My boyfriend and my best friend [cheating] [MF] part one

It started with a kiss. My friend Rayna and my boyfriend Alex kissed one day. When she finally ‘fessed up to me, she told me it was innocent, and I believed her. Rayna lives in the neighborhood, and she likes to come over to spend time because there’s nothing else to do in the middle of a pandemic. My boyfriend, Alex and I live together, so sometimes he’d join me and Rayna, but obviously when she and I had interests that he didn’t share, he’d play video games and give us our space.

The lockdown was really hard at first and Rayna started to come over to get some form of socialization and it was all well and good—wine nights, movie nights, board games, and trying new recipes. All fun, platonic things, and after some time, the three of us got really close. We worked out together sometimes, so we’d be in sports bras and leggings in our home gym. I knew my friend was attractive. I’m bisexual, so I’m going to notice when a girl is beautiful. With her long dark wavy hair and her big brown eyes, she is gorgeous. It helps that she is tall and has huge boobs. My type. (When we talked before, she mentioned she was 5’10”. I’m 5’2” and Alex is 6’ so the height difference is pretty comical.) Rayna and I are both are Asian but she has a deeper tan to her. She’s walked around our apartment in shorts and a sports bra, flushed from a workout and Alex was never overly attentive or inappropriate around her. He was always on his best behavior. At least, that’s what I could see.

When she told me that she and Alex kissed, I was stunned. I am at home most of the time, and Alex only leaves to go to the office once or twice a week, but we both mostly work from home. We spend most of our time together. “When did this happen?” I had to ask, biting back the urge to kill her. I have a fiery temper, but she is a good friend and I didn’t want to lose her.

She looked shyly at me, “He stopped by my place after work one day because I texted him about this stupid problem I had with my laptop. He fixed a few things for me and it was going to take a while, so we went to the kitchen to hang out, and one thing lead—”

“Wait,” I held up my hand, I was cringing and reacting to the cold feeling at the pit of my stomach, “All you did was kiss right?”

She nodded, “Yes! I swear, it wasn’t his fault. Alex was being nice, and quarantine has been really lonely, and it was all me—”

“It’s okay,” I interrupted her, not wanting to hear anymore. “If that’s all that it was, it’s fine. Let’s just move on, I don’t want to be mad at you about something as silly as this. As far as I’m concerned, I forgive you and Alex.”

We hugged and talked about something else to get over it.

The next time she came over, I watched the two of them closely. They were a little awkward, but polite. We talked about books and watched a few episodes of a show we all liked. Alex and I sat on the loveseat with his arm around me, and Rayna sat on a comfy couch chair away from us. I looked at her laughing there comfortably, her legs folded under her as she sat in a big t-shirt and shorts holding a glass of wine. Her hair was pulled back into a loose bun. Alex’s warm body was pressed up against mine as we cuddled on the couch. We were all so comfortable hanging out together.

That night, we went through so much wine that we had to blow up the air mattress in the living room for Rayna— nothing unusual. Again, we were good friends so she was practically like family. We gave her pillows and a blanket and let her sleep while me and Alex went upstairs to sleep.

Within minutes, Alex was snoring next to me and thus, I was lulled to sleep. I was buzzed from the wine and feeling good about a peaceful pleasant evening. I dozed off quickly.
When I woke up, the room was pitch black. My hand reached out for Alex, and to my surprise, his side of the bed was empty. Wasn’t he the one out cold and snoring? I slowly got up, shuffled across the room and went to check the hallway.

I saw no light in the bathroom, but I heard noises downstairs.

The sound of whimpering and skin slapping against skin.

(Part 2 coming soon)


Categorized as Erotica


  1. Let’s part 2 even thought I don’t know how anyone could cheat on a hot sexy girl like you .

  2. Wait is it fine with you that your boyfriend is cheating on you with your best friend or your in an open relationship

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