The House Always Wins (part five) [Blowjob] [vaginal]

I must have fallen asleep at some point after the bath, and slowly awoke to Finn and Liam arguing about something. I wanted to know what it was so I went over to the doorway and sat down beside the open door, being careful that they didn’t see me get up and I listened to them.

“I can’t keep covering for you with Tracy,” Finn said, “You haven’t been home on time in over a week and you’ve stayed overnight here while blaming an out of town work thing more than is believable. She’s wanting me to follow you to find out if you’re cheating on her.”

“So do it and find nothing,” Liam said.

“I’m not lying to her anymore. You need to be done with this. It’s safer for your friend if she leaves and goes far the fuck away from here anyway. She was just supposed to leave after, not hang around and fuck you anyway,” Finn retorted.

“Fine, I’ll just go to Tracy and tell her all about you drugging my friend and letting her be raped to the point of needing a god damned blood transfusion by guys you owe money to and how I’ve been looking after her wounds so your ass doesn’t end up dead or in jail because of how much they actually hurt her.”

I tugged on the shirt I was wearing and listened to them some more.

“That asshole came back today and fucked her again while I was here like it was nothing to him. He made her take a pregnancy test, he was told about her getting the contraceptive. What part of ‘I love her’ didn’t you get, Finn? Huh? Is this the kind of shit you expect me to do to Tracy? ‘Cause I recall asking you to treat her like you’d want me to treat your sister.”

I heard Finn fall to the ground, I think Liam pushed him down, Liam’s voice cracked with emotion as he continued, “She made me not interfere. Do you know how hard it was to sit here and know my best friend was in the next room being raped and if I interfered the likelihood of one of us dying was high? I couldn’t make myself leave either. I just sat there and let it happen like a god damned coward.”

“It’s you they’d kill,” Finn said. “They’d probably make her watch then take her with them after. You getting yourself killed trying to stop it doesn’t help her at all.”

“How are you so fucking passive about this? I love her, you asshole. You were supposed to be my best friend and watch out for her, protect her, fucking love her as much as I do just out of respect for me. You knew about her. I told you about her all the time. You knew that, out of everyone I’ve ever been with, she was the most important to me, the only one that mattered. But you still set her up to be raped repeatedly and you don’t even care in the slightest,” Liam said in a harsh whisper.

“I didn’t know her, I only knew of her,” he said.

I could hear Liam’s knuckles pop as he clenched his fist and I got up and walked out into the other room, Finn sat on the floor by the front door, his back against the wall and Liam was about to cock back his fist, “Liam, you should go home to your wife for a few days,” I said, “I’m doing a lot better now, no infection, everything is healing alright, go home and be with your family.”

He winced, like the reminder that he has a family was painful for him. He turned and looked at me, “Not tonight,” he said softly.

I moved over to him and held his hand, forcing him to unclench his fist to grasp my fingers, “Yes, tonight. You’ve spent hours looking after me over the past week or so. You’ve already done more than you should have with taking care of me.”

He squeezed my hand, his face was full of sorrow as he looked at me, “I’m so sorry, Gin.”

I smiled, “I know, now go home.”

He grasped the side of my face with one hand and kissed me passionately then looked to his brother-in-law, “If she’s hurt, in any way, when I get back, you’re not ever gonna have any kids.”

He reluctantly left and I went back inside and laid down on the couch, “You can have your bed back, I don’t think I need it anymore.”

Finn came over and sat on the floor in front of me, “I’m fine on the couch,” he said in a gruff and huffy voice.

“What was your plan before you realized I was going to be drugged?” I asked.

“Bring you home, have a good night, then beg them to kill me and take my stuff and not to take it out on my sister,” he said as he looked at me.

“Did she end up giving you the money to pay them off?” I asked.

He nodded, “I have to wait for it to clear the lawyers then I can hand it over with interest. She’s really pushing them to clear it, so hopefully it will be sooner than later.”

“Did you know it would be so violent?”

He shook his head, “No. I’d heard stories from other guys with their girlfriends or wives, but I only ever heard mention of a couple of guys taking turns for a little while. I’ve never heard of the family participating at all.”

“Lucky us,” I said with a slight smile.

He half smirked at me, “Why’ve you been so chill with this?” he asked. “You should’ve gone to the cops that night and reported my ass for offering you up like that.”

“If you knew me, you’d know why,” I said softly.

“Hard life or something?” he asked.

I smiled, “No, nothing like that. I’m just a people pleaser.”

“Can I ask what happened that caused you and Liam to lose touch?” he asked.

I nodded, “I went to college, he went into the army. I was very easy to manipulate without him around to get me out of things. If someone asked me to do something, I did it without question or hesitation. He came to visit me on my birthday as a surprise, we were only a few hours away from each other, so it was a day trip.”

“Were you two an item at the time?” he asked.

I shook my head, “Just friends.”

I cleared my throat and continued, “He found me in my dorm room high as a fucking kite. I was naked, dancing around my room to music only I was hearing. When I saw him I pulled him over to me and made him dance with me. I guided his hands over my body and we ended up kneeling on my bed with his dick in me from behind. We fucked throughout my high and he got me off so many times through it. He came at least twice and then we fell asleep together on my bed with his cum still leaking out of me. It was the first time we’d ever had sex, or done anything sexual, together. When he woke up later I was high again and my roommate’s boyfriend was fucking my ass while I ate her out. He pushed the boyfriend off of me and pulled me off of the bed and it started a huge, naked, fight between the two of them. He told me I could leave with him or never speak to him again. I stayed at my school and he started returning my letters and blocking me from contacting him. We were nineteen.”

“What brought you back into his life now?” Finn asked.

“I just wanted to see if he was happy. I needed him to be happy,” I said.

“He was happy until you showed up,” Finn said.

I nodded, “Yeah, I know. I fucked it up, as usual. I’m catching on that I’m bad for him, I’ll be leaving soon.”

“If you leave without Barry getting what he wanted…,” he started.

“I’m not going to leave Liam in danger. You’re going to take me to them, tonight. I have a confession I need to make. What they do with me after that is up to them,” I said.

“What’s the confession?” he asked warily.

I smiled, “You don’t need to know. Just tell Liam I left and I’m glad he’s happy with your sister.”

“You can’t tell him yourself?” he asked.

I shook my head, “If I see him, I won’t leave, and I have to leave.”

I looked at him, “You know,” I said, “You never did get that night with me.”

He chuckled, “Yeah, like you’re going to offer no…” I interrupted him with a kiss.

Finn froze up and pulled away, “What the hell?”

“I’m a people pleaser and you’re a person. Liam doesn’t ever have to know,” I whispered as I climbed down beside him.

He watched as I pulled my shirt off, which was actually Liam’s shirt, then ran my fingertips down his neck and chest until I had my hands under his shirt, lifting it up off of his frame. He didn’t resist. Finn was a little more muscular than Liam and I ran my fingertips along the defined lines of his muscles and whispered, “You just can’t cum in me, okay?”

He stroked my cheek and looked me in the eye, trying to gauge my actual interest and intent. I leaned over and kissed him softly as I unfastened his belt and his jeans. He lifted up onto his knees and I carefully slid my hands over his ass as I pulled his pants and underwear down to his knees. His dick was significantly shorter than Liam’s but just as thick. I knelt down and put my lips on him and he groaned.

I toyed with him more than I had with Liam, the shorter length made it easier for me suck down his entire shaft and get his balls into my mouth for some gentle lifting with my tongue and sucking on them. He groaned and gently thrust his dick against my tongue, savoring it as I sucked on him and stroked his base and saliva coated balls each time I pulled back to focus on his tip.

I pulled my lips off of him and tilted my head to the side slightly, “Do you want to fuck me or do you want me to fuck you?” I asked.

He sat back on his knees and pulled me up onto his lap.

We both groaned as he thrust into me, “Both,” he whispered before kissing me deeply and rocking his hips as he urged me to lift up and down his shaft. I had my hands on his shoulders and moaned loudly as he shifted beneath me slightly. He went between busying my mouth with his tongue and letting his tongue ravish my tits until they were peaked and glistening for his sucking and groping pleasure.

We’d been fucking for a very short period of time when he pulled out and stroked himself off between us, he coated my belly and the undersides of my tits in his cum. I smiled and kissed him as he trembled under me, “Now take me to the man you owe money to, Finn, and let’s get me out of your brother-in-law’s life so he can go back to being happy.”
