Ghosts [blowjob] [bathing] [straight sex]

Everyone has a ghost in their past. That one person who stays just on the outskirts lingering just enough to cast a shadow over every other aspect of your life. They are memories that evoke sensations of sadness, loss and at the same time some seriously amazing times. My ghost has had a long lasting effect on my life even when I don’t want to admit the power they’ve held over me.

He was my friend, actually. I still admire him to this day. I am interested in his life, whether or not he’s happy and fulfilled matters to me. I can honestly say I don’t know if he holds the same interest in my life or not. He seems to from time to time at least so we continue our friendship. I’m actually not sure when we started to drift apart, my best guess would be around the end of high school. Separate colleges, less time together, hectic schedules, it would make sense that we would fall away from each other, I guess.

I don’t think I ever actually expected to reconnect with him but here I was– on my way halfway across the country to meet up with someone I hadn’t seen since I was 18. I had this mixture of excitement, confusion, and absolute nausea battling within me. We had met as freshmen in an after-school art club. He was kind of goofy, tall and slim with a slightly wonky smile that made me smile even bigger. We worked well with each other, he was a bit of a muse for me.

I was a painter and he was a writer. Very often I would read one of his stories and instantly take to the canvas. Depicting a high impact scene visually based on what he wrote thrilled me. I was still a painter, having achieved the ultimate dream of selling artwork and getting paid a living wage for it. I wasn’t a household name by any means but in the right circuit, the right crowd, they would know who I was.

We got back in touch via social media recently. I’m not sure what compelled me to take that flight but I knew I would regret it if I didn’t. He had never really left my mind. Every guy I dated was compared to him. I didn’t do it intentionally but oftentimes I would realize what I’d done after the fact. Yeah, he was my ghost, a lingering memory that just wouldn’t let me go.

I was coming home for our ten year high school reunion. He was the only reason I was going as the rest of our class had largely ignored him and ridiculed me to the point of tears on many occasions. He would always sit with me and cheer me up though. He once had draw a picture and then sign it on a slip of notebook paper. I was confused as to why then he folded it up and slipped it into his wallet and said, “There, now I have your first autograph on an original piece, when you become a famous artist, those guys will pay me thousands for that piece of paper!” He knew how to get me to laugh even in the roughest of times.

I was looking forward to hanging out with him again. I hadn’t told him of my plan to come back home. I told him I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it to the reunion, actually. I had a plan in motion, I wanted to surprise him. So I quietly arrived in the local airport, which happened to be two towns away, got a car and headed to my hotel to get ready. It was 1 o’clock in the afternoon when I landed, I had four hours until he headed home from work.

An hour and a half drive to the hotel ate up a lot of my time, check in took another 20 minutes. I ran up to my room and unloaded my bags, setting up what I needed right away. I went and took a quick shower to get the stale travel scent off of me. I wore a black loosely crocheted top with a turquoise tank top under it and a black skirt that fell mid-thigh. I slipped on a pair of black thigh highs and a garter belt. I finished the look with a pair of black knee high boots. I styled my hair up into pigtails with loose strands of hair framing my face. My makeup was soft and feminine, the whole look was reminiscent of the outfits I wore in high school, just outside of the guidelines of our dress code but not boldly enough across the line to get in trouble.

I had already made up my mind that I was going to do everything I could to convince him to fuck me before the weekend was up. I had pined for him for far too long and needed him out of my system. I didn’t really care if anything came of it, I just wanted to get over this infatuation I’d had for the past 14 years.

He worked in an office. I had always pictured him striking it rich as a famous author, but here I was standing outside of a huge corporate headquarters and suddenly feeling as though I looked like a prostitute trying to lure in ephebophiles. I got insecure and headed back to my rented car. I still had about 15 minutes before he got off work. I grabbed a long jacket that I had and let my hair down. I went back over to the door and leaned against the building.

I waited.

He came out with a group of coworkers. He walked right past me and didn’t notice I was there. I pouted a little and followed him over to his car. “Hey, Mister. Any chance I could get you to buy me and my friends some booze for a party?” I smirked as I finished the sentence.

He looked visibly annoyed and turned to me. I don’t think it registered who I was at first, but then it sank it, “I’m not going to…Jess?” He smiled but still seemed uncertain that it was actually me.

“Aww, come on you used to make me ask all the time, don’t tell me you’re doing the good guy thing and not contributing to underage drinking anymore,” I teased.

“I made you ask cause you were a girl and they were more likely to buy it for you cause they were old pervs. What are you doing here?!”

I pushed him a bit and smiled, “Came for the reunion after all.”

“Well, I got that. But, I mean here. Where I work, what are you doing here?”

“Oh, well, I came to ask you to take me to the nearest dive for a drink and some catching up.”

“That, that I can definitely do,” he threw his coat on and took my arm. We walked a few blocks over to a little bar that would definitely qualify as a dive. When we got there he showed me to a little back corner booth. I sat with my jacket still on and he gave me an odd look but didn’t say anything. I pretended to not notice.

He ordered us a couple of drinks and we sat back and chatted a bit about nothing in general. No kids for either of us, he’d had a close call with marriage but she panicked and left him. Then we finally got around to current status. I was single at least. He was currently in a relationship, just over a year apparently.

“Alright, you have to tell me, why are you still wearing your coat?”

I avoided eye contact and shrugged, “I’m cold.”

He lifted his right eyebrow a bit, “You’re sweating…”

I finally copped to the real reason, “I second guessed my outfit choice.”

He laughed at me. “Come on then, let’s see it then. It can’t be that bad.”

I sighed, stood up and removed my jacket. I threw it over to the corner of the booth and looked to the floor. I brought my hand up to cover my face in embarrassment. He said nothing. I quickly sat back down and the awkward silence hung heavily in the room.

“Well, say something at least…” I spoke quietly, hoping the jukebox would drown me out.

“I think I’m going to need a few more drinks,” he took a deep breath and looked me over. I felt very exposed and pulled my jacket back around me, draped it over my shoulders. I buried my face in my hands and lay my head down on the table. I suddenly felt sick. *Too bold, Jessica, too bold.*

He went and got more drinks and I just hung my head in shame and cowered into the corner of the booth. I felt like an asshole. He had never mentioned that he was seeing someone. When he came back he sat down beside me and very smoothly smiled at me, “We have to leave now.”

“What? Why?” I was visibly confused, we had only gotten there a short time before and he held at least two more rounds in his hands as he sat them on the table.

He nodded his head towards the bar, “You see that big biker dude at the end of the bar? He just tried to give me a hundred bucks to leave you here. We kind of need to go ’cause I don’t think he’s gonna be alone for much longer and I really don’t think we could take him even if he’s alone.”

He got up and left the untouched drinks at the table. He took my hand and kept me close to him as we walked past the biker. He actually held his breath as we walked by.

I really think he was worried something would happen. We left without incident, though. He walked me back to my car. He would follow me to the hotel and made sure I made it up okay then he would head home. I still wanted what I wanted.

Once he walked me to the door I convinced him to stay and have a few drinks with me. I stripped off the boots I had been wearing as well as the crocheted top. I pulled my hair up into a loose bun and began pouring a few shots and set them out for us. He started to pick one up and I smacked his hand.

“Nuh uh. Play truth or dare with me. Fail to tell the truth or fulfill a dare and you take a shot,” I said.

He gave me a skeptical look but agreed to it. “Fine, but you go first.”

I smiled, “Truth.”

“How much do you make per year selling your artwork?”

I blushed, “A lot. I don’t know the exact amount it varies from year to year, but last year I brought home about 56k, after taxes. Though I also probably worked 16 hours a day every day for the entire year You’re turn.”

“I’m feeling a bit bold, Dare.”

“I dare you to stay here with me all night,” I teased.

“Well, I guess we’ll see how that goes but I make no promises.”

“Dare,” I said.

He smirked, “I dare you to order us dinner and answer the door naked when they get here.”

“No, I will order us dinner but give me a truth in place of that dare!” I laughed and he pouted as I took my first shot.

“Any regrets?” he asked.

I looked at the line of shots and grabbed another one. I held it up in a ‘cheers’ motion and downed it. “Your turn.”

“Truth?” he asked, skeptical of his own request.

“Are you happy with your life?”

“Sometimes I’m very happy with it. Other times, yeah there’s some regret with choices I made.”

“What do you regret?”

He shook his finger at me, “It’s your turn, I don’t have to answer anything yet.”

“Dare, I guess.”

“Show me the photos on your phone?” He seemed uncertain of what to ask and grabbed that out of nowhere.

I tried to remember if there were any inappropriate pictures on my phone. Knowing me there probably was. I handed it to him and let him browse through them. Most were simple every day shots but I knew there was a folder on there with some hidden gems if he looked long enough. Whether or not he found them pretty much depended on how curious he was.

“Truth or Dare?” I asked.

He kind of halfway looked up at me as he responded, “Dare.”

“Kiss me,” I smirked and he looked up from the phone.

He looked a bit confused. “What?”

I repeated it, “I dare you to kiss me.”

He leaned forward and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead. I pouted and he seemed to take notice. I didn’t complain though, he completed the dare and we moved on.

I felt a bit like challenging him, “Dare,” I said.

He put my phone down and looked at me. “I dare you to take a dirty picture for me.”

I smirked and smiled, “Alright. Give me your phone.” He handed it over and I went into the bathroom. I climbed up on the bathroom counter and removed my panties and bra and placed them on the counter. I sat on the counter facing the mirror with my skirt pulled up and my top lifted and proceeded to take a photo where the camera covered my breasts and the underclothes blocked my crotch while I had a big smile plastered across my face.

I put my underclothes back on and went back out and handed him back his camera. He quickly looked at it and made a disappointed noise. “That is not a dirty picture.”

I pointed at my underclothes, “Dirty clothes, dirty picture.” He groaned and grumbled but caved to my logic. “Truth or Dare?”

“Truth,” he said.

“Why did you want a dirty picture of me?”

He shrugged and tried to look away, “I guess I’m onto a dare.” He picked up the shot glass and took a swig.

“I dare you to answer my question.”

“That is not fair,” he grumbled.

“You can sit here and take shots all night, or you can answer me.”

He stammered as he looked away from me. “Curious what you look like.”

“Then why don’t you just dare me to show you?”

He shrugged, “I asked you to answer the door naked.”

I shook my head, “That would show whoever answered the door what I looked like, not just you. If you want to see, ask. I choose dare.”

He looked up at me momentarily before breaking eye contact again, “I dare you to strip for me.”

I turned away from him for a moment and began unzipping my skirt. I glanced back at him, he was watching me, though he would glance away every now and then. I let my skirt fall to the floor and I walked over to the television, I turned on a music station and sashayed my way back over to him on the couch. He was turning a bright red as I climbed up onto his lap, “What are you doing, Jess?”

“You asked me to strip, you didn’t ask me to simply show you what I looked like,” I pulled my top off over my head and dropped it to the couch beside him. I straddled his lap in my panties and bra. His fists were clenched tightly at his sides, he was fighting not to touch me. I unfastened my bra and gently squirmed against his lap. I let the bra fall from my arms and land between us. He started to reach out to me but instead simply pulled the bra aside and lay it on top of my shirt.

He made a soft groaning noise as I knelt over him. I tugged at the thin ties holding my panties onto me, the fabric fell away easily. He saw that I was cleanly shaved below and I think he whimpered. I know he squirmed under me as I pressed myself tightly to him. “Satisfied?” I lifted my eyebrow into a daring arch as I asked the question.

“Please put your clothes back on,” he sounded pained, like me being this way was physically hurting him.

I slid my fingers over his arms and looked him in the eyes. I very simply smiled and said, “No.”

He squirmed under me and tried to look away from me. I fought the feelings of self consciousness and turned his face towards me. I pouted at him, visibly upset by his rejection of me, “I can’t do this again. If you turn me away now, you turn me away for good. Just spend tonight with me and tomorrow we can pretend it never happened.”

He looked me over and swallowed loudly, “And what if I don’t want to pretend it never happened?”

“Then we will figure it out. I just know I want this. I’ve wanted this for a very long time and I’m sick of going through life with this memory of you just out of reach. If you don’t want me just say so and I’ll back off. I just want you to know that right now the option is there,” I said, much more boldly than I’d meant to.

He pushed me of of his lap and got up.

“I can’t,” simple words, simple response. He walked out the door and I just sat there. I wanted to cry. I had really put myself out there, exposed myself fully and he still rejected me. I pulled my knees up to my chest and sat on the couch. Finally the tears broke free and I cried. I cried until I fell asleep.

A soft knock at the door woke me from my sleep. I wrapped myself in a sheet and answered the door. I couldn’t even pretend that I hadn’t been crying. The quiet sobs and tear stained cheeks gave me away. He stood on the other side of the door.

He looked drunk as he leaned against the doorway. His words slurred every little bit, giving away that he’d definitely gotten very wasted somewhere nearby, “I broke tings off. ‘Nother year wasted tryin’. Tell me you were fer real and weren’t fuckin’ wit me?”

I moved out of his way and he kind of stumbled into the room.

“I wasn’t joking,” I said quietly through lingering sobs.

He closed the door behind himself and pushed me up against the wall. He was very drunk and I was very sad. He looked me in the eye and kissed me softly on the lips.

He seemed almost relieved when I didn’t pull away. “It’s real then?” he asked.

I nodded and quietly bit my lip. He pulled the sheet away from me and looked me over. I helped him over to my bed. I knew he was much too intoxicated to take advantage of, so I let him lay under the blankets with me. I curled up in front of him and he held me close. His hands drunkenly caressed my body and his lips lingered on the flesh at my neck and shoulder. He reeked of bourbon.

It wasn’t long until I heard him snoring softly behind me.

There were many nights before when we were teenagers that this would have been just the opposite. I was the one heavily intoxicated, the one in the position to be taken advantage of and he never did. He lay with me and kept me safe and warm the whole night. I could only hope something would come of it by the end of the weekend. But I felt like we had gotten over the biggest hurdle already. Tomorrow would be another day. It looked like it would be a very ‘headachy and need to stay in a dark quiet room’ kind of day, but it was another day.

When I woke up in the morning he was still sleeping. I looked at him for a little while before gently shaking him to wake him up. “Hey, Rhys, wake up.” I kept my voice low and quiet.

He stirred slightly and I shook him again, “Rhys, get up.” He opened one eye and looked at me for a minute.

He was groggy as he focused and tried to figure out where he was. He looked a little confused as he looked from me down to the bed and back again. “Why am I in your bed?”

“Because you came back wasted out of your mind. It was my bed or the couch and you were already going to wake up with a headache. Do you remember what happened last night?”

He looked down to see that he was fully clothed but I was not. I lay on my stomach next to him, looking over towards him. He could only see the profile of my body from that side. Though my ass was fully on display for him. “Did we?”

I smiled and dropped my head down to the pillow and laughed. I turned my head back towards him, “No, you could barely walk, I could’ve tried but I’m pretty sure you would’ve puked on me and passed out. The only thing I did was get you into the bed so you could sleep it off,” I pointed down to his shoes, “I didn’t even take your shoes off of you. I was good.”

He closed his eyes and tried to think, “I remember leaving here and walking outside. I left my coat up here so I was freezing. I went across the street to the convenience store and bought a bottle of bourbon…” He looked a little nauseous as he thought back, “I called Kira and broke things off with her…Told her I didn’t know if it was for good or just for now but I needed some time…started drinking the whiskey, then nothing.”

“You came back up here. I’m not really certain how you walked up here, you were leaning against the door frame to balance yourself. You asked me if I was fucking with you and I said no, you told me you broke things off with your girlfriend, then I helped you to bed and we fell asleep.”

He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, “This is far too much talking much too soon after waking up.”

I nodded and pulled the sheet with me to stay covered up as I went to the bathroom to get dressed. I threw on a pair of jeans and a loose fitting t-shirt, skipping the underwear for now. “I’ll go grab us breakfast, there’s Tylenol in my bag, you’re gonna need some.”

I headed out of the room and as I turned the corner to head towards the elevator I nearly tripped on his, still brown bagged, bottle of bourbon. It was about half gone. I shook my head, opened the door and put it just inside. I’d deal with it when I came back up.

I went easy on the breakfast items, figuring something with protein would be best for him this morning. A couple of eggs, some sausage and toast. I got me my usual breakfast of oatmeal, yogurt and fruit with a couple of pieces of toast. Some orange juice and water, butter and various jellies to complete the meal. I headed back up with my haul and set up the plates on the small table. “Come on, outta bed, get some food in you, we never did have anything for dinner last night and you need something besides booze sloshing around in your stomach.”

He dragged himself out of bed and took his shoes off before coming over to the table. I smiled, his hair was standing straight up in spots and it made me giggle. He looked from his breakfast to mine. “Can I have some of your oatmeal?” I nodded and split the bowl with him. I swiped one of his sausages in exchange. He kind of grumbled a bit but a smile stretched across his achy face.

I kicked him under the table lightly. “You need a bath, you smell like cheap booze.”

“I don’t have any of my clothes here with me…”

“So take those off, I’ll run down and wash them while you soak a bit,” I offered.

“That’ll take like an hour…”

“There are towels and a couple of robes in there. Use ‘em till your clothes are done.”

He grumbled as he finished his breakfast. I watched him, he took his time and lumbered into the bathroom. The food had definitely done him some good, he looked less like he was going to yarf every time he moved. He went into the bathroom and I went to deal with the half empty bottle of bourbon. I put it up on the able, it was cheap gut rot type swill. I cringed and decided to hide the bottle, just in case he wanted to finish the other half before I got back.

He dropped his clothes outside of the bathroom door and I gathered them up and carried them with me down to the front desk. I asked the girl about the laundry room for guests and she was very polite but told me they only had a pick up service, though they did offer a one hour turn over for most items. I took her up on it, gave her the clothes and went back up to my room.

I could hear Rhys talking to himself as I stood outside of the bathroom door. He sounded like he was trying to reason with himself. I knocked lightly at the door, “Can I come in?”

I heard him splash as if he had been startled and then quietly said, “Yeah.”

I opened the door, which he hadn’t locked, and sat down beside the tub, “Do you actually want to spend this time with me?” I lay my head on the side of the tub and looked at his face as I spoke. He was covering himself up with his hands, but I was trying not to look there.

He nodded, “I feel like we missed something in school. Like we were both interested but afraid to go forward with each other, so we just ignored it.”

I looked up at him and smiled, ‘So you feel like there was something there too?”

“Yeah.” He reached one hand out of the water and caressed my cheek lightly, “I think there still is something there.”

I closed my eyes and sighed happily. He shifted in the water uncomfortably and I looked him over. He was still very attractive to me. In school he had been tall and slender, not muscular at all, kind of lanky actually. He still had that physique, though there was a noticeable new toned muscle aspect to his arms, chest and legs. I pulled my jeans off and stripped off my tank top. He kind of watched me but kept looking away as if he were being disrespectful by looking. I climbed into the water with him and grabbed a washcloth and soap. I lathered the cloth and began washing his chest and neck, massaging gently as I scrubbed him. “Turn around.”

He obeyed and turned away from me, he propped his hands up on the sides of the tub, relaxing a bit with me in the water. I slowly rubbed the cloth from his neck down his back and along his sides. He turned back around when I finished his back and I lifted his right leg, washing and rubbing along the muscles until I got down to his foot. He had covered himself back up when he faced me again. I scrubbed his other leg down and then handed him the washcloth. “Your turn,” I smiled and turned around so he could return the favor of washing my back.

His hands were a bit shaky as he started scrubbing my bare back. I lifted my hair up and pulled it out of the way for him. He put one hand on my hip to hold me in place as his other hand rubbed and scrubbed its way down my back. When he finished I turned back around and he started washing my neck and shoulders, and along my sides and tummy. He very noticeably avoided touching my breasts. I smirked, “You missed a spot.”

He gulped, as though he were actually afraid of touching me there. He looked me in the eyes and then began washing my breasts. I smiled and leaned against the back of the tub, arching my back and pushing my breasts forward slightly. He groaned a bit under his breath, then moved down to my legs, mimicking the motions I had used to clean him. He lifted my right foot above the water and very slowly worked the cloth along my calf and thigh.

Unlike me though, he kept my foot up on his shoulder as he lifted the left foot out of the water to repeat the motion. I was giggling and trying not to slide down into the water as he pushed his way closer to me. Then he put the cloth into the water and gently rubbed the fabric against my pussy. I squirmed and started to let my soapy feet slide off of his shoulders.

He had this intense look on his face as he let the cloth slip from his hand and fall to the bottom of the tub. Then I felt his fingers just barely slide along the outer flesh of my pussy. He looked scared, but I didn’t object, I didn’t stop him or complain at all. I just continued looking into his eyes and giggled and smiled as I slid further down into the tub.

I stopped sliding when my butt his his knees. My neck was nearly fully submerged, he had scooted closer to me. I kept my hands on the sides of the tub to keep me above water. He continued to touch my pussy. He was gentle and methodical. It was clear he wasn’t trying to get me off, he was simply touching and exploring. Perhaps storing the shape and feel of me to memory.

He smiled at me then leaned forward and kissed me. It was a slow, soft, and gentle kiss. My lips parted and his tongue found mine. I moaned and he simply slid his tongue under mine and lifted it up, encouraging me to engage with his. I took my hand off the side of the tub and put it onto the back of his neck. I accepted the kiss fully. I felt him pull away just a bit, his lips lingered just above my own. When I tried to lean forward to kiss him again he pulled away, keeping me just out of reach of his kiss.

I whined.

He set the water in the tub to drain and stood up in the shower. I finally got a good view of his cock. It was about an average size but considerably thicker than I expected. He turned on the water and began rinsing the soap off of himself. I sat in the bottom of the tub with my legs spread open, one foot on either side of him. I had instinctively started rubbing my clit as I watched him rinse off. I saw him stroke his cock a bit spreading the clean water over his skin as the soapy water rinsed down the drain. He wasn’t fully stiff yet, but it was clear he was on his way there. I bit my lip and rubbed very slowly back and forth across the sensitive bit of flesh at the top of my pussy. Without warning him I leaned up and took his cock between my lips. He shuddered and grabbed my shoulders, partially pushing me away and partially balancing himself.

He looked down to me, we made eye contact, my lips spread open around his partially erect cock. He felt my tongue press along the underside of him and pull up towards the tip and he whimpered. His eyes closed and he let go of my shoulders and slid his hand up into my wet and messy hair, stroking the back of my neck softly. He tried to refrain as I very lovingly lowered my lips over his shaft and pulled back to the tip of him. It was only moments before he was fully erect between my lips.

His hands shifted along my shoulders and neck, as though they couldn’t quite find the right spot to rest while I sucked him off. Then he found that spot. His hand cradled my jaw and he began pulling me towards him. I looked up to him and couldn’t hide the smile creeping across my lips as I sucked and licked the sensitive flesh of his cock. His other hand found a comfortable spot tangled up in my hair, just at the back of my head. He held me firmly in place and began pushing himself between my lips. He reached just to the back of my throat and I could feel him pulsing against my quivering tongue.

He let me suck on him and he guided my lips and head over his cock. I looked up to him once again and he looked down at me. He bit his lower lip, closed his eyes and I felt the burst of cum flooding my mouth. He thrust once more and forced a bit of the cum to trickle from the corners of my lips, though I tried to swallow the gift he had given me fully. I licked the cum from his cock and suckled on the tip of him until I was certain he had no more to give me.

I stood up beside him and rinsed the soap from my body as well. He leaned against the wall of the shower, a dumb smile on his face as he watched me. We finished the shower and then we wrapped up in a couple of towels and plopped on the couch next to each other. He had a bright blush on his cheeks, “Did that just happen?”

I nodded, “How are you feeling?”

“I think you found the cure for hangovers.”

I looked away shyly and smiled. He reached over and turned my face back towards him. “You’re really sure about going further?””

I nodded, “Never been more sure of..” He didn’t even let me finish before he moved towards me and locked me into a deep kiss.

I felt him tug at the towel I had wrapped around my body. I let him pull it away from me and I lay back on the couch, pulling away from the kiss even as he chased me to retain it. I tugged at the towel that hid him from me and it fell away easily to the floor. That was when he finally pulled free of the kiss and looked me over

“You’re for real about this?” He was so hesitant, so uncertain.

“Aren’t you?” I asked just before I bit my lower lip.

He smiled and lowered his lips to mine. He gently pulled my lower lip free of the grip my teeth held on it and sucked gently at the pouty flesh. His kiss trailed over my chin and along my neck. I could feel his hands gripping and squeezing me as his lips traveled lower. He grabbed my breast and squeezed gently, his thumb danced back and forth across the taut nipple before his lips clasped over it. I giggled a bit as his tongue tickled me.

I felt the warmth of his hand on my inner thigh as he suckled at my tit. The warmth slid roughly along my thigh until the full heat of his palm covered my pussy. The folds of my pussy were fleshy, hiding the more sensitive bits within. He caressed the outer skin and let just one finger slip between the still wet from the shower slit. The water made for a poor lubricant, though he found the slick cavern of my cunt soon enough.

My giggles subsided and were replaced with gasps and moans as his finger gently rubbed around the wet and well lubricated opening to my pussy. He did not push in, only pressed against and rubbed around to coat his finger in the liquid that had gathered. Just using his finger he could feel that I was tight, gathering the fluid onto the tip of his finger required him to dip slightly against the opening and it offered him significant resistance, he did not push further than needed.

Once his finger was slippery with lubrication he pulled it back and forth between my clit and the opening to my pussy. He would slide up and over the top of my clit then back along the side and down to the slick opening of my cunt. His teeth grazed my nipple lightly, teasing and taunting them to erect peaks. A slight pink tone crept across my upper chest as I breathed heavily at the teasing. He did not speed up. He savored my body and brought tears to my eyes as he kept me just on the edge of ecstasy.

My toes curled and my pussy was slick with my own fluid, spread delicately by his single finger. He stopped teasing my breasts. He pulled away and that was when I felt his finger penetrate me. I cried out audibly and he smiled, lowering his head between my legs as he flicked his tongue across my clit. So slowly, so painfully slowly, his tongue would move, side to side, up and down, circling my clit as his finger pushed deeply within me and rubbed along the inner walls of my pussy.

I squirmed and moved my hips towards him, he slipped his tongue lower and traded spots with his finger. Slow gentle circles of his slippery finger slid around my clit as his tongue curled and circled just inside the opening of my cunt. I started fondling my own breasts and whimpered. He finally increased the speed of his finger on my clit, then again swapped places with his finger, his tongue steadily and quickly pushed against and flicked the sensitive bit of flesh and two of his fingers penetrated my pussy, quickly rubbing and pushing against a sensitive section of vaginal wall.

I felt the start of the orgasm wash over me. He felt my pussy clench around his finger. He smiled at me and I squirmed against him. He positioned his cock at my spasming slit and quickly pushed into me as he grasped my hips firmly. My back arched and I cried out unexpectedly.

He held my hips and thrust softly into me as I rode out the orgasm, he felt me pulsing, squeezing and releasing his cock as he pushed deeper into me. He came up to me as he pushed deep within and kissed me passionately. I could taste myself on his lips and it excited me. I pulled him to me and wantonly slid my tongue past his lips, moaning and squirming against his cock as I sought his tongue to play with. I needed to taste myself on him.

Slow hard thrusts into me kept me wanting more. He wasn’t speeding up, he wasn’t just going to fuck me and be done with it. He wanted to enjoy this as much as he wanted me to enjoy it. I felt his hand slip down between us and his still slippery finger played with my swollen and aroused clit until he heard me whimpering loudly. I sounded almost pained as he tenderly teased me between deep rough thrusts of his cock into my pussy.

I began crying. I was so on the cusp of enjoyment and he wouldn’t let me achieve it. It was an expert move, the pleasure was there, the sensations were there but he just wouldn’t move quickly enough to let me orgasm. He watched me cry and gasp. He was fully in control. I looked up at him, tearfully and finally found my voice. I begged, pleaded with him, “Please, please fuck me.”

My hands grabbed his butt and pulled him tighter to me. My thighs rubbed against his hips as I pulled them up to allow him deeper access to me. He smiled and he brought me over the cusp of the orgasm he had been holding back from me. He leaned down as my body clenched and squeezed him, “Atta girl, cum for me Jess,” his words were soft, gentle as his lips brushed against my ear. I cried out loudly and he felt the rush of fluid come forth over his cock. I had never cum like that before.

He groaned loudly and pulled me up onto his lap as he lay back on the couch, “Your turn to make me cum, angel.”

He wrapped his hands over my hips and guided my movements at first as I was still unsteady from that last, very powerful orgasm. I was shaky as I began rocking my hips over his cock, sliding myself up and down on his shaft. He smiled and watched as I was clearly unable to take my time like he had. I wanted his cum inside of me. As I gained more control of my shaky limbs I moved more on my own and he would slide his hands up along my sides and over to my breasts, kneading me roughly.

He seemed mesmerized as he watched my tits bounce in front of him. I took his shaft deep within. He could feel the tightness of my cunt constricting and stretching to accommodate him. I saw him tilt his head back and moan. It was hands down the sexiest thing I’d ever heard. I moaned softly with him and pulled him up to me. He hugged me tightly as I bounced on his cock, his lips tightened around my breast and he suckled softly. I felt him tense up and squeeze me tightly as I came down on his cock, pushing him deeply within me. I could feel the stream of cum shoot out internally. I smiled and he just continued squeezing me into a tight hug as his cock emptied inside of me. We both fell back down to the couch, him still inside of me, holding his cum within me.

I smiled and laughed breathlessly. He breathed deep, trying to slow his own heartbeat down. I pulled myself off of him, which made him protest loudly as he pulled my hips back down tightly to him, the motion pushed some of his cum from my pussy and made it drip over his cock between us. “This isn’t just a one time thing, right?”

I shook my head, “Not unless you want it to be.”

He suddenly shot up into an upright position, a panicked look on his face, “Are you on birth control?”

I shook my head. I hadn’t thought about it to be honest. “Not for the past few years.”

He gave me a worried look, “And you’re okay with that?”

I nodded and bit my lower lip, “Are you?” I was suddenly concerned that I should have warned him about that.

He smiled and pounced on me, pinning me under him as he started kissing me again. “God, I’ve missed you.”

Facing my ghost, though scary, was very much worth it.


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