Superheroine Peril Intro [F][bd][Fantasy](Feedback welcome)

She leans back in her chair grasping for her coffee mug, taking a mouthful as she glares at the blinking cursor on the blank document. Coming to a coffee shop to try and write using her laptop had been a bad idea, it was just like doing it at home, but she now had to keep her temper. Since the arrival of an alien ship in orbit around the planet, she had been even less motivated than normal. You really would think something like that would be pretty motivational, but no such luck. It had been there for quite some time now, ignoring any attempts at contacting it. Almost a week ago the “Defenders of Earth” went up to investigate, and no real word from them since. The only thing she had really seen was the same update on all of the member’s social media accounts. “Exciting new changes coming soon!”, classic at this point, they are off fraternising with aliens in space and all they can do it hype it up to the planet. Fuck them, she was going to become a famous author and then who would be laughing. She slams her mug onto the table with renewed vigour, before realising she was in public and was keenly aware of all the eyes on her. She sweeps her intensely red hair out of her eyes, the white streak just falling back into the same place as she blushes to herself at the attention.

Without warning her laptop screen flickers and brings up what looks like a video feed from a drone. She gives a quick look around the cafe, it looks like pretty much anything able to show an image is showing the same thing. She goes back to the screen wondering what was going on, it appeared to be footage from along the rooftops of an old European city. She watches in curiosity as it starts to follow an alien landing craft touching down in the middle of the city. Cutting to another drone as a ramp extends from the ship as a number of figures exit.

Each one a tall and well-built humanoid, standing almost seven feet tall. This must be the elusive Aliens who had inexplicably waited all this time to do anything where suddenly making planet fall. Wearing identical skin-tight glossy outfits, exposing a fair bit of velvety deep red skin. Four powerful arms add to the imposing image. Heads covered in what is presumably black hair, bone horns protrude from their heads arcing up above them. Deep black eyes survey the world as they stride down the ramp, full of arrogance and power as they reveal themselves to the world. Their leader wears a silver crown, each arm gauntleted, looking like an Amazonian warrior. Hips swaying as the clearly female figure makes her way into the city, an evil grin on her lips, sharp teeth exposed. She exudes an aura of command, holding herself like a dominatrix very much in control of the situation.

She watches in dread as she sees other figures being dragged out of the ship, the drone zooming in on them to give the viewers a good look. One after another the Defenders of the Earth stagger out of the ship. Their normal uniforms having been replaced with sleeveless leotards covering them all the way up to their necks. The symbol they use still across their chests, white balls had been buckled into their mouths secured by a harness around their heads. Each one drooling onto themselves, once proud symbols coated in saliva, erect nipples apparent under their uniforms. A bulky metallic collar sealed around their necks, hindering movement. Thick cables run down from the back of the collar to an unwieldy metal single gauntlet, encasing their arms behind backs, elbows made to touch and breasts jut out clearly outlined by the wet material. Dressed in boots going above the knee and tall heels they seem to be struggling with as they hobble out of the ship, ankles joined by a taut cable. The drone takes the time to linger on the crotch of a few, seeming to relish in showing them off. It is clear what it is exhibiting, the males have erect penises, straining against their leotards, crotches clearly slick with guilty arousal, the females having been just as riled and wet as the males. Those with long hair have it tied up in tight buns, those with shorter hair still a bit free, a silvery circlet resting on their heads. Eyes are framed by black masks in a parody of their former uniforms, worryingly docile eyes look on as they become the Alien’s exposition of bondage to the world.

She watches on in horror as they are lined up behind the commanding Alien leader. The drone continuing to dart about showing off the Heroes, revelling in their intricately detailed plight. An overlay coming up on the screen, displaying each Heroes name making sure there was no doubt of who it was. They had been decked in various colours, showing off a mockery of their own outfits. At this point her phone starts to go off, she snatches it up desperate for something to pull her away from the ordeal. Scrolling down her heart skips a beat, update after update from the Defenders of the Earth members. Each one saying “Status updated to Enslaved” or a new profile picture showing them off in tight humiliating bondage. She slumps back in her chair looking back at her laptop, the leader had started an address about the fate of the earth, her defenders belonging to her now. All supers are to be detained and kept in bondage for her and her troops. This was all quite worrying language, full of ideas of slavery and ownership. All so overwhelming to see happen so suddenly. Demands of Civil Servants to be immediately enslaved to run the New Sovereignty of Earth. How they have the immediate right to bind any citizen at will, and how they will learn to love this.

As she carries on watching, feeling her heart pounding with apprehension. A number of heroes had gathered in front of the hostile invaders, their numbers swelling as all those who could travel quickly to the point of broadcast. The awkward standoff continues as the monologue becomes more and more of a fervent promotion of bondage. Suddenly ending with a cry to bring her the Heroes in chains. Watching with concern as a confusing battle erupts on the screen, knowing she would never be able to make it to the battle in time, all she could do was watch. It quickly became apparent that the aliens have similar abilities to the earth Heroes. A battalion of robots enters the fray screeching in from orbit towering over the others. Her attention is jerked away from the battle by the sounds of a jet screaming through the sky above her head, followed by the sounds of something else she did not recognise as the skies erupt into combat. She quickly snatches up her bag and laptop, blotting out the back door into an alleyway. This was clearly a bigger issue than just one city, and she had to try and do something.



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