Careless Whispers (part six) [Caring] [straight sex] [cunnilingus] [pretending to sleep]

When I realized she wasn’t settling down, she was still horny and wanting, I picked her up from the bed and carried her into the bath. I ran the bath full of warm water and climbed in with her. We spent over an hour in the water with me gently washing her body and hair, soothing her aching muscles and kissing her softly.

Gia fell asleep in the water and I let her sleep for a while, sitting with her to make sure she was safe, but the water was getting cold again so I let it out and carried her back to the bedroom. When I laid her down on the bed I noticed her clit was still swollen, so I leaned down and kissed it. Flicking my tongue back and forth then leading it down into her cunt. She squirmed on the bed, waking up slightly.

I climbed up the bed and kissed her, whispering, “Go back to sleep and let me give you some good dreams.”

She smiled and closed her eyes, and I made my way back down her body, kissing her neck, breasts and stomach as I made my way back between her legs. She was pretending to be asleep still, but the way she rotated her hips against my tongue and mouth told me she wanted to get off one more time. I didn’t force an orgasm on her, I brought it about slowly, gently coaxing one more beautiful wave of pleasure coursing through her body.

Her soft moans made it hard for me to not cum right along with her, but I didn’t want that. I wanted to cum deep inside of her again. So I spread her legs and positioned myself against her petite cunt and worked my dick into her. She gasped and I kissed her, sharing the flavor of her pussy with her seemed to excite her more as she lifted her hips and met my gentle thrusts.

I grabbed the back of her head, tangling my hand in her curls and pressed my forehead to hers as my hips bucked into her. I could feel every ripple of her anatomy on my cock and she cheated, looking me in the eye as I thrust deep then whispering in her sweetly soft voice, “Please cum in me and make me a mommy, Daddy.”

I pulled her hair and came hard at that. The sexual undertone of her calling me daddy was a lot more charged than I expected it to be. I gasped and laughed a little as she bit her lip and looked me in the eye. I kissed her deeply as I worked on catching my breath and slowing my heart rate back down. My hand gripped her hair a little tighter and I leaned down to her ear and whispered, “I think I’ve changed my mind. Daddy is what I want you to call me, baby girl.”

She smiled and nodded, “Yes, Daddy.”

We cleaned up and quickly settled into bed together, falling fast asleep around one AM.

I woke up to a knock on the door and Gia gently rubbing my hair between her fingers. She was partially awake and that had been a comfort thing to her for as long as I’ve known her, though it was usually her mom or sister’s hair she played with. I tilted her face up to me and she opened her eyes, smiling softly. The knock at the door sounded again and I got up, though she tried to hold me down on the bed, I kissed her cheek and pulled away, slipping my boxers on to go check the door.

Ray’s face greeted me through the peephole and I opened the door slightly, “What is it?” I asked, feigning still being half asleep.

He tried to push past me but I blocked him,which was not an easy feat as Ray was not a small guy, “Gia’s still asleep, what do you want Ray?”

Ray smirked, “Let me see her sleeping and I won’t tell your wife about the show you put on with her last night.”

I looked back in the room, “Give me a minute?” I asked.

He nodded and stepped back from the doorway. I shut the door and went over to Gia, She was lying on her stomach with her knee bent up and to the side of her. “Did you hear him?” I asked.

She nodded.

“Are you okay with it?”

She hesitated and I added, “I’m okay with the fallout if you aren’t okay with him seeing you like this.”

“I’m okay with it,” she said softly.

“Pretend to be asleep,” I put my shirt on her and had her lie back down on her stomach like she had been, pulling the sheet over her ass to cover her. Then I put my jeans on and went back to the door and let Ray in.

He was practically salivating as he looked at Gia, the cam set up from last night was still arranged and he looked over to it then whispered to me, “Did you take her sister’s virginity too?” he asked.

I nodded. Katherine had been a virgin when I met her, but so was I. Gia was a different story.

“Was Katherine that tight when you first had her?” he asked.

I kind of hated that he was talking about my wife. He’d come on to Katherine multiple times over the years. He’s a good twenty years older than me, about twenty-five years older than Katherine and now he was ogling her little sister, who was around forty years younger than him.

“Pull the sheet off of her,” he said quietly.

I sighed and uncovered her, smiling as I noticed she’d slipped on a pair of panties at some point before I let Ray in. He groaned as he watched her shift positions in her ‘sleep’ and looked at me. His voice was gruff, “What are you willing to let me do so your wife doesn’t find out you took her little sister’s virginity on a live feed from your hotel room?”

I scowled at him, “You don’t get to touch her, if that’s what you’re asking,” I snapped.

She shifted again and he held his finger to his mouth in a shushing manner.

“Don’t wake her,” he whispered harshly. “Pull her panties down so I can see her…”

“Absolutely not. She’s asleep, I’m not going to fucking assault her for your viewing pleasure, Ray.”

He scoffed at me, “I didn’t know she was your sister-in-law until you brought her into the office…been a fan of hers for a few years now…” he said as he licked his lips.

“A few years?” I asked as I looked at Gia. She was twenty, would be twenty-one in August, so that would put her having that site since she was eighteen. God I hope she was eighteen when she started it.

He nodded, “I found her live shows last year, but before that there were photos and videos of her elsewhere, most of them were just her sitting in front of a mirror, showing off her tight little virgin hole, some of her being eaten out or giving blow jobs. When she switched to the live show there were no more guys around her, she’d bring other girls on from time to time, but mostly it was just her chatting and fingering herself or toying with her ass.”

I started to direct Ray back towards the door when he me in the eye, “Are you going to leave Katherine for her?” he asked.

I didn’t know how to answer that. I hadn’t thought that far ahead. I shook my head, “I don’t think so,” I said softly, knowing she could hear me and worrying about how that would make her feel.

Ray looked from me and back to Gia, “Then I want to fuck her. All of her. I want you to record it for me. Do that and I won’t tell Katherine about you setting me up to bring her little sister on this trip just so you could deflower her. Was the room cancellation planned or just a happy coincidence?” he asked.

“Coincidence,” I said blankly.

I looked at Gia. I didn’t want him to fucking touch her. But I didn’t say that, “I’m not going to make her fuck you to keep my marriage intact, it’s not worth it.”

“Just ask her if she’s willing and let me know before we leave on Sunday. The sooner you let me do it, the better off you both are, just so you know. If we wait until Sunday and I don’t get to fuck her with you recording us before we leave the hotel, I’m going to fuck her on the plane, then again with you recording us once we’re back home. Understood?” he said more than asked.

I looked at him, “Or you don’t get to fuck her at all,” I said.

He nodded and smiled, “Or that, but I have a feeling she won’t want her sister knowing she’s screwed you any more than you want her sister to know and she’ll be willing to fuck me to keep me quiet whether you want her to or not.”

He laughed as he left. I locked and bolted the door and ran back over to Gia. My hand came away from her cheek wet and I turned her onto her back. She was crying softly. I pulled her up into a hug and she clung to me.

She sobbed, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…,” apologizing profusely between heart wracking sobs.

I stroked her hair and hugged her, “It’s okay, Gia. You don’t have to do anything, I don’t care what he threatens.”

She pulled back and looked at me, “I do though. He’s right. I don’t want Katie to know I slept with you. My parents would disown me. Katie would hate me. They’d all call me a disgusting slut…,” she was sobbing again and I pulled her head back to my shoulder.

“They love you Gia. They would assume I seduced you,” I said.

“Just…go get him and tell him I’ll do it. We can just get it over with,” she said sadly.

“No,” I replied, “No, absolutely not. I’m not going to let you have sex with someone you don’t want to have sex with to keep your sister from finding out, I will call her and tell her myself if I have to.”

Gia got up and headed towards the hotel door and I stopped her, “Gia…,” I said softly.

She pulled her hand away from me and tried to push past, “Let me go get him,” she said.

“I don’t want you to fuck him, okay? I don’t want you to fuck anyone else,” I said bluntly.

She looked at me and scowled, “Well, that’s not going to happen. You’re going to stay with my sister, I’m only here for the summer, after that, we’re done, right?” she said.

I looked away from her and nodded, “Yeah.”

“Then call him and get him back down here, Dean,” she said softly.

I clenched my fist and shook my head.

“Do you really want me to sneak off and let him fuck me without you there to help me stop him if he gets rough?” she asked.

I made the call and I still hate myself for it.
