  He took the icicle and gently touched it to her lips. The water was freezing but tasty. “You will need to wet this so that it doesn’t stick to to your body.” Grace opened her mouth and she slowly inserted it. Grace licked every inch of that icicle. When he removed it he placed it between her breasts and let it sit for a moment before moving it up and down in between them. After a while he gave it back to Grace for more lubrication and he then moved it to her smooth, sensative crotch. The cold was almost unbearable, but he moved it around enough for the chill to not be so bad. As it was placed in her mouth again Grace was well aware of where the icicle would be placed next. She knew where it was going the minute she saw it and she was a little afraid of what she knew was about to happen, but she decided to trust her crush. He then took the icicle out of her mouth and inserted it into her pussy. The cold was instant and sharp. Grace cried out, but the cold was already taking her breath away. Harry was thrusting and spinning it in and out with one hand and pulling on the chain connected to the clamps with the other. The sensation was like nothing Grace had ever felt before. The icicle had only been inside of her for maybe ten seconds, but it felt like an eternity. When he removed it Grace could feel the chills and goosebumps all over her body.

Harry then placed multiple ice cubes all over her body. One on her crotch, multiple on her belly and chest, two on her nipple clamps, and he finally placed the icicle back in the valley between her breasts. For a brief moment he left her field of view and when he returned he has holding a candle in both hands. He turned one candle and started pouring the hot wax onto one of the cubes on her belly. The cube immediately began to melt and slid off of Grace’s body only to leave nothing between her and the hot wax. The juxtaposition of the cold cubes and the hot wax sent her body reeling. At first the wax was a hot liquid, but as it cooled and spread around her body it started to thicken and harden. He let her breasts feel the heat next. He held the candle high so that the wax would splash down and spread out on each of her breasts. Then he poured a good bit above her breasts and let it slowly run down on them. He then got closer and very slowly drizzled the last few drops onto her naked bush. Since her legs were dangling in the air, he started the second candle on her inner thighs and let the wax slowly stream towards her exposed tightly clamped pussy. The sensation of the intensely hot wax quickly hardening and turning firm on her body was euphoric.  She had forgotten the chill from the icicle just minutes before.

When he ran out of wax Harry again left Grace’s view. When he returned he had in his hand a vibrator and what looked to Grace like a large graduation tassel with a handle.  Harry placed the vibrator down on the table and used the large tassel like implement and slowly moved the strands up and down her body.  Grace could tell that this was no ordinary tassel.  The strips were leather and should could tell that they would sting.  as the implement was draped over her body she could feel it pulling against the hardened, now cooled wax.  Harry picked up the vibrator, turned it on and placed it against Grace’s vagina.  the rhythmic pulses made Grace grow wet and she could feel the pulses penetrating deep inside her.  Harry then took the implement (a flogger he later called it) in his other hand and started to swing it back and forth occasionally allowing the tips of the tassels to strike Grace’s waxy, naked skin.  The impact stung just as Grace expected it to and the wax was beginning to be chipped away by the tassels.  There were so many tassels that it was hard for a stroke to miss any part of her exposed body.  Her pubes were taking the same beating that her tits were and everything in between.  Occasionally one of the strands would find its way to where the vibrator was working it’s magic. To Grace the sting and pain of the implement and the pleasure and enjoyment of the vibrator became a symphony of sensation for her.  She found that she was enjoying both of them immensely.  The harder Harry pressed the vibrator to her body the harder he started swinging the implement until Grace couldn’t tell if her cries were of rapture or torture.  Grace could feel the sensations mounting inside of her. She was again ready to come.  In Grace’s mind, Harry had worked so hard to build her to this moment an she desperately wanted his permission.  Somehow, between the ecstacy and the anguish Grace was able to utter these words:  “Please, Master, may I come?”

“Yes, Grace.  You may come.”
