How Things Change – Chapter 2 [Incest] [M/S] [M/F]

*This story is a work of fiction. All characters are 18+*

*First, before we get going, I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who read and commented on the first part of this story. Your kind words were motivating, and what criticism I received was very helpful.*

*If you have not read the first part of this story, I recommend that you do so. It can be found* [here](*. Anyway, enough rambling. Onward with the story:*

After what felt like an eternity, I pulled up my jogging bottoms and underwear, headed upstairs and went to bed myself. I walked past my mom’s room as quickly as possible.

To say that I struggled to sleep would be an understatement. I lay in my bed, tossing and turning until the early hours, running the events of that evening through my head again and again. Eventually though, I must have got to sleep, as I awoke to the sun beginning to stream through my blinds.

I could hear my mother moving around in the kitchen downstairs, likely getting ready to work. Flashes of what had taken place between us filled my head and I wanted nothing more than to avoid her in an attempt to avert the intense awkwardness. Yet I knew that I couldn’t just ignore her for the rest of my life, I would have to face her eventually. With that in mind, I decided that it would be best to get it over and done with, and go downstairs to face my mother. I took a few moments to steel myself, pacing around the room and taking deep breaths. Then, when I had gathered all the courage I ever would, I opened the door and headed downstairs.

My mother was stood with her back to me when I walked in, rummaging through her work bag, no doubt ensuring her keys were there, as she frequently left them lying around various parts of the house. She was dressed in work attire, a black blazer over a white shirt, a figure hugging pencil skirt and black tights. My eyes are immediately drawn to her shapely buttocks that were being hugged in a most complimentary fashion by her skirt.

“Mom…” I said meekly, drawing attention to myself. She turned to face me, eyes wide like a deer trapped in headlights. I had underestimated how hard this would be. Immediately, as soon as I saw her face, I had visions of how she had been the night prior. I remembered how she looked with her lips around my cock. I remembered her soft moans as she touched me. I remember how she looked as she swallowed my sperm.

“Jason.”, she said. She hastily snatched up her bag, turning as if to leave. “I really need to get going now, I’m going to be late. Make sure you eat your breakfast”.

“Mom, wait. Can’t we talk about last night?”

My mother hesitated, looking uncomfortable at what happened between us being brought out into the open. “Not now, we’ll talk tonight. I already told you, I’m running late.”

With that, she walked towards the door, slipped her work shoes on and left, slamming the door behind her. I was left stood alone in the kitchen wondering if our relationship had been destroyed forever. All warmth between us seemed to have been lost, and it seemed as though she was actively trying to avoid me.

I suddenly felt very, very alone and retreated to my bedroom to mull matters over and pass the time. I tried everything, watching shows, playing games, reading, but no matter what I did, I could take no enjoyment in the activity. My mind would simply keep returning to the idea that my mother and I had ruined our relationship.

Eventually, I gave up, and simply lay on my bed, eyes fixed firmly on the ceiling. The lack of quality sleep started to catch up with me, and before I knew it I started to drift off. As I sank into sleep, thoughts of my mother began to fill my mind.

I saw her in my mind’s eye yet again. Naked again. She was sat on the edge of my bed as I stood in the centre of the room. I took a step towards her, and she pushed herself further up the bed, opening her legs, revealing her pussy. It was glistening with her juices. She reached down and started rubbing at her clit with one hand, while her other kneaded one of her hefty tits.

I stopped dead in my tracks at the sight. “What are you waiting for baby…” she purred. “Come and fuck your mommy”. It was wrong, I knew it was. Yet the taboo only made me harder. I’d had enough. I knew I needed her. I had to fuck my mother. I wanted to fuck her.

I stepped towards her, pulling her to the edge of the bed. I grabbed hold of her breasts, kneading them and appreciating their soft feel. Then I knew the time had come. I took hold of my penis and lined it up with my mother’s pussy. I rubbed my tip against her a few times, anticipating what was to come. Slowly, I plunged inside her warm, innermost reaches.

“Ahh… Baby… You’re so big” she cried, as I pushed in and out a few times, slowly increasing in speed.

I awoke with a start. My cock was rock hard. Something about the dream changed me. It was as though my deepest, darkest desires had been unlocked and now surged to the surface. I wanted to fuck my mother. I knew this now. I wanted to suck her tits, I wanted to pound her pussy until I felt her spasm and twitch on the end of my cock. No longer did I delude myself. I HAD to have her.

Groggy, I reached out to grab my phone from the bedside table. It seemed that hours had passed. I spent the rest of the day browsing the internet on my phone. All of a sudden time seemed to fly by, a stark contrast to how I felt earlier in the day. Before I knew it, I heard the fumbling of keys, the unlocking of the front door, and a heavy crash as my mother closed it behind her. My heart began to race, as though it would thunder out my chest at any moment. I took the decision to give my mother some time to settle in before I attempted to approach her.

I heard a clatter of pots and pans from the kitchen, and after around an hour or so, I heard my mom loudly call me name. “JASON, DINNER”. She attempted to sound as normal as possible when she called, but I could clearly hear an undertone of inner turmoil in her voice.

I went downstairs and found her sitting at the kitchen table. “Hi, Mom” I said, attempting to greet her as cheerfully as possible.

“Hi dear…” she responded, a noticeable awkwardness in her voice.

“Did you have a good day at work?” I asked.

“I’ve had worse”, she responded curtly.

Clearly, conversation was going to be difficult, trying to draw anything meaningful out of her was like trying to bleed a stone. The awkwardness was too much for me, and I simply decided to stop talking, avoiding eye contact as much as possible.

When we finished, I rose from my seat. “I’ll do the dishes, Mom. You go and relax”, I said.

“Thank you, dear…” She got up, moving from the kitchen to the living room as quickly as possible.

As I did the dishes, I thought back on the blowjob I’d received from Mom, and how much I wanted to go further. Yet, with the awkwardness between us, I couldn’t help but feel that any chance of that happening had been utterly destroyed.

After finishing the dishes, I walked quickly past the living room, trying to avoid looking at my mother. However, as I was about to begin climbing the stairs I heard Mom’s voice. “Jason…” she called softly.

I turned around and sheepishly entered the living room. My mother was sat down on the sofa. She glanced up at me as I came into the room, quickly looking away again to avert my gaze. “Sit next to me, dear” she said, gesturing to the empty seat next to her. Her voice was positively shaking with nerves.

I complied, hesitantly taking the seat next to her. She was still in her work clothes, clearly not having taken the time to get changed before she decided to bite the bullet and speak to me. The same closeness that had turned me on so much the night before now made me feel incredibly uncomfortable. In its place now stood a strange combination of conflicting feelings. I felt immensely awkward, yet my newly uncovered desires towards my mother still existed. On one hand, I wanted nothing more than to get away from her to end the difficulty of the current situation. On the other hand, I wanted nothing more than to strip her clothes off and fuck her senseless.

“I think you know what I want to speak to you about Jason”. I swallowed hard before nervously nodding my head.

For just a moment, neither of us said anything. The silence was deafening, and helped make the uncomfortable atmosphere near unbearable.

After what felt like an eternity, but could easily have only been a few seconds, my mother spoke. “What I did was wrong…” she looked at me expectantly, but I said nothing, instead I simply stared at the floor. I knew it was wrong, but I wanted more, damn it. I had tasted a forbidden fruit, and the desire to have more of it was overwhelming. To say I was frustrated was an understatement.

“I know I’d had a bit to drink” she continued “but that doesn’t excuse what I did… I can’t explain why I did it… Maybe it’s because it’s been so long…” she paused for a moment, thinking. “But that doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter why I did it. I did it, and I’m so, so sorry…” Tears began to well in her eyes. “Please, please forgive me. I feel like I took advantage of you…” She started sobbing quietly. “…I’m a terrible mother”.

The chaotic conflict raging between my emotions reached a climax, and I realised I had to say something. I couldn’t stand to see my mother like this. Especially not now I acknowledged my feelings for her. She was apologising so profusely for what she did, yet I knew that I would like nothing more than to have her lips around my cock again.

It was time to speak, time to gamble everything on what I would say next. “Mom…” I said, stalling for time as I pieced together my words in my head. She looked me in the eyes for the first time. Her face betrayed a mixture of hope and fear and shame. “You didn’t take advantage of me”, I said as confidently as possible. “I liked what you did. It was the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced and I wish you’d do it again.”

Silence. World shattering silence. The very fabric of reality seemed to begin to fall apart around me as the fear of the consequences of what I’d just said began to sink in. My mothers face began to blush and contort, before suddenly she spoke. “Oh my gosh, Jason… That’s… That’s so WRONG! How can you say that? I’m your MOTHER! Or have you forgotten that? I can’t believe thi-”

“I DON’T CARE, MOM!” I snapped, cutting her off abruptly. Realising that I had been more forceful than I intended to be, I took a deep breath. My mother was looking at me in utter disbelief. “I don’t care mom… You mean so much to me, and you’re so kind… And you’re so…” I took a moment to consider my words. “You’re so sexy, Mom. Everything about you turns me on.” I was rock hard. The risk I was taking was making me more horny than I’d ever been in my entire life.

My mother looked frozen in fear. Eventually, she snapped back to life. “JASON… You just… You can’t talk like this… You can’t want this. It’s not right. IT’S NOT RIGHT!”

“I don’t care whether it’s right or wrong, I know that I want you!” I retorted.

My mother murmured to herself. “Okay… Deep breaths” she said. “Deep breaths…” Her breathing had become noticeably shaky, as though she was struggling to control her emotion. I couldn’t help but look at her large breasts rising and falling with each unsteady breath she drew.

“Your feelings for me…” she continued, “did you have them before… what I did last night?”

I considered my words carefully “I guess I did. But I didn’t want to face them. As soon as you started touching me though, I knew I wanted it. Last night finally let me accept that I love you as more than a mother.”

“I see…” she mused. “I… Really don’t know what to make of this.” Her face was visibly flushed, and her breathing was even faster now. “Shit… How have we ended up in this situation, Jason? We’re a normal family. This doesn’t happen to normal families… It’s so, so wrong.”

“Stop saying that, Mom. It’s not wrong, you’re a beautiful woman, and I love you. It’s as simple as that.”

She began to rise. “It would be normal. If you weren’t my son. But you are. So it’s wrong. I… Need some time to think about what’s happened. I’m going up to my bedroom. I think you should take some time to reflect on things as well.”

“Mom”, I called after her. She stopped, looking at me expectantly. “I’m sorry”, I croaked. “Do you still love me?”

She forced a smile. “Of course I do, and I always will.” With that, she left. I sat on my own for a couple of minutes before following upstairs, heading to my own bedroom.

*Author’s Note: Once again, thank you for taking the time to read if you got this far. I’m aware that this one had a bit less of the sexy stuff, but trust me, it’s coming. Thoughts and criticism are welcome as ever.*
