Slipping in at the Waterslide [M/F, Public, Wetting]

It was hot. Reclining in a beach chair and sipping ice water should have been enough, but being in direct sunlight was brutal. There were chairs at the water park in the shade, but this spot offered a particular advantage. Especially with proper preparation.

I word wiped sweat from my brow and adjusted my sunglasses, then untied my board shorts. I’d need some extra room today.

Sitting on a bridge over just the end of the Big Dip, the chairs were in the splash zone of the largest water slide in the park. It was meant to add to the thrill, the big drop curving underneath and then up and around the bridge was a rush in and of itself. But because of the constant screaming and splashing, not to mention the direct sunlight, the chairs were rarely used.

What they did do, however, was offer an up close view of the sliders. First as they crossed the bridge, occasionally stopping to view the sliders on their way down and providing an excellent display of their backside – particularly from my lower viewing angle.

Then a second viewing on their way down. They would press their legs against the wall in a panicked attempt to slow down, making their bikini bottoms ride up into delicate areas. If I was especially lucky a top would slide up.

Needless to say it was a pleasant way to spend the day. Staying relaxed, I let my eyes wander where they would. Latching onto a red thong here and a perky pair there, I stayed pretty swollen underneath my trunks. I squeezed my groin muscles in a slow rhythm, doing hidden pelvic thrusts as the places I could slide into paraded infront of me.

Lost in my own world, a pair of girls stopped infront of me to stare at the side.

“No I really don’t want to,” said a redhead in a white and pink combination. “That can’t be safe!” Her voice was quivering. Hell, her legs were shaking. She moved them shoulder width apart and braced herself on the railing. Her bottom was a bit off center, and with her legs parted I could see a pleasant strip of untanned white skin. Mm, just a bit further..

“Then don’t! Wait here while I go.” Yes, please stand right there. Her friend went up the stairs on the left. I could see her relax from the obligation to slide. That relaxation went away when the next person came screaming down. The delicate place I was staring at got darker, then dribbles danced down her legs. I could see the tension fade from her shoulders as the flow increased. Did she think she was alone?! The sound was covered by the water slide, but there was no question: she was wetting herself.

I saw my opportunity. Standing up, I stood behind her, locking my arms on either side to keep her from getting away. “Don’t worry, just shielding you from view. We wouldn’t want your friends to see.” She froze. I pressed my erection against her backside. “You know, a little fun goes a long way to conquering your fears.”

“What’s your name?” I asked, as I slid my hand down the front of her suit. Definitely wet.

“Sarah,” she said. I pressed my fingers between her lower lips and began applying a steady circular motion.

“And what do you call this flower?” I inserted two fingers. The angle wasn’t great so they didn’t go far, but it was enough. I could feel her lubrication building. I ground my boy between her ass cheeks.

“I don’t.. have a name..” She was breathing heavy. I started working her more directly, doing harder thrusts with my fingers and reaching up with my thumb to apply pleasure to her clit. That was when she started rocking against me. God it felt good, and so nice to feel what I’d been oggoling all day.

“Let’s call her Slide-inme.” I humped her ass in rhythm with my fingering. With hours of passive stimulation, I was peaking fast. My cock was angled up, the tip just peeking out the top of my suit. At that moment her friend shot down the slide. We could see her mouth open in surprise at seeing Sarah getting fingered – I realized that I was pulling at the front of her suit.

I came.

My cock squeezed violently, shooting it’s load between us. I removed my hands and stepped back. She had never let go of the railing, and for good measure now. She looked exhausted, barely managing to adjust her suit.

As I put on my shirt and went to leave, a mother walked by with her two teenagers. “Oh honey, you’ve got some lotion on your back. Here -” she went to rub it in. After a brief moment she walked away with the strangest look on her face.

Then I left. As I exited the park, I realized we never saw each other’s face. I smiled as I drove off, anxious to get home and shoot another load out.
