[Milf] [Exhibitionism] [Fiction] Slut Mother – Chapter 01

[Milf] [Exhibitionism] [Fiction] Slut Mother – Chapter 01

I laid breakfast down for my perfect family.

My husband, Frank, was a very busy manager at a Medicinal firm. It was thanks to his hard work that I could live in a beautiful house.

I was also very proud of our son, Scott. He’s 19 and was currently studying Law in college.

When he was younger, Frank insisted on sending him to boarding school. I was against it as a mother, not wanting to have my son being so far away from me. But I guess I couldn’t argue with the results. Scott graduated with flying colours, and he was scouted by many colleges to take a scholarship with them.

For some reason, he decided to study at a local college. It wasn’t the worst choice, but he had so much more potential.

I assumed that it was because he wanted to catch up on family time with me and his father.

I heard the familiar footfalls of Scott coming down the stairs before I saw him. I hoped he’ll enjoy what I made today- fried eggs and bacon!

“Good morning, Scott.”

It was as if my words fell on deaf ears. Scott ignored what I made and started putting on his coat.

“Hey Scott, answer your mother!” Frank growled.

“It’s okay honey,” I quickly said, trying to defuse an early morning argument. “Scott, aren’t you hungry?”

“I’ll eat with friends in college.”

“Oh… Okay…”

“I’m heading out.”

Scott left just like that, and I joined my husband at the dining table. We ate and I kept an eye on the time, not wanting Frank to be late for work.

I cleaned up the dishes afterwards, and helped my husband with his coat and briefcase- he can be very scatterbrained and a few times he forgot something important.

“Anna, I hope Scott didn’t upset you too much this morning.”

“No, why would you say that?”

“I know he can be a handful. Ever since he’s been home, his attitude has turned dark and sullen of late. I’m sure it’s him just trying to find his feet.”

“I know honey, I’m sure he’ll come around.”

“I can’t thank you enough for everything you do around here- Our home is immaculate and you’re always making sure our needs are met.”

I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Just doing what a good wife is supposed to do.”

I wished him a good day and waved him off as he left.

We’ve been married for so long now, and raising such a talented son can be taxing. But I didn’t regret a moment of it. I was grateful to be in such a happy environment.

However, there was one thing that was troubling me recently…

Like clockwork, the house phone rang. Most days, when everyone was gone.

I’ve been receiving prank calls lately.

The caller was a man. And from the sound of his voice, he must be in his 20s or 30s. I didn’t recognise his voice – it was slightly strange sounding, as if he used something to mask it. I don’t know, I wasn’t familiar with technology.

And the things he said…

I sighed and picked up the handset.

“Hello, this is the Davis residence.”

“How many times did you have sex with your husband yesterday ma’am?” The voice chuckled. “I bet I can cum many times in your pussy! That’s impossible for your loser of a husband no?”

“W-what? Just who is this? Please stop calling this number!”

“God, you sound so sexy even when you’re mad! Such fire and intensity!”

I knew I should hang up. I should let Frank know about these calls but it felt so juvenile. I shouldn’t trouble my husband with something as stupid as this.

“Did you know all the guys in your neighbourhood fantasized about you being their fucktoy?”

“I’m hanging up now!”

“… Everyday they imagine you being covered in their cum…”

“I’m warning you! I’ll report you to the police if you ever call again!”

“Wait a second Ma’am. I got you a present.”


“I left it by your entrance. I’m sure you’ll love it.” He laughed and hung up.

My hands shook. At the very least I needed to find out if he was for real. I couldn’t just leave a package unattended outside my house.


I can’t believe what I was looking at.

I went outside and looked around, there was no one about. My neighbours were probably busy at work or out shopping.

And sure enough, there was a box on the floor.

It was a rectangular box, shoe box shaped.

But when I opened it, I could not believe what I was looking at.

It was a vibrator.

I wasn’t a prude, I knew a sex toy when I seen one but… I never played with toys before. It looked like a deep purple penis, but the shaft was covered in nodules. At the base was a big, fat suction cup, which I did not understand why it was like that, and there was a horn like shape curving up and out. There was a smaller one on the opposite site. It looked like a grotesque cactus. Conveniently boxed with it was a pair of batteries too.

Jesus, this man knew where I lived.

My heart was beating hard against my ribcage. Quickly, I grabbed the box and went back inside. It would be troublesome if a neighbour found such a filthy thing outside my house!

I should dispose of it.

I should, but I didn’t. I wanted to figure out what to do before I did anything rash, after all, it could be used as evidence for the police, right?

I placed it in my bedroom closet for the time being, I didn’t want Scott accidentally finding it either.

The rest of the day was thankfully, quite uneventful. Scott came home from college and disappeared into his room until dinner time. Frank came back even later, yawning from another long day at work. He crashed in front of the TV and watched some sports. I didn’t mind, he worked hard and I wanted him to decompress.


The night was still and I couldn’t fall asleep. I was comfortable, my husband was snoring gently and the lights were all out- perfect environment to sleep in.

But I couldn’t.

Ever I seen that thing, it was on my mind. It was so gross and ugly and… How can you even put that inside you? There was nothing pleasant about it! It didn’t even look like a man’s penis.

Still, that all too familiar ache bubbled up inside me.

I turned on my bedside lamp and watched my husband. He was such a handsome man, with strong chiseled features. He was a footballer back in college, and the years did not rob him of his bulk. I let myself take an absurd moment to think about Scott too. He was in every way much like his father; driven, intelligent and muscular too. Scott didn’t need to do any extracurricular activities in school, but he was an active boy. He was good at football and soccer and also dabbled in karate too. He was so popular.

I watched my husband’s handsome face and my pussy ached for attention.

I leaned over and kissed him. “Frank… wake up…”

“W-what? Is there a fire?”

“No honey, I can’t sleep,” I purred. I snaked under the sheets and grabbed his penis. To my disappointment, he was completely soft.

“Please, not tonight, I’m exhausted and I still have that project to complete.”

“But…” I licked his neck, ran my tongue up and down it, drawing in his scent and taste. God, my pussy needed his cock.

Frank turned over, his back like a wall to me, denying me what I needed. “Goodnight.”

I sighed. My body ached and my heart felt heavy. It had been months since we last made love. I wasn’t really counting but it felt like a crack in my heart. Did Frank not want me anymore?

It was a silly thought. I told myself I was being selfish. He was working so hard to provide and I want to take what’s left of his energy to satisfy myself.

I rolled over and waited until the waves of desire burned out.


The next day, when everyone left as usual, my urges came flooding back. Ever since I saw that damn thing, it was like something broke inside me.

I had the box on the living room table. It was just there, taunting me.

I wonder if deep down, I was one of those lewd women.

That must be it… Normal women don’t feel like this, do they?

I was lying on the sofa, stretched out and gasping for breath. I felt so hot and needy.

I hitched my skirt up and I clamped my hands down between my legs, as if I was cradling myself.

Or holding myself back.

God, my body’s lust was becoming overwhelming.

Like a shameless harlot, my thighs loosened their grip, letting my fingers rest against the mound of my pussy.

The fabric was soaking wet. Slick, heat was leaking endlessly and the fabric couldn’t hold it back. I let my fingers pull the fabric to the side, exposing my pussy to the open air. God, that was so bad of me. I let my fingers explore me, touching my inflamed lips and letting them slide into myself.

“God…” I groaned.

I was so shameless. I was so wet even without Frank’s help.

My mind was reeling.

I needed relief. I needed to cum…

The box…

Maybe… Maybe if I use that thing…

Right, I should check if it works. Maybe it was a prank, just to mess with me…

I pulled open the lid, taking a moment to be disgusted at how my fingers were coated in my own juices.

It was there like yesterday. I lifted it out and looked for a slot or something. I found it and opened up its core. I peeled the packaging away and slid the two batteries into the toy.

I should stop…

No, maybe if I use it, just for a little bit…

Where’s the on off switch? God this was so frustrating. I sniffed the toy while I looked for a button. I was satisfied that it was never used before.

Suddenly, the phone rang, making jolt up in shock, almost dropping the damn thing.

“Y-yes?” I asked, trying to hide my breathlessness. “This is the Davis household…”

“Have you used that thing yet Ma’am?”

Oh god! It was that man again!

“I bet it feels good to have it wriggling in and out of your pussy right?”

“N-no! I haven’t used it yet!”

“What? *Yet?* Oh god, that’s precious. Did I disturb you? Are you in the middle of some fun time?”

His laughing was loud and menacing from the phone.

“Fine, I’ll help you out. Now do what I tell you to. First, turn on the switch at the base.”


I should hang up. Hang up and discard this thing and forget about everything.

My fingers found a textured part of the base- a rectangular slot with ridges, probably to help with drop. Without thinking, I slid the slot upwards, and the whole thing started to vibrate. It was so intense, the vibrations travelled up my hand, up past my wrist and right down to my bones.

“It’s on,” he sniggered. “Now spread your legs open.”

What the hell am I doing?

My legs opened on their own. An unfamiliar tendril of illicit excitement travelled down my spine. My brain screamed for me to stop. Just stop this.

“C’mon ma’am, place it over your panties and trace your pussy lips with it.”

Hearing the word ‘pussy’ out loud felt so wrong, so obscene…

Yet I couldn’t help but do as the voice told me to. It was fine, there was no one there but me.

No one would know…

I pushed the tip of the artificial cock against my panties and I had to hold in a moan. The vibrations were violent, intense and unending and its thrumming was teasing my pussy to no end.

“Slowly grind it against your pussy.”

“I-I’m doing it right now…”

Why am I following the commands of a total stranger over the phone?

I could hear his breathing, it was loud and laboured.

God, was the house always this quiet? I couldn’t anything but the buzzing of the toy. For a moment, I wondered if anyone else could hear it too.

It felt so good against me…

“Now slip it under your panties. Touch your clit directly with it.”

I pulled my panties outward and the thick scent of my own arousal assaulted my nostrils. Carefully, I placed the base of the toy against me.

Oh god, it was to much, the direct stimulation to my engorged clit was to much. I gasped and keened against this new sensation. I tried my best to hold the toy, but my brain was hazing up.

“Lie down. Put the phone right by your ears. I want you to masturbate with both hands.”

This was so wrong. Why was I feeling so excited, listening to this stranger?

I lay on the sofa, one hand was holding the toy. It was jutting out of my panties and I looked like I had a deformed penis curving out from between my legs. It was vibrating so hard and I used one of the smaller curved cactus arms to push inside me.

“Oh god…” I moaned into the phone.

“Use your hips too. Thrust against the dildo,” the voice said. He was stern and commanding and I felt the need to obey.

“Yes… I’m doing it right now…” I panted. Why was I following the commands of a complete stranger over the phone? Why did it feel so… good?

Oh god, I was freely moaning out like a bitch in heat.

I was gyrating my hips up and down, as if I was fucking an invisible lover.

“Don’t forget to keep plunging the toy deeper into your cunt.”

“N-no… please don’t say such embarrassing things.” My face burned red with shame, but I felt compelled to keep on obeying.

“How I wish I could lick your tits. I’d suck on your nipples as hard as I could!”

“God…” My hand moved on its own, unhooking the shoulder straps and pulling the front of my dress down roughly, making my breasts spill out.

“…Then I’d tease your tits with my tongue…”

My fingers grope my breasts, mauling at them, pulling and yanking on them, nothing like how Frank would do. Frank was gentle, caring, considerate…

This was lewd and shameful, I imagined what this stranger would do to me.

I rolled my nipples between my fingers, tugging and pinching them.

“How are they right now?” The perverted voice asked.

“T-they’re erect…”

He laughed, low and thick with lust. “You sound so slutty Ma’am. You’re making my dick so hard right now!”

I’m such a bad wife. I’m letting this man dictate my actions and I’m loving it… A decent woman would never do this…

“Put the toy up to your mouth, do it.”

I groaned and pulled the vibrator out of my panties. It was coated, all wet and shiny with my juices.

I had it right up by my face. I imagined that it was his dick right now.

“What does it smell like?” The voice asked.

“God… it smells like me.”

“Like what?”

“D-don’t make me say it…”

“Say it, slut. I know you want to.”

“It smells like my pussy. The smell is so thick and nasty…”

He went silent for a moment. All I could hear was heavy panting. I couldn’t decide if it was him or me panting.

“Lick it. Go on, do it. Pretend it’s my dick.”

My lips quivered, but my mouth opened on its own. Slowly, the tip of my tongue touched the rubbery head of the toy. A sharp, piquant taste of my own excitement stung my tastebuds.

For some reason, imaging it was this strangers cock, being so forceful with my mouth just made me want to suck it like a naughty girl. My pussy ached with need.

“Lick the underside of it too.”

I did as he commanded. My tongue ran the underside of the toy, feeling the rubbery nodules buzzing violently against my tongue. I pushed it into my mouth, imagining him fucking my mouth like that.

With my other hand, I teased my pussy, pushing in and out of my sopping wet hole, running circles around my hard little nub, but still feeling uncontrollably frustrated.

God, I needed cock.

“Good girl. Now we’re going to have some real fun. You see the suction cup at the end of the toy? Jam it against something smooth and flat. Like a table.”

I moaned. The glass coffee table would work…

I pushed aside my husband’s golfing magazines, letting them fall to the floor. My urgency also knocked over a glass of water, soaking into the rug below the table. I wasn’t concerned about any of that right now; I can only think of one thing.

My need.

I pushed it hard against the glass surface. It was vibrating still, but the suction seemed to have held it down securely.

“Take off your panties. And squat over the toy.”

I hooked my fingers under the waistband of my panties and pulled them down. A thick string of my own excitement came away with them.

Shamelessly, I squatted over the toy. It was barely grazing my lips, making my hips shudder. If the man was here right now… under the table, he’d see my shameful pussy being spread like this…

I moaned and a new wave of my own juices flushed out, running down my inner thighs, droplets hit the table.

“P-please…” I begged. “I want it inside me…”

“Not yet,” he growled.

The tip of the vibrator lashed at my painfully inflamed lips, grazing against my clit. I bent forward, my knuckles turned white as I gripped against the edge of the table as tight as I could.

“Please… Oh god..!”

“Okay, put your ass down, impale that slutty cunt of yours on it.”


I lowered my hips and the thick, vibrating toy pushed past my lips, snaking deep inside me. The vibrations were intense and the inner walls of my pussy clung to the shaft. The nodules on the shaft only enhanced the pleasure, making my mind go blank with bliss.

“How does it feel?”

“I-it’s deep inside me! It feels so good..!”

I was just squatting there, like some harlot, shaking and writhing as the vibrator drove me mad with pleasure. The vibrations agitated my pussy, making me squirt out nectar, spraying all over my table…

“Oh god! I can’t stop moving my hips!”

“Now spread your ass wide.”

I can’t! But all I felt was a dark thrill, excitement pulsed through me at the request. I never played with my ass before.

With both hands, I grabbed my cheeks, spreading them open for my unseen lover. I felt it pucker, thinking about him watching me like this.

I was so wet, it was everywhere. I had no trouble scooping my own juices up, coating my fingers.

For what?

My left hand was rubbing my asshole now, my wedding ring was coated in my own shameful juices. I hissed as my middle finger ran over my ridged orifice. Touching and backing off, but returning almost immediately.

I licked my lips, I wanted this.

I pushed the juices into my asshole, making it all wet and slippery and ready.

“Sit on it fully,” the voice said. “Stick the little arm in your ass.”

*So that’s what it was for!*

I gritted my teeth and my heart slammed against my ribcage. I pushed down onto the toy, this time holding it at the base and guiding one of the arms against my asshole.

“Oh god!” I cried out. Both of my holes were violently plugged by the toy, the vibrations bringing my to a level of pleasure I never experienced in my life before. And I pictured this stranger doing this to me, not my beloved husband…

“It’s churning up my pussy!”

“Don’t forget to play with your clit too.”

I did as he commanded. My legs shook with exertion.

This was too much.

“I- I’m going to cum!”

“Cum you whore, cum all over the toy!”

I felt myself fall over the edge and into the abyss of pure ecstasy. I shook and writhed and climaxed all over the glass table, my orgasmic juices sprayed everywhere.

I collapsed forward, and I clenched the toy so hard, I pulled it off the table.

I dropped to the floor, wide eyed and on all fours, the toy still pulsating inside me.

I managed to pull it out and drop it. I plunked to the floor, right beside me, vibrating and shaking like some obscene thing, coated in my juices.

“Did you cum, Ma’am?” The voice asked.


That was only the beginning. I didn’t realize it then, but my entire self was starting to change.

“Sir,” I gasped. I was a heaping mess of weakness and sweat. “Could you please call me again?”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/i7vbzc/milf_exhibitionism_fiction_slut_mother_chapter_01

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