Dramatic perspective [F/M] • Part 3 • The Knot • (Very Long)

I laid down in my bed and turned the AC on in like 1 week. Today was especially a hot day and I was sweating all day. I drank a glass of water and set the AC to 19°C (~68°F). The room was pitch dark and all I could hear was faint sound of a subwoofer bursting with rock songs distantly with people cheering every once a while.

I closed my eyes feeling relaxed after many nights of crying and many days of walking for miles without hope of searching for jobs. I felt a tray of hope that I will finally earn something and be able to face my father soon.

I felt relaxed and drowsy. My hands started wandering on my body and I started to touch and feel my breasts with both hands. It felt like they have a life of their own, they responded by becoming erect and sensitive to the touch. I wandered why this didn’t find my breasts attractive. I kind of hated them.

My heart skipped a beat with the mixed feelings building up in my belly. I thought maybe I ate too much an hour ago and it is stomach gas and slight cramps. I caressed my tummy for a whole minute while my left hand still caressed both my nipples and breasts and it felt weird and confusingly good. I touched my feet and hips but I couldn’t concentrate and locate the feelings to a single spot. It was like all skin of my body was feeling good. Maybe it was the full stomach or good food, maybe it was the ginger cocktail i didn’t know.

I touched my pussy and suddenly it dawned on me that the pleasure was connected to my pussy. I bit my upper arm in the desire of a man. I craved a man’s touch and his kiss on my lips. I wanted to feel his hips and touch his chest and bite his body all over. I wanted someone to lay naked with me. I touched my hips and imagined how the butts of a man would feel like. I tried to clench my belly skin tight and imagine how the tummy of a man would feel. My heart beat was increasing and I could hear my heart pounding in my chest.

I slowly caressed my pussy and it began to feel like little fireworks are on fire. Small waves of pleasure slowly overcame my body from my hips to my collar bone, everything was pleasure and good sensation. I made my pace a little fast. But my fingers were suddenly wet. I thought i dropped some sauce in my bedsheets. I turned the light on but the bed sheet was clean. Then I looked at the white lace underwear which was a little wet and sticky.

I remembered an ad for yeast infections and they were saying that the colour will be white like milk in a newspaper. I panicked and took off the underwear. Went to the mirror to see what’s happening. The sticky substance was coming out of my pussy and it was transparent but gooey and sticky. I rubbed it out so that I could be clean and change my underwear but it was suddenly more pleasing. It made my head a little dIzzy and my legs a little weak. I dropped back to the bed, spread my legs and began rubbing my pussy with the sticky substance coming out of me. More was coming out the more i rubbed myself and the more pleasing it became.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. My heart was racing and I was all sticky. A faint smell surrounded me and my hands. I rushed to the wardrobe and quickly wore a sleeveless deep neck shirt, then wiped my hands on the tissues from the pizza box and rushed to the door.

I opened the door.

“Hello miss, I am your neighbour and I need your help if you’re free. I am sure I haven’t disturbed you, have I?”

A 5’10” tall man with silky hair falling midway between his eyes, wide brown eyes, a wide jawbone and manly featureset on his face, trimmed facial hair and one ear piercing on his right. He had a trouser On, with his chest bare with small curly hair visible and glistening in the corridor’s golden halogen light. His arms were straining and his body was shaped and handsomely taken care of.

He was bare foot with his one hand holding a wet shirt. He was amazin…

“Miss, hello?”

“Yeah, yes No, Not at all, wha .. what c..can I do for you?” I snapped back to reality.

“I know it is almost midnight but the room service guy was not picking up the phone at reception and I think one side of my room is dripping water. My mattress is soaking wet and I was awakened by it wetting my sides.”
His words were like magic, like music was playing and angels were singing.

“I am sorry to hear that let me have a look. My uncle is gone early tonight and the room service is low on staff tonight due to some strange illness. But Let’s see what we can do about it together .” I tried to be helpful and kind, adjusting my gaze from his chest to his eyes and adjusting my hair with one hand, while the other tried to cover the tits who were eager to come out.

“Alright, I am sorry to disturb you again but I may need a new mattress to sleep but let me show you…”
He went on to open his door and guided me into his room. His room was dripping water onto his conveniently placed mattress below it. This was the same spot where the plumber was going to repair and remove the fault in the pipes, by tightening and covering with plumbing paste.

“Aah, this is the same spot adjacent to the one in my room. I have placed a pale below it as uncle Sheldon said it will be taken care of. Today i saw the plumber. I am sure the repairs have been done but the puddle of water was not removed on time. I am very sorry.”

I said empathising with him while trying to cover my pussy and tits strategically by adjusting balance from side to side and sneakily pulling my shirt from the back down. Luckily this guy was not paying attention and was annoyed with his wet mattress and soaking shirt. Which he was rolling and squishing to remove the water from.

“Well miss, I don’t have a backup plan, I moved today and all my stuff and clothes are packed. Mr. Sheldon said that I will be moved downstairs to a clean and nice room by the weekend when a family living downstairs move out. i guess I will have to sleep on the floor tonight. Thank you and sorry for the trouble. ” He came out of his room and tried to guide me to my room like a gentleman.

“Maybe I have some dry clothes I could give you for tonight.” I said gathering my confidence. “Perhaps a cup of tea would make your mood better. This is the least I can do for my uncle”.

“No no, I insist please don’t get bothered. Mr. Sheldon is a nice man. He will figure something out tomorrow morning”. He started to go inside his room.

“Wait, he is not coming back in at least 3 days. So I think you will mess up your stuff if you open the cartons now. Come inside, I am Alina.” I forwarded my hand to him.

“Well it makes sense, alright. I am Rocky, Rocksworth Peterson, its nice to meet you.” He shook my hand warmly.

“Sorry, I am Alina David, daughter of the billionaire Alexander David. I uh, I am here for sight seeing and vacation”. I hesitantly replied.

“Woah, THE Alexander David’s daughter, my lady, I am sorry if I have offended or troubled you. I will be in deep shit. i am so so sorry my lady. Please forgive me your humbleness.” He bowed down almost shaking. Fear was clear like daylight in his eyes. I felt stupid to introduce myself this way.

“Hey hey, Rocky, I am kidding. I am just Alina David. My family name is similar to Alexander’s family name so people always think that I am his daughter, it is like a prank I do to people i meet. I love to see the fear in their eyes. Haha. Come inside, I am just joking. ” I lied trying to cover up my embarrassment. And I knew lying is not good and it will someday cause trouble for me. But for now, I wanted to be friends with this man. I wanted to feel the world first hand. So I had to lie.

“Oh, huh hah, huh, haha, I, uh I thought you really were… Nevermind. ” He followed me inside, still skeptical and confused, I locked the door.

I led him to the bedroom and turned the remaining lights On.
“Please excuse the mess of a room i am living in. I don’t have anything else to host you at, but please feel comfortable and be seated on the master bed.”

He sat on the bed after looking around. My room was a cosy small room with the bed in the middle. On one side of the bed a body mirror was placed on the wall, and the farther side of the bed room was a small side cabinet where I placed my phone and wallet. On there was a table lamp. Besides this cabinet was the pale placed which collected the dripping water and protected the carpet from stinking.

At the end of the wall was the washroom and wardrobe while on the side where the mirror was, a lengthy table was placed with the wall that served as a kitchen counter top as I made my coffee and tea there. The pizza box with some leftovers was placed on there. The wardrobe area had a doorway with no curtains or door due to this floor still undergoing maintenance.

I went to the wardrobe and opened the lower cabinet to find a shirt for this handsome man. I was leaning down essentially exposing my ass and pussy to this man, unaware of the view he was seeing and his reaction to it. But after a good few minutes, I found a shirt and a dry trousers pair for him.

“Here” breaking the weird silence, I threw the clothes to him. I almost caught him of guard staring at my bottoms.

“Oh, uh, … Thanks I guess. I will change them right away” he rushed towards me in the wardrobe and I gave him his space.

“I will make some coffee for you”. I said walking towards the long ironing table.


Visit my profile for the remaining parts.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/i3rpuo/dramatic_perspective_fm_part_3_the_knot_very_long