While he watches [D/s][Masturbation]

I take my time tying the straps of the tiny blue panties around my hips, making sure they come together in a perfect, symmetrical bow on each side. A matching bra, royal blue with lace accents, and thin white collar complete the look. You’ve been so busy with school and work this past week that we’ve barely had time to talk, much less play. I intend to change that. 

I stop by the kitchen and throw some chips into a bowl for you as an excuse for interrupting, even though I know you’ll see right through it. Walking into the living room I come to a stop in front of you, holding the bowl out with both hands. Your eyes stayed glued to your computer screen.

“Umm, sir? I brought you a snack.” 

You look up at me and a range of emotions flit across your face; surprise makes way for lust, which flicks briefly into annoyance, only to be devoured by lust yet again. You finally settle on amused appreciation. 

“Oh really?” I nod, holding out the bowl for you, which you take from my hands and set aside. “No ulterior motives?” 

I lower my lashes submissively, but don’t shake my head. You let out a heavy sigh.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I know I’ve been too busy this week.” The people pleaser in me wants to cry out, to shake it off and say it’s fine I understand, but I stay quiet. If everything were fine then I wouldn’t be standing in front of you in the brightest, skimpiest underwear I could find and we both know it. I watch your eyes flit between me and your computer screen, torn. “I really do have to finish this, babe, it’s important and…” 

“I know, I’m sorry.” I interrupt, a quiet, dejected sigh leaving my lips as I turn to leave. You grab my wrist, lightning fast, and pull me down onto the couch next to you. Tossing your computer aside, you hug me, tightly, planting a kiss on the top of my head. You pull back just enough to tilt my chin up and repeat the process on my lips. 

“None of that.” You tell me firmly, one hand still gripping my chin, your eyes fixed on mine. “You don’t get to apologize for needing some attention,” you eyes change then, twinkling playfully, “after all, you’re my needy, horny little slut, aren’t you?” 

My face breaks into a smile and I nod eagerly. “Yes sir.”

“Good girl.” You pause for a second, thinking. “Hmm… I wasn’t lying about this paper, but I could use some entertainment while I work, don’t you think?” The tone in your voice makes it clear that I’ll be providing the “entertainment” you have in mind. I nod again. 

“Of course sir.”

“On your knees, sweetheart.” You order, letting go of me so that I can slide off the couch to kneel in front of you, legs spread slightly, hands resting palms up on my thighs.

“Perfect.” You practically purr, devouring me with your eyes. “You are a sight to behold.”

I smile up at you, enjoying both the comment and the way you squirm slightly, trying to get comfortable.

“Go get your wand for me, please.” I start to stand up but you stop me with a disapproving noise. “Did I say you could get up?”

“No sir.” I respond, falling back down onto my knees, waiting for permission. 

“Well? I said go get your wand.” 

“I, umm, how?” I stammer, confused. 

“Oh come now, you’re a smart little slut.” You say, leaning back into the cushions and pulling your computer back into your lap. “I think you can figure it out.” 

At which point you return your attention to the screen on your lap. The arousal coursing through me coats my brain in a fog and it takes a moment for me to pivot on my knees, placing my hands on the floor. I crawl forward just an inch, turning back to glance at you and make sure I figured it out correctly. The tiny nod of approval you give me over your computer is all I need and I set off for the bedroom, making sure my hips sway dramatically, giving you a good show as I disappear around the corner. I’m coming back down the hallway towards you, wand in hand, when I hear you call from the living room. 

“And grab a leash while you’re at it, kitten. I know you’re hiding a matching one somewhere.” 

Fuck. You know me too well. I bought this collar three weeks ago, while we were out of dynamic, because I knew you would fight me on it. I know I have plenty of collars already, but this one was so cute and beautiful in its simplicity and I absolutely adore white. I hadn’t meant to get the leash, truly, but I could tell you loved the collar so much, even when you were grumpy about it (and turning my ass red for buying it behind your back), and none of my other leashes really matched and eventually I just found myself clicking the purchase button. Luckily your voice is amused, not angry. 

“Yes sir.” I reply, turning off from the hallway to make a stop at the linen closet. Pulling the coil of soft leather out of a small stack of pillowcases, I pause, not wanting to dirty the leash as I crawl. After a moment of deliberation, I swallow heavily to dry my mouth before placing it delicately between my teeth. 

I crawl back, stopping in front of you and slightly to the right so that you can see me around your computer screen. I can tell you know that I’m there, but you keep typing. Rising onto my knees, I present the wand to you in my hands, the leash still clasped between my teeth. It could only have been a minute or so but it felt like longer before you finally paused, pulling your eyes away from the screen to look down at me. Reaching out, you pluck the leash from my mouth, uncoiling it and running your hands over the soft leather. 

“I see why you bought it.” You say, testing the clasp with a loud click. “But next time,” I look down at the floor, ashamed, but your fingers on my chin force me to meet your eyes, “Look at me. Kitten, next time you tell me first. You can spend your money however you want, and if this is what you want to spend it on I’m certainly not complaining, but we don’t hide things from each other. Not like this. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir. I understand.” I nod as much as I can with your hand still grasping my chin. “I’m sorry.” 

“Apology accepted.” The seriousness in your eyes disappears and a wide grin spreads across your face. Your smiles are contagious and I can’t help but smile with you. You grab the vibrator out of my hands, placing it out of reach on the other side of the couch. I watch it disappear behind you with longing eyes. “Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of chances to earn it back.”

“Yes sir.” 

“Now that outfit is…” you pause, searching for the right word while your eyes explore every inch of me, “exquisite, but I think it’s about time you take it off.”

“I thought you liked this outfit, sir.” I reply cheekily, squirming a little and spreading my legs wider, very nearly exceeding the coverage capabilities of the panties portion of said outfit.

“Oh I do, very much. Rather too much actually, which is why it needs to come off.” I smile, wiggling a bit more for you, teasing. “Now, kitten.” 

Your voice is pure power, dominant and irresistible. I start with my bra, reaching back to undo the clasp and shrugging the straps off my shoulders. I reveal my breasts to you slowly at first, letting the cups slide down, then all at once as I grasp the lacy fabric and toss the garment aside. My hair, not confined to its usual ponytail, chose that moment to fall forward, obscuring both my vision and the tits I had so recently liberated for you. Tossing my head back, I run both hands through it, pushing errant strands out of my face and giving you an unobstructed view. Letting my hands trail back over my shoulders, I make sure to squeeze and fondle my tits, pinching my nipples back into hard buds before moving lower. 

Hooking my fingers into the thin elastic wrapped around my hips, I pull up first, letting the fabric slip between my swollen lips. Looking up at you, I’m delighted to see that you’re still watching me, staring really, your computer screen dark and useless in your lap. I release the elastic and enjoy the way it snaps against my hips. Locating one end of the bow on my left side, I dismantle it with a sharp tug. Two pieces of elastic fall away to dangle over my ass and thigh. I go slower with the right one, looking up at you as I pull the bow apart. Finally it too unravels and falls away. The front section follows shortly afterwards, peeling away to reveal just the top of my wet, pink pussy, the rest of the fabric still stuck, barely, between my lips. I push my knees just a little further apart, rising off my heels, and the panties drop to the floor, a pile of bright blue lace. Reaching down, I deposit them next to my bra with a small flick. I bring my hand up, using two fingers to spread my lips wider, making sure you have a perfect view of my glistening wet pussy. I want to touch myself so badly, my fingers are already so close, if I could just… 

I stop myself, barely, and glance up at you for approval. The look in your eyes can only be described as hungry and, while the computer is obscuring my view, I have no doubt you are rock hard underneath your clothes. I pull my hand away from my pussy—too tempting—and clasp them both behind my back. 

“Better, sir?” I ask, coquettish. You tear your eyes from my pussy to meet my gaze.

“Much.” You grin brightly. “Thank you kitten.”

“You’re welcome sir!” I beam up at you, matching your grin.

“Well, you’ve certainly earned this.” You say, grabbing the wand and waving it back and forth a few times in front of me. I shiver in anticipation. “But first…” 

I hadn’t even realized you still held the clasp of the leash in your other hand. I only see a flash of silver before it’s being clipped to the small ring of my collar. 

“Wouldn’t want you to run off the second I give you your treat.” I nod my head dutifully and the metal on my neck jingles. 

“Of course sir.”

“Good girl.” You slip the loop of the leash over your wrist and hand me the wand, which I happily accept. My excitement is diminished slightly when you hit a key on your computer, turning it back on. Noticing my hesitation, you give my leash a small tug. “Go ahead babygirl. You can cum whenever and however you want. I’ll watch what I can.”

I decide to take that as a challenge. Flicking the vibrator on to its lowest setting, I start at my mouth, running the head over my outstretched tongue, coating it in wetness and making sure some extra dribbles down the sides to fall onto my tits. Moving lower, I trace a path down my neck, the vibrations leaving wet, tingling skin in their wake. I rub the rest of my saliva into my tits, running the head over my nipples. If you were holding the wand you would be light, barely letting the sweet vibrations touch my sensitive nipples, but given the opportunity I don’t hold back, pressing the wand firmly into each nipple before moving on. 

When I reach the top of my pussy it takes everything I have to skirt around it. Running the vibrations over my inner thighs not only gives you more time to look at my glistening wet pussy, should you ever look up from that computer, but creates even more wetness to look at. Finally I can’t stand it, bringing the wand back up to my stomach before sliding it down onto my clit. I love the vibrations of course, but it’s the pressure that really gets me. I arch my back, doing everything I can to push myself up against the wand. It takes me a moment to remember that I’m the one holding it, at which point I cry out, bending the neck of the wand as I press the head against my clit. 

The accidental denial of the last week has me so worked up it barely takes three minutes before I’m gasping, moaning as I near the edge. My eyes close, mouth dropping open as a soft “ohhhh” escapes my lips, and I feel the tingling heat radiating from my clit up my stomach reach its limit. And then I’m falling, shaking and trembling as my orgasm crashes through me. As the last waves subside I barely remember to turn the wand off before dropping it at my side. My eyes open, slowly, but my brain is still so flooded with pleasure I don’t see you toss your computer aside or hear you curse quietly under your breath, and I barely register the touch of your hands as you pull me up onto the couch next to you. Curling up against you I let my eyes close again, enjoying the feeling of your arms wrapped around me, one hand stroking my hair while the other rubs small circles on my back. 

“Maybe you being busy isn’t so bad.” I murmur against your chest, post orgasm exhaustion already wrapping me in a blanket of sleep. 

“Well maybe not for you.” You reply, shifting so that I can feel your stiff cock press up against my thigh. 

“Your fault.” I whisper, not blaming or teasing exactly, just putting the thought out into the universe. You chuckle, pulling me in closer and planting a soft kiss on my hair as I drift off.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/i4lfof/while_he_watches_dsmasturbation