Gavelstock Manor

Their caravan had split from the main highway 45 minutes ago, and each new road had less pavement and more rocks. They had slowed to a crawl, but were still making good time – they’d make it to the rental before the sun was down, and would be able to enjoy a swim at the lake. Xtel was in the back of a six seater van with a man she didn’t really know other than it was, in fact, his rental, asleep in the corner hugging his duffel bag having come straight from a ‘night shoot’. Driving was their mutual friend Dexter, who was gabbing up a storm with Becky in shotgun.

Watching with side eyed pride, Xtel watched her girl spend the four hour trip feeling out Dexter the way a lioness stalked it’s prey – it was her M.O. Becky and Xtel were best friends since they dormed together in college, roommates for 4 more after that, and sworn-to-secrecy partners in exploring each other in the bicurious phase. She knew ALL her tricks. Their love was deep and intimate but beyond that now, so there was no jealousy in watching Becky use her words to savor the man driving her. Enthusiastically, she found out about Dexter’s connections with the man in the back seat and how he was able to score an impossibly balling lakeside ‘rental’…as well as if he was single, physical, friendly, and hot-to-trot.

Becky’s favorite way to do that when she was interested in someone was to engage them in conversation, and then piece by piece reveal her amazing and generous boobs. It was easy to bet if they were interested, they would steal glances. If she couldn’t catch them, she would hug herself to make them stand out – one time, when she wanted to fuck the sous chef at the bistro they waitressed together at in college, she stood in the walk-in freezer to get her nipples hard for when she went back to ‘talk to him’ in the office at closing. She liked to get people excited.

In the front seat, Xtel saw Becky turn the AC up while she took her sweater off, revealing a turquise halter-top. No cleavage, but it let her amazing breasts take front and centre, topped with her perfect smile and wide, suggestive eyes. She didn’t need the AC, her nipples were noticeable hard. Smirking, Xtel knew they were going to fuck, and turned her head awkwardly over the couple in the middle seat, who might already be.

Cuddling under a blanket, leaning against the window and very obviously rubbing their hands all over each other while stealing kisses or nibbling on an ear when they thought no one was looking, Chad and Stacey. Xtel gagged a little every time she saw them, and spent as much time as she could reading her book or listening in to Becky, studiously ignoring her ex and his new girlfriend. The way Chad was holding Stacey, he was obviously getting her off. The music was on, the conversation up front was loud, but occasionally a little moan would interrupt Xtel’s reading.

There was no jealousy over her poorly hidden joy with Chad – she was better off single now, in her opinion. It was more how rude it was to be fooling around that heavily in other people’s unconsenting company that bothered her. ‘If she wanted a sex show, she’d go to a sex show.’ Since launching Toreador, her one woman production company, she had been to quite a few. ‘For research’, she told herself, but hadn’t gotten more work done on that file than getting names and phone numbers, and stocking up her spank bank.

Xtel went back to her book, but was bored and wondering how much longer before they arrived. ‘Is this place even real?’ she asked herself and looked at the duffel-bag dude. He was unshaven and had messy hair, a hard jawline and eyebrows thicker than a stylist would advise. His clothing was boring, shades of faded black and grey, but tight to his fit frame, including pants that hid nothing. Xtel caught herself looking at a man who might in fact be having an erection in his sleep – nothing massive, but very obvious. Catching herself, she felt rude and blushed, and made a point of finishing the next chapter in her very boring Budgeting for Entrepreneurs text. When Xtel focused, nothing could stop her.

Not long after the trees broke and their ‘rental’ appeared like something out of a movie, but Xtel couldn’t decide if it was a horror movie or a Disney movie based on the multi-storied, gothic mansion in front of them. Becky and Dexter stopped talking, which caused Chad and Stacey to stop…whatever it was they were doing…and look. Behind them, the other cars in their caravan began honking excitedly. It was a sight, and it took their breathe away. Beside her, the unshaven man sat up.

“Oh great, we’re here! Hey Dex, can you drive all the way around the back? The main entrance and parking is there.”

The three cars in their group circled eastward along the road until they turned the final wing of the house and caught sight of the lake, glittering under the almost setting sun. From this side, bathed in the suns light, the house looked warm and inviting and Xtel began to let herself get excited. It was an amazing, unbelievably historic building, with what looked like a smaller more modern building attached to it, in the middle of a beautiful nowhere. ‘Is this real life?’ she said quietly as she pinched herself. The unshaven man jumped out.

“Mind blowing, right?” He dropped his duffel bag and stretched down to his toes before muttering about his cracking back. He stood up, “Getting old sucks…welcome to Gavelstock!”

Gavelstock, as it turns out, belonged to a golden era movie producer who was able to build a custom, palatial estate for his famous friends and their friends to frollick at. The producers family, in no way able to maintain this behemoth, sold it to a hotelier (and film buff), collection of movie memorabilia and rare art works and all. Everett, the unshaven man who had the details, was there to scout the location for a possible movie shoot as the hotelier was happy to rent out the lands to ‘fellow producers’, as long as he was able to get a copy of the final product and paid rental fees. Everett was able to try it out for a weekend to get some test shots, and had free reign over the property once he signed some paperwork with the site administrator. Bright and modern hotel rooms were in the attached building, even though the more historic kitchens, wings, and bedrooms of the place were fully functional. ‘Just old, and probably less comfortable than these ones’ said the site admin. ‘There’s even a heated pool with a swim-up bar down here, with a few bottles of champagne already chilling. Our gift!’

“That’s classy, really classy, thank you very much for this.” Said Everett as he accepted the keys and the paperwork.

“Above and beyond service is what we do!” Chimed the administrator, and Xtel smirked to herself. That line was what she said before her first big blowjob scene in Toreadore’s first short, “Dayspa”. It was really cheesey in hindsight, but at the time it was the most doable concept for her first porn film, considering she could cheaply redecorate her apartment to look like a massage parlour. Set the lighting, borrowed a massage table, and got her ‘client’, an out of town actor who she convinced by saying no one would ever see his face and that she would pay him no matter what, and that all he had to do was basically come in and lay down, and let nature run its course. Her schtick was to edit everything so that no one ever saw her face, or her partner’s faces. Just mouths, tongues, a slightly-larger-than-average cock, and fit but basically normal bodies – her boobs were nice, but not huge; her belly was firm, but pleasantly chubby in a curvy way. She never showed her face, she was just cherry red lips and white lingerie under her work scrubs that slowly came off while she massaged and then sucked her client. The guy on the table wore a hot towel in the film, and for a moment her viewers would be able to pretend they were the ones at the massage parlor with a blowjob angel stripping down to crotchless panties to ride their throbbing cocks until they blew their load hard and deep in that beautiful body. Her actor had qualms about that part, but when she told him they were both going to be tested and that she was 100% infertile (nature isn’t always kind), those qualms melted. ‘Besides, it helps with the fantasy.’ Some men love creampies, and that was born out when she made enough money to run two more short films. Toreadore had grabbed the bull by the horns.

Xtel grabbed her bag and walked into the modern section, Becky and Dexter bouncing around excitedly together, while Stacey and Chad strolled hand-in-hand with stupid grins on their faces. Behind them, Mia and Naheed had parked and exited the vehicle – arguably the most important since it had their food and booze, and behind them was Erin and Aaron, tattooed and alternative complements to Mia and Naheed’s sporty-preppy vibe. Jenn and Jaxon were behind them, the final couple of the party. “Holy shit. This place is nice, and it’s not even the MAIN building,” said Jaxon, dropping his bags at the foot of the stairs to walk to the pool entrance, looking out over the lake. “Are we secret millionaires? Are we going to need to solve a mystery, or something? What’s the catch?”

Everett laughed. “Haha, fair, it’s a beautiful spot, and I’m really very surprised at our luck. The photos I saw made me think this place would be hella-old, but then they have this. Oh man…yeah, well, really I’m here to do work, to check the inside of main Gavelstock out, and was able to get this sweet deal in with the rest of my ‘crew’. So, ‘crew’, have fun!” And he was off, up the stairs to drop his bag off at his room, and then to head to the main house to scout around. Xtel was jealous and impressed; her itty bitty film business was operating out of her own apartment, but growing (!), while he was working (hard, she admitted, he had been on an all nighter even today, and technically was working now) with a big company splashing out big money. “One day,” she vowed, and dropped her bag off up the stairs and at her room, not before hearing Stacey coo “Let’s go swimming!”

It had been a long ride, and the pool had looked good, so Xtel put on her modest one piece and grabbed a towel before heading down to what could have been a bikini contest. Stacey was bouncing around in a way too small bikini, her butt perky and balancing out her chest. ‘God she was fit’ Xtel thought, looking at Stacey’s distinct hip bones and abs. Chad has said she was a fitness model, or something. Becky was in a bikini, too, her amazing boobs almost uncontrollable behind her top. Dexter didn’t seem to mind, now obviously looking at her as she splashed around in the water. He was wearing a speedo, and was covered in a thick mat of body hair – too much for Xtel’s tastes, but she knew Becky would love it. She was an animal, that girl. Mia was in a sportier number, and chilling at the swim up bar with Naheed who had gone behind the bar to stock it with their booze. Jenn wasn’t in a bikini, just swimming in a white tank top that clung in a very revealing way. Jenn and Jaxon had begun to hold each other in the water and spin while staring into each other’s eyes. It was cute, but obviously they were a bit drunk. Come to think of it, it looked like everyone had a drink in hand, except for Mia who never drank. Xtel swam up to the bar.

“Welcome to the party.”

“Thanks. Mmmm, what’s easy?” Naheed handed her a gin and tonic, and Mia clinked with her water. They turned and watched the other couples frolic and play like happy, horny teens before they began slipping out of the pool. There was no dinner per se, the hotel company had provided snack tray’s they had been noshing on, so there was no main gathering time.

Dexter (probably fake-) yawned. “I’m tired from all that driving, I think I’m going to go to bed. Night y’all.”

He got out of the pool and let his butt flex as he got out. Becky watched him walk away, and then swam over to the bar, leaned over, and grabbed the open bottle of champagne. She whispered to Xtel “don’t wait up”, and was over and out of the pool and following Dexter like she was a shark following a wounded whale. Her hips shook from side-to-side and Xtel could almost imagine her riding Dexter’s cock, moving herself side-to-side like a slow motion belly dancer. Xtel’s imagination began to get away from her after watching Becky disappear up the stairs, until Mia snapped her fingers.

“Where did you go, Space Cadet?” It was just them, Mia, Naheed, and Xtel in the pool. Becky and Dexter had actually been the last to go, she hadn’t seen the other’s disappear.

“Mmmmm holy shit, maybe I need to eat more – or sleep. Yeah, maybe I need to sleep. See you two tomorrow.” And she gave Mia a friendly kiss and left on her own, heading for her room. In the hallway, she ran into Everett.

‘Oh, hey! Hey! You want to see something really cool?”

Xtel was intrigued. “Sure, okay. I need to get changed, but alright. What is it?”

“Can’t tell you, gotta show you. Get changed. If you’ve got a flashlight, bring a flashlight!”

Puzzled, Xtel complied and changed into dry clothes, and grabbed the big Maglite she brought with her on trips. Out her door, she turned and said “Okay, ready!”

They left the modern wing and began towards Old Gavelstock. Everett began to tell her he was exploring rooms, and parts of the building, and had found a secret door. Like a little kid, he was so excited because he had never ever seen one, and he came to get someone else to share in his joy. Xtel was the first that he had found. “Neat,” she said. She had never seen one either, but was intrigued. The door, in a classic way, was behind a book case. He had accidentally popped it by hanging his bag on a lamp sconce and turning it to the side. The way was dark, so flashlights were needed.


“Let’s do this.” Xtel was never shy, and went first, leading the way with her powerful beam. It was a long hallway that branched after several feet. It was narrow so that single file was necessary, but after a few turns it opened up into a wider hallway that had it’s own dim lighting coming from a parallel set of windows.

“Holy shit, these are two-way mirrors!” said Xtel as she looked into what was obviously a bedroom mirror set right in front of a large, silky and plush bed.

“Oh wow, that’s the Manor Suite. I recognize it from the resource doc’s they left me. A lot of famous starlet’s stayed there in their hay day!”

“Holy shit, are you saying Gavelstock-“

“Not his name”

“-was an old pervert?!” Xtel was almost giddy – she loved gossip, especially Hollywood gossip, and this was huge. She couldn’t wait to Tweet it.

“Maybe, fuck. I don’t know. I wonder if-“ Everett was interrupted by the door to the Manor Suite opening and Stacey and Chad bursting in, Chad carrying a Stacey who had already wrapped her legs around him as they walked in the door. His hands were holding her ass cheeks, and the bikini was riding up in what Xtel thought would be an uncomfortable way. They were both wrapped in hotel branded housecoats, but the way he was holding her all her legs were exposed, and they were long and tanned and wrapped around Chad’s hips where his bulging erection was rubbing against her swimsuit covered pussy.

They fell to the bed while Everett and Xtel dropped their jaws as Stacey pulled Chad’s pants down with her toe’s, a horny grin on her face. Chad’s cock sprung up when released from the elastic, and he pulled Stacey’s bikini aside.

“Not even off, that pig!” Xtel muttered, and Everett quietly laughed. Neither of them took their eyes off Chad’s huge cock as he began rubbing his head along Stacey’s vulva. He was grinding his hips so that his veiny cock was running up and down Stacey’s clitoris.

“Watch this,” Xtel said. “He’s going to stick just the head in and work it around a bit to get her wet, before sticking it all the way in. He call’s it his signature move.”

“Did you…did you two used to fuck, or something?” Everett asked as Chad worked his member around Stacey’s lips, letting them get wetter before working his big, thick cock slowly inside her. It slid up and in, and Stacey moaned. Xtel didn’t respond as Chad began to pump, slowly at first (Xtel remembered how good that felt) before going faster and then…

“Oh wow, did he just come?” Chad was smiling sheepishly while Stacey scowled. She was hot and bothered now, and he had just blew his load after less than 90 seconds.

“Yup. Let’s just say it was a contributing factor to our break up.” Chad had pulled his shorts up and smiled, while Stacey glowered at him. Faintly through the mirror, they could hear Chad say “But I got you off in the van!”

Xtel covered her laugh with her hand and left them behind. “OMG. Good luck, lady.”

Everett followed her as they checked out mirror to mirror, before finding the one that looked in on a lavish guest suite.

“Wow, your friends are adventurous, aren’t they?” Everett said looking through the mirror at Becky, still in her bikini, who had Dexter tied up on the corner posts of the bed.

“Isn’t he your friend?”

“Mmm, yeah, coworker, more.” Becky bit Dexter’s nipple which made him smile. They could see he was sporting an erection that was beginning to break through his speedo, and that Becky was kissing her way down to him before pulling it off with her teeth. She smiled at his thick, uncircumcised cock before taking it in one of her hands to begin a slow pull. Becky bent over and took one of his testicles in his mouth. From the mirror, Xtel and Everett could see Becky’s ample ass lifting up and her bikini being swallowed by her wet, dripping pussy. Dexter was very into it, and they could hear him begging for Becky to stick her pussy in his face. She stood up and took her clothes off and crawled toward Dexter, forcing her nipples in his mouth. He took them and more, eating her breasts with a desperation only a very horny man tied to a bed could have. She stood on her knee’s and straddle his face, running her hands through his head. They could see her grinding her pussy against his face, they could see the sweat running down her back and her chest, before she backed off laughing. Dexter was gasping for breath, but his erection was harder than ever. Becky went to the knots tying his hands, and pulled on them, not undoing but to loosen. From the mischevious smile she gave Dexter, Xtel knew that she was saying “You need to work to get free.” Xtel knew because she had used that line on her in a very similar situation, one of her top 5 spank bank fantasies. She was getting wet just thinking about it. In the room, Becky put her pussy back on top of Dexter’s face, and turned her attention to his cock. She leaned over, face against his thigh, kissing and licking it while Dexter ate her out as he strained against the wrist wraps. Becky, eyes closed and cheeks flush, had gone from running her tongue up and down his stiff dick to bobbing her head up and down, near deepthroating his cock. Dexter broke first his left, and then his right hand free, only to use them to grab an ass cheek in each hand. The two of them began grinding against each other’s faces like they didn’t need to breathe, until finally Dexter pushed her over (a touch aggressively, Xtel thought), and turned Becky around. He reached over to table at the side of the bed and pulled a condom from a previously unseen pile of clothes, and pulled it back. He then stuck his dick in Becky’s pussy, grinding and thrusting inside her, while she grabbed her own breasts and pinched her own nipples.

“Wow…” Everett said, and Xtel looked over. He obviously had an erection again – his pants were too tight to hide it – and that made Xtel feel even wetter…but she didn’t say anything and just watched as Dexter pumped inside Becky until she told him to turn her over. He obliged, and her beautiful tits rocked back and forth as they fucked. Becky, half-moan and half-growl, tells Dexter to take the condom off. “Cum on my tits!”

“What, oh, okay, okay…”

Dexter pull’s the condom off and jerks himself off one, two times before a thick stream of cum pearls out of his cock. He misses her tit’s and get’s it all over her face; the look of embarrassment on his face makes Becky burst out laughing.

“Still a cumslut, eh?” Xtel smiles. “She loves having a load blown on her. Usually tits, but I’ve seen all over.”

“Wait, you’ve seen??” Everett’s bulge was not going down.

“Yeah, long story…”



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