Helene’s poker night [Part 1]

It was at a house party somewhere out in the boondocks. Helene didn’t really know whose house it was, but her friends had assured her that it would be a kickass party so she joined them there anyways. After having a few drinks and spending an hour and a half chatting it up with her friends she decided to mingle a little bit and explore the house. It was a very large house on a massive property “That’s the benefit of living way out here, I guess” she told herself.

As she was wandering through the house she stumbled into a room where there was an ongoing poker game, they were playing Texas Hold’em. Helene had had a few drinks and she was feeling a little cocky, so she asked if she could join in on the next round, and the guys around the table lit up with excitement! They pulled up a chair for her and dealt her a hand at the beginning of the next round. She played with them for a while, and as the game progressed she had a few more drinks, won a few more rounds, and got a little cockier with every passing minute. About two hours into the game Helene had two aces, and there were two aces on the table, as well as a 10, a jack, and a 5 on the table. She had a very high four of a kind, and knew that there was no way anyone could possibly beat her now, but she was a little low on cash.

It might’ve been the alcohol, it might’ve been the rush from the winner’s high, or it could’ve been that she was sitting at a table full of guys and she wanted to see if she could fuck with their poker faces; whatever it was, Helene decided to throw in herself as collateral in lieu of the cash she didn’t have. The guys accepted that bet with excitement and it was time to show their hands. She leaned back in her chair with a massive smug grin as the guys showed their cards. They had nothing on her! Helene looked at the guys with their defeated half-smiles and she stared daggers at each and every one of them as she started to drag the chips towards herself, but then one of the guys grabbed her wrist and looked her straight in the eyes with an obnoxious smile. He looked down at his cards and looked back at her. Helene stared at his cards in disbelief. He had a king and a queen, in the same suit as the jack, the 10, and one of the aces on the table; a royal flush. He got her, figuratively and literally.

Helene had to undress right then and there in front of all of the guys, simply because her current owner had said so. She was feeling embarrassed and humiliated, but she didn’t argue against or try to fight it in any way, because a bet’s a bet, and also because she had fantasized about stuff like this on more than a few occasions in the past. He ordered her to get on the table and sit down on her knees with her hands behind her back, and she did exactly as he asked. As soon as her hands were behind her back one of the other guys grabbed her wrists and quickly bound them together with his belt. Helene had felt a jolt of fear when the guy had grabbed her without warning, but the fear had been mixed up with excitement and lust, so she had kept her cool despite her heart beating in her chest like a war drum.

Some of the guys started to take off their belts and unbutton their pants, and Helene suddenly realized just how vulnerable she actually was right now. She was completely naked and tied up on a poker table, surrounded by guys who she had just given full permission to do whatever they want with her in exchange for a shot at winning a round of Texas Hold’em. Whatever happens tonight, she made a mental note to drink a little less while gambling in the future.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/i4fyto/helenes_poker_night_part_1


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