The Woman from the Bar [MF]

I sighed heavily as the bartender poured my second whiskey neat. I brought the glass to my nose and twirled it, inhaling deeply. I closed my eyes as the woody aroma flooded my nostrils.

“I guess I’m striking out tonight, Pete,” I said after taking a sip.

“No, no, no…no way,” Pete was waving his hand in the air, “get that shit outta here, I don’t need your mopey ass taking up a spot at my bar.”

I chuckled into my glass and gulped down the rest of my drink. I exhaled sharply and shook my head. “Whoo! Alright, one more then I’ll be out of your hair for the night.”

My eyes followed Pete as he walked to the other end of the bar to grab another bottle. He reached up and grabbed the bottle from the shelf and that’s when I saw her. I locked eyes with the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She had brilliant green eyes and long flowing frosty blonde hair with a perfect amount of loose curls throughout. She was wearing a tight, deep blue dress that fit her figure perfectly. She was average height, maybe a bit taller, and curvy in all the right places. It was obvious she was proud of her appearance and took care of her athletic body.

She smiled at me and I melted into the stool. It was then that I realized I had been staring for probably an inappropriate amount of time and my jaw was slightly ajar. I couldn’t help but completely take in this woman and her beauty, and she didn’t seem to mind my gawking. I just wanted to burn the image of this woman into my brain forever.

I was so captivated by her beauty that I nearly fell off the bar stool at the sound of Pete’s voice. “What’s caught your attention?”

“How long has she been here?” I asked, motioning my head towards her.

“Long enough to have a few beers,” Pete replied. “Half an hour, I guess? Not sure. Why?”

“What? No, not her you idiot. *Her*, at the end of the bar. Blue dress.”

Pete casually turned towards the end of the bar as he was mixing another drink, then turned back to pour it. “Oh, she just got here I think. This is her drink.”

I looked up at Pete and smiled. “Looks like I’m gonna be here a little longer than I thought.” I grabbed my drink and stood up to walk over to her. I took two steps her way when another man joined her at the bar and leaned in to kiss her. She grabbed his arm and raised her face to meet his. As she did, I saw her ring. I stopped in my tracks and sat back down at my barstool, deflated. Of course she was married.

“Oooh, I think that’s strike three Romeo,” said Pete through gritted teeth.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, shut up. I’ll be gone in a minute,” I replied desolately.

I couldn’t leave without taking in her beauty one last time. My eyes darted around the bar. I was suddenly nervous to look in her direction. I almost felt guilty for feeling this way about a married woman. I took a sip of my drink and looked at her. I don’t know if it was coincidence, or if she had been anticipating my glance, but we locked eyes again and I never wanted to look away. I could feel the excitement as a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. The back of my neck became hot and my palms started to sweat.

She broke our gaze by glancing down at her drink and twirling her glass around. She took the last gulp and then looked back up at me and smiled and shrugged. She then slid the empty glass towards me and raised her eyebrows. I knew what she wanted me to do; what I *needed* to do.

The liquid courage had definitely kicked in by now, and I wasn’t going to let this situation pass me by. I glanced at her husband, who was talking to a couple other guys with his back to the bar. I grabbed a napkin and wrote *Parking lot. 5 minutes* on it.

“Hey Pete,” I waved him over, “give that woman another dirty martini and put it on this napkin, would ya?”

Pete took the napkin and laughed when he read it. “Gettin’ a little cocky there, aren’t we?”

“Just do it!” I retorted. As Pete poured the drink and walked over to her with the napkin, a knot formed in my stomach. I was anxious to see how she would react to the message. I didn’t want to leave without some sign of affirmation first.

Pete delivered the drink and as she took a drink, she noticed the napkin. She looked at me and smiled and, without even breaking eye contact with me, she picked up the olive and slowly wrapped her lips around it and sucked it off the toothpick. She then repeated the process for the second olive and as she did, I felt my cock twitch. I shifted in my seat and she knew the effect she was having on me because she smiled and licked her lips. The way she slowly moved her tongue over her lips, from one corner of her mouth to the other, made me stand at full attention. This woman was magical. She managed to give me a raging erection from 20 feet away. I was dying to know what else she could do.

She took a sip of her drink and picked up the napkin. She folded it in half and smiled. She tucked it into her purse and kind of shrugged at me while pointing to her husband, who was still talking to his friends. I pointed towards the restrooms sign that was behind her on the wall. She looked over her shoulder and then back at me. She looked down at her purse again, lingering there for a few seconds, as if contemplating what to do. When she looked back up at me, she had a mischievous grin on her face.

I watched as she tapped her husband on the shoulder and whispered something in his ear. Then she pointed at me as they both looked my direction. My stomach flipped. Thoughts started racing through my head. *What did she tell him? Was this their plan all along? Oh shit shit shit, why is he walking over here? Okay, it’s fine, be cool. Technically I did nothing wrong. Act normal.*

As he started walking towards me, my dick damn near jumped back up inside me. My erection disappeared faster than a popped balloon. As he got closer, I looked over his shoulder and saw her wink at me as she headed for the back door. She was testing me, and I wasn’t about to fail. I smiled as I grabbed my glass and gulped down the last of my drink. A little more liquid courage couldn’t hurt right now.

The lengths of our noses were all that separated us. His bloodshot eyes were darting between mine, struggling to focus. For a second, I thought this was going to take a wild turn and he was going to kiss me. I was partly relieved I was wrong.

“My lady says you were hitting on her, is that true?” he asked, without blinking.

My heart was pounding. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, I’ve been sitting here the entire time. Ask Pete if you don’t believe me.”

We both turned to look at Pete. “Oh, um, yeah, yep he’s been here the whole time. Just like every other night of the week,” he said with a wink as he flipped his towel over his shoulder and walked away.

We were nose to nose again.

“I don’t give a damn what you or your boy *Pete* says,” he snapped, “I trust what my wife says.”

I let out a small chortle.

“Is something funny?” he asked through gritted teeth.

“Nothing,” I replied through chuckles, “nothing at all.”

I could smell the alcohol on his breath. He squinted his eyes and smiled at me. He took a couple steps backwards and laughed. Then he stopped, shook his head, and looked up at me. I could see the anger in his eyes. He looked down, hesitated, then clenched his fist. In one motion, he took a step towards me and swung his fist at my face.

I darted my head to the right and grabbed the back of his shirt, using his momentum to push him to the ground. He sprung up, turned around and scowled at me. He took a couple wobbly steps towards me and took another swing. This time I pivoted my entire body out of the way as he lunged forward and stumbled to the ground. He laid there a moment, collecting himself before standing up again. Once again he turned to face me, raising both hands up next to his face to show two clenched fists.

I put both hands up, palms facing him. “Listen, I don’t know what you think I did, but I didn’t, and neither of us are in any condition to have a boxing match in the middle of the bar. I’m just gonna go and you can get on with the rest of your night.”

I threw a $20 bill towards Pete, never breaking eye contact with this buffoon, and started walking towards the exit.

My blood was still pumping as I got to the parking lot, and my liquid courage caused my confidence to soar. Just the idea that this woman *might* be out here waiting for me was electrifying. I felt more alive than I had in years, maybe ever. The thought of her coupled with the adrenaline caused my cock to twitch back to life. I immediately started scanning the parking lot for any sign of her. My dick was basically Jack Sparrow’s compass pointing me towards the thing I wanted, needed, the most.

It wasn’t a huge parking lot, and I had already scanned it twice when I was about to give up and go home. Deflated, I reached into my pocket and headed towards my car. It was then that I heard a whisper. I stopped dead in my tracks, my ears perked as I frantically tried to identify the location of the noise.

“Over here,” she whispered.

I turned toward the voice and I was so overcome with excitement when I saw her that I just started laughing. I couldn’t stop for a solid 30 seconds.

“Shhh!” she whispered again, “somebody might hear you!”

“Sorry,” I said, my laughs dying down. “I just can’t believe this is happening.”

She smiled. “Sorry for sending my husband to you like that, I had to create a distraction to slip away.”

“And you couldn’t have told him you needed to use the restroom?!” my voice was still booming from adrenaline.

“Shut up! If you can’t keep it down, nothing is going to happen!”

“My car or yours?” I asked.

“Oh, definitely yours. Can’t have mine smelling like sex, my husband would kill us both.”

I felt like an idiot with the enormous smile I had plastered on my face. I extended my hand. “Follow me, then.”

She smiled and took my hand. She was so calm about this entire situation. *Was this part of the plan? Would her husband come out at any second to kill me?* At this point, I didn’t care. I was only thinking with one head, and it wasn’t the one on my shoulders. I needed to experience this woman’s magic. My cock craved the attention the olives got earlier on. I had never wanted anything more in my entire life, and if I died because of it, in that moment, I was prepared to accept that.

When we got to my car, I opened the back door for her.

“Wow, such a gentleman,” she said smiling.

“Hey, who says chivalry can’t exist in a bar hook-up?”

I helped her into the backseat, shut her door and walked around to the other side. Before getting in, I stopped to take a deep breath. I still couldn’t believe this was happening, that this was even real. Still not convinced I wasn’t about to be on an episode of Criminal Minds, I couldn’t ignore the massive erection in my pants.

I quickly scanned the parking lot before joining her in the backseat. As we sat facing each other, we locked eyes with a fierce passion as we both anticipated what was about to happen. All I wanted to do was rip off that blue dress and give her the pleasure she deserved. As we sat there staring at each other, I couldn’t move. My brain was telling my body what to do, but I couldn’t move a muscle. Of all the times to freeze up, THIS just had to be it. My heart was pounding and my eyes were darting quickly back and forth between hers. One bead of sweat rolled over my temple down the side of my cheek. I felt like a teenager on prom night about to lose his virginity. I had no idea what was wrong with me, but I knew if I didn’t do something quick, she would peace out. I honestly can’t say I would blame her either.

Much to my relief, she grinned and finally broke the awkward silence. “So…we going to just sit here all night or are you going to do something about that tent you’ve pitched over there?”

I looked down and was relieved to see that at least my dick was still working. “Sorry, you’re just so beautiful I can’t believe this is really happening.”

“I’m already in your car,” she chuckled, “you don’t need to sweet talk me. Now get over here and show me what that thing can do.”

I felt like I had been snapped out of a trance. I scooted next to her on the bench seat, slid my hand to the back of her head and pulled her in. I had never found kissing to be much fun, more of a formality really, but with her was different. It felt right. Everything else around us seemed to melt away like it was just the two of us, there in that moment, wrestling tongues. I wanted to stay there forever, but just then she pulled away.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Nothing,” she replied, “we just don’t have much time. My husband will be expecting me back from the bathroom soon.”

As she was talking, she was undoing my belt. I followed her lead and kicked off my shoes and started unbuttoning my shirt. I wrestled my shirt off as she shimmied off my pants. She was kneeling on the floor between my legs, smiling up at me. She reached her hands up to the waistline of my briefs, and slowly pulled them down, causing my hard cock to flop out. As it did, she kind of went cross-eyed looking at it and got a huge grin on her face.

“Holy shit,” she said, “I knew I had a good feeling about you.”

I am not huge by any means, but I have never had any complaints, either. I am a full seven inches with a fair amount of girth. Though it had been awhile for me, and combine that with the effect she had on me, it probably made me a bit more engorged than normal. Before I could say anything in return, she had her plump, red lips wrapped around the head of my cock. I let out a big groan and I knew if we continued on with this I would blow my load in a matter of seconds. It took every fiber in my being to stop this goddess from what she was doing to my cock.

“Wait, wait, wait,” I said, “you gotta stop.”

Her face turned red. “Oh…um, okay, sorry?”

“No, no! It was excellent, but maybe next time when I’m a little more…prepared”

“Next time, huh?” she said with a smile.

“Shit, sorry,” I felt the blood rush to my face, “heat of the moment. Now switch spots with me.”

I put both of her legs over my shoulders, and slowly started kissing up her thighs. I rolled her dress up to her torso to expose her panties. She gasped as I kissed her belly button and gently slid my lips over her panties making my way back to her thighs. I could feel the heat radiating from her pussy. I playfully bit her inner thighs, causing a sharper gasp from her. I reached my hand up to move her panties to the side and they were saturated with her juices. I looked up at her and smiled as I exposed her perfect, juicy lips. It was obvious she took pride in her appearance down there, which I always appreciate. While I prefer clean shaven, she had a small landing strip, which was incredibly sexy on her. I playfully licked her inner thighs, again slowly making my way to her pussy.

“I appreciate the sentiment, but we really don’t have time fo—ooohhh my God!” she groaned.

I plunged my tongue deep inside her. I felt her thighs tighten around my head. I slowly pulled my tongue out and moved it to her clit. I moved my tongue rapidly back and forth on it a couple times, swirled it around, and then inserted it back into her pussy. Her juices were flowing and they tasted as sweet as I imagined they would. I wanted to lick up every last drop.

I stopped and looked up at her, smiling. “What was that you were saying we don’t have time for?”

She put her hands on the back of my head and shoved my face back down. This time I gently licked her slit up and down. Deliberately taking my time, teasing her, building the anticipation. When her groans transitioned from pleasure to a hint of annoyance, I settled my tongue on her clit. I took it between my lips and sucked on it while twirling my tongue. I went through all the different shapes and started on the alphabet when I noticed her breathing quickened. I stuck my index and middle fingers inside her, which was met with a satisfied moan. I thrusted my fingers in and out of her a few times, before I slightly curled my fingers inside of her to get a better angle. This intensified her moans and her breaths were short and sharp. I could tell she was on the verge of orgasm.

I sped up my tongue action on her clit and inserted a third finger in her pussy to get better leverage. To add more sensation, I started humming to vibrate her clit. This instantly put her over the top.

“Oh fuck, just like that, right there, keep going just like that,” she said between gasps, “right there, yes, I’m gonna cum!”

I was moving my fingers as fast as they could go and I was basically motorboating her clit at this point. Her gasps got closer and closer together, then she arched her back and went silent. There was a solid five seconds where I thought she had passed out, except her entire body was tense. I didn’t want to risk ruining anything, so I kept going. Then her thighs tightened around my ears, she grabbed my hair, and let out the loudest, longest moan I have ever heard. Her body went limp as she lay panting on the seat.

“Holy shit dude,” she said with a smile, “that was insane.”

I smiled back. “Glad to be of service.”

She grabbed the back the of my head and pulled me to her. She playfully nibbled on my earlobe and lightly whispered in my ear, “now fuck me.” She pulled my briefs down over my thighs and wasted no time taking me in her mouth. My cock was rock hard from hearing her orgasmic moans and watching her bob up and down my shaft nearly put me over the edge then and there.

It felt amazing and I went against every sensation in my body to stop her. “Turn around and kneel on the seat.” My cock popped out of her mouth as she turned around and I could see it pulsing, ready to explode. I was thinking of anything besides my current situation to subdue my urges.

We were both facing the back window and her ass was in the air towards me. I flipped her dress up and rested it on the small of her back. I grabbed her black lacy thong and slowly peeled it down, revealing her beautiful pussy lips. Her juices glistened in the light from the lamppost outside. I couldn’t resist diving my face into her pussy one more time. I tongue fucked her for a minute, just to make sure it was primed and ready for my throbbing cock.

I straightened up, grabbed the base of my cock, and guided my head to her slit where I rubbed it up and down a few times, then slowly inserted it. The feeling of my dick sliding inside this perfect pussy was indescribable. It was the most sensual feeling I have ever experienced. I closed my eyes to really focus on that feeling, as I figured I would never experience anything like it again. I started out thrusting slowly and deliberately, taking in the intense pleasure of her pussy wrapped around my cock. After just a few thrusts, my dick was covered in her juices. Her moans were soft and genuine, as I slowly slid my dick all the way in and then almost all the way back out.

With my eyes still closed, I gradually started increasing the speed of my hips. When I had reached my preferred speed, I opened my eyes to watch her ass bouncing on my cock. We were definitely shaking the car at this point. I glanced out the window, and when I did my stomach dropped and I froze.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, looking back at me.

“Uhh…nothing,” I stammered, “just don’t wanna cum yet.” Her husband was standing outside the bar, presumably looking for his wife. *How long had he been there? He certainly must have seen the car shaking.* I didn’t want her to see him and freak out, so I started slowly thrusting again, making sure not to move the car.

He was all the way across the parking lot, but I could have sworn he was staring right at me. My heart was racing and I was holding my breath, trying desperately to avoid any noise or movement, but also trying to prevent her from figuring out what was going on. He took two steps toward us and my heart jumped to my throat. *This is it, I’m gonna die. There are worse ways to go, I suppose.*

Just as I was about to start getting dressed, one of his friends opened the bar door and motioned him back inside. He turned and looked at my car one more time before heading back inside. I let out a huge exhale.

“We really probably should hurry,” she said, “my husband must have been looking for me by now.”

*Oh, you have no idea.*

I increased my speed and the depth of my thrusts this time. I was going as fast as my hips would go, and as deep as her pussy would allow. I could feel my penis bottoming out on my thrusts, which only seemed to intensify her moans. I looked down again to watch her perfect ass bounce up and down my shaft, as she had taken control. The way she moved her hips was flawless. Every now and then she would do this thing where she slammed her hips into me, her pussy engulfing my cock, then wiggle her ass back and forth at the base of my dick. She was an artist with her hips.

I had reached the point of no return, so I grabbed her hips and pounded her as hard as I could. I felt my cock about to explode as I focused all of my energy and sensations on the tip of my penis. The rest of my body went numb for a few seconds, then I shot what felt like gallons of hot, creamy sperm inside her. I let out a long, loud moan as I immediately filled her up. Normally, I’m not a loud finisher, but holy shit this orgasm was literally mind-blowing. My entire body tingled. It was a sensation I had never felt before.

We were both overcome with pleasure, seemingly stuck in place. I could feel her pussy pulsing around my twitching cock as I rested inside her. After my final twitch, and my cock began to deflate, I collapsed on the seat next to her, both of us sweating and panting heavily. We looked at each other and smiled, too exhausted to do anything else.

I handed her my t-shirt to clean herself up with and extended my hand. “I’m Rick, by the way.”

As she pulled up her panties and rolled her dress back down over her legs, she looked at me with a sly grin. “Don’t you think we’re past the point of pleasantries?” and pulled me in to kiss me one last time. She turned to open the door.

“Wait,” I said, “I don’t even get to know your name?!”

She hopped out of the car and turned around to face me. “Maybe next time,” she said with a wink and shut the car door.



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