Fuck the Police 2: The Second Offense [MF] [NC] [blkmail] [mdom] [impreg] [reluc] [oral]

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/hrom2a/fuck_the_police_str8_mf_nc_blkmail_mdom_preg/)

In the middle of the night outside a small house, Tyler opened the trunk of his car. Inside of which was Officer Karen. She lay there in shock, naked leaking cum. Her tear streaked face wore an expression of resigned horror. Tyler could tell she was still processing what he had just done to her. Her wide eyes looking off into space spoke volumes. She knew she was a damaged thing now, and Tyler knew it too.

Now it was time for him to capitalize on it. He ran his hand down along her body. She felt soft and warm, but there was an athletic firmness to her body too. Karen shuddered at his touch, but she was in no position to refuse Tyler. He already had enough blackmail to keep her compliant, but he had to keep the pressure on. His hand reached her groin, and slid down to caress Karen’s labia. He could feel the wet slimy remnants of the cum he filled her with earlier. Still it was slicker and wetter than he thought it would be from just his cum leaking out. A wickedly lewd smile appeared on his face. “Still wet I see.” He said fingering Karen’s cunt. “Fuck you’re such a slut. If word ever got out…” Tyler trailed off, he knew Karen couldn’t risk being exposed for the rape slut she was. “Well it looks like we’ve made it to your home. Aren’t you going to be a good host, and show me in?”

In a fuge Karen pulled herself out of the trunk of the car and stumbled to the door. Tyler handed her the keys he had confiscated from her earlier as she walked past him. Tyler watched Karen go up the walkway toward her house. Her nakes body was almost glowing in the moonlight. As she walked the a soft dripping sound accompanied her. Left behind her was a shimmering path of dripped cum and her own grool. “Poor thing,” Tyler said following close behind her. “Getting fucked once wasn’t enough for you was it?”

Karen stopped at the door to her house, “Please,” she whimpered, “can this be over?”

“I’m afraid not,” Tyler said sternly. He wrapped his arms around Karen’s body. Tyler could feel her body stiffen and tremble. His left hand began to absent-mindedly play with her tits, while his right hand grabes Karen’s right wrist. He pulled up her right hand holding her keys, “Will it be over for the people you hospitalized? The one’s who lost eyes from your rubber bullet? The ones beaten and left for dead? This is your penitence forn the sins you’ve committed.” Tyler moved Karen’s hand forward putting the key to the lock. “Now open the door.”

Hesitantly, Karen slid her key into the lock. Tyler helped rotate her hand, unlocking the door. When the locked clicked open he let go of Karen’s tit and opened the door. Tyler moved to push Karen inside, but found she was already sprinting in. Knowing it wouldn’t be good if Karen got out of sight Tyler followed her in.

Tyler found Karen in her room fumbling with a drawer on her nightstand. He could hear the sound of metal parts clicking into place. It was obvious she was trying to ready a gun. Still in her panic Karen was fumbling trying to load the pistol. Tyler remained calm, despite the dangerous change in the situation. “Bad move Karen,” he admonished. “You don’t think I have contingencies?” Karen whirled around, but Tyler’s question made her hesitate. “All those incriminating pictures are on a deadman switch.” Karen’s aim began to falter as her arm started to tremble. Tyler began to move forward taking advantage of the opening he created. “Those photos, as well as some choice additions from earlier are set to go out all over the internet.” Tyler pressed his advantage and confidently stepped forward. He knew his best bet was to keep talking, to try and keep Karen’s mind focusing. “How will it look if you murdered the man who had incriminating evidence on you? Are you ready to let the whole world know you’re a slut?” Tyler’s hypotheticals were doing their job, keeping her mind from following cohesive train of thought. Karen was unsteady, and her confusion evident on her face. Tyler was close enough now to make his move now. In a quick movement he grabbed the barrel of the pistol and jerked it away. Karen was caught by surprise, and Tyler was able to wrench it free from her grasp. With the gun now in his hand Tyler adjusted his grip above his head, and put the safety on. Then in a strong fluid motion he brought the butt of the grip down on Karen’s face. “Bad girl,” Tyler growled, “looks like you still need some more education.”

Tyler ejected the magazine from the pistol, and checked that the chamer was empty. Karen lay still on the floor, not daring to look up. Tyler shoved the ammunition under a dresser, hidden and not easily accessible in case Karen tried something else. With the gun empty Tyler threw it across the room and moved over Karen.

She was kneeling down and crying holding the side of her face where it was struck. Already Tyler could see that a bruse was forming where he hit her. He lighty placed a hand on Karen’s shoulder. She looked up in shock at this uncharacteristically gentle act. “You made me do that,” Tyler said softly. “Now be a good girl and do as you’re told.” Karen looked up at Tyler apprehensively as he began to undo his pants. He then took one of Karen’s hands and guided it into his boxers. “That’s pull it out,” Tyler said encouragingly.

Karen hesitaed. “If I do this,” she spoke her voice trembling, “you’ll leave?”

“I don’t think you’re in the position to bargain,” Tyler said grabbing a fist full of Karen’s short blonde hair. “You owe me this much for your little stunt, but I’ll decide when I’m done with you.” With that Tyler gave a tug on Karen’s hair pulling her face toward his groin. “Now, pull out my cock and start sucking.”

Hesitantly Karen compiled and pulled out Tyler’s cock. She was running her tongue down the length of his shaft while also sliding her grip on the cock back and forth. Tyler pulled on her hair forcing her mouth over his cock. It felt so warm and wet on his cock. Fuck it felt good. He grabbed the back of Karen’s head and forced it down the shaft. He kept pressing until he heard Karen gag on his dick. Then he let go and allowed Karen to pull back her head and gasp in a few breaths before showing her face down on his cock again.

When Tyler let Karen up for air again he added, “I bet you’re getting all wet again you slut.” He reached down to confirm his suspicions, and gave Karen’s pussy a stroke. Karen let out an invoulentarly moan at Tyler’s touch. “Fuck, you’re such a horny slut. I bet you want to play with your pussy while you suck cock.”

Karen started to shake her head no, but Tyler wasn’t going to allow it. He moved his hand to Karen’s throat and squeezed. Karen coughed and instinctively reached for the hand at her throat. “No,” Tyler growled, “that’s not where your hands belong.” Karen tried to pry Tyler’s hand from her throat, but his grip was too tight. “Go on rub that wet cunt of yours,” Tyler said his grip tightening. Karen, feeling there was no other choice reluctantly moved a hand down between her legs.

As she began to slide her finger up and down her hole Tyler relaxed his grip on her throat. Karen gasped and sucked in fresh air, but before she could catch her breath Tyler shoved his cock back in her mouth. He pulled her hair once again forcing her down on his cock. He guided her head back and forth on his cock, “Keep rubbing that pussy,” He commaned. Karen obeyed and soon Tyler could feel her moans vibrating through his cock as he fucked her face.

“That’s a good slut,” he said pulling his cock from her mouth. Slimy strands of spit and precum linked the two of them while Tyler looked down at Karen. She was flushed and breathing heavily, and even if she wouldn’t admit it she was incredibly aroused. She couldn’t stop playing with herself. Whether it was out of fear of another reprisal, or a her surrender to the sensation neither she or Tyler could say. Tyler grinned lustfuly at Karen on her knees and continued, “I bet you want my cock in your cunt again. Don’t you?”

Karen started to shake her head again, but stopped when she felt Tyler’s hand on her throat. “Please,” She squeaked out pleadinly, her words filled with a hope this would stop.

“Please what?” Tyler growled, his grip tightening for a second to let Karen know there was only one right answer.

Karen’s eyes grew dim, as if something inside herself had broken. Dejected she spoke in a quiet voice, “Please, … please fuck me.”

“That’s a good girl,” Tyler said gently. He released his grip and gingerly placed a hand on Karen’s swollen, tear-stained face in a dark parody of a lovers caress.

Tyler grabbed Karen by the shoulders and then guided her to her feet. “Go ahead, lay down on the bed.” Karen obeyed Tyler, but her apprehension was clear on her face. She lay down on her back, slightly spreading her legs, and her hands resting at her side. “That’s it. Now rub that clit of yours,” Tyler ordered. Karen hesitated at first, but a stern glance from Tyler was enough motivation for her to comply.

Karen ran her fingers down her wet slit and gathered up her juices. With her fingers all slick from her wetness she began to rub around her clit in concentric circles. Tyler watched Karen rubbing herself as he finished undressing. At some point she give into the pleasure. By the time Tyler had completely disrobed Karen was biting her lip in a vain attempt to hold back her moans.

“That’s it.” Tyler said sliding the tip of his dick along Karen’s slit. Instinctively her hips began to rock, trying to coax Tyler’s cock inside. “You want this cock don’t you.”

Karen didn’t answer directly. She just turned her head away. Her hand was still at her clit, fingers rubbing round and round. Her eyes were closed while she bit her lip still trying to stifle a moan. She didn’t speak, but she nodded. Slowly at first, but then she began to nod faster. Whatever part of her that wanted to resist was defeated. Now she was just an animal begging to be bred.

Tyler grinned at his total victory and thrust his cock in. Karen could not hold back the lustful moan that came from her as Tyler’s dick slid deep into her warm, wet hole. Tyler could feel Karen’s vaginal walls beginning to contract, as he made deep hard thrusts into her. “You’re such a slut, you’re already about to cum aren’t you.” Tyler leaned back and grabbed Karen’s hips, holding his cock inside her, but now allowing Karen access to her clit again. “Go ahead then. Make yourself cum with my cock deep inside you.”

Karen’s earlier hesitance was gone, she was a base creature now only seeking to sake her carnal urges. Her hips bucked and grinded against Tyler as she began furiously rubbing her clit. Every breath brought a panting moan, until she reached her climax. For an instant her breathing stopped, and her whole body tensed. Tyler could feel Karen’s pussy tighten on his cock. Then as if a dam burst Karen let out a howling moan as her body began to spasam in orgasmic bliss.

“That’s it slut, cum on my dick,” Tyler growled as he began to thrust in hard and deep. Karen’s pussy felt so hot on his dick that he thought it would catch on fire. Picking up speed with his thrusts her was fucking her deep and fast, growling like an animal. A primal need to breed was overtaking everything for them both now. Karen continued to writhe and moan beneath him, her mind overloaded by the continued stimulation. Tyler wasn’t giving her a chance to come back down. His thrusting kept her in agonizing bliss for what seemed like an eternity. Finally Tyler growled “Are you ready for my cum?”

“No,” Karen moaned. A desperate fragment of who she was tried to reassert herself. “Not.. in-inside. No, please.”

Tyler’s hand clamped back on her throat. “What was that?” He asked as he squeezed.

“Please,” Karen gasped. She could feel her body revolting against her wanting to have a primal need filled. Tyler’s theat of violence was enough to give in. She looked up at him, broken “I need it.” Tears began to flow as her rational mind accepted that she was now begging for her rapist’s cum. “Cum in me.”

Tyler smiled a wicked grin and pushed in deep. He held Karen down on his dick, pushing in deep. His cock sprayed hot ropes of cum deep into Karen’s cunt. Feeling the cum fill her triggered another orgasm. Karen pussy tighted on Tyler’s twitching cock, miliking out the last drops of cum.

Tyler collapsed on Karen, holding her in an embrace. He was catching his breath, while Karen silently cried. When his breathing slowed he proped himself up, and wiped away Karen’s tears. The surprisingly gentle touch caught Karen by surprise, and she looked up startled into Tyler face. He was serene, wearing a peaceful smile. “There, there,” He spoke in a gentle tone. “You don’t need to cry. You just admitted what you truly wanted.” Tyler’s hand wiped away her tears, and began to gently stroke her face as he continued. “We are all just animals driven to breed. Let go, give into your instincts. Let nature take it’s course.”

Tyler pulled himself from Karen. She lay there, her expression vacant. Tyler knew that if she wasn’t already broken she soon would be. Soon she would be turned into his willing cum dump. Her training would continue, but for now they needed some rest. He laid down beside her and embraced her. Slowly, cradled in his arms, the exhausted Karen began to drift off to sleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/i11fog/fuck_the_police_2_the_second_offense_mf_nc


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