The Pleasure of Business: An Erotic Novel, Chapter 10 (MF) (Teasing) (Edging) (Female Orgasm)

The next morning Anna wakes up to the smell of coffee and breakfast in the room. Sitting up, she sees her boss sitting on the balcony of their room looking at the view.

Wrapping herself in a robe she walks over, sits next to him, and leans her head his shoulder, “Good morning, I haven’t slept that well in a long time…”

“Well, I did my best to wear you out,” he chuckles. “Plus fresh country air is good for the body.”

He turns and kisses her.

Anna kisses him back sweetly and giggles at your statement. “Wearing me out is an understatement, sir.”

“I didn’t know if you preferred a massage from a man or a woman. So I scheduled one of each for this evening,” he says.

“Oh, I didn’t know I had a choice! I’d prefer a man, personally. But it doesn’t matter much to me, sir. I guess we will decide when we get back this evening”.

Another kiss.

“Fredrick will be here in 2 hours to take us to the conference. How are you feeling this morning?”

Anna accepts his second kiss with a smile.

“I feel great for the most part, sir. A little nervous about today. I don’t want to send the wrong message for the company, you know? I may be sleeping with you but I do value the amount of trust you put in me for the work I do for you in the office”.

“I’m not at all worried about that. Your knowledge of who we are and what the company does is spot on,” he says as he stands and turns.

Anna smiles, “Thank you, sir. I appreciate that.”

“But you did break the skin on my neck a little bit in your enthusiasm. Guess I’ll have to keep my collar up today. And fuck is my cock sore this morning. But I’m sure you have no idea how that might have happened.”

She bites her lip and and says innocently, “I’m sorry, sir. I don’t know what my body did to make that happen. And your cock being sore must be from something else. I have no idea what could have caused that. It certainly wasn’t my tight wet holes.” She giggles as she sees his cock twitch.

“Breakfast is inside for you. We better start getting ready,” he smacks her ass and heads inside. “Go team!”

Anna jumps from the surprise smack and giggles. After consuming her breakfast, Anna lays out her wardrobe choices and asks, “What should I wear for the first day, sir? I want to make a good impression.”

He studies her selections.

“Hm… The navy skirt and pink sweater.”

He points at a blazer and blouse combo. “Save that. That is Friday’s outfit. I want you looking sexy and powerful when we are making deals. Plus maybe you’ll be a little more comfortable wearing something you know is getting your boss hard under the table.”

Anna giggles and reaches to undo her robe.

“Wait…” he stops her. “I need to leave the room. For the first time ever I don’t think I should see you naked. I’ll just want to jump on you and we don’t have time for that.”

He kisses her and gently squeezes her breasts through your robe. “But later…” He lets out a slight moan and walks out of the room.

She smiles as he leaves the room and starts to undress. “Wait, sir!” she calls after him, “Panties or no panties today?”

He stands in the door, becoming visibly erect.

“Never wear panties when you are in my presence. You saw how you had to be punished for it yesterday,” he says sternly but fighting off a grin.

She winks, “I just wanted to check, sir. Just don’t be tempted to pull me into the bathroom and fuck me at the conference.”

Then she pushes him out the door and shuts it, saying “Let me get dressed, dirty man! I’ll let you know when you can come back in.”

She dresses quickly, checks her hair and makeup in the mirror, then stands in the door and asks, “how do I look, sir? This okay?”

He looks down at his, now fully erect.

“I’d say that’s a rave review,” he chuckles. “I suppose I better put something on as well. Put this old thing away.”

Anna walks over, wraps her arms around his neck, and kisses him deeply. “You better. You’re tempting me to suck you off before we go…”

“That is not encouraging me to put clothes on, Anna,” he says kissing her back. “It’s sore. Maybe you should kiss it to make it feel better.”

She kisses him again then gets on her knees and kisses his tip before playfully flicking her tongue over it. “Like this, sir?” she says with a wink before gently grasping his shaft and kissing up and down his length.

“Yeah,” he says, moaning. “Just like that.”

He leans against the wall to keep himself from falling over.

Anna looks up at him over her glasses and winks before closing her lips around his tip and sucking gently. If he didn’t want this, he would order her to stop.

She starts to slide him in and out of her mouth, pushing him into her throat to take him from tip to base with each slow, sucking movement.

His phone goes off in the other room.

“Fuck, that is Fredrick,” he pulls himself from her mouth, and takes her face between his hands. “You are going yo finish that later.”

He walks over to the sink and fills a glass with cold water. He plunge his hard cock into the glass and lets out a disappointed groan as he goes soft. The he dries him himself and reaches for his pants. He quickly dresses, heading into the other room to grab his tie. When Anna enters he is knotting it carefully.

“Yes, I may have gotten dressed quickly after having my cock sucked enough times to have a system for it. So sue me.”

Anna smiles and giggles. “I’m not offended, sir. I just wanted to please you. I apologize for making you all excited.”

He kisses her and whispers, “Don’t ever apologize for that.”

Then he grabs their office bag and leads her out the door, and to the gate.

“Good morning, Frederick!” Anna says, climbing into the backseat. “How are you today?”

“I’d be a lot better if I got to see all the tits I know are in there!” he says in a hoarse laugh.

“Oh, Freddy, an old bastard like you has probably seen a million tits,” the boss says, climbing and closes the door.

“And I’d like to see a million more!” Frederick wheezes back.

“Get to driving, you dirty old man. We have important things to do.”

Anna smiles and pulls out her laptop to catch up on emails and get files in order before they arrive at the conference.

She giggles and whispers, “I can show Frederick my tits, sir. But I should probably wait until the last day, shouldn’t I?”

“Frederick has already seen your tits. He just didn’t know they were yours. I showed him a picture as a bonus for staying on the whole week. That said, I don’t think he’d object to seeing them again. I never do.” He winks and kisses her cheek.

“Frederick, I’ll make you a deal. I’ll show you my tits in my bra today and if you behave well enough I’ll them to you with no bra on Friday. How does that sound?”

Anna rubs her bosses thigh, thinking how badly she wants to finish what she started in the room.

“After we get to the conference,” the boss interjects. “Keep your blood in your head and focus while you’re driving, old man.”

He grabs her hand and makes her stop.

“I have the worst fucking blue balls right now. If we didn’t need to look presentable, I would make the old bastard pull over and bend you over the car right here,” he whispers to her.

Anna giggles and folds her hands in her lap, “I’m sorry, sir. I just can’t contain myself. Being with you for a whole week is making it harder for me to keep my hands, or any part of me, to myself.”

He leans over and moans in her ear but doesn’t say anything. Anna feels herself grow wetter and blushes. She deserved that.

They sit in silence for the rest of the drive. Anna takes in the scenery, still in disbelief that she is here.

As they pull up to the conference center, Frederick stops the car and turns around and looks at her with a smirk. She winks at him and lifts her sweater up, showing her lacy dark blue bra. She lets him take a nice long look then puts her sweater down and smooths her skirt out. She smiles as politely as she can. But showing her body to a stranger has just excited her even more.

“Don’t get caught wanking it in public, old man,” the boss says, exiting the car. “We need you back here at 5.”

Fredrick rolls down his window and grabs the boss’s arm. “Ask if she’ll show me her bum too!” he whispers far too loudly.

He takes his arm back and turns to link his arm in hers and leads her to the conference center.

“That’s one thing about Europe and America that isn’t so different,” he says. “Every big conference building looks pretty much the same.”

The doorman opens the door and waves them in. “Normally you tip a doorman but they built an extensive gratuity into the registration fee for the conference this year.”

They follow signs pointing them to the conference check-in. “Bruce and Anna Livingston for Full Stop Industries,” he says to the overly cheerful check-in lady who hands them an itinerary and name tags.

“I hope you don’t mind I registered us both under my last name. I figured it was safer for you that way.”

“No worries, sir. I appreciate you thinking of my safety. It’s comforting for me,” Anna says, putting her name tag on and checking that her purple wristband is visible.

She follows him closely, keeping her eyes open for wristband colors and for anything else she might need to note later on. She glances at the itinerary for the day as they walk. “Seems pretty full today, huh? Lots of listening to speeches it seems.”

“I told you the first couple days are absolutely dull,” he says, his arm on the small of her back, leading her down the hall.

“There he is! The king of the jungle!” An older man pops out of seemingly nowhere. He looks Anna up and down, making a show of licking his lips. “Oh and he brought a tasty treat!”

Anna shudders, suddenly feeling like she needs a very long shower.

The boss moves decisively between Anna and the man, grabbing his hand in a dominant handshake. “Carl, this is Anna. She runs the day to day operations of my company.”

“Bet she does more than that, my boy,” he says with a crude wink.

“If she does, you’ll never know,” the boss says sternly.

He gets the message and walks away.

“Fucking imbecile,” the boss mutters. “Sorry about that, Anna. Classic example of a small fish pretending he’s a big fish. I didn’t know his name so I picked one. He didn’t correct me. Classic bottom feeder behavior. Best to just put them in their place and move on.”

He place his hand on her back again.

“It’s okay sir, I appreciate your stepping in, I don’t know what he would have done if I would have shaken his hand,” Anna says, trying to shake the disgust from her system.

The boss gently squeezes her to his body, keeping up professional appearances yet comforting her.

“I’ll protect you from the scavengers,” he says, giving a quick look back and forth before giving her a quick kiss. “Must be some advantage to pairing up with the king of the jungle.”

Anna smiles and glances at the itinerary, “Well, the opening speech is in the main ballroom past the vendor booths. Want to head there first?”

He gently pats her ass.

“Yeah, might as well let the boredom begin.”

They walk along in silence until Anna giggles. “King of the jungle?”

She clearly sees eyes look her up and down as they walk and the looks other businessmen are giving him. She’s not comfortable with all of this attention. Maybe coming here was a mistake.

“Yes, King of the jungle. And later I am going to devour you,” he says, playfully snap his teeth, trying to make her feel at ease.

They take their seats for the opening seminar. The lights go down and the speeches begin. And continue. On and on. Seemingly endless. Anna may have fallen asleep if the boss hasn’t been periodically squeezing her thigh.

When the lights come up he stands up and stretches as Anna packs up her materials.

“Look at you typing away and taking notes,” he says playfully.

He grabs the itinerary. “Hm… New Faces seminar or international business introductions?”

He waives the itinerary at her. “Lady’s choice!”

“Someone has to take notes, sir. I’d hate to waste company time and money and not get something out of this,” she says.

Part of her wants to do the new faces seminar but another part wants to meet potential playmates. “Which one introduces me to the most people sir?” she says her hand rubbing her wristband gently.

“Let’s go international. If anyone wants to know who you are you’ve got a goddamn name tag,” he says before grinning. “Time to take my favorite playmate swimming with the sharks.”

Anna pulls him aside before they go and looks him in the eye.

“Sir, I’m nervous. Nothing is going to happen to me, right? I don’t want the company to suffer because we have too much fun.”

“Business and pleasure are always separate when you get to this level, Anna. You could lick someone’s asshole at night and take over their company the next day. It’s all the law of the jungle, my dear. We just keep two different jungles.”

He sneaks a squeeze of her ass.

“But I’m still the king of them both,” he says with a wink.

Anna giggles, “Well, I’m glad about that.”

He links his arm in her again.

“International waters, here we come.”

She leans in to whisper in his ear, “So we want to make connections to better your business but also find out who we want to fuck? Right?”

“Our business, Anna. Better our business,” he says. “And if you see a prize you want you let me know. But don’t feel like you have to choose from this group. The world is your cookie jar. You just have to decide how big your sweet tooth is.”

A tall, thin, dark eyed man approaches them. His teeth nearly glow white against his dark Mediterranean skin.

“Stavros, you beautiful Greek bastard! How is my man in Athens?” the boss greets him with a friendly handshake and half hug.

“Do you want to hear the numbers or just that everything goes very well?” his densely accented voice replies.

The boss chuckles and turns to Anna.

“Anna, this is Stavros. I’d tell you his last name but I think it has every letter of the alphabet twice. He heads up our Mediterranean and Southeast Asian holdings.”

Anna extends her hand to him and smiles, “Hi Stavros, it is nice to meet the man behind the emails.” She shakes his hand and continues, “Mr. Livingston may not want to hear the numbers but I do. When you have time this week we should discuss them. I like to have a good idea of how things are running, even if he doesn’t.”

Anna hopes that her ribbing of the boss isn’t overstepping her bounds.

“I had no idea I had such a fetching correspondent. Let us please discuss this week,” Stavros leans in to hug her, the scent of his expensive cologne wrapping itself around her.

Anna looks at the boss quickly. He nods to her and Anna accepts the man’s hug. She lets him hug her quickly and pulls away, so as not to give him any ideas. He seems nice but he’s not the one. She hands him her business card and smiles.

“Let’s do lunch one afternoon between sessions and discuss how to make the accounts better. Mr. Livingstone will obviously be there too, it is company after all”.

“Yes, yes, all in time,” he says, grinning. As he pulls away Anna spots an orange wristband on his dark wrist.

Orange. Open for anything.


As Stavros disappears into the crowd, Anna hears a voice to our left.

“Monsieur!” Anna’s eyes hone in on a short haired brunette. She looks familiar.

“Monsieur! So nice to see you again,” she says. Anna stares at her a moment before recognizing her as the woman who met them at the gates of Paradise, now wearing much more than a whistle. She kisses the boss on both cheeks and turns to Anna. “And mademoiselle! You are having fun, yes?”

She leans in to kiss Anna, making a display of her purple wristband.

Anna accepts the kiss and smiles, “I’m not sure fun is the only word for it.” She puts an arm around the boss, suddenly feeling very possessive.

“I don’t believe we have officially met yet, I’m Anna,” she extends her hand but the French woman pushes past it and wraps her in a hug.

She whispers in Anna’s ear, “Europe is a magical place, Anna. Maybe it has more to show you than you know.”

Then she turns and scampers off.

“Subtle isn’t she?” the boss chuckles. “Come, Anna. I have someone you must meet.”

Anna giggles and follows him through the crowd. It seems they can’t move in any direction without having to stop and shake hands with someone or another. Anna feels overwhelmed by the sea of people she knows she won’t remember later.

She also sees more orange wristbands than any other color and starts to worry she won’t find anyone to be her first playmate.

The crowd clears and there is a man seated at a table. He doesn’t get up to speak to anyone but people constantly wander over to speak to him. His hair is fashionable but hangs to his shoulders. The salt and pepper gray mane of a great lion. His suit accentuates yet fits his clearly muscular frame. His massive hands fold gently around a mug he casually sips from.

When he sees us, his voice booms. “Bruce! Get over here, young blood!”

The boss walks over and the man stands to embrace him.

“Haven’t gotten out of the business yet?” his low, gruff voice chuckles.

Anna shifts her weight from one foot to the other, waiting to be introduced. Something about this man has her even more flustered than all the others combined.

The boss finally turns to her.

“My apologies, Anna. This is Wyatt. Wyatt, this is Anna, my assistant.”

He takes her hand in his. Anna notices his hand is nearly twice the size of hers. Rough. Calloused. A hand that has worked. Her excitement is growing intensely.

“You always did have a knack for finding the most exquisite treasures, my boy,” he says before kissing her hand. Her pussy is throbbing.

“It’s nice to meet you, Wyatt,” she stammers.

“Anna, I lived with Wyatt from the time I was 10 until I was 18. He taught me everything I know.”

“And a hell of a lot you’ve forgotten,” Wyatt chuckles again.

Then it dawns on her. The posture. The chuckling. The attitude. Wyatt is just like the boss. Or more appropriately, the boss is just like Wyatt.

Wyatt pulls her into a hug against his massive frame. “Nice set of curves on this one. Nice work, kid.”

Anna blushes and says, “I can see where Bruce gets his charm now.”

But think about how it would feel to be thrown around by him. He releases her and she looks at the boss, her eyes radiating lust. She takes a deep breath to try to shake it off. Professional business only here. The play has to wait. But she found who she wants to play with. She has to say the keyword but isn’t sure how. She has never been so excited just by someone’s presence before.

“Dinner. Tonight. You two and me. In the tree house,” Wyatt says. It’s not a request. He is telling what will be.

“Yes, sir,” the boss responds to him. “What are you doing here anyway?”

“Can’t the king of the jungle come to walk among his subjects?” he says with a sly smile. “I’m an old man with lots of money. Always on the look out for a new investment to make more.”

“That sounds about right, old timer,” the boss says, laughing.

Anna tries not to laugh, having hear both men call themselves king of the jungle.

“You’ll be old and rich someday too, youngblood. I taught you too well for you to fail.”

“We’ll see you this evening,” he says turning Anna and walking away.

When we get out into the hallway, he says, “So that’s Wyatt. No, he’s not my dad. But he might as well be. Taught me about important things like sex and money and how to be a proper man.”

The boss sees Anna about to say something but cuts her off. “No, it’s not really a tree house. He just calls it that because it’s higher up than anybody else’s.”

Anna starts again but again is cut off. “Yes, his bracelet is gold. It means he does what he wants, when he wants, with who he wants. Because he owns Paradise. And I lived with him there.”

Anna tries one more time but still gets cut off. “You’re wet as fuck right now. I can tell. He has that effect on women.”

Anna starts again but before he can cut her off she presses him against the wall and puts her hand over her mouth. “Carolina. Caro-fucking-lina,” she says, staring into his eyes.

He moves her hand. “Well why didn’t you just say so?” he says with a wink.

Anna’s heart pounds in her chest. Her thighs ache. Her pussy throbs. Her cheeks flush. And when he winks at her she realizes he had planned this the entire time.

“Sir… I… I’m really aroused right now… Why have you never told me about Wyatt? You’re sure he would want me?” she stammers, words just falling from her mouth.

“Wyatt has never met a gorgeous woman he didn’t want to fuck. He is a pussy hound of the highest order,” he responds. “Think he taught me well?”

He winks then leans in and whispers.

“We could have Fredrick come back early and I could go get you off in the executive bathroom.”

He stands up and looks at the itinerary. “Or we could attend Internet Marketing: Harnessing Social Media.”

Anna looks into his eyes and bites her lip, pressing her thighs together.

“Sir, remember our social media campaign that I created? Do you think I need to ‘harness social media’?” she asks playfully.

She takes her turn to lean in and whisper, “Your idea sounds like more fun.” She lets out a slight moan and kisses his cheek softly

He whispers back, “I know. I already called him.”

He kisses her and quickly bites her lips then links her arm. “Oh the executive washrooms? Yes, right this way, ma’am.”

Her pussy is soaked at this point, the idea of having Wyatt and her boss at the same time has made her a slave to her own pleasure and need for release.

She giggles and lets him lead her to the car, smiling at Frederick as they climb in the back laughing like teenagers sneaking out of class.

He whispers, “You’re fucking soaked already, aren’t you? Mmmm you dirty little whore. You are just dying to cum… right…. now… And I fucking know it.”

She bites her lip and looks into his eyes with lust, “If you’re so sure maybe you should check.” His words have returned the throb between her thighs. She kisses him deeply before he can say any more of them.

He slides his hand under her skirt and places it between her thighs.

“You know, Anna, it’s a two hour ride back to Paradise…”

He moves his hand further up her thigh.

“Two whole hours…”

Anna moans softly and leans her head against the seat of the car and breathlessly asks, “What are you implying, sir?” trying to sound innocent but her voice is heavy with lust.

“I’m not implying anything,” he says, inching up further. “I am an innocent, well behaved business man.”


So close to her pussy but not yet touching it.

She bites my lip again, her body shuddering as fingers inching closer and closer to where she wants them but knowing that he is in control here. Her moans are stifled by her breath catching in her throat. She spreads her legs a bit more, trying to edge him closer to her wet slit.

“Oh. does the dirty whore want me to touch her? Maybe like this?”

He takes his finger tip and barely grazes it along her slit from the bottom to the top. Then back down. Slowly.

Anna moans and groans as his fingers tease her. Hers eyes meet hiss again. She can’t speak. Her body is on fire. All she can manage to do is nod in response to his question and sigh as his fingers tease her.

He peeks towards the front seat and sees Frederick taking peeks in the back. Anna winks at him before her boss’s hand is on her chin, forcing her face back to his.

“Eyes on the road, Fred,” the boss says, not breaking his gaze.

“God it turns you on so much to be watched, doesn’t it?” he whispers

Still moving his finger slowly. Barely touching her. Feeling her pussy contracting. Trying to pull him in.

“You just can’t stop thinking about hard, throbbing cock. Inside of you. Bent over. Your hands tied. Being fucked like the little whore you are.”

Her eyes roll back into her head and she groans as he teases her with his words and fingers. She manages to gasp out words this time.

“Yes, sir… I love being watched and fucked like the whore I am.” She bites her lip, wanting to kiss him so badly but he is still holding her face.

“Your nipples are getting so hard right now, aren’t they? Just screaming inside that sweater to be free. To be touched. To be sucked. To be pinched. Squeezed. Bitten. Mmmm fuck yes you want your body to be claimed. Used. Penetrated.”

He speaks his words slowly in a low growl that she now recognizes as Wyatt’s weathered voice. Punctuating his statements with low moans. Teasing her with just words a single finger tip.

His words send shocks through her body. Her thighs shake and her nipples harden against her bra, starting to peek out beneath it.

She tries to lean forward to kiss him but she can’t. He is holding her in place. Teasing her endlessly as she melts with each word he speaks.

“Tell me what you want, Anna. Tell me what your deepest desire is right now.”

He releases her.

She swallows before speaking in a hushed tone.

“I want to cum… Sir…”

“You don’t sound so sure,” he says, maintaining eye contact.

He stops moving his finger. He holds it in place near the top of her lips. He knows her pussy well enough to know just the slightest pressure would slip it inside and press her clit. He can feel it pulsing inside of her.

“Now say it with some confidence. Say it like a slut who knows what she wants.”

Anna bites her lip and sighs, his teasing driving her wild. Her body is putty in his hands and he knows it. He knows how badly she wants to cum. But he is making her work for it.

“Please, sir,” she begs, trying to push confidence into her voice but still hearing it come out in a hushed breathy tone. “I want to cum right now.”

“Better,” he says, gently pressing his finger tip between her lips. Just enough to make contact with her clit. But he doesn’t move. He just holds it still.

“But I’m not sure I believe you yet. Anna, say it. Make be believe you.”

Anna starts to shake again, her body pleading for release. She shifts to push herself closer to him but he pulls away to maintain the same amount of contact. She whimpers before taking a breath and saying, with as much confidence as she can muster, “I want to cum, sir. I want to cum because you let me. I want to cum so hard and I want you to make me do it.”

“That’s a good girl,” he says with a smile.

He presses his finger firmly against her clit, moving it in tiny circles. Then he slides it all the way down her slick pussy and inside of her. He fucks her with one finger for a moment. Then a second joins. He presses his thumb against her clit.

“Now how about we stop playing nice? You’re going to cum before this drive is over.”

With that he starts mercilessly pumping his fingers into her.








Hammering her g-spot. His thumb anchored on her clit. Shaking. Pressing her pearl. Kissing and biting her neck and lips. Not begging her to cum but demanding it. Daring her body to respond to him.

Anna groans and leans back against the seat, her chest heaving as she tries to keep up. Her body isn’t under her control anymore. It’s his. It has been from the moment she became his slut.

She feels her orgasm grow quickly, faster than she has ever felt it before.




She raises a hand to rub her breast through her sweater. He slaps it away and pins it to the seat next to her.

“No, slut,” he growls. “You’re going to cum for me. Only me.”

He shoves his tongue into her mouth before she can respond.

He must have control of her.

Seeing how excited Wyatt makes her has tapped into the same primal urge as the one that fucked her the night before. The need to dominate completely. The need to demand her pleasure. The need to claim her as his own before she is anyone else’s.

He feels her moving her hips to put even more pressure on her dripping pussy. He returns in kind by pressing her clit harder, pushing his fingers deeper. Meeting the rhythm her body is giving and intensifying the pleasures he can give.

His complete domination of her heightens her pleasure even more, her body shaking uncontrollably, begging for more pleasure. She accepts his tongue hungrily, her thighs now damp with her arousal, her clit throbbing.

Her orgasm is growing fast and the longer he goes on the more intense it becomes. He growls in her ear, “Cum for me. Now.” Her body obeys his every syllable. Her body convulses, thrashing against the seat and a scream escapes her throat that feels like it came from every part of her body at once. How does he keep managing to make her cum harder than she ever has before? She feels like she is having an out of body experience. Her pussy drips and pulses quickly. She stops breathing for a second as her body puts all of its energy into the explosion. Her cheeks flush. Her heart beats so fast she is dizzy. She can’t control her limbs or her hips. Every part of her just wants to give itself over to him, the master of her pleasure.

He lets her come down, slowing his motions, easing his pressures, then removing his hand from under her skirt. He licks her sweet nectar from his fingers, a well earned treat.

“Will that hold you over until we go see the old man?” he asks.

“You can come see me any time you want! You can even leave the fella behind!” Fredrick laughs from the front seat, shattering their moment.

“Shut up and keep your eyes on the road, you old pervert. I’d hate to get in a crash because you have an erection,” he hisses icily at the driver. “Oh wait. Can you even get erections anymore?”

“You want me to pull over and slap you with the one I’ve got now?” Fredrick laughs harder. “Ma’am, you’ve got one swell cunt. If you ever want to find out what a real man could do with it, you come see old Fred.”

Anna is still in a daze, trying to catch her breath and regain control of her body. She giggles slightly at the driver’s joke. After a moment she manages to whisper, “Thank you, sir.”

The rest of the ride is fairly silent. Fredrick certainly thinking about her body. Anna recovering and wondering what is in store for her at Wyatt’s. The boss wondering the same but with a different mindset.


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