Toy Story

So I needed to expand my collection of toys and today was the DAY!!!

I desperately needed a release and had my eyes on this one toy. Though it was kinda pricey, cumming all over it, would definitely make it worth it!!! It was shaped like a tongue with a suction option around it. My pussy muscles were jumping in anticipation on the ride to the store. I even slipped a hand under my skirt to rub my clit a little bit during the ride. I slid my middle finger between my lips to find some juices pooling up. Resisting the urge to play in my slippery mess, I opted for tasting myself instead. I was so ready for some fun and cum!!!

As I pulled up to the store, I noticed only one other car parked out front. Looks as if the store was empty except one other customer. I walk in, and that feeling of giddy excitement washed over me, that only sex toy shopping seems to bring. I could see the employee in the back hanging up merchandise. And a man, I assumed was a customer, looking at things off to the side. I made my way first to admire all the kinky things in the back such as the whips, chains, cuffs and paddles. “Got it. Got it”. ….”Mines is better”….. “I should have bought that here”…..”what the hell is that?!?” I thought….

I made my way slowly to the wall displaying various dildos. Huge dildos, small dildos, and all the the ones in between. I slowly ran my finger down the sides of one with a suction cup that would look perfect on a mirror or shower wall. Lost in thought of being filled up with this cock in front of me, I accidentally knocked the dildo off the display shelf. As I bent over to pick it up, I heard a sharp inhale from behind me. As I picked up the toy still bent over, ass in the air, I realized the gasp came from behind me from the man I seen shopping when I walked in. I realized he had walked up and discovered I had no panties on under this skirt. He had a full on view of my pussy and ass. I quickly straightened up , turned to him, gave him a smirk, smoothed my skirt down, and walked away slowly, laughing to myself as his faced ranged in emotions from shocked, surprised, satisfied, then ending in what could be none other than lust. I winked, blew him a kiss and wandered off to find the toy I came for.

I made my way to grab the box that contained the robotic tongue that I ‘ooo so craved’ on my clit. I was fantasizing about all the licking and sucking that was about to occur. I was in dire need of a release. I was looking forward to getting home, walking in and stripping down right in the entryway. Hell, I might just tease this pussy on the ride home, I thought. I could barely contain my excitement! I bounced my juicy ass in my short black skirt, with more pep in my step than usual, on the way to the counter. As the lady rang up my toy, I reached into my purse…….

My mistake slowly dawned on me as I rummaged in my purse for more than a few seconds only to come out empty handed. In my rush and excitement on the way out of the house, I had left my wallet on the kitchen table. All my giddiness was slowly leaving my body. I looked towards the store door and noticed that they were about to close in 10 minutes. Feeling slightly defeated, I mumbled to the clerk that I no longer wanted to get the item.

I walked to the door thinking of how I could always let my fuck machine pound me out, or perhaps ride my torso doll, wand on my clit, until I squirt and cum. But really, all I truly wanted was a nice warm tongue, teasing my clit as a pair of wet lips worked their magic to suck the orgasm right out of me. I have only met a number of men talented enough to please me with just their mouth. O, how I wish that I had them here, right now, so that I could cum all over their faces.

I walked towards my car, emersed in thought until I heard someone yell behind me. I turn to see the guy from the store, who I had inadvertently flashed, headed my way. “Why didnt you get that toy back there”? He asked. I sheepishly told him I was in a hurry and forgot my wallet at home. “I seen how excited you were walking to the counter, and I just knew you had to have a good reason for just leaving the toy behind. You have such a beautiful smile too, might I add. That I couldn’t bear to see you without it. Now I know I don’t know you or anything, but I went ahead and bought it for you”. I was in a state of shock and disbelief when he pulled the box out of his bag, and went to hand it to me. My eyes opened wide and a smile started forming on my lips. But he just as quickly pulled the toy back and out of reach. “Just one stipulation though” he said. I looked at him curiosly. “And what’s that” I asked. “You have to repay me for it.” I laughed to myself because of course there was a catch. No way could he have dropped $300 on a toy, for a stranger, nonetheless, for free right?!? I told him, it wasn’t a problem. That I could get him the money at my house to repay him. He stayed quiet and stared at me, and for the first time since we’ve spoke, I noticed his eyes. For a loss of better words, they were…. smoldering! They had a strange intensity that I have never encountered before. For a split second, I imagined him in front of me, pinning me to the brick storefront wall. Pinning my arms back, gazing at me with those fierce eyes. His finger shushing me as he got on his knees, lifting my skirt to……….

I snap out of this daydream/fantasy. He is staring at me now with an even more intense yet somewhat slightly amused expression. I tell him to follow me in his car. As I pull into my driveway, I realize I had been absentmindedly rubbing my clit on the drive home. I feel the mess I’ve made on my seat. I rub my clit a bit more in anticipation of the release I knew was yet to come. I dipped a finger in my warm juicy pussy and moaned a bit enjoying

I jumped because I had no idea he got out of his car after he pulled in. He had a slightly shocked but amused look on his face. I got out of my car, grinning devilishly. Leading the way into my garage, I heard him clear his throat.
“You know, you don’t have to pay me for the toy” he said. Confused, I asked “But I thought you wanted me to repay you”? He smiled and laughed “Not with money. Consider it my gift to you.” I stopped with my hand on the door that led from the garage to the kitchen. “Well, what is it that you would like” I asked.

“I want to see that giddy smile of yours again. That same one you had in the store.” I laughed and said “Is that right?!?”

“Indeed. But what I really want to know is why on earth does a woman like you need a toy like this”?

I begin explaining how I had seen it the other day and just thought…..he quickly but smoothly took a step forward filling the space that was left between us. Here I was, with this stranger in my garage, with nothing more than a few inches between us. Funny thing was, I wasn’t scared. I was……..aroused.

I could feel the heat make its way to my pretty little pussy. I glanced at him but my eyes slowly lowered to focus on his lips. I licked my own in that moment.
As if one cue he said “I wanted to tell you by the way, that you have some beautiful lips. Delicious, lips, if I may.” I blushed. He then shook his head and said “not those, THESE”….And with that he leaned in slightly, and brought his hand under my skirt, and began rubbing my wet clit. I moaned in ecstacy and he placed his mouth on mines and kissed me deeply, all the while swirling his fingers around and around my now swollen clit.

Another hand of his cupped my breast and I was sucking his tongue and kissing his lips with such feverish passion. My moans began to get louder and I began to grind my pussy on his hand. In that moment, he began kissing my neck making me even hotter than before. My back arched away from the wall. I gasped loudly when I felt him slip a finger in me. He pulled it out and tasted my honey. I wanted him to feed me some too, so I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out. He placed his finger back in me, and fed me my sweet nectar. I licked my lips after sucking his finger clean. He moaned in delight, then adjusted his pants, freed himself and got on his knees. Before I could say a word, his mouth was on my clit. Kissing and sucking away. I was in shock for a split second. Then the next, complete bliss.

He was quite talented. If watching him stroke his cock with one hand while managing to lap away at my juices was hot, him staring into my eyes with pleasure while he did it, had me ready to cum quick. I slid my pussy up and down his face and let his tongue fuck me. But when he found that sweet, secret, spot of mine, it was over. He wasn’t moving his head, just sucking and flickering his tongue in such a way, that made those coveted waves of pleasure build inside me. I knew what was next and I didn’t fight it. I grabbed on to his head and moaned loud enough, that I’m sure my neighbors could hear. I came so hard on his face that the shaking from my legs could barely hold me up. And he continued to suck on my clit as I came. He then released his own load.

I was on cloud 9 until I could regain semi composure and balance. The whole scene was hot as hell. He slowly rose to his feet and when he did, I pulled him towards me and kissed him. He stumbled a bit, as if I caught him off guard. I wanted to taste and relish myself on his lips and tongue. I stopped then pulled back a bit and said “So is this what you had in mind”?
He grinned and shrugged his shoulders and said “Watching that look on your face when you came, was more than what I could ask for.”
I smiled and grabbed his hand and said “In that case, I just may have a tip for you inside as well. If you have time and aren’t too tired of course.” He smiled and said he always had room for more dessert and we made our way inside the house for round 2!!!!


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