The House Always Wins (part two) [Hand Job] [Caring] [Cheating]

He locked the door behind him and gathered my clothes from the floor where Finn had put them, “What the fuck happened?” he asked as he walked over to us.

“I just got your brother-in-law six months to pay off a debt he owes,” I said.

Finn looked nervous as Liam looked over to him, “What does that mean?”

I tried to stand and nearly crumpled to the floor as both Liam and Finn reached out to grab me and steady me. I leaned back against the counter by the sink, “It means,” I said as I looked at Finn, “that some guys came around and found me and Finn back here and decided to threaten him. I offered them another option and they took me up on it a little more thoroughly than I thought they would.”

Liam looked at the floor, the mix of bodily fluids still coated the floor in front of the chair, “Finn, go get some ice from the bar,” he said as he knelt down and helped me get my skirt back on. He tried to get my panties back on me, but it hurt to wear them so he pulled them back off.

Finn left the room and Liam locked the door behind him before he came back over to me, “Tell me what really happened. You were signaling that you were in trouble, I remember our codes and you used one of them,” he said as he pulled my sweater down over my bruised breasts.

“Did I? It must have been accidental, I don’t remember the codes,” I lied. “But, my sex life is none of your concern, Liam,” I said as a light knock sounded at the door.

Liam hesitated, “This doesn’t look like a sex life, Gin. It looks like you were fucking brutalized.”

He went over to the door and let Finn back in before locking it again. “What about you?” he asked his brother-in-law, “Are you going to tell me what happened?”

He looked over to me then back to Liam, “It was just what she said. We were messing around back here, you saw the photos of it. Some guys I owe money to interrupted, tried to get rough with me and she offered herself up to them to get me an extension,” he said.

Liam looked him over, “Yeah. It really looks like they roughed you up and went easy on her,” he said.

He put my arm around his shoulder and looked to his brother-in-law, “We’re going back to your place so your sister can’t bitch at me for looking after her. You are going to be a fucking shadow and not say a thing or do a thing unless I give you permission and nothing I say or do gets back to your sister.”

Finn nodded and helped hold the ice to me as he and Liam helped me from the room. Finn approached the bartender and gave him some cash. I overheard him say something about the mess and it getting more intense than he thought it would. I might’ve laughed if it didn’t hurt so much.

They drove me back to Finn’s apartment and got me upstairs. Finn set up his bed with clean sheets and folded up towels to lay me on for the bleeding. They undressed me again and Liam examined me closely. Every inch of me hurt.

“I need to see what they did, Gin,” he said softly.

Finn looked at him as I turned my head away and opened my legs, “Why do you call her Gin?” Finn asked his brother-in-law.

Liam touched me and I cringed. I felt like my body was still gaping open from the brutality of it but I knew it wasn’t. Elasticity in areas meant that, aside from a few rather deep tears on my ass and some swelling, I was already back to normal, no matter how big the cocks in me were. Liam’s fingers trailed over the bruises on my pussy and guided me over onto my stomach

“Because she always had these ginger candies on her from a company called Gin Gins. I didn’t know her name for almost two months, so I called her Gin because it was what I associated her with. Janine didn’t feel right by the time I found out her name,” Liam said as he spread me open and examined the tearing the doctor sealed back up with surgical glue, “Do you have any Vaseline?” he asked Finn.

I was looking at a wall across the room and heard a drawer open. Liam leaned down and whispered, “I’m not going to do anything, it’s just to make it more comfortable by creating less friction, okay?”

I nodded.

He rubbed the Vaseline over my pussy and ass then turned me back over onto my back on the towel, “Get some rest, I’m just going to be in the next room,” he whispered. I nodded again.

I saw Liam grab Finn’s arm and pull him into the next room. I don’t know why I lied about what happened. No, I take that back. I do know why I lied. Liam would have killed Finn and I needed Liam to not be in jail.

I don’t remember falling asleep. But I do remember waking up screaming.

Liam was in the door moments after I screamed. He jumped on the bed with me and wrapped his arms tightly around me, “It’s okay, Gin, it’s just a nightmare, you’re okay.” Finn came into the room a minute later to see his brother-in-law stroking my cheek and rocking me gently as I cried.

“I let someone drug her then offered her to the guys I owed money to,” he admitted as he watched Liam comfort me.

Liam’s grip on me tightened a little, “Do you remember what I told you before I left last night?” he asked.

Finn nodded, “Yeah.”

“What part of ‘I love her, don’t let her get in over her head, and treat her like you would want me to treat your sister’ did you not understand you ungrateful little prick,” he spat.

Finn sighed, “I didn’t know it was going to be this bad. I thought it’d be a quick fuck with a couple of guys and I’d get some time to make good on my debts.”

“Is it done?” Liam asked

Finn shook his head, “He wants to have a kid with her and he’s going to keep coming back until she gets pregnant.”

“How much do you owe?” Liam asked.

“A hundred grand,” he said quietly.

“What happens if she’s no longer available to him?” Liam asked.

“They’ll go after Tracy,” Finn responded.

“Does Tracy know how deep you’re in?” he asked his brother-in-law.

Finn shook his head, “She thinks it’s a couple grand again.”

“Tell her. Get her to sign off on the advance of your inheritance, pay them off and I swear to god if Gin doesn’t heal up properly, I will kill you myself. Call them and tell them you’re paying up and Gin’s off limits, you don’t get to fucking abuse my friends to pay off your shitty choices,” Liam snapped.

I lifted my head up and kissed Liam hard on the lips. He pulled away quickly, “And you don’t get to lie to me again. Why would you even lie about that? What do you possibly get out of pretending you wanted to be treated like that?” he asked me.

“You not going to jail because you fly into a blind rage and kill your brother-in-law,” I said.

He half smiled, “You just postponed the inevitable. I’m gonna fucking kill him, I just need him for the moment,” he said.

Liam looked over to Finn, “Go down to the pharmacy, get her emergency contraceptive and antibiotic cream.”

Finn sighed, “He’ll kill me if he finds out I interfered…” he started. He stopped as soon as he saw the look on Liam’s face, “Fine, I’m going.”

Finn left and Liam lay in bed with me, “You did remember the code?” he asked.

I nodded.

“I never should have left the bar,” he said as he kissed my cheek.

I turned and looked at him, “I think the thing you want to say is that I never should have dropped back into your life like this.”

He shook his head, “That is absolutely not what I want to say,” he returned the kiss I gave him while Finn was at the bedroom door then looked me in the eye, “What I want to say is I wish I’d never gotten married,” he said as he stroked my hair behind my ear. “What was I thinking?”

I smiled softly, “That you were saving yourself years of trouble trying to domesticate me by finding someone already domesticated enough to appear in public with.”

His lips closed over my lower lip and he clasped my hand in his, “I would’ve gone feral long before I domesticated you.”

“I can’t fuck you right now,” I whispered.

He laughed and cringed as he looked at me, “I’m not asking you to, Gin. Do you know what drug you were given?”

I shook my head, “My head felt fine, still drunk, but I felt like I was thinking alright. Just…everything else felt heavy and tired for a while. I don’t know how long, though. Then I was just drunk again. At some point I was just running on pure adrenaline, I think. I think they gave me a blood transfusion…,” I said quietly.

He hugged me a little tighter and I cringed as I turned on my side to face him. I slid my hand along his inner thigh and he smiled and moved my hand, “That’s not going to do either of us any good,” he said.

I lifted myself up onto my elbow and looked at him as I draped my hand across his inner thigh again. I brought my lips to his ear and whispered, “Now who’s lying?”

He groaned as I unfastened his pants and slid my hand inside, groping his dick through his boxers. I bit my lip and stroked his cock a few times then slid my hand into his boxers and kissed him gently. He moaned and he grasped the back of my neck and parted my lips with his tongue. I welcomed him into my mouth with a soft moan of my own. I stroked him softly with slow twists of my wrist as I made it to the top of his shaft. I pulled my lips from his and let my quickened breath be felt on his ear.

“Liam,” I whispered, “your cock feels so big and hard in my hand,” my breath caught and I whimpered as his dick twitched slightly and his grip on me tightened.

“Don’t stop, Gin,” he groaned, “please don’t stop.”

I smiled and kissed his earlobe, “I want your cum, Liam, let me have it,” I moaned as I felt his dick stiffen a little more and hot spurts of cum splashed on my body and dripped on my hand.

I kept stroking him a little and looked him in the eye, “I wish you hadn’t left the bar too. I wanted that inside of me.”

He kissed me and stroked my cheek, tears streaming down each of our faces as Finn came back into the room and tossed a bag onto the bed. I could see him in my peripheral vision and he didn’t even pretend to not see my hand on Liam’s dick, coated in his cum along with the deep flush across Liam’s cheeks as he panted and looked at me like he wanted to devour me.

“Finn,” I said without breaking eye contact with Liam as my hand continued to stroke him, “You’re going to help us be together while I’m here. You’re going to stay late in the office and you’re going to say he is too, but we’re going to be here, fucking in your bed.”

I looked over at him as Liam kissed my cheek, “Understood?” I asked in that same mocking tone the old man has said the word to me.

Finn nodded, “Yeah. How long are you here for?” he asked.

“I don’t know. As long as I need to do what I came here to do,” I said.

I brought my hand up to my mouth and started licking Liam’s cum from my fingers.

“My hotel room key is in the pocket of my skirt, go get my stuff and tell them I’m checking out early due to a family emergency. Everything is still packed up, there’s a suitcase, a backpack, and a makeup bag in the bathroom.”

Liam kissed me and looked at his brother-in-law, kissing me a little harder and deeper as he did.

Once Finn got the key and left I lay back on the bed and looked over at Liam, “Am I really that injured?” I asked.

He smiled and nodded, “Unfortunately, you are. As soon as I can do more with you, I will, I promise.”

“Can I ask what your nightmare was about?” he asked me.

I looked at him, “You showed up before they were done with me and they killed you. Don’t interfere on that end of things? I can handle it and I need you too much for you to try and be brave and manly and protective of me. You get yourself hurt and I won’t have a reason to survive it,” I said.

He stroked my cheek, “I can’t promise that.”

“If you still love me, you’ll promise me that you won’t do anything to get me out of this. Your brother-in-law got me into it, he’ll get me out, not you.”

He nodded.

“Say it, Liam,” I said sternly.

He broke eye contact with me and hesitated, “I promise that I still love you,” he said.

I smiled, “And you won’t step in to protect me?”

“I can’t, Gin. I can’t promise that. My instinct with you in trouble is to risk everything to save you.”

“I know. Mine’s the same for you. But I know if I show my weakness, and you very much are my weakness, they will hurt you to make me do whatever they want and I won’t say no if it keeps you safe.”

He sat up and got the bag Finn tossed onto the bed, inside was a box and some first aid supplies. We followed the directions on the box and I took it. Liam started cleaning my wounds and applying the creams Finn bought. It still hurt, but his fingers on me still felt nice.

I had at least a few days of healing ahead of me before we could even attempt to fuck.


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