Science created a neko-girl. (still on-going)

This is an unfinished story that I’ve been working on over the past few days, I’d really appreciate any feedback you have for me.

Science created a neko.

I’ve recently done a role play involving this and it got my creative juices flowing (so to speak), and i thought of a story.

Here’s how I thought it could go,

You are a young girl, 19. you come out to your very religious parents as bisexual. They’re so enraged that they kick you out. You’re left to battle on the street, you’ve managed to survive 3 months living off of the scraps you find lying around. You’re dirty, malnourished and sad, you’d do anything to change your life.

So one sweltering hot day, you’re doing your usual, begging. But this time you decided to change location from along the beachfront, where you see al the happy couples who look so good, “why couldn’t I have that?” you think to yourself.

So you’re sitting there outside the stadium, a scrawny, thin girl. Battling to to make anything at all, when there’s this one guy who walks up to you, “hello miss, I see you need assistance” wait could this guy actually help, he’s wearing a long brown trench coat and looks rather scary, but if he can help the that’d be great, so looking up to him with your forlorn eyes, you nod your head and say “yes sir, my parents kicked me out ad now I have nothing”. He looks at you and hands you a card, “here’s y card, we help girls like you find a place in this world, come to that address and we’ll take it from there” then he just walks off.

What that was so weird, but he says he can help so you decide to go to the address given on the card. When you arrive there, it’s an old warehouse. He did promise help so you go in. Once inside you find that man and another man talking, being polite you wait for them to finish talking before inquiring what you have to do. He just says to follow him, which you do. He leads you into an office full of machines, then he asks “could you please remove your clothing, we have something special planned for you”. That’s just weird but if this is how things are, so you undress. Not that there was a whole lot anyway, a few weeks ago you lost your bra ad your panties are kinda trash anyway. So after getting naked you are told to get on a table, as you climb on you get ready for a cold shock, but it is in fact pleasantly warm.

Then electronic clasps wrap around your arms and legs, tying you in place, unable to move. but soon the drugs that were in your drink take hold and darkness over comes you.

while you’re unconscious, many procedures are done to you where your ears are surgically altered so that they now sit atop your head, and they’re lengthened so that they resemble cats ears. then a black tail, grown in a lab, is surgically attached to the base of your spine, nerve endings and everything, so that you now have a tail.

When you wake a few hours later you now resemble an actual cat. You’re a humanoid cat. You just don’t know it yet.

At first when you wake you feel so different and try to stand. As You climb off the bed and stand on wobbly feet. Taking first step, you fall. As you fall There’s this soft thing beneath you, you bring it around to inspect and as you pull gently on it there is an intense pain from your lower back. OMG you have a tail. Your eyes go wide as you see it, hopping up and rushing unsteadily to the full length mirror standing beside the bed. “What am I” you screech into the mirror and as you do, that man walks in, you get a fright and try to cover your naked body. “Don’t worry my dear, I’ve had plenty of time to inspect your body”, WTF but that’s a valid point so you drop your arms.

“What am I, What did you do to me” you ask hastily. “You’re a Neko, we’ve given you purpose and a place in life. the man who sponsored your transformation will be here soon to inspect what he’s bought.”

As you hear that you scream, :AAAHHH WHO SAID I WANTED THIS”, “you did, when you signed the paper”.

Oh the paper, you forgot about that paper. And now you had basically signed your life away.

But you have to admit, seeing your new body did affect you and there is a dampness between your legs. knowing you’ve been built as a human body, to be used. You’re no longer human, you’re something else now, you’re a human-hybrid, a cat-hybrid. And it excites you knowing that you’re going to be used and that there’s nothing you can do. But you also feel this odd sense of belonging, like this somehow just feels right. you feel like you have a purpose.
