No Apple ? for teacher [M] [panties] [true story]

I am an adjunct professor at a small college trying to teaching math to students who would rather be elsewhere.

No wild affairs here to report, but my perversion.

I was finishing up on Friday afternoon when I noticed a gym bag under the table where the attractive Tara was sitting 20 minutes prior. I assumed she would be back realizing it was missing. Not wanting to leave the bag over the weekend as the building is often used for outside purposes, I took it with me. My office was across campus, and I was ready to head home so the bag came with me.

It wasn’t until my car that the thought crossed my mind. I opened the bag and saw what looked to be workout clothes and empty water bottle earbuds and student ID. A more intent investigation revealed lime green panties that clearly had been worn. I lifted them to my nose and was rewarded. She smelled heavenly. Immediately I was hard. I have never been one to smell panties before, okay maybe one other time. This seemed so incredibly wrong I couldn’t help but becoming aroused.

Having a 35 minute drive home allowed me to take my cock out and begin to stroke. It was not easy try to drive a stick shift, stroke myself and inhale Tara’s aroma. Somehow I managed, and very quickly I was cumming. I was careful not to get any evidence on them, even though I was tempted.

I got home and recalled that my wife and kids were heading to visit her sister and I had the night to myself. In no time, I stripped down the panties we’re back to my face and again I was cumming all over my stomach.

That evening, while drinking a beer and watching TV, I received a text from Tara. I give all my students my Google Voice number. She had just realized she must have left her bag in the classroom and it had her ID. I let her know I had picked it up and could get it back to campus the next day if she needed. She replied she wouldn’t need it and could get it Monday.

This of course had me fantasizing more about the professor and student! By this time I was heading to bed and grabbed those lime green panties again.

As I was stroking and getting more aroused I put them over my cock and almost immediately was filling them as I came for the third time.

I knew that was a problem, but one I would deal with tomorrow. The next day, I tossed all her workout clothes into the wash. It would be easier to explain not wanting to leave damp clothes in a bag over the weekend than to explain those stains.

Monday came and I was in my office. This is where you want the cute Tara to come in and close the door, however reality is always like that. She came to the office, only stayed long enough to thank me and was on her way. I never knew if she realized the clothes had been laundered. I assume so.

Good memory of those cute panties.
