Thanks, Dad! (part ten-The End) [Father] [Adoptive Daughter] [No Sex]

He shook his head, “No, no it’s nothing like that. She’s been given transfusions, she’s going to be okay,” he said.

“Do you…do you know what caused it?” I asked.

He nodded, “She was pregnant, she miscarried and it caused hemorrhaging.”

“She was fine…maybe an hour, hour and a half beforehand,” I said, “no signs of bleeding at all, happy, no pain…”

The doctor looked at me, “Chances are she’s been in the process of miscarrying for a few weeks and didn’t even know she was pregnant. Her hormone levels were barely detectable, it likely wouldn’t have shown up on a home test, and she was probably still getting a light period. It’s hard to know how far along she was, but based on the size of the fetus we’re estimating ten-twelve weeks. The miscarriage isn’t completing on its own. Once she’s stable we’ll perform a D&C to completely remove the fetus and tissue. The hemorrhage was caused by the placenta detaching from the uterine lining when her body tried to self-abort the pregnancy. It didn’t detach fully.”

“Am I going to be in trouble for sleeping with her?” I asked.

He shook his head, “She’s nineteen, she confirmed it was consensual, she’s been asking for you since she woke up. I’m going to take you back, but she really needs to be on birth control for now. Her uterus needs time to heal, if another pregnancy attaches too soon and fails, she could bleed out before you ever got her to the hospital.”

I nodded, “Her health is all I care about.”

He started to leave and stopped to look at me, “Did she want to get pregnant or did you want her to get pregnant?”

“She wanted to,” I said.

“How old was she when she got kicked out of her own home?”

“Fourteen,” I said.

“I’m not judging your relationship with her, but get her into counseling. A lot of teens like her go through a need to have unconditional love and try to achieve it through having a kid out of a fear of familial abandonment,” he said.

I nodded, “I’ll talk to her and get her into counseling.”

He led me back to the room where Ella was and she was crying profusely. I sat on the bed with her and hugged her to me, “It’s going to be okay, baby.” I said as I stroked her hair and back.

She sobbed and the nurses left us alone, taking their judgment with them. The doctor stayed in the room with us, talking to us both about everything that was going on. Ella was combative on all of it, the need for, what was technically an abortion, the need to be on birth control, she didn’t want to go through with any of it, “I’d rather die,” she said coldly.

I grabbed her jaw and looked her in the eye, “I love you, and I’m not losing you to stubbornness like I did Rose. You take the time to heal, see a therapist, make sure this is all really what you want and not just a means to an end for you, and then we move forward however is right for you,” I said through choked sobs.

She was wiping tears from her own eyes and nodded sadly, “Yes, Daddy,” she said softly, making the doctor uncomfortable. Though I’m not sure if he was morally uncomfortable or physically as he lowered his clipboard.

I looked to him, “When can she go home?” I asked.

“We’d like to keep her for twenty-four hours to make sure no signs of infection set up due to the amount of blood she lost and the procedure, but I’d be comfortable releasing her tomorrow afternoon as long as the bleeding continues to slow and no fever develops.”

“Can I stay with her?” I asked.

“Does she want you to stay?”

Ella nodded, her pinky clasped tightly in mine.

“Then you can stay with her,” he said.

We spent the night in the hospital, where I held her hand in the fold out chair beside her bed and woke up every time a nurse came around her. We did everything right. She went to counseling. Went on birth control. We stopped having sex, but she would still kiss me and cling to me from time to time. I thought we were done. I figured the counselor talked her into her senses and got her to realize how fucked up it was for her to want to be with me.

I was willing to see her happily with someone else, shoving down my own want and love for her to ensure she had the best life she could have, even if it was without me.

She finished college. I tried to date a few times, but couldn’t do it. How was anyone supposed to fucking compare to her? She was god damned perfect.

She hadn’t tried to be sexual with me since that night, though I know she and Sophie didn’t get back together either and she never said anything about dating anyone else. We all moved on. Even Sophie and I sat down and talked about what happened between us and I stressed that it would and could never happen again and I was sorry that it ever happened in the first place. She agreed. Told me it was just a reaction she had to mom dying, a grief fueled coping mechanism of latching on to her remaining parent.

I didn’t challenge that, but I saw the dates in her notebook and knew it was a lie, she was writing about being with me before her mom was ever even sick. We went to Ella’s graduation together as a family. Rachel and Tristan got married and are working on baby number two and I’m happily a granddad to Rosalinda, an homage to both of their moms.

At dinner that night, Ella pulled me aside in the pantry as I was checking on the roast, “I still love you,” she said as she looked to the floor.

I jokingly told her of course she does, I’m her dad, she’s obligated to love me still.

She shook her head and pulled me down to kiss me then said, “No, Dad, I mean I still love you. People kept trying to tell me it would go away, that I just had to ignore it, but I still love you. I stopped feeling that way about Sophie after a few months, maybe a year? My love for you just lingered.”

I tilted my head and looked at her, “I thought we agreed it was wrong?” I said.

She shook her head, “No, you said it, my therapist said it, Tristan, Rachel, and Sophie said it, all of my friends said it, my birth parents said it, but I never said it. I’m still in love with you. I don’t expect you to feel the same, I just…I needed you to know.”

I leaned down and kissed her passionately and picked her up into my arms. She happily returned my kiss, smiling as she finally pulled away and I stood her back on her own feet. She licked her lips and looked at me, “Breakfast in bed, Daddy?”

I closed my eyes and sighed, “No one has ever made a better breakfast than you, baby.”

Her face tilted down to my chest slightly, but her eyes lifted up as she smiled, “Thank you, Daddy.”

“Are you on birth control?” I asked.

She shook her head, “But I have the all clear from my gyno to try? No scarring, everything is healed and healthy-looking. She said I need to take monthly tests, period or not if I start trying though, just to be safe.”

“Have you been with anyone…since…” I started to ask.

“No. I haven’t even masturbated much. Things have…reverted…so you’re going to have to start all over, Dad,” she said with a teasing lilt.

I groaned and she ran her fingertip up my crotch, “I never did get that last fantasy fulfilled, Daddy.”

“No,” I said sternly. “No, we’re not doing that again, I almost died that night in so many fucking ways and I don’t want to be reminded of it. I will do absolutely anything you want me to do baby, but not that, please?” I begged her.

She pouted but nodded, “Fine,” she whined, “instead…can we not sneak around and just tell the family we’re getting back together?” she asked.

I laughed, “Come on.”

One big scoop had Ella up into my arms and I carried her back out into the other room, “Any objections?” I asked as the kids all looked to me and El.

Tristan crinkled his nose and Rachel tried to hide a smile. Sophie had a sharp sting of jealousy for a moment but it quickly faded into acceptance.

“Are you happy?” Tristan asked.

I nodded.

“And you, Ella, are you happy?” Rachel asked.

She nodded.

Sophie stepped forward and looked to each of us, “Then we’re happy for you,” she said.

Ella kissed my cheek and whispered, “Thanks, Dad.”

I looked down at her and kissed her softly on the lips, ignoring the groans of my kids to do so, “You’re welcome, baby,” I said softly.
