Cry Little Sister (part one) [No Sex] [half-siblings] [Secrets] [Soothing]

I’ve had my eye on this particular girl for a while. I almost had the fantasy of her ruined when she turned up pregnant at nineteen, refusing to confirm who the father of her baby was, which made most people assume it was someone in a high ranking position of power in her life, whether familial, scholarly, or professionally was up in the air for most people.

She was having a hard time shortly after having the baby, a son that she doted on constantly. So I offered to stop in and help her out, “I’m family, let me give you a little break, you’ve been going non-stop for six months on your own,” I said to her.

She was hesitant at first, but soon caved and took me up on my offer. I was great with the kid, I got him laughing and squealing in delight at my antics as his mom watched nervously, “See, he’s fine with me. Two guys just hanging out being bros, right little man?” Tyler squealed and laughed in delight as I bounced him in my arms.

Julia furrowed her brow but left her son in my care while she allowed herself the time to sit and soak in the bathtub for the first time since she had him. Julia is my younger sister. We have the same dad but grew up with our moms, only really interacting with each other when he had both of us at his place. I was a bit of a delinquent growing up and her mom didn’t want me to rub off on the sweet little brunette honor roll student so our dad had to keep us at separate times most of the time but our times often overlapped more than her mom would’ve liked.

I looked forward to the overlaps once I figured out that the sweet little brunette honor roll student was a secretive delinquent herself and, yeah, I took the blame for her on quite a few occasions. She was both dumbfounded by my willingness to be grounded for her hidden drugs, and appreciative that I didn’t rat her out.

After dad died she and I grew closer, really developing that sibling bond that we’d missed out on by growing up together but separate at the same time. Now, I was standing in her kitchen with her six-month-old son, dancing around to make him laugh while I made some pasta. I knew she hadn’t had a real meal in a long time. She had an apple here a bite of a sandwich there, but she didn’t slow down for herself and today I was seeing to it that she did.

She had a towel wrapped around he and her hair bound up in an old t-shirt when I turned around from the stove, “You’re cooking while you hold him?!” She snapped as she rushed over towards us.

I held him away from her and dropped the spoon back into the sauce pot, “Stop, Jules. I’m being careful, he’s not going to get hurt, I promise.”

Tyler started to tear up and I resumed dancing around the kitchen with him, getting him laughing, then I grabbed Julia’s hand and twirled her with us. She was tense, a deep scowl contorted her usually softly featured and smiling face. I started singing as we danced together and her scowl softened but the tenseness remained in her.

I guided her over to the bar and sat her at a chair then returned to making dinner for her as Tyler began to suck on his hand. I looked down then looked back to Julia, “Alright, mom, you’re up, I don’t have the equipment he’s looking for,” I said with a laugh as I handed him off to her.

She started to get up and I stopped her, “Stay and talk to me while I finish up dinner,I won’t look,” I said.

Julia nodded and I turned away so she could feed Tyler privately, “Do you still hate olives in salads?” I asked.

“Yeah, you…you made salad while holding him?” She asked.

I laughed, “No, I’m about to make a salad though. Cooking with a baby in my arms is one thing, handling a knife around grabby baby fingers is another.”

I let everything simmer together for the last couple of minutes while I threw together a simple salad for us and pulled the bread out of the oven. I could feel her watching me and, as much as I wanted to look and sneak a peek at her tit while she fed her kid, I kept my word and didn’t look. “How did you do all of this while holding him?” she asked, sounding incredulous all the while.

“I was the oldest in my family. I know you were the youngest in yours, but I grew up helping my mom with my younger siblings. It just becomes second nature after a little while,” I said as I glanced back.

I blushed as her tit was on full display while she swapped her son to the other breast. She was looking down at him and I quickly looked away, but I’d be lying if I said the trickle of milk on the breast she switched from wasn’t kind of arousing to me. I pushed it out of my head, she’s a mom, she’s nursing, it isn’t a sexual thing and I shouldn’t be making it into one.

I started prepping the table and had everything plated and ready just as the little man had fallen asleep. I went over and got him from her as she covered herself back up, “I’ll put him to bed, you go sit at the table and eat, I’ll be right out to join you okay?”

She nodded, a dreamy look on her face, “It smells wonderful,” she said softly.

I smiled and took Tyler down the hall and to his nursery, he was out. I turned on the baby monitor and brought the receiver back out to the table with us. She looked ravenous as she savored every bite of the spaghetti and meatballs, “This is so good, Derry,” she said as she looked up at me.

“I’m guessing it’s been a while since you had something home cooked?” I asked.

She nodded, “I haven’t had time to really cook lately. I’m still trying to find a job that will let me work around mom’s hours so she can watch him for me and no one wants to budge on it. The money dad left me is running out and I’m stuck. I don’t know how to work around all of it and be a good mom to Ty.”

My brow furrowed, “Have you reached out to my mom?” I asked.

She stopped eating and looked at me, a certain nervousness was evident on her face, but I dismissed it, “No…why would I reach out to your mom?”

“You’re family and she runs a daycare. Plus she’s still on me about settling down and having kids of my own. She’s desperate for grand-babies and my other siblings and I are not delivering,” I said with a smile.

“I can barely afford to keep things going here right now, I can’t afford a daycare for Ty,” she said softly.

I laughed lightly, “You’re family, Jules. Mom’s not gonna charge you for watching Ty, she’s going to beg you to bring him by more often just for the opportunity to take care of a real baby with a familial connection to her, even if not directly familial.”

She started eating again and seemed deep in thought, “You really think she would?”

“Want me to call her and ask now?” I asked.

Julia shook her head, “Tomorrow maybe? I have an interview at ten…if…if I can find someone to watch him for regular business hours I might actually have a shot at landing the job.”

“I’ll call in the morning and ask her, in the meantime, eat. You look like you’ve been starving yourself,” I teased.

She lifted her fork and pointed it at me, “That’s because I have been. I didn’t know this would be so hard.”

We finished eating and she insisted on doing the dishes. I let her, but I helped dry and put them away for her. Then I grabbed her hand and started singing and dancing around the kitchen with her again. She smiled and I felt the tension easing in her body, relaxing for probably the first time in months. We danced over to the couch and I sat down and pulled her down to the floor in front of me, “Sit here for a minute,” I said as I put my legs on either side of her, “let me give you a massage so you aren’t all stiff and uptight at your interview in the morning.”

She put her hand up on mine and looked back at me, “Why is it that you’re the one reaching out and taking care of me when the rest of the family just sees me as the disappointment that got knocked up by a mystery man then dropped out of college?”

“Jules…I’m the delinquent remember? I’ve gotta make it look like I’m corrupting you so your mom will just blame me for being a bad influence on you. She can’t possibly accept that holding you so tightly under her thumb made you crave little tastes of rebellion instead of keeping you prim and proper like she wanted,” I smiled as she pouted.

“You were never a delinquent Derry,” she said softly.

“Pot…pot…E…condoms…dirty magazines…pot…heroin…pot…E…,” I said as I looked up to the ceiling, “Yeah, I think I was the delinquent.”

She tugged my hand, “Why did you take the blame for all of that?” she asked.

“Because if it was you that got caught with that shit at dad’s then your mom wouldn’t let you go back over and I wouldn’t ever get to see you again. Don’t tell my other siblings, but you were always my favorite,” I said as I rubbed her shoulders.

She shrugged me off of her and got up, “I need to check on Ty,” she said softly.

I sighed and leaned back on the couch, my hands rubbed my own temples. That was a dumb thing to admit to. We were only a few months apart in age and I thought it was awesome. I had a little sister that I could talk to and be real with without having to dumb shit down or baby her because she’s so much younger than me. Our moms both hated that we were so close in age. I think part of that was they were both afraid I’d be a real delinquent and fuck around with her. But, damn, I had some morals as a teenager and I could appreciate that my little sister was hot without needing to cross any boundaries with her.

She came back out and had on a night shirt I’d bought her for her sixteenth birthday. I laughed when I saw it, “Oh my god,” I said, “You still have that thing?”

She tugged on it, it was a little tighter and shorter than it used to be on her, and shrugged, “It’s my favorite thing to sleep in.”

Julia climbed up on the couch with me, “Are you going to stay the night?” she asked.

“Do you need me to?”

She nodded and I smiled, “Then I’ll stay the night.”

I held my arms open and shifted on the couch so she could climb in front of me and I could hold her, “Movie?” I asked.

“You figured it out, didn’t you?” she asked quietly as she settled into the space I made for her.

I played dumb, “Figured what out, Jules?”

“Who Ty’s dad is,” she said as she looked up at me.

“I have a theory,” I said.

“Who’s your theory?”

I leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Someone that knows he’s never touched you before.”

She wiped a few tears from her eyes, “I’m sorry,” she said softly.

I just held her close to me and repeated my question, “Movie?”

She nodded and I reached for the remote, flipping through the options until we landed on Labyrinth, our favorite movie growing up. I pulled her tightly to me and breathed in the scent of her shampoo, honey and jasmine. She clung tightly to my arm and I closed my eyes.

I was the delinquent, but she’s the one that paid a girl off to sleep with me and bring her back the condoms we used. Ty wasn’t an accident and I wish I’d figured that out on my own. The girl she paid dumped me just before Ty was born. She said it was too weird to see me doting on my pregnant sister and I didn’t get it at the time. I wrote her off as crazy because she was jealous that I was taking care of family instead of devoting all of my time and attention on her.

Then I got a baby picture of Tyler and mom put it in the corner of the frame that held a baby picture of me and Jules together. I called the ex up and begged her to tell me what she knew. She told me everything. Called Jules a crazy incestuous cunt and I went off, defending my sister, not believing it for a second, thinking she was still jealous of the relationship I had with my sister. But seeing the way Julia had been looking at me since Tyler was born…like she was on edge and just waiting for me to find out and hate her, yeah it made me question it enough that I had a buddy do a DNA test when Ty went for his six month check up.

Julia moved in her sleep and my grip on her tightened, “Jules,” I whispered.

She stirred and looked at me, clearly half asleep, “Can you tell me why?” I asked.

I stroked her hand as she looked at me, “I didn’t have a reason,” she said softly.

“I don’t believe you. You know it’s going to get out eventually. When it does…they’re all going to assume I either manipulated you, or seduced you, or…or even raped you, and I haven’t touched you like that, ever,” I said.

She nodded, “I’ll tell them what I did if it gets out.”

“They will think you’re trying to protect me. You tried to take the blame for the heroin dad found…I got sent to rehab for a drug I didn’t even take and you got chastised for being an enabler,” I said.

I moved my hand up to her cheek, caressing her, “Please tell me why?” I asked her gently.

Tyler started crying and I clenched my jaw as I let her up form the couch. I waited a few minutes then went to Tyler’s room and watched her change his diaper, then pat his back and rock him until he fell back to sleep. She put him back to bed and came to the door with me. She tried to push past me but I grabbed her wrists and pinned her to the wall just outside of our son’s bedroom.

My lips were right beside her ear, “Tell me why,” I said as my grip on her wrists tightened.

Her breath caught and she spoke quietly, “Because I knew you’d be there for him in a way that dad wasn’t there for either of us, even if you never found out he was yours. Because I trust you. Because…because…everyone tried to keep us apart and I hated it.”

She lifted her head and looked at me, neither of us were hiding the glossy sheen of tears threatening to fall from our eyes, “I’m sorry, Derry. I…I’m a fucking mess if you haven’t noticed and I’m so sorry I dragged you into this against your will, but I love our son and I love you,” the catch in her voice made my tears flow first, but I embraced her in a tight hug as she cried hard on my chest.

I sat on the floor with her and held her tightly to me, “I’m not asking you for anything,” she whispered between wracked sobs, “you didn’t ask for this…it was my choice…he’s my responsibility and I will take care of him and I don’t expect you to…to interrupt your life because…because…”

My hand stroked her hair down her back softly, “Shhh,” I said as I soothed her.

Her sobs gave her hiccups as I patted her back and held her to me. I looked in the door to Tyler’s room, he was fast asleep in his crib. I let go of Julia long enough to pick her up and carry her down the hall to her bedroom. Her eyes were red and her nose was sniffly as I put her down in the bed. I grabbed her a tissue and looked at her, weighing out my options here.

“We could save some money by moving in together,” I said.

“There’s not a third bedroom?” she said, choked in sobs.

“I can sleep on the couch. My place is a studio, I sleep on the couch there too,” I said with a smile.

“You don’t have to…you shouldn’t feel obligated. You didn’t have any part in creating him, not really, I mean,” she said.

“Yeah, I’m kind of disappointed in that, actually,” I said as I looked her over.

She leaned over to me and kissed me on the lips softly. I didn’t pull away but I didn’t kiss back either. Her lips stuck to mine slightly as she pulled away, “Me too,” she said softly.

I went and got the baby monitor from the other room then came back and put it on the bedside table before I climbed into the bed behind her. We didn’t say another word, she just moved back against me until her head was on my shoulder and I wrapped my arms tightly around her body. At some point her sobs subsided and we both fell asleep.



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