When it starts getting hot

Hey Guys! First time writing anything… ever. Please excuse the typos and let me know if you guys would be interested in the next few parts.

“When it starts getting hot.”

Summer again. I hate it, I think it myself. “Every fucking year” I muttered, I hated how hot and sticky the summer got, the humidity was brutal. Coming from the Middle East has its perks, but the heat was definitely not one of them.

“What an alien world” I remember thinking to myself, everything about it was different, the weather, the houses, the people, even the sky. It had been 3 years since I’d moved here, and yet it still seemed like a movie to me. Not in the sense that I was surprised by anything I saw, but that I felt so distant from this “new” yet not so “new” place. I felt like I didn’t belong here. I’d made good friends over the years, the boys were a big part of my life, but now that we’d graduated, we barely got to see each-other since we all lived in different cities. I look out the window as I wait in line to get my drivers license for the first time. This is so long overdue I say to myself out loud as I move forward in the line. “Excuse me?”, I hear a guys voice say. I look up and I see a tall lanky guy standing ahead of me. He thought I said something to him as he hadn’t heard me properly. I’m sorry, I say with a confused look on my face, I was just talking to myself. Oh it’s okay he says and turns back around, I wish I was that tall, I think to myself as I compare him to the person he was standing with in line. I didn’t get a clear look at her face, but I could smell her hair from about 3 feet away, she had these cute tight black jeans on and a loose tee shirt that spelt out some bands name.

Probably a hippie I jokingly say to myself, after all I’ve learned the meaning behind “those grapes are too sour”. There’s no way in hell I’d get someone like her I think to myself, I was 22 and still hadn’t dated anyone yet let alone kiss a girl. I bet she’s really cute I think to myself as I stare at the back of her head imagining what she looked like. She had such soft looking wavy hair, for a minute I was debating reaching out to touch it and then realized what a creep i look like. I zone out for about a couple of seconds and watch as her head spins around and looks at me dead in my eye.

I wasn’t not prepared for this. Fuck. I freeze in place, my eyes widen. My heart starts pounding. Fuck. Fuck. She’s gorgeous. More than I could’ve ever imagined.

Her dark brown eyes turned light as she turned and the sun shone over her face through the window. Her lips looked pink and soft, like glazed peaches. Her hair seemed to flow with her skin gracefully and flawlessly as she turned around. For a moment I thought time slowed down.

What the fuck do I do? I start panicking and think to myself.

“Haha! I’m sorry I have a bad habit of talking out loud when I’m stressed out”.

She doesn’t break eye contact. She continues looking at me right in my eyes for another few seconds, her slight smile still in place. Saying nothing, she turns back around and continues talking to the guy she was with.

“Haha”?…..Really?…..What the fuck man? Who the fuck says shit like that? I’ve almost never been so embarrassed in my life. I mean, I’ve done quiet a few (Isn’t that an understatement?) embarrassing things in my life. But looking into those ocean wide eyes, I felt like a teenage boy going through puberty finding out who his first crush was.

I stood there frozen and embarrassed before realizing the line was moving again.

I wanted to dig a hole as deep as I could right there, crawl and bury myself in it. “I cannot wait to get out of this place” I mutter our loud again.

Part 2

I ran down the street slamming the door behind me as I make my way towards the bus stop. I’m gonna hear but that when I get home I thought to myself. I lived with my relatives who I’d barely met before coming here, as the years went by we grew more distant and they’d always do things that would make me feel out of place. I can’t wait to fucking get out of here I think to myself as I shove my earphones in my ear, playing they latest 15 songs I’d added to my playlist. Same shit, different day I thought to myself as I took a deep breath and threw my head back trying to relax at the rear end of bus. The ac wasn’t working on the bus. I’d always hated the summer, I was more of a winter person. I mean, atleast in the winter you could put on layers but there was only so much you could take off in the summer. I’d already gotten my license but was saving up for a car.

“Just a bit longer” I think to myself, I’d finally saved up enough to get a decent car, nothing fancy but it would be mine.

The bus finally pulls over at my stop and as I’m getting off, there she was again. It was her, the woman I saw a few months ago at the drivers licensing place. Standing in front of me. The woman is been constant thinking about. The woman who’s been stuck in my brain and wouldn’t budge.

She had her earphone in her ears and was looking at her phone as she climbed in.
“Is this déjà vu?” I blurt out loud. As our eyes meet again. What is this feeling? It’s the same way I felt the last time I saw her, this gut wrenching feeling, like someone was tying a bow with a double know in my stomach. Her eyes made me weak again.

She smiled as she plucked her earphones out. “Sounds like you’re still stressed out” I hear her say. This is the first time I’ve ever heard her speak, why does she sound like an angel that was hand picked by all the Gods together?

“Haha! Can you tell?” I say.

AGAIN WITH THE HAHA. What the fuck is wrong with me I think as I almost throw myself on the road hoping that someone would have mercy on me and run over me.

Her smile turns into a cute laugh.

Did I just make her laugh? No, she’s definitely just laughing at me I think.

Aye buddy you getting off or what? The bus driver scuffs annoyingly. Sorry! I say, I guess I thought this was my stop, I’ll stay on.

The bus starts rolling forward. She takes a seat and looks at me, all the while giving me that beautiful smile I couldn’t get out of my head.

So are you gonna sit down or? She smirks.

If you don’t mind I say, talking the seat beside her. I’m Aubrey by the way is say clumsily.

“I know.” She says with a straight face. I was taken aback and shocked. Her serious expression turns into a smile and she starts cracking up. “You should see the look on your face” she laughs. Me, still confused, pretends to go along with it as i squeeze out a fake laugh. I saw your application she says, that day at the drive test centre? I came back to ask a few questions and saw the application you left on the counter. I’m Noor, it’s nice meeting you Aubrey, she smiles.

Is this really happening? Am I actually talking to her? This feels so unreal. I may have stayed on the bus just to talk to her and I may have been late for my new job as an apprentice hvac tech but I couldn’t resist. It was a now or never situation right? I mean what are the chances of me seeing her again?

We start talking and really hit it off. Work, school, family. What was a 25 minute bus ride seemed like an entire year lost in conversation with her, yet it felt like 5 minutes at the same time. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. Her warmth sucked me in. It’s like she had control over every fibre of my being. She made me weak.

As the bus slows down, she stands up and looks at me. “This is me” she says with that mesmerizing smile. “Oh Me too!”, what a coincidence! I casually say knowing full well I’m long past my destination.

We get off the bus and she lets me walk her home. “Are you sure you’re not some kind of serial killer” she jokes, “I mean I don’t usually talk to random guys let alone someone I just met on a bus” she says, nervously this time.

I’m not! I love cereal! I reassure her as she laughs. I’m messing with you! She says giggling, “plus I know where you live, I read your application remember? “

Ahh yes, you got me, guess I can’t kill your cereal now can I? I say stupidly. We both laugh.

Part 3

So this is where I live, she says.

I look up and see a pretty house with faux grass at the entrance. This house seems very familiar I say trying to figure out where I’d seen it before.

My phone starts ringing and nearly started me to death. Hello?? I almost half scream into the phone as I see her giggle at me from the corner of my eye. “Where the fuck are you kid?” Screams the voice over the other end of the phone. It was my boss. I completely lost track of time. We were supposed to meet up together halfway and go to our job site together in his truck. How about I just meet you at the job site I say, nervously trying not to get fired on my first day.

Annoyed, he agrees and texts me the location as he hangs up.

I’m sorry I really have to go. I’m supposed to meet my boss and I’m running late, I say apologetically. That’s okay! She says, you seem like a busy guy she jokes. Well it was nice seeing you again Aubrey she smiles again. You too, I smile back.

As I’m walking away I realize that this might be my last time seeing her again if I don’t ask her out. I turn around, about to shout out to her to ask her for her number. As I turn I see her just standing there, smiling, almost as if she knew what I was going to ask. My mind freezes. Of all the times to have a brain fart, it had to be right now.

She takes a few slow steps closer to me, her arms crossed while she smiles at the ground. She comes close to me, looks me in the eye and hands me a piece of paper with her number that she managed to scribble down with the pen in her purse. She comes closer, pulls me by my redshirt closer to her, and give me a kiss in my cheek as she slides the note into my pant pocket.

This isn’t real. This can’t fucking be real.

As her hands reach into my pocket I feel her soft hands brush against my penis. I start stuttering as I can’t believe what’s happening. She looks at me in my eyes, smiles, slowly bites her bottom lip, turns around and walks inside.

I stand there for a few seconds. That was a mistake right? I’m sure she didn’t mean to touch my cock out of nowhere. Would she? A million thoughts run across my mind before my boss sends me another text.

Fuck. I need to get my shit together I clap my face between my hands hoping it would help me snap out of the spell she just cast on me with her magical eyes. Time to head to work.
I punch in the address my boss sent me into my maps and set the destination. “1 minute until you reach your destination” I hear the app say. 1 minute? There’s got to be something wrong with my data or some bullshit. As I take a few steps backwards and look to my right, it hit me. “2395” I read the big bold letter above the door she just walked through.

That’s why it seemed so familiar. I looked up the job site beforehand a few days ago but it completely slipped my mind.

This is definitely a dream.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hz6w7z/when_it_starts_getting_hot

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