The Secret Life of Grace Harper: A True Submission Story Book Two

I’m back with another story. Thank you so much for the kind and encouraging words on my first story. Here is part one of three of my second story. Please comment if you like it and if you want to read book one of my true submission series follow me or send me a direct message or chat. I’m still new to all if this and would welcome any comments you may have.

The Secret Life of Grace Harper.

Grace picked at her sushi. She always brought sushi to work. The store was on her way to work and it was easy to stop by each morning on the way. Every day for 12 years it was the same routine. Get up, shower, get dressed, grab some coffee and head out the door. Rain or shine, snow or hail she would stop by the store on her way to work and grab some sushi for lunch.

“You going to stare at that nigiri or you going to eat it?” Rachel had been Grace’s work bestie for 7 of those 12 years. They hit it off instantly when Rachel transferred over from another floor. Every day without fail they meet in the break room at 11:45 for lunch. Rachel had more varied taste and her current lunch consisted of leftovers from the dinner she made last night. Grace could smell the freshly cut green beans from her seat.

“Yea I’m getting around to it Rach.” Grace stared at the two light pink pieces of salmon in her box. She put her chopsticks down and gently stroked her hand over the spongy fish. She blushed. Just then she felt something brush past her leg. Was Rachel touching her leg?

Before she could articulate a question she felt it again, this time on her inner thigh. Rachel had her hand up Grace’s blue sun dress and was inching her way deeper and deeper into Rachel’s thighs. Soon Grace felt two fingers pressed against her panties slowly massaging her labia.

“What are you doing, Rach?” Grace was blushing, but she didn’t want her friend to stop.

“Nothing you haven’t secretly wanted for years,” Rachel said as she stood up and moved to the break room door. Rachel gently shut the door and turned the lock. “If you’ll quit looking at that sushi and finish it we have ten whole minutes before anyone else even thinks about coming into this room, but I think I can make you come in half that time.”

Rachel slowly walked to the chair that Grace was sitting in and slowly lifted her up to her feet. Grace was silent but she didn’t resist. Grace could hear and feel the zipper on the back of her dress slowly moving from her shoulders down to the top of her purple thong. Grace felt a slight draft as her beautiful dress plummeted into a clump on the tiled floor of the break room.

Grace has happy that she had been wearing her favorite pair of undergarments: a matching purple bra and panty thong set that left little to the imagination downstairs and produced the perfect amount of cleavage up top. “What’s the use in having a favorite pair of panties if no one can see them” she thought.

Rachel slowly moved her hands from Grace’s labia up the valley of her bottom to the top of her panties and then pulled them down to her ankles. Grace had already started to get wet, but this only helped matters. Rachel quickly spun Grace around, placed both hands on her firm bottom and lifted Grace onto the break room table. The leftover sushi and green beans were now in the floor. With one hand Rachel pushed Grace down on her back and with the other she started to raise Grace’s legs straight in the air and then back towards Grace’s head.

“Grab your legs at the knees and pull them towards your head as far as you can.” Rachel was now the boss and Grace was ready to be a company girl.

Grace was completely exposed. Grace had never seen every inch of her vagina before except in pictures she would snap of herself, and she was very aware that Rachel had a much better view than she did. Rachel again started with her hands on Grace’s bottom and worked her way to the folds of her crotch. Rachel slowly crept inside of Grace, then, using both hands, she unfolded Grace’s vagina and plunged her tongue directly into the center. She never lost eye contact with Grace, and as Rachel worked Grace’s eyes were filling with tears. Suddenly Rachel inserted two of her fingers as far as she could into Grace and started to thrust. With her free hand she removed Grace’s left breast from the purple bra and started to twist her nipple hard. The sensations running through Grace’s body were about to explode when-

“What’s gotten into you lately? You seem like you are in outer space. Hello! Ground control to Major Gracie? Are you in there?”

Rachel was sitting across the table from Grace waving her hand in front of her face. Grace was completely clothed (much to her disappointment) and the green beans and sushi were still on the table. Rachel had finished her lunch, but Grace realized that she had obliterated the rest of her sushi with her hands. Now she was going to smell like salmon the rest of the day.

Grace realized she hadn’t answered her friend. “I’m sorry Rachel I just have a whole lot on my mind right now.”

“It certainly looked like it. Look we gotta get back to work, but lets talk about this on our smoke break okay?”

Neither Rachel or Grace smoked, but it never stopped them from taking the extra break to dish any good gossip they’ve come across since lunch. Rachel closed up her Tupperware and left the room. Grace threw what was left of her sushi out and left the room.

Grace had always had a vivid imagination, but she had never thought about her best friend like that. Grace wasn’t into women, but the fantasy was so vivid in her mind. Grace had about five minutes before she needed to be back at her desk so she went to bathroom and locked herself in the stall.

Grace couldn’t get her daydream out of her mind. She had to try to feel any of that again so she dropped her panties and started slowly pleasuring herself. Something was different. It wasn’t the fact that it was another woman, or her best friend, or even the touch of her labia. It was the idea of it all. The sheer spontaneity of it all, the quickness with which it all happened and the thrill of someone possibly walking in.

Grace’s life was boring. Every day the same routine: wake up, shower (see how far we can get the soap in today), dress, coffee, sushi, work. It was no different when she got home. Cook for one, Netflix, shower (maybe she can better her record with the soap), bed. Sometimes Charles would come for a visit, (Charles was Grace’s vibrator) but for the most part that was Grace’s life. Grace realized that she longed for something spontaneous, something wild and new.

Grace was late for her shift. She had already opened the stall door when she remembered her panties were still around her ankles. Now that she had moved they were caught in her heels and she very awkwardly pulled them up as she was heading to the sink. She almost tripped and left everything out there for anyone to see as they came in. Luckily no one else was in there. Grace felt almost dissapointed. Grace washed the salmon and her own scent off with some hand soap and went back to her desk. Hoping her floor manager didn’t notice.

Harry, her floor manager, had noticed. Grace had a crush on him for years, but she was pretty sure that Harry didn’t even know she existed. Except when she was late. And Grace was late a lot.

“Late again I see Miss Harper, that’s three times this week. What am I going to do about you?”

Grace was still thinking about her intimate encounter with her plate of sushi and wasn’t thinking about where she was or who she was talking to. Had she been more aware she would have realized that she was too close to Harry to say what she said to him under her breath.

“A spanking would probably fix me right up.” Only after she said it did Grace realize how close she was to her floor manager.

“What did you say Miss Harper?” Grace froze. She had to think of something quick. She frantically thought of an excuse and finally blurted out “I said please don’t suspend me sir.” That had to work, both words started with “s” so it made perfect sense in her mind. Grace blushed.

“That’s not what you said at all,” said Harry. “But I think you are right, you could use a good spanking.”

Grace couldn’t believe her ears. Had he really said that out loud in the middle of the office? Before she knew it Harry had taken her by the arm and escorted her into her office and closed the door behind them.

“You know I’m glad you mentioned this Grace because I was thinking that I was going to have to let you go, but if you think a sore, red bottom will get you in that chair behind your desk on time then I’m willing to try. I would hate to lose a good worker over something so trivial.”

Grace didn’t answer, but her heart was pounding. Harry sat down in Grace’s chair and pulled her over in front of him. “Lift your dress.” Grace paused for a minute. She didn’t know what to do, she didn’t want a spanking, but she also wanted to keep her job. “I’m not going to wait all day. Shall I go get the pink slip?” Grace took a deep breath and then raised her dress and showed her crush her favorite pair of purple panties. She was already wet from her time in the bathroom and standing there with her dress up to her breasts only made her wetter. Harry took a long look at the vibrant purple color outlined in white lace around the edges. Edges that started wide at the top then pIunged down to her crotch like runway lights begging him to follow them. It was those wider edges that he grabbed as he pulled her panties down to her knees. Grace couldn’t hold her dress and cover herself at the same time. He had told her to lift her dress, and he was the boss, and Grace was a company girl. She did what she was told and let him gaze at the dark curls of her maturity.

Grace felt a tingling sensasion not unlike the one she felt before in the break room.  There was obviously a draft in her office as she could feel her curly locks slowly brushing up against each other. She wanted to cover herself.  She wanted him to cover her, but his thoughts were on a different part of her body. This cold draft didn’t last long as she soon found herself draped over his knee with everything on display. She could feel her hair tickling her as it brushed across his clothed knees.  She wanted to touch herself, but she resisted.  Harry wasted no time. His hand came down over her bared backside with tremendous force. Grace cried out in pain. At first the rhythmic swats felt nice, but as the rhythm stopped and the severity set in, her attitude started to change. She was crying out loudly with every swat and she couldn’t tell what was turning her on more, her crush spanking her now bright, red, burning bottom or the fact that all of her coworkers, including Rachel, could hear the sound of each swat hitting her naked bottom.

He spanked her soundly for 3 minutes. She kept count on the clock in her office that she could just glimpse if she raised up enough. The swats were coming so fast and hard at one point that she was doing enough wiggling that she could see the clock at regular intervals.  When he was satisfied with the masterpiece in red that he had created on her bottom he stood her up and again moved her in front of him. She was still holding her dress, she didn’t know if it mattered or not, but she wasn’t about to disobey him now. 

He was standing now and she was facing the other direction. “No good spanking is complete without a little corner time to think about what you’ve done, but you have a mess in here Miss Harper. You can’t even get to your corners. We will have to make do with something else.” He was right. Grace’s office was always a mess. Grace had always meant to clean it up, but when you make it back to your office seconds before your shift starts everyday where is the time to clean?

Harry’s improvised corner made her wish she had found the time to clean. Harry moved some things around her office and pulled up the blinds to her inner office window. “Now everyone can see what happens to young women who can’t be on time.” Harry unzipped Grace’s dress and let it fall to the floor. She was standing there in only her bra.  He then took her by the arm and placed her sore burning bottom directly against the glass. The coolness of the glass on her bottom felt nice, but she realized that everyone could see her blistered bottom and Harry was staring at her pink throbbing pussy.

Grace’s bottom wasn’t the only burning going on down there. She was embarrased that every man on her floor was looking at her red naked bottom, but she was also wishing on anything she could that Harry would want to touch her.  Suddenly, Harry’s demeanor changed and he approached her and placed his hands in the jungle of her nether realm. Then his hand started to move south. Her labia was screaming for physical contact as his fingers slowly penetrated her.  His fingers moved in and out of her thighs and his free hand took no time unhooking her bra.  To her surprise he lifted her bra and started to bite her nipples one after another. First her left and then her right. At first it hurt, but after a while she started to like the pinching and the sharp pain followed by the coolness of his saliva as he would lick each nipple after his bite. Suddently his thrusting between her thighs had changed.  He had added another finger.  The thrusting got harder.  As he added a third finger her groin felt like it was about to explode when-

“Oh, I thought you said something else there for a second Grace.  Look, just try to be on time next week okay?”

There was Grace. Standing awkwardly in the middle of the office, fully clothed, but she couldn’t have felt more naked. “Yes, sir, I’ll try” was all she could muster as she retreated into the safety of her private office. She was relieved that he didn’t hear her, but also sad that she didn’t say it louder so he did hear her. At least it would have been something happening in her life. She spent the next few work hours behind her desk with her favorite purple panties around her knees and her left hand between her soft thighs wishing Harry, or anyone would come in and see her. No one came.

Rachel was waiting for Grace in the “smoking section” that nobody ever used.  She spoke first. “Girl were you late again? I told you to get back to work in plenty of time today, no way you were late again!”

“I don’t know, I stopped at the restroom and it just happened.”

“What were you doing in there? It doesn’t take that long to pee.” Grace shrugged.

“I just loose track of time apparently.” She wanted to tell her friend about all the crazy stuff she had been thinking about and doing that day, but she held her tongue.

“Well, at least you got to talk to your crush, even if it was just for a second.” Grace had told Rachel about her crush on Harry. Sometimes she wishes she hadn’t, sometimes she wishes that Rachel would let the cat out of the bag. 

“It was bad this time Rach.  He got on to me for being late and I whispered under my breath that he should just spank me and I think he may have heard. I played it off, but I honestly don’t know.”

“Girl, you better just tell him how you feel or you really are going to say something that gets you in trouble.”

“I know, but I’m way too scared.  It’s too bad too, a spanking would have been so hot.”

“Girl, one day you are going to have to put on your big girl panties and tell that man how you feel.” Funny thing is, Grace had her panties off just five minutes before.

“One day…maybe.” As Grace left the break room she noticed Harry walking about 10 or so feet in front of her.  Had he been passing the door when she was talking about the spanking?  Did he hear? Part of her wanted to die right then and there and yet another part of her wanted to yell out what a nice butt he had and see if she could get in trouble again. Grace blushed and she made a rash decision.  she ran as fast as she could down the hallway and pinched his bottom as hard as she possibly could. 

Harry immediately turned around and grabbed her by her waist and pushed her into the closet right beside them. He pushed her right up against the cleaning supplies and started ripping her dress to get at her breasts.  She loved the bra, but didn’t care about the dress.  after exposing her breasts he then put his hand under what was left of her dress and grabbed her panties right where her labia started and with one hand pulled them off.  He stood up and grabbed her dress and wrenched it to the floor, then he lifted her up and placed her on a single shelf on the opposite wall.  He spread her legs as wide as he could and drove his tongue as far into her as far as he possibly could.  It was all she could do to stay quiet.  When he had eaten his fill, he stood up and began to kiss her hard and long on the mouth.  She could taste herself in his kisses. She bit his lip, partly on accident, but when it happened she just went with it.  She couldn’t tell if he liked it or not because he immediately grabbed her and flipped her over. with one hand he started thrusting into her thighs again and with the other he started to spank her bottom again.  Then she heard a sound. It sounded like metal and leather.  Then she felt it. His belt was coming down on her bottom like a red hot firepoker. Every stroke was followed by another thrust into her throbbing pussy. Grace screamed in pain at the belt and in joy at the thrusting between her legs.  Each stroke fell harder and harder and each thrust was longer and more violent until-

“Gracie if you don’t get back to your desk right now you really will get fired.”  Grace had never before been more annoyed at hearing Rachel’s voice, but she was right. She couldn’t afford anymore messups today.

Five o’clock seemed like it would never come, and neither would Grace today apparently.   It didn’t help that she couldn’t stop removing her panties and fondling herself every time she was alone.  She wanted desperately to come, to feel that release, but she couldn’t bring herself all the way. Even the taboo setting of her office wasn’t enough. Grace yearned for more. She made sure to pull her panties up before she left her office.  She didn’t want another bathroom stall incident.  She started the same old Friday night walk home that she always did.  Took the elevator down to the first floor, said goodbye to the receptionist Julie and made her way home.  She was just crossing the parking lot and weaving in and out of the parked cars because it was a quicker way home when suddenly she felt a hood being pulled over her head.  She felt strong arms grab her waist from behind. There was a strange odor coming from the hood that was placed over her head, then everything went black.
