Getting into Trouble (part two) [Brother] [Sister] [Blowjob] [First Time] [Incest]

We were in a heatwave and I was trying my best to remain covered up. It was difficult, I was used to running around in my underwear when things got really hot in the apartment, but since that kiss I’ve been afraid of making my brother uncomfortable. So, I stuck to the few articles of clothing I owned that fully covered me and opted to sweat to death in hell-on-earth weather.

He noticed and adjusted our AC so I wasn’t completely uncomfortable. He was having a few of the guys over that night for a sports thing of some sort. I promised I’d either stay in my room or go out for the night. I’d never really thought about how difficult I’d been making life for him. He wasn’t much older than I am now when mom died and he took me in.

I helped him set up some trays of snacks and looked over at him, “Is Christian going to be here?” I asked.

“If he shows up, anyone he’s with isn’t getting in,” he said bluntly.

“Do they know what he did? ‘Cause they might not realize why you’re so mad at him and might try to get you guys talking again,” I said.

“I’ll tell them exactly why he isn’t allowed in this apartment, but no, I haven’t told any of them what happened,” he touched the small scar that was still healing on my forehead and I pulled away from him.

“I’m fine, Ari,” I said, dismissing his concern and ignoring that it was still a little tender in that area.

We finished setting up the snacks for then I went towards my bedroom.

Ari grabbed my hand before I disappeared for the night, “Some of them might crash here for the night if they drink too much. Be careful if you leave your room, please? I don’t really know if I can trust any of them anymore. Christian was the one I most trusted…”

I nodded and went into my room. I heard him sigh as he heard the lock click. I was successfully caged away from his leering friends, which meant I was safe in my brother’s eyes.

I pulled off the suffocating clothes and sat on the floor in my panties and bra, finally able to breath a little easier and cool off in the modestly cooled room. We really needed to make a maintenance request for our AC. We should be able to drop it below 80 without the condenser freezing up.

I listened to the laughter filtering in from the other room. I heard my name mentioned a few times as people showed up, “Where’s Zia hiding out, I was looking forward to seeing what she was wearing in this heat,” and “Zia’s not around?” were the most common reactions to me not out there hanging around them like I normally would have been.

Ari told them I wasn’t home. An added layer of protection for me, I suppose, but it also meant that what I had in my room was all I was getting for the night unless my brother took pity on me and came clean on me being in the house, just tucked away like a princess in a tower, away from the heathens and lechers.

I listened to them having fun and I hear Ari groan when, I think it was Lee, asked why Christian wasn’t there.

Ari wasn’t planning on telling them anything about it. But when asked directly he just dropped the burden of protecting himself from losing friends and protecting his friends from feeling put on the spot and having to choose between the two of them.

“We aren’t on speaking terms right now,” was all he offered with that first question.

Lee laughed, “Right, he mentioned you caught him making out with Zia and flipped out on him.”

I could actually hear the seething and disgust in Ari’s tone, “I…they weren’t making out. He tried to rape her.”

Everyone was quiet for a couple of minutes, “Nah, he wouldn’t do that, she probably just regretted it and didn’t want you mad at her for hooking up with him,” Sam said.

“She was crying and trying to get away from him. He hit her head on the bench in the hallway and gave her a concussion. She couldn’t even fucking see straight, let alone give consent to have sex with him,” Ari said harshly.

The room got quiet, “Are you sure they didn’t just get carried away with getting rough?” one of them asked him, Andy, I think.

“Yeah, Zia can be a bit of a tease, maybe he read her signals wrong,” Lee said.

“Being a tease doesn’t mean she deserves to be raped,” Ari shot back, “You weren’t here. I’ve never seen Zia crying that hard before. She was scared, her head was bleeding, she couldn’t even fucking walk. Getting carried away with rough sex might mean a bruise or a bite mark, not a concussion that’s bad enough to blur vision and impair walking. She didn’t even recognize me, she looked right at me and didn’t see me. I don’t care who my sister fucks, as long as it’s her choice to do it.”

“Is she okay?” Sam asked.

“No, she’s not okay. She actually trusted him. I’m not okay either, he was my best friend…You guys should probably go, maybe his place would be a better hang out for you. Tell him that he’s already getting away with it. She’s afraid to report it because she knows she’s a tease and she knows that will be used against her. Tell him maybe if he owns up to it and apologizes to her while fully acknowledging what he did, I might be able to forgive him. Putting it on me overreacting and her being a tease, though? Yeah, that’s fucking cowardly,” he said.

There were some mumbled apologies but the damage was done, they were excusing their friend’s behavior towards me, putting the blame on me. I wasn’t perfectly innocent, I did flirt a little, but he also knew I wasn’t in the best position to defend myself since the whole reason he was walking me home was because I almost drowned and was still shaky. Kinda made me wonder if he maybe paid the kid that pulled me under to do so. Maybe it was a whole fucking set up with him thinking I’d be grateful and give him a ‘thank-you’ fuck.

Ari knocked on my door once they were gone and I unlocked it. He sat down and pulled me over to him, hugging me tightly to him. I groaned, “It’s too hot for hugs!”

He laughed and hugged me tighter, “You can take a shower after to get my sweat off of you, but for right now, I’m just glad you’re safe and I’m sorry for however much of that you heard,” he said.

“I heard all of it, you don’t have to stand up for me, you know? They’re your friends, you can’t ditch all of them because they think me being a tease means I was asking for it. It’s not an uncommon notion for people,” I said.

“I wouldn’t be losing anything. Just sets me up to have better criteria and standards for future friends, Z.”

I pulled out of his hug and looked him in the eyes, then leaned forward and kissed him for the second time. He didn’t push me away this time. He let me run my hands along his jaw and kiss him deeply as we sat in the doorway to my bedroom. When I pulled away from his lips he looked sad. He let go of me, got up, and went towards his bedroom quietly. I followed him and clasped my hand in his.

He stopped and turned to look at me, “You can’t do shit like that, Zia,” he said softly.

I bit my lip and looked him in the eye, “You’re the only guy I genuinely trust,” I said.

My hand tugged on his and his grip on it tightened slightly, “Maybe you shouldn’t,” he said.

He started to let go of my hand but I clung to his, “Ari,” I said, forcing him to turn towards me slightly so I could look him in the eye, “I don’t want to lose my virginity to some asshole overpowering me.”

“I will keep beating the shit out of anyone that tries,” he said.

I nodded, “I know. But, will you…just look at me?” I asked, trying to not sound disappointed or upset at his dismissal.

“I am looking at you, Zia.”

I smiled sadly and tugged on his hand, “You’d be able to tell if I was still a virgin, right? If you *really* looked at me?” I asked.

He furrowed his brow, “I’ve been told that’s not an accurate way to know.”

“Would you do it anyways? I still don’t know if he actually…did anything or not? Please? To put my own mind at ease? If you can’t tell…at least I’ll know he may have done more than I thought and I can work on dealing with that,” I said softly.

He hesitated but nodded.

I let him pull me into his bedroom and he shut the door behind us. I started to pull my panties off and he stopped me, “You don’t have to do that for me to look real quick,” he said.

He turned his bedroom light on and I walked over to his bed, laying down sideways on it so he could kneel at the side of the bed and look at me. His fingers were trembling as he pulled my panties aside, carefully, only exposing the area he’d need to see to confirm whether or not my hymen was damaged or not, or if I even had one, which, I didn’t know. I’d never really inspected myself that closely before.

He pulled at me with his thumbs and I could feel the air on much more intimate areas, “Open your legs a little more?” he asked me.

I did and felt a drip of fluid sliding down from my opening. His thumb collected it from my body and he spread me open a little wider. I could feel his breath on me. My areas were tingling and I felt another slow drip of fluid sliding down from my cunt towards my ass and he, again, used his thumb to catch it. He let go of me and pulled my legs together with his fingers.

“I don’t know what you looked like before, but I think there’s tissue there making things smaller. So I’d say I don’t think he actually raped you, just almost did,” his voice was strained and his brow was furrowed. He couldn’t look me in the eye.

I pulled my panties off and he didn’t stop me this time, he just stared as I sat up on his bed without any panties on. I unhooked the little clasp between my breasts and pulled my bra off. Ari looked like he was on the verge of tears, but he also couldn’t look away from me. I reached out and took his hands in mine, then put each hand on either side of my waist.

His lower lip was trembling and his eyes were glossed over. I don’t think he could see straight through the tears building up in his eyes. I hooked my fingers in the belt loops on his pants and gently guided him until he was standing in front of me. I looked up at him and reached out, unbuttoning his jeans and carefully lowering his zipper. He didn’t stop me, but his grip on my waist tightened slightly.

Ari’s hands slid up along my waist and over my sides until he had one hand on the back of my neck, rubbing gently as his other hand pressed his thumb to my lower lip and I brought it into my mouth and sucked on his thumb, which tasted like me. He groaned and tightened his grip on the back of my neck and I pulled his pants down to his knees.

I was hesitant to pull his boxers off, but his thumb pressed down on my tongue and I hooked my fingers into the waistband of his underwear and slid them down his thighs. His dick was hard, a light coating of fluid at the tip of him. He pried my jaw open with his thumb on my tongue and pulled my mouth towards his cock. I moaned as his thumb moved out of my mouth, his hand cupping my jaw, pulling me towards him as his cock began to push against my tongue. The bitter salty fluid at the tip of him made me lick across the tip then swirl my tongue around and back to the underside of his cock.

He gripped my hair at the back of my head tightly and I began to move my lips up and down his cock. I’d never done this before either, so I didn’t know if I was doing okay or not. Hand jobs and kissing was the extent of my sexual prowess, in spite of how much it would seem otherwise. He pushed his dick a little deeper into my mouth, his grip on my hair tightened and he lifted my head just a bit, opening the back of my throat as he groaned and gagged me.

It excited me.

He pulled back and I maneuvered myself on him until I gagged myself with his dick again. He moaned loudly and whispered, “I’m so sorry, Zia,” and he began to thrust himself at my face, forcing his cock down my throat until I gagged more and squirmed. My eyes were watering and my face reddened as I tried to hold my breath so he could use my throat as I gagged and contracted on his cock. The wet sounds of his dick in my gagging throat seemed to excite him more. I grabbed his hips and squeezed gently, encouraging him to keep going, I could handle it, I think…

When he pulled back I felt the head of his cock dislodge from my throat and felt the relief mixed with the pain of him forcing open my throat like that. Thick lines of spit clung to my lips as I breathed heavily and worked to catch my breath. His cock was thickly coated in my saliva and I moved to take him back into my mouth but he pulled me up to my knees and tossed me easily back onto his bed.

He climbed up between my legs and started rubbing the wet side of his cock along my pussy as his lips descended on mine, kissing me hard. He moaned against my lips as his tongue pushed forward to find mine. I lifted my hips, encouraging him to slip inside of me but he was careful, only gliding his cock along the outside of my cunt. The head of his dick poked at my clit repeatedly and made me moan.

“It’s going to hurt a little,” he whispered to me between kisses.

I nodded and squirmed beneath him.

His brow furrowed and he brought his lips to my neck, biting me hard, making me whimper and arch my back slightly. Then he kissed down my chest. His hands cupped my breasts, they filled his palms with just a slight overspill as he kneaded them in his grip. He brought his lips to my nipples, teasing and biting at them until he could catch his teeth on the firm flesh and pull just slightly to make me whimper.

Ari kissed his way lower until his hands gripped my thighs and he could get them under my ass to lift my hips slightly, allowing him to make me squirm and moan in delight as his tongue danced around my privates. He kissed me intimately, paying close attention to the moves that made a rivulet of fluid slide down me so he could catch it on his tongue and drag it back up my skin, plunging it back into me as he pointed his tongue and curled it inside me.

He wrapped his arm around my hip and used his thumb and index finger to push my small pussy lips apart. He admired me, the sheen of his saliva and my fluids on the pink flesh of my cunt excited him and he quickly maneuvered so he could get his fingers in me while he tongued and teased my clit.

I whimpered and bucked my hips towards him. He smiled and moved back up my body, repositioning himself so he could kiss my mouth as he fingered me hard. He watched me struggle to maintain my composure as he brought me closer. He groaned as he watched me fight the pleasure trying to course through me. He was breathing heavily with his own restraint and I lost my fight as he whispered, “Cum for me, Zia. Let big brother watch your body be overwhelmed with pleasure and I promise I’ll give you what you’ve asked me for.”

I grasped his comforter and arched my back, He rubbed me inside hard and my body released a spray of fluids. It felt like I’d peed myself and my cheeks flushed at the thought of it. He groaned in pleasure and his teeth closed around the small diamond stud in my ear, pulling softly as he pulled his fingers from my still spasming pussy. His voice was deep, insistent, “No one has ever looked that beautiful in my bed before, baby sister,” and quickly replaced his fingers with his cock, impaling me in one quick thrust that made me scream.

My body trembled and he moved slowly but deeply within me, enjoying my, still contracting, freshly broken, virgin cunt wrapped tightly around his thick rod. My inner thighsrubbed along his hip and side as I squirmed. My hands grasped the back of his neck as I held him tightly to me. His lips had found mine again, enjoying the feel of his tongue on mine as I moaned. Each time his lips pulled back so he could look at the pleasure coursing through my face, I opened my eyes and arched my back, “Harder,” I whimpered.

He obliged until he literally had his hips pounding me as hard as he could. I was crying and begging him for more. It felt like there was an itch deep inside that needed to be scratched and he wasn’t quite hitting it. He pulled himself out of me and I whined, but he turned me over onto my stomach and lifted my hips so he could push into me again.

That’s what I needed.

He resumed the deep hard thrusting into my cunt, but now he was hitting that aching spot that needed attention. He guided my hand between my legs and gripped my hips tightly, pulling me to him as much as he was pushing into me. I rubbed my clit and lifted my hips, causing him to push a little deeper.

Ari groaned and made one more thrust as he felt my cunt contracting on him again, my muscles tensed in another orgasm and he almost became overwhelmed himself as I tried to hold him inside of me.

He pulled out and roughly turned me onto my back again, a few strokes of his sister coated cock and a hot stream of thick fluid hit my lips and cheek, then another coated my neck and tits, another clung to my stomach and a dribble landed on my aching clit as my brother collapsed onto the bed beside me, panting hard.

I laughed and he glared at me, “Not fucking funny, Zia…”

I pulled my lower lip between my teeth and licked his cum from it as he watched. He groaned and closed his eyes. I leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips, then gathered some of his cum onto my fingers and licked them clean as he watched. He licked his lips, but just watched me.

My legs were swaying from side to side as I dragged my tongue over my fingers, pulling his seed from them and into my mouth so I could taste him some more. He grabbed my jaw and turned me to look at him, “You look way too fucking happy with yourself.”

I smiled at him, “I love you,” I said sweetly.

He pushed my face away from him, his voice was wracked with torture, “If you loved me, you would have ignored such a perverted fantasy and let me continue protecting you from shitheads like me.”

I shook my head and pulled myself closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder as I snuggled tightly against him, “No, ignoring it almost got me raped. So, no, going forward, I’m not ignoring it, but I will hold it in while your friends are over. In fact, why don’t you invite Christian to your next get together and I’ll show you how much better I can behave now. Maybe if they see how different I’m acting they’ll think it’s because of what Christian did,” I said.

He looked me over, “And if they decide to beat the shit out of me and hurt you?” he asked.

“I don’t think they will. I don’t think they could, to be honest. I think you’d kill them if they tried. If I’m wrong, we’ll deal with it however we can,” I said.

Ari stroked my cheek and sighed, “Okay. I’ll set something up with them for next week. Just so you know, though, if Christian even looks at you funny, I might deck him.”

I smiled, “I know, but I do want a chance to talk to him alone. I think I need to confront him,” I said.

My brother looked at me and got off of his bed, “This can’t happen again, Zia. You can be with whoever you want to be with, but I cannot do this again. I kind of hate myself right now.”

His hand was shaking as he pulled his clothes the rest of the way off of himself and grabbed a tissue, his cum and my blood streaked his skin. I wanted to comfort him, but I didn’t know if I’d make it worse or not. “Go pee, get cleaned up and I’ll check to see if you’re still bleeding or not after,” he said softly.

I got off of his bed and headed towards the bathroom, stopping at the door to look back at him. Ari sat on the edge of the bed with his head in his hands, sobbing quietly. I got my way, but I think I hurt my brother to get it.



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