Dramatic perspective [M/F] – Part 2 – The room

I climbed the stairs to my apartment where I lived alone. This apartment was provided by a friend of my father and luckily I wasn’t required to pay any rent. This was a great relief since I was jobless and new to the town. The building was on the Riverside and my room was conveniently placed on the very top floor where I could enjoy the setting sun before I would crash in my bed. I laid low and didn’t use electricity much as a survival tactic so as to be able to live there long enough until I can pay.

I put my handbag on my bed getting out of my shorts and sandals. I removed my thigh highs and laid down to catch a breath. I looked at the corner of the room which was a little damp due to water tanker leaking on the top of the building sometimes. I took some deep breaths and gathered the courage to stood up.

I lowered my underwear and took off the top before taking a deep look at my body. I was 5’7″ with model like appearance, neither slim nor chubby but healthy. I looked at my armpits, smelled them and then took a gaze down my venus. Some hair were growing back after the waxing I did 2 weeks ago back at our personal hygiene clinic. I missed the luxury of my dad’s villa and the maids who would wash me daily after my play time in the vast golf fields and the personal assistants that would do everything for me while I would lay there naked many hours.

I took a bath to relieve myself of the soreness I had while walking all day. I put on a shirt long enough to reach my butt, barely covering it. Then I climbed the stairs to the roof.

I sat on the long deep leather chair and supported my legs on the roof railing. I could see the sun almost setting down now and the darkness crawling or behind me. In the silence I could here dripping of water twice or once every minute in the small puddle that formed at the foot of the tanker.

I spread my legs so that my vagina could breath a bit. I caressed it slowly and like the many times since I move to this apartment, it felt pleasing and strange. The labia started engorging with rushing blood and tides of excitement flew to my nipples making them little rocks. I caressed my boobs and cupped them and it felt so good but then suddenly I felt empty and sad. Tears rushed to my eyes. I was empty inside the feeling was wanton of a caring person to hold me in his arms and relieve me of my burdens.

A small sparrow came and sat on the railing. I looked at her feeble chest which was raging and beating fast. I wanted to jump down this building. I didn’t know what I wanted. I was a mess I was a disgrace to my family.
I stood up and went to the railing. I put one foot on the side, my life flashed before my eyes. My lovely little sister, my brother, my father and mother and their unconditional love, all was before my eyes. I heard a whisper in my ear “Jump Alina, Jump”.

”Whoa whoa whoa young miss, what the hell do you think you are doing?” Strong hands clasped my shoulders and pulled me back. I turned around to see my father’s friend who was an old man in 40s.

”I… uh … I…” I couldn’t find words to utter. A strong man with a plumbing toolset was standing behind him starting at my exposed tit on the left side. I began crying.

The owner took off his coat to cover me up and hugged me lightly. “It’s alright young lady. You’re gonna be alright” He caressed my back and lightly held me with one hand from the waist while the other hand caressed my hair and back slowly patting me, consoling me. He took me down the lift to his office. I assumed the plumber went on to fix the tanker.

“Now you’re gonna tell me what’s bothering you Alina? I am indebted to your father for eternity, and the least I can do is help you out. Now I don’t know what sort of a mess you’re in, but I assure you, I will do whatever is in my power and authority to take care of your problems before you want to go back home. Now tell me what can I do for you?”

It seemed like my own father was sitting there. A sea of emotions came to my chest like a big knot and I began crying again before saying:
“Uncle, I have always respected you and didn’t want to do anything to upset you. But there is a past back at my home which I have left. I don’t want to tell anyone. But for now I need a job badly. Maybe I will settle down in this town or maybe I will find the courage to go back home by I am scared and lost.”

”Alright… But you have to promise me you will not be stupid enough to take your own life again. Your father homeschooled you and accelerated your graduation early on in life so that you could have his empire of business, the millions of dollars of business empire that he made just for you. I am sure you are wise enough to reassess your decisions.
Now the job part, give me your documents, and I will do something about it. But you will not leave this building until I find a job for you Ok?”

“Ok uncle I understand.” i wiped the tears away and tried to cover my pussy which was peeking from underneath the coat.

”And wear something that covers you up young lady. This town is cruel to young girls like you. I can’t be around all the time to look after you. So you have to take care of yourself.” He gave me a stern look.

“Alright uncle.”

“Now go to your room. I will send you something to eat. I have to go home to the kids and wife. See you in a file of days.” He rang a small bell on his table and a servant came inside.

“Take a large pizza with chicken, beef, mushrooms, olives,peppers and extra cheese with chocolate filled crust ; alongside two drinks, one ginger and raspberry cocktail and another softdrink for me, I will be heading home now. You are gonna make sure miss Alina has whatever she wants for food, and keep the tabs on my name. I will call Domino’s on the way. The manager knows me.” He gave a strict look at the young boy.

” Don’t worry sir. I will personally be of service to mam and will provide whatever the madam wants”.

“Alright Peter, I am heading out. Meet me outside car park with my drink.”

I stood up and was guided to the lift by Uncle Sheldon. I gave him his coat back.

“Young lady cover yourself up. Jeez”

The coat flipped away the side of the loose shirt exposing both my tits and my pussy again. I adjusted the shirt and stretched it down. “Sorry… I…”

“Go to your room. Leave your documents in my office tomorrow morning. Take care child.”

“Ok uncle.” A sense of relief and contentment filled my heart and the sadness and the knotty feeling resided, for now.

A few minutes later I was standing in my room with Peter at the door.

“Thank you Peter, wait let me give you the documents. Please don’t forget to put them on Uncle’s table in the morning. Hm, the pizza smells good. See you tomorrow in the morning. Good night.” I handed him the documents which he obediently took from my hands and strolled away saying “I will madam, don’t worry”.

I ate the pizza which was a good meal after many days in the town. I had literally 50 bucks left with no hope at all. But uncle Sheldon gave me some hope.

I took off my shirt and wore just an underwear to bed and tried to sleep.



Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/i3ptsj/dramatic_perspective_mf_part_2_the_room