Julie (Part 3) [ Fantasy | Monster | Anal | Bad Ending | Arkham inspired Horror | nc]

**Part 3**


She felt faint, and her vision was blurring, but she could hear soft chanting coming from somewhere in the dark. The was something else out there she could feel it approaching. Her skin prickled. She could see a massive shadow moving toward them from the dark.

All the previous men were tall, but this figure was taller still. The men were gone, chanting in the shadows, somewhere out of sight, save the ugly man below her. He was pumping into her more vigorously than he had before, a corkscrew motion that delightfully stirred her insides as she crashed against him.

The thing that approached was an eerie distraction, she had all but forgotten about him as the thing came into view.

It was a beast of merle grey and amaranth, like ash and ink. Cloaked in smoldering shadow. her vision blurred whole sections of it. She felt dizzy as it stepped closer. It was difficult to see much of anything at all, as it was so shrouded in darkness, but what she could see terrified her. Its musculature was strange, not like anything that evolved on earth. Its torso was too long and with too many ribs stretching its oily flesh.

The visage of twisting shadow beast shifted before her eyes. For a moment, a single fleeting moment, she could see a glimpse of its face, the thing’s face. Its eyes were black as pitch, and it’s teeth. Too many teeth.

A suddenly palatable fear came over her. This thing would eat her it’s finished with her. She knew it with all her heart. She shuttered, but she couldn’t flee. Her eyes went wide. Her pupils dilated engulfing the blue of her eyes. It was bright now, brighter than before. For a moment it wore the face of her father, a widened smile across his lips. She could feel a swelling of pride and a sense of purpose. The feeling made her stomach turn. She knew it was false, but she felt it all the same.

What disturbed her the most was the thick and bizarrely long organ between its inhuman legs. It was at least two feet long, thicker than her wrist, but it was steadily growing thicker and longer as it pulsed awake. The purplish veins were thicker than her fingers at the adorned the root of the monstrous cock, some climbing the growing pillar to a row of bulging ribbed flesh until it reached a tapered, semi-rounded crown.

She could feel terror gnawing at the back of her brain, but still, she couldn’t will herself to run. Her body operated unaware of her plight, heavily sawing her pussy into the stranger between her legs. He was moaning softly his hands kneading her ass as she bounced along.

Her brain struggled to maintain reality. She had moments total lucidity but otherwise remained a passenger in her consciousness. She was terrified, and yet the instinct was somehow out of her range of expression.

As she gazed at the impossibly large organ She found it was strangely alluring, under normal circumstances she never would have reached out for something so horrid, but she found she was compelled all the same. Shakily, she reached out, stretching her fingers across the massive, malformed phallus. Pressing her fingers down, she grabbed at it. Her hand was barely able to curl around its thickness. It was erect now, but it felt strange, springier than she imagined but incredibly firm, like a thick spongy coat of supple flesh wrapped over a rod of iron.

She heard the beastly thing growl, the sound resonating from somewhere at the center of her brain. She could feel it breathing through her skin. She felt something tighten around her heart, and then another orgasm stuck, catching her off guard.

She flung her head back whimpering pitifully, releasing the monstrous cock to pound into the man’s chest below her. Her pussy spasming desperately on his cock as ground her hips into him. Her legs quivered, her hips jerked forward hard and then back, in a furious pitch and yaw. Her joints popped and cracked. Her ass tensing and wobbling as her knees spread out towards the edges of the altar.

Her pussy spasmed intensely; milking his cock, demanding to be filled and the stranger was happy to oblige. He moaned out in ecstasy beneath her. His cock swelled and twitched then erupted. Long streams of genetic potential shot straight towards her womb. She pressed her pussy harder down on his erupting cock.

Her whimpering fell to throaty babbling as she fell forward embracing the stranger slowly rolling her hips in a slow circle as her orgasm subsided. Bubbling, hot cum overflowing from her pussy, and came drooling down his cock to his balls, white creamy rings of the stuff built up and washed away with constant stream jism, her hips still jerking with the after-sparks of an intense orgasm.

Suddenly he seemed frightened, twisting from underneath her his half-soft cock slipping out of her pussy as he struggled to free himself. After a moment of scampering, he was gone. His face slipping from her mind just as easily.

A strange, knobby jointed finger reached out lifting her chin. She gazed into the shadowy face, twisting and turning before her eyes, one moment She was staring into frightening black glossy pits and then shifting into one of her old professor’s deep brown and intense eyes, she had a crush on the man once, but it fizzled out when she graduated. Her beast’s face shifted again into someone unrecognizable. Its hideous, rancid breath burned her nostrils. She gagged, her head suddenly heavy as it pulled away. Her thoughts went foggy, and then the thing had reappeared behind her.

A chill went down her spine. A new and intense fire awoke from the pit of her stomach. Her breathing was suddenly shallow, and each exhale seemed to add an emptiness to her gut. She suddenly felt overwhelmingly empty. A burning heat bubbled to the surface of her skin. Despite herself, she was desperately horny again.

Her hand snaked down to her sopping slit, eagerly thrusting two fingers between scorching hot folds. It wasn’t enough, not nearly enough. She slipped in another digit, stretching herself out slightly, yet it was despairingly insufficient. Warm, white cream, ran down her fingers, and then down her wrist, as plunged the digits in harder. She attempted to force a fourth finger inside, but it wouldn’t go. She let out a frustrated groan, then a sudden hefty mass fell between the spilt of her ass cheeks to mercifully end her struggle. It felt scorching hot and gigantic, normally she would have been petrified, instead, she squealed with delight.

Her hand left her aching, cum filled pussy, she reached back over her hips, and her slick fingers sunk into the sticky wet flesh of her buttocks. She pulled hard, writhing desperately, her knees painfully scraping on the rough stone below as bucked against the impossibly large rounded mass sliding against her slicken anus.

She murmured softly as the mass slid back, a soft rounded bulge pressed against her cum drooling asshole. It wanted to sodomize her. She nodded so enthusiastically her darken matted hair bounced. It compliantly pushed forward. The massive rounded knob pushing against her recently over-fucked asshole with a great deal of force and the flesh sunk in around it. She moaned eagerly and it pressed harder. It seemed impossible, like a great fist attempting to force its way in. It pushed a bit harder until a bit of bulging flesh breached the entrance to her cum-slickened bowels.

Her asshole spread, thankfully already teased open for this massive cock. A sharp and searing pain spread out from her ass to every nerve in her body. She thought that the head of it may have crept inside, but her sphincter spread even further. With a sudden jolt of force, her asshole exploded open as the grotesque head finally forced its way in. Her hands fell to the stone altar, her fingers scratching at the stone as she braced herself. She whimpered, her chest heaved and a few hot tears leaked free from the corners of her eyes. She squeezed her eyes shut, and the creature reached up and held her hips steady, with no pity it rammed a thick portion forward taking her by surprise. She screamed out in pain, the walls of bowels painfully expanding open as more of the massive phallus pushed in. For a moment her thoughts were clear again. She wanted to run, her whole body was trembling. Her arms and legs were too heavy to move, it impossible to move; as if her palms and knees had fused to the stone.

The monstrous cock barreling deeper straining the walls of her shit-pipe, straightening the bends in her colon. With the searing pain, she thought it might have cleaved her in half. The pressure forced her eyes open, hot tears welled up, and streamed down her cheeks. Her chest heaved, she took in a long sharp breath and screamed again. Its cock emptied out of her all at once, threatening to drag out bones with it, and then plunged deeper again, straightening her guts and ramming passed all her precious little organs in its way. She screamed again louder, a blood-curdling scream, a scream for help.

“Please… It’s going to kill me…” She sobbed. The beast didn’t let up, the massive cock pressed deeper, forcing the air from her lungs as his heavy testes finally crashed against her sopping wet pussy.

She wanted to fight back, she imagined it, she could almost feel herself kick at the beast and turn to claw at its disgusting shifting face. Instead, she collapsed on the altar, her fingers clinging to the edges, and her face resting on the slicken stone. She hallowed her back, lifted her knees, and arched her ass up to offer the beast a sweeter angle. The bestial organ, plunged further inward until her lungs were pummeled with every thrust, her eyelids were flicking like strobe lights, she could hardly breathe at all. Her lips and gums began to tingle and suddenly went numb.

She wanted to faint, but some unearthly spell kept her nerves alive and alert, it felt as her senses were heightened. It was unimaginably deep, deeper than she should feel, but her nerves were screaming, screaming with delight and pain. It was the most horrible and yet fantastic thing she ever felt.

She could every ridge and change in texture, she swore she could even feel the meaty cock’s thick veins pulsing inside her. Still, the pain was excruciating. Every thrust felt like her internal organs were being hammered into a paste. With a gentle whisper between her ears, She suddenly lunged forward and then slammed back into the beast’s thrusts. her eyes widen, she wanted to scream again, but there wasn’t enough air in her lungs for that. Her ass rippling and wobbling as it collided with the base of its mighty cock.

She could taste something bitter and metallic in the back of her throat. “Please…” She sobbed, but there was no mercy in the creature. Against her will, she clinched fingers harder around the altar, bore down so the thing could impale her easier.

Her tits were quivering roughly against its thrusts, her nipples rubbed raw, as they scraped against the stone. She wanted to beg for the creature to just end her now, but her words were breathless and an insistent babble. Her eyes stung from that lack of tears and she could feel every gory detail of the torment, with a sensitivity that she never imagined possible.

Her muscles were wearing down, yet her body willing, eagerly, desperately begged for more. She felt her hips jerk and her ass writhing along to every motion the thing made, completely in sync. She rolled her hips when it stirred insides, despite the damage it seemed to cause. She pushed back against every forward thrust, to slam its cock deep, even though it felt like it would come bursting through her chest.

The light behind her eyes was nearly snuffed out when the cock wearing her skin finally lurched. Her nerves were suddenly alive with prickly fire. The thing plunged into her once more holding her down. Her tail bone was pressed roughly to the root of the colossal cock. It stiffened then belched, She could hear the rush of sickly hot liquid run through her, like a river from within her ears. It was so hot she wanted to scream. She was sure it could cook her insides. She heard the creature laugh between her ears. A violent orgasm suddenly wrecked her body. Her spine almost curled from the force. She heaved, and a moan gurgled somewhere in the back her throat as it was suddenly drowned out with thick salty slime. Her ass writhed against the root of it cock. Her ruined sphincter spasming eagerly milking the cock as more of the vile orgasm poured into her. Unable to hold down the force of the spray, pinkish slime erupted from her throat, and then it wouldn’t stop. She puked through her orgasm, still writhing and spasming until her nerves finally went numb.

She wriggled helplessly, as the massive phallus pulled free from guts, and she felt suddenly, painfully hollow. Though her nostrils burned, and her lungs ached, she was finally able to take a full satisfying breath. She could feel tears well back up in her eyes, but they stung terribly. The pinkish-white fluid oozed out of her tear ducts as she sobbed.

Her chest heaved forward, and she whimpered. The hurt was unbearable. She dreaded turning around, she wondered how much of her body was left. She wondered what was left inside, and what was pulled out. She tightened her eyes and sobbed louder. When she opened them again the beast was in front of her. The massive cock was inches away from her cum-vomit-covered chin. The bestial phallus was coated root to stem in the thin pinkish cream, pink quivering jelly-like globs, and smatterings of orange. She wanted to curse it for ruining her. Her thoughts were too hazy, instead, she let out a long keening wail, the meager power in her lungs carrying the sound until a wet raspy gurgle cut it short. There was a soft and steady ring in her ears, her vision blurred into a haze, then all was dark and quiet.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/i4fsjf/julie_part_3_fantasy_monster_anal_bad_ending