The House Always Wins (part six) [No Sex]

I was wearing a simple white summer dress with a pink cardigan over it when Finn walked me up to the main office of a movie theater. The nephew with the largest dick was coming out of the door. I smiled when I saw him and he blushed. Circumstances be damned, he had a nice dick that I wouldn’t mind having again if lubed up properly. He took me inside and Finn tried to follow but the nephew of the old man shoved him back then closed and locked the door.

“I’m Bodhi, by the way,” he said shyly.

I smiled, “Hi Bodhi. We may not get to speak again, I’m pretty sure your uncle is going to want me killed when I tell him what I came here to tell him.”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me back, “Then don’t tell him.”

I shook my head, “I feel like your uncle is the type of man that doesn’t like being lied to and would take it out on people I love if he found out from anyone besides me.”

He let go of my hand and pushed himself up against me, he was hard, the heavy bulge pressed tightly to my thigh and stomach. I tilted my head and smiled at him, “I don’t think your uncle would approve of you fucking me without his permission, but feel free to ask him when we get into his office and I’ll happily climb on your lap if he approves.”

Bodhi smirked at me, “You are a very clever girl.”

“I can spot a trap a mile away when I’m not drunk or drugged first,” I whispered to him.

He lead me down the hallway and into an office where the old man sat behind a desk. It wasn’t the kind of office I expected. There were old movie posters and a popcorn machine, a wall of snack boxes and a fridge full of sodas. His desk was made of old movie reels. The old man raised his head as Bodhi entered and cleared his throat. I walked in just behind his nephew and the old man smiled.

“Want another round, babydoll?” he asked with a smirk.

“I just came to tell you that you aren’t going to get me pregnant,” I said, “No matter how many times you fuck me, it’s not going to happen.”

“And why’s that?” He asked as he clasped his hands in front of him.

“I had ovarian cancer six years ago. I didn’t freeze any eggs beforehand, I didn’t see a point. I was expected to die but I beat the odds,” I said as bluntly as I could.

The old man sighed and looked me over, “Does anyone else know?” He asked.

I looked back to his nephew, the only other person in the room, “You two, my doctors, and my mom,” I said.

“And it can be confirmed medically?”

“I’ll give you the names of the doctors that treated me and you can have your doctor confirm with them,” I said.

“Why didn’t you say any of this earlier?” He asked.

I clenched my jaw and looked to the ground, “It didn’t matter at first. If I had told you this afternoon then Liam would have heard and I don’t want him to know.”

“The cancer’s back isn’t it?” he asked.

I nodded, “There are tumors on my liver, my lungs, and my brain. I’ve chosen to not go through treatment again. My odds before weren’t great. Now? Betting on me to beat it is the longshot of longshots even with aggressive treatment. Would make an amazing payout if I managed it though,” I said with a slight smile.

“Four months is the prognosis?” he asked.

I smirked, “And how would do you know that?”

“It stuck with me how you jumped straight to four months instead of making a leap to something more negotiable down to four months. That was your time frame, the maximum I’d likely have access to use you and you knew it,” he said.

He tapped his fingers on his desk, “Go through the treatment and I’ll forgive Finn’s debts in full. Whether it’s successful or not. Your boyfriend will be off the table, too.”

I looked back to his nephew, who looked just as confused as I felt, “Why?” I asked as I turned back to the old man.

“I like the longshots,” was all he said as he motioned for Bodhi to leave.

Once it was just the two of us he got up and walked around the desk, then leaned back against it as he looked at me, “I’ve had girls come through here with mouths on them that got them into more trouble than they were worth. Have had some that just laid down and took it. Some just cried. You participated until you physically couldn’t. Someone like that has too much life left in them to just lie down and give up,” he said.

“I’m not lying down and giving up. I fought my fight. I don’t have anymore rounds in me,” I said.

He shook his head, “That’s not true. I think you’re afraid your boyfriend won’t want to leave his wife and family behind for you if you survive it. Right now you know he doesn’t have to commit to you for more than a few months and you wouldn’t let him leave them if he tried. First love I’m guessing?” he asked.

I nodded.

He smiled and looked down to the floor, nodding, “Liam’s his name, right?”

I nodded again.

“Don’t take the opportunity for him to be with you away thinking you’re being selfless by not holding him down with the possibility of sadness. He will find out you died. He will find out how and that you knew you were dying when you came to see him. Not being there with you when you die? That will make every day he can bear to still be around torture,” he said.

“You’re not mad that I let you think I could have kids instead of telling you that wasn’t an option right away?” I asked.

He shook his head, “I do want to know though, why’d you take the contraceptive if you knew it wasn’t a risk?”

“It was easier than working out why there was no risk instead of very slight risk without divulging the cancer treatment,” I said.

There was a pause as he digested what I said.

“May I go?” I asked.

He nodded, “Do you want me to continue coming to keep the facade of you being fertile up for him?” He asked as I approached the door.

“I’m leaving tonight. I’ve interrupted his life enough for now,” I said.

“Leave your personal details with Bodhi and when Finn pays me back I’ll forward the payment to you,” he said as he motioned me away.

“And,” he said as I opened the door, “I expect to see you again when you beat the odds.”

I smiled, “Tell you what, put half of the money on me to win, and send the other half to my mom for my funeral when I lose. I’ll be back to collect my winnings from you directly should the house fail to win for once.”

He chuckled and shook his head, “I’ve never wanted to lose money before.”

I went through the door and Bodhi was there waiting, “Uncle wants your mother’s information, just in case, and the names of the doctors that treated you.”

I nodded and gave it to him. Before we made it to the other door, he turned me around and looked me in the eye, “Telling him the truth was brave, but if you’re lying to him about it, he will be extremely hard on you. He lost his only daughter to cancer when she was really little and it’s his one soft spot.”

I removed my cardigan and showed him the two small scars from the PICC line on my inner upper arm, “I’m not lying about it. Even with everything else that your uncle has put me through since I got here…having a seizure in front of my friend is the only thing I’ve really been afraid of.”

I put my cardigan back on as he opened the door and Finn jumped up as he looked at me, “We’re going back to your house to get my stuff, then I need you to take me to the train station so I can go home,” I said.

He looked at Bodhi then looked at me, “You’re not going to tell me what happened?” he said as we started leaving.

I shook my head, “You don’t need to know.”

Packing was uneventful. I wrote Liam a note and gave it to Finn. He took me down to the platform at the station and sat with me. When the train was pulling into the station I looked at him, “Tell Liam I’m sorry for interrupting his life. I never intended to come between him and his wife. I really did just want to see him happy. I didn’t even expect him to recognize me.”

“I always thought it was odd that he married her,” he said as he helped me get my bags in an easier to carry set up.

“Why’s that?” I asked.

“They have nothing in common,” he pulled out his wallet and gave me a picture of Liam and Tracy from their wedding.

It made me well up and I looked at him, “She’s not me, no matter what she looks like. He knows she’s not me and she’s never going to be me.”

Finn nodded, “Yeah, and I think that’s where most of their problems are. He wants her to be you and he always has. Tell me, your perfume, is it called Midnight Oud?”

“Yeah, what about it?”

“She hates it and he’s been trying to get her to wear it for years,” he said.

I tried not to smile, “Remind him that he didn’t marry me. He’s always known how to find me and he chose not to come looking.”

I got on the train and left. I didn’t want to go through treatment again. But I didn’t have to survive the treatment to keep Liam safe and my mom wouldn’t have to worry about my funeral. I could endure it for them, I’d burdened them enough in my lifetime, maybe torturing myself with the tiniest sliver of hope, earning them some money to ease the cost of my existence, maybe that was how I made up for it.


1 comment

  1. Damn, that was a twist. Great story.

    I’m not crying, I’m just cutting onions.

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