The Roommate Part VII: Nervous [FT] [Plot]

**VII: Marie and Lexi**


Marie’s heart raced as she dashed through her apartment’s living area to the front door. Sophie and Blake were both in their rooms, and had been for a while, so she hoped there wouldn’t be any interruptions with Lexi.

*Fuck, why am I so nervous?*

She tried to focus more on her excitement, though that scared her a bit. Marie had thought she was starting to get a good read on Lexi when she’d seen the girl last night, but after the way they’d parted…was she getting too excited?

Panic began to set in as Marie reached the front door, but she shoved it away, focusing instead on how fucking horny she was. She’d texted Lexi about an hour and a half ago and had barely suppressed the urge to try to come before the other girl arrived. Three times.

She was *really* horny.

Marie looked through the peephole out of habit, and her heart pounded even faster when she saw the fishbowled image of Lexi on the other side of the door.

Grinning like an idiot–Marie didn’t even try to suppress that, she knew it wouldn’t work–Marie opened the door.

Lexi was dressed a bit more appropriately for the weather this time. She wore tight jeans–with no rips or holes, sadly–tucked into knee-high boots, and a fitted, double-breasted navy pea coat with either a hood sewn on or a hoodie underneath, covering her blonde hair. Her cheeks were rosy from the cold, and combined with her tanned skin, the colors made her sparkling eyes seem impossibly blue.


“I’ll take that as a compliment, I guess? Can I come in?”

Marie’s blinked in confusion for a moment before she saw Lexi’s grin and processed what she’d said. When she did, her cheeks burst into flame and he eyes turned into golf balls. She clapped a hand over her mouth, then hurriedly moved to the side, holding the door open as she remembered Lexi’s second question.

“Yeah, sorry–come in. Fuck, I didn’t mean to say that out loud.”

The satisfied smile Lexi flashed at Marie as she walked in made Marie’s pussy quiver.


She was sure that one had only been in her head.

As Marie closed the door, Lexi stepped out of her boots, placing them next to the three pairs already by the door, then shrugged out of her pea coat and hung it up on the coat rack.

It turned out the garment did have a hood sewn in, as Lexi had only worn a scarf and a cutoff sweater underneath. It wasn’t as revealing as the crop-tops she’d worn the first two times Marie had seen her, but it game Marie a nice view of her lower back, and then her abs when she turned back around. Lexi had worn her jeans pretty low, too. And another belly-chain.

“You look pretty good, yourself, Marie.”

Marie’s eyes snapped up, meeting Lexi’s for a moment before she glanced down at herself, then back to Lexi, heart working just a bit faster, “Thanks.”

After spending an entire very thorough shower worrying about what to wear–her plan was for all their clothes to come off pretty quickly, though she’d remembered about going out to eat about halfway through choosing out her lingerie–Marie had settled on tight black leggings with nothing underneath, and a colorful, lacy pushup bra that made her boobs look incredible, underneath a soft, light grey sweater that was just a bit too big for her in a good way. It could conceal her hands and keep the warm if she wanted, and it hung down low enough that she’d just worn it and shorts or panties around the apartment a few times when relaxing.

Then Marie noticed the bags Lexi had set down beside her. She blinked, looking between them and Lexi.

The taller girl shrugged, “It’s cold outside. I figured you’d be comfier eating here than trying to find somewhere to sit inside at a take-out place.”

Marie nodded, that was a good point.

*And it means she’s here. Easier to get into bed. And you get to see her in that top instead of her coat.*

She was about to ask what Lexi had picked them up, when she noticed the logo on the bag, “Burger-Fi?”

Lexi nodded, smiling as she picked the bag back up and gestured toward the rest of Marie’s apartment. Marie blushed again, leading her forward.

“I remembered you hadn’t gotten a chance to go there yet but wanted to try it since you hadn’t had a good burger in a while.”

Lexi set the bag down on the apartment’s small dining table, “*And* I think I remembered what kind of burger you said that you liked.”

Marie nodded somewhat absently as Lexi started pulling out their food items. Her eyes had wandered to Lexi’s abs. The taller girl’s movements exposed brief glimpses of them as her tope rode up, and Marie noticed thin strands of metal shining where they caught the light–a body chain like she’d worn the previous night. This one looked a bit more elaborate than the belly-chain, however.

Then Marie made the mistake of moving her eyes up just a bit, following the chain as it disappeared up beneath Lexi’s top. The top tented in two distinct places over her chest, rippling the soft fabric.

Marie’s pussy quivered.

*Fuck, she’s not wearing a bra.*

Marie found herself very okay with that.


Marie’s eyes widened, cheeks burning as Lexi stepped around the table. She shivered when strong fingers came under her chin and gently tilted it up so that she gazed at Lexi’s smirking expression.

“My eyes are up here, Marie.”

Marie felt herself go even redder. Not just at her embarrassment, but at the contact, and at how close her face now was to Lexi’s. The taller girl’s blue eyes were alight with amusement, and her lips…

*Fuck, I want to kiss her.*

Her lips looked so soft. So…bite-able.

“Still technically not my eyes,” Lexi said, “But I guess I can’t complain too much.”

Marie gasped as Lexi moved forward and brushed those bite-able lips across Marie’s cheeks.

*Fuck…that’s not supposed to work like that.*

Lexi grinned, “I’ll take that as a compliment. Let’s save that for after we eat though. I’m actually pretty hungry.”

Marie snapped out of it, though not without some effort.

“Sorry,” she said, running her nails through her hair as she walked over to the kitchen, “You just have really nice abs. And the chain was a little distracting, too.”

She cleared her throat at Lexi’s grin and the way her blood began to pound in her ears, “You want something to drink?”

The grin turned into a smile, “Just water, please.”

Marie remembered something then and glanced at the items Lexi had unpacked onto the table, “No shakes?”

Lexi snorted, “Nah, those tend to fuck with me, or make people all full and drowsy at the very least. I didn’t think that fit with where I hope the night is headed.”

Marie swallowed hard, her entire body suddenly on fire with need.

*Fuck, how am I supposed to make it through dinner feeling like this?*

For a moment, Marie thought of trying to sneak a shot of something to make herself relax. She decided against it, however, and pour two glasses of water. Any alcohol in her system whatsoever would probably just make her stare at Lexi even more than she already was.

She sat down across from Lexi, feeling awkward and clumsy. That was only made worse by a heady feeling that came over her when Lexi scooted into the chair next to her.

*Fuck. Fuck. Find something to talk about.*

“Your body chain,” Marie said–almost blurted–as she started unwrapping her burger, “I didn’t expect you to wear one over today. I honestly don’t really think I’ve seen anyone wear them outside of movies and photoshoots.”

Lexi flashed a knowing grin at Marie, then shrugged, “I wear them a lot, even if people can’t see them. They make me feel sexy and girly.” She paused, eyeing Marie, “I’m pretty sure you noticed I’m not wearing a bra?”

*Fuck. My face is just going to be bright red all night, isn’t it?*

Marie cleared her throat and took a drink from her glass, “Um, yeah. I might have.”

Lexi laughed. Marie really liked that sound.

“Well, since I don’t really ever need to wear one, instead of wearing lacy bras to make myself feel good, I usually just wear a body chain. And it doesn’t hurt that when I wear crop tops, they draw attention to my abs.”

Marie hid her blush in taking a bite from her burger.


*So fucking good. It’s been way too long since I had one of these.*

“So,” Lexi said, eyeing her with a bit of a smirk, “Barbeque bacon cheeseburger with avocado? I pictured you more as the ‘salad and I’ll steal a few of your fries’ kind of girl.”

Marie snorted, then put a hand to her mouth as her cheeks went bright red. They went even hotter when she saw Lexi’s satisfied grin.

*She did that on purpose!*
“Usually, I am,” Marie admitted once she’d swallowed and wiped her mouth with a napkin, “I’m gonna have to kill myself in the gym next week and after Thanksgiving, but these are just really good. My boy–er, ex–turned me onto it. He was a really good cook and even made me one from scratch with grilled sourdough bread a few times since–as he put it–California has the best burger places by far. I think they just have a lot more of them.”

Lexi’s eyes widened and she glanced at her own burger.

“Damn, now I want one of those.”

Grinning, Marie offered Lexi an uneaten part of the burger, “Just be careful about the mess. That top doesn’t look like it will mix well with barbeque sauce.”

Eyes flashing, Lexi took the burger and a large bit. She closed her eyes and let out an exaggerated moan that had a bit too much of an effect on Marie as took the burger back from Lexi.

“Okay,” Lexi said, wiping her mouth of some of the sauce, “That’s my new order.”

Marie laughed and dug into her burger again, holding it back from Lexi like she was guarding it.

They talked more as they ate, and Marie found Lexi’s blunt attitude refreshing. She found she’d missed having fun just sitting around talking with someone. The food wasn’t bad either. The burger wasn’t as good as the ones Liam had made her, but the *fries.*

*It’s been way too long since I had these.*

The curly fries at the student center didn’t count. She’d needed thin, just-the-right-amount-of-crispy, salty potato-y goodness.

Though Lexi’s attitude told Marie the other probably wouldn’t care about Kylie, Marie decided not to say anything about the brunette, just to be safe. A while after they finished, Marie gathered up all the bags and wrappers and napkins and threw them out before taking the glasses over to the dishwasher.

“I’m gonna use the restroom real quick,” Lexi said, getting up as Marie opened the dishwasher, “I’ll just wait in your room when I’m done.”

Marie blinked, as Lexi hadn’t waited for an answer. Then Marie realized that Lexi hadn’t asked a question–she’d simply told Marie what she was going to do.

Marie found she was okay with that.

After tidying up the table and the kitchen a bit, during which Lexi came back out of the restroom and threw a smile at Marie over her shoulder before disappearing into Marie’s room. That smile made Marie go red in the face. This time, she did sneak a shot before finding a few more items to put into the dishwasher so she could run it. After using the restroom herself and making sure she didn’t have any leftover food on her face or in her teeth, Marie took a deep breath and walked over to her bedroom.

When she opened the door, Marie’s eyes went wide, her entire body lighting up with desire.

Lexi was naked.



Lexi grinned, heart racing a bit faster at the expression on Marie’s face. She hadn’t been entirely sure about this but had wanted to get any awkwardness or fumbling out of the way. Still, she’d gone for laying on her side with the sheet draped over her hips rather than standing at the edge of the bed facing the doorway. She still had some insecurities to get over.

Marie was helping with that last part quite a bit.

A thrill ran through Lexi from her heart all the way down between her legs as Marie’s eyes roved over her naked torso, drinking her in. Lexi allowed herself a satisfied smile when the shorter girl’s eyes lingered on her chest and her abs.

“Might want to close that,” Lexi chided, glancing past Marie to the open door.

Marie’s eyes bulged again, face somehow turning even redder as she shut the door behind her and stepped into the room.

“You can come closer,” Lexi said, “I do bite, though.”

Lexi thought she saw Marie shiver at that. Then the blonde stepped toward the bed. Lexi let her cross half the distance between them before holding up a hand. The way Marie stopped immediately at the gesture; eyes fixed on Lexi’s helped along the process of the little blue pill Lexi had taken in the restroom.

*Fuck, she’s going to be fun.*

“Aren’t you forgetting something?”

Marie’s eyes narrowed in confusion.

“Your clothes, Marie.”

*That time she definitely shivered,* Lexi thought. The sheet draped over her hips had begun to tent.

“What do you want me to take off first?” Marie asked, voice soft, but teasing.

Lexi arched an eyebrow, grinning.

“The sweater. Then your leggings.”

Marie bit her lip. Lexi stifled a moan as she grew harder beneath the sheet, the soft fabric teasing her.

“I’m not wearing anything under my leggings.” Marie said, voice a bit breathy now.

*Fuck, yes.*

“And?” Lexi challenged.

She barely held back a laugh at how red Marie’s cheeks went.

*At this rate, I might just tease her all night.*

That wouldn’t be the worst possibility, but Lexi wanted more than that tonight.

Lexi watched as Marie seemed to shake herself, then bit her own lip as the blonde grabbed her sweater by the hem and pulled it up over her head. She knew Marie looked good, but as the other girl revealed inch after inch of naked flesh, Lexi’s patience started to run out. It tended to do that the hornier she became.

Marie tossed off the sweated, and Lexi drank her in. The blonde didn’t have abs like Lexi herself, but her stomach was flat and toned, and it fit her thin, petite figure. Marie’s lacy bra–decorated with a few rhinestones and faux pearls, and *definitely* a push-up–made Lexi completely forget how big she’d thought the other girl’s chest was, but that didn’t seem to matter at the moment. The bra just looked damn good on her.

Lexi licked her lips at the sight, grinning at the effect her gaze seemed to have on Marie.

*Why is she so nervous, though? Not because of me, right?*

Lexi deflated a bit at that and shoved the thought from her mind immediately.

*None of that. She’s just been through a break-up, and you’ve been teasing her since you two me. She probably has no clue what to think.*

“You’re still wearing clothes,” Lexi pointed out.

Marie visibly swallowed, but after a moment’s hesitation, her hands went to her hips.

Then Lexi had an idea.

“Stop,” she said just as Marie hooked her fingers under the waistband. The blonde looked up at Lexi, confused.

“Turn around and take them off.

Lexi’s grin widened even further as Marie’s eyes bulged. The girl complied, however.

*I’ll need to see how far I can push that.*

For the moment, however, Lexi watched with rapt attention as Marie peeled off the tight black leggings, revealing immediately that she was not, in fact, wearing anything underneath.

Marie’s ass was…Lexi bit her lip. She was going to have a lot of fun with that. Again, Marie wasn’t as muscular as Lexi, but she had the type of figure Lexi enjoyed: petite and soft, a nice mix of curves and muscle tone without leaning too far one way or the other.

When Marie’s leggings came down far enough that she had to bend over to continue peeling them off, Lexi immediately grew to full hardness. Between Marie’s legs, her pussy shone with wetness. Lexi thought she could see a few trails down the blonde’s thighs.

Suddenly, the other girl’s demeanor took on a whole new light.

*Fuck, she’s not nervous, is she? She’s just horny. Really, really horny from the looks of it.*

Lexi swallowed, growing almost uncomfortably hard.

*Because of me. She’s dripping wet for me.*

For some reason, that made Lexi nervous. She suppressed the feeling even as it rose within her, but still found herself a bit worried that she might not measure up to Marie’s expectations. Literally or figuratively.

Lexi grinned a bit at that, reassuring herself.

*Unless Marie’s ex is a freak, I’ll be just fine in that category.*

When Marie turned back around, she moved as though to cover up, but Lexi raised an eyebrow, and the blonde froze. After a moment, she relaxed, moving her hands away and giving Lexi a good view of her body, naked save for the push-up bra.

Her posture wasn’t as confident as Lexi would have liked, but they could work on that. Marie’s shyness, on the other hand, was adorable in a way that made Lexi’s blood run hot.

“Come here,” Lexi said, patting the bed before her.

She thought she caught a brief flash of a smile as Marie closed the distance between them. When Marie sat down on the edge of the bed, Lexi moved back a bit. She kept her hips covered and didn’t miss the way Marie’s eyes glanced at the tented fabric. When Marie climbed onto the bed with her, however, slipping under the covers, Lexi found herself excited.

“That bra looks incredible on you,” she said.

Marie blushed, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, “Thanks. That was kind of the point.”

Lexi grinned, “Come closer so I can take it off. As good as it looks, I want you with no clothes on.”

Marie squirmed a bit, shifting her thighs, but nodded and moved closer.

Lexi met the blonde’s gaze as she reached around to Marie’s back, their faces came within inches of each other. She undid the claps in one go, and gently pulled the straps down as the bra fell open. Lexi’s initial fascination with wearing bras had been brief, but she’d made sure she knew how to take them off with little effort.

As the bra came loose, Marie moving her arms to help Lexi free her of it, Lexi looked down at Marie’s chest and grinned. Her breasts were bigger, as Lexi had expected, but not by much. For some reason, that relaxed her. When she looked back up at Marie’s eyes again, the desire in the other girl’s eyes was suddenly palpable.

Lexi’s mind raced, trying to come up with the best way to tease Marie, to make her squirm, make her into putty under Lexi’s fingers—

They were kissing. Fuck, it felt good. Marie’s lips were so soft. Her skin was so smooth. The blonde moaned as Lexi pulled her closer. Their hips pressed together, Lexi’s cock like an iron rod between their stomachs, but that served only to deepen the kiss and the desire that made them writhe against one another.

When they finally pulled back, Lexi found herself panting, one hand cupping Marie’s cheek while the other clutched her waist. Marie had one hand on her face, the other flat against Lexi’s abs, silvery body-chain threaded between two of her fingers.

*This is not how I planned on this going. I was supposed to be the one making her breathless.*

Marie was breathless, but Lexi should have been more in control of herself.

Fuck, that felt good, though.

Just to regain the upper hand, Lexi blatantly let her eyes rove over Marie’s naked form, drinking her in before looking back to Marie’s eyes with a smirk.

“I definitely like you better naked,” Lexi said.

Her cock jumped at the way Marie shivered at her words. Both their eyes bulged for a moment at that, however, drawing their eyes downward.

The nervousness came back as Lexi glanced back up at the blonde’s eyes. The earlier desire hadn’t left. If anything, it had grown.

“You still want to do this?” Lexi asked.

She wanted to just keep going. She should have, not showing Marie any hint of nerves or uncertainty.

Something in her needed the verbal confirmation, however.

Marie’s eyes flashed, “Are you kidding? Lexi, you’re–”

She cut off, biting her lip as her cheeks turned bright red.

*Hopefully, that’s a good sign.*

“I–” Marie began again, pausing for a moment, “You’re fucking gorgeous. And so far, you ‘ve been really awesome while I probably haven’t been nearly as great.”

The blonde paused then, cheeks somehow darkening further, “I really wanted to come up last night, but I wanted to make sure that I didn’t feel that way just because I was drunk or really horny, because you’re really–”

Marie cut off, then sighed, “Fuck, I probably sound desperate and clingy, don’t I?”

Lexi bit her lip, holding in a smile. Her instinct was to tease the girl, but Marie’s words made her feel warm inside. A part of her–a part that surprised her–wanted to pull Marie against her and just kiss and touch her until neither of them could take it anymore.

*I promised myself I wouldn’t be mushy with her or anything like that yet.*

More and more, Lexi saw Marie as someone she could let herself be with–especially after this–but Lexi wasn’t blind to Marie’s issues.

Marie hadn’t mentioned her ex much, but Lexi couldn’t remember hearing a single negative thing about him so far. That probably meant Marie had been the one to screw things up, and that she had some leftover feelings for her ex. From what Lexi knew about her current personal life, she was also a bit of a mess at the moment.

Aside from that, though…

Lexi’s own cheeks darkened.

*I like her. She just needs some…direction…*

Before they went any further, though, Lexi had to get some things out of the way.

*Just to make sure.*

“You don’t mind that I don’t have a pussy?”

Marie blinked, then grinned, “Not at all.”

The grin turned a bit…predatory, “I’m much better at sucking cock, anyway.”

Lexi held back a moan at that as her cock twitched.

“And if I want you to eat my ass?”

Marie’s blush had started to disappear but returned in full force. She ran her nails through her hair, “I never really did that until recently but I–I kind of like it.”

Lexi grinned, trying to disguise the shiver that ran down her back.

*One last thing.*

Lexi moved back on the bed a bit and pulled down the covers, revealing her throbbing cock to Marie.

“And you’re sure you can handle this?”

Marie’s eyes widened, “Fuck.”

Lexi’s chest grew tight. Then she looked to Marie’s eyes, however, and that tightness melted away. Her cock throbbed as though it were somehow trying to grow even harder.

Marie’s eyes held a hunger that made Lexi’s entire body grow hot.

*Fuck. She wants me. She’s not scared or freaked out or anything. She just…*

Lexi’s thoughts faded away as Marie met her lips in a fevered kiss. Lexi tangled her fingers in Marie’s hair, nipping and biting at the blonde’s lips, eliciting intoxicating gasps and moans. Those incredible noises grew even more desperate when Marie started grinding her hips against Lexi’s. That soft, smooth skin felt amazing against Lexi’s cock.

Lexi pulled back, breathless, when it started to feel too good. She looked into Marie’s glassy eyes for a moment, then shuddered when Marie’s gaze dropped down to her cock.

“Fuck,” the blonde breathed, “Has–has it always been that big?”

Lexi grinned, “It used to be a bit bigger actually. A side-effect of taking hormones.”

Marie’s eyes bulged as they flickered back and forth between Lexi’s cock and her eyes, “Bigger?”

Her cheeks grew red again, “Is it bad that I’m glad it got smaller?”

Lexi snorted, “Not at all. Pretty sure that unless you’re in porn, having a big dick is only good up to a certain point. You never answered my question, though.”

Marie blinked, frowning.

“Can you handle it?”

Marie bit her lip, “I’d have to take a closer look, but I think it’s almost the same size as my ex’s was.”

*Fuck, yes.*

“Can I touch it?”

Lexi grinned.

*Okay, time to see exactly what I’m working with.*

Lexi took Marie’s chin in her hand. Her cock twitched at the shiver that ran through Marie.

“You can do whatever you want,” Lexi said, voice soft, “As long as you ask permission. Got it?”

Something flashed in Marie’s eyes. She shivered again, nodding.

Lexi grinned, “What did you want to touch?”

Marie’s face grew red again, “Your cock.”

“Then touch it.”

Marie shivered again, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips as she reached down between them. A gasp slipped from her lips, eyes fluttering for a moment as her fingers closed around the shaft.


Lexi let out a moan at the gentle pressure of Marie’s hands as she started to slowly stroke up and down. It had been far too long since anyone but Lexi had done this. She glanced up at Marie. The blonde’s gaze stayed anchored down between for a while, observing what she did, but she must have felt Lexi’s gaze at some point. Her green eyes met Lexi’s own and locked, pupils dilating. Lexi grabbed her face and kissed her again.

*It’s been even longer since I was with anyone like this.*

Marie moaned into Lexi’s mouth, giving her control of the kiss. She responded enthusiastically but let Lexi lead. Lexi grinned against the other girl’s mouth at that, breathing growing labored between the kiss and Marie’s attention to her cock.

*This is almost too good to be true.*

Marie stopped stroking her cock at some point, her hands going instead to Lexi’s abs. It took Lexi a while to notice, so she couldn’t exactly blame Marie. And the way the blonde felt at her abs and the curve of her waist she’d worked so hard on was almost reverent.

Still, it was an opportunity Lexi didn’t want to let pass. Marie had reacted well so far, but Lexi wanted to push further.

She broke the kiss, the whimper that left Marie’s lips sending a shiver down her spine and met Marie’s heavy-lidded gaze.

“Did I say you could stop?” Lexi asked, struggling to control her breathing. Her heart was pounding.

Marie’s eyes widened for a moment, lips parting in a way that made Lexi want to bite them.

*Fuck, that’s not fair.*

It took Marie a moment, but her eyes darted down to her hands at Lexi’s waist, then at her cock. Lexi bit her lip at the way Marie gazed at her cock. Lexi knew she was big–well, above average, at least. Next to a girl as tiny as Marie, however, it looked *very* big.

Lexi also knew she had a nice cock. She liked it. She loved dresses and tank tops and make-up and a lot of other feminine things, but she also liked having a big cock that girls–and some guys–looked at the way Marie was looking at hers right now.

When the little pink tip of Marie’s tongue darted out to wet her lips, Lexi’s cock throb, and a moan slipped from her lips.

Just as Marie curled her fingers around Lexi’s cock again, Lexi brought a hand down, closing her finger’s over Marie’s.

The blonde looked up, gaze questioning.

“You said you were good at sucking cock.”

Marie’s cheeks darkened, and a moment later, she nodded.

Lexi leaned in close and nipped at Marie’s earlobe, holding in a satisfied laugh at the way the blonde gasped and shuddered.

“I want you to show me,” she whispered, then pulled back so she could watch Marie’s reaction.

The other girl gazed at her wide-eyed for a moment, mouth hanging open ever so slightly, making it look even more inviting.

Then Marie nodded, “How do you want me?”

Lexi raised an eyebrow.

Marie opened and closed her mouth a few times, cheeks growing even darker before she found her voice, “I meant, do you want me to be between your legs? Or underneath you so–so you’re in control?”

Lexi barely held back a moan at that as a shudder ran through her. She reined herself back in, then shook her head, “I said I wanted *you* to suck my cock, not that *I* wanted to fuck your mouth. Though I like the way you think.”

Moving back from Marie, Lexi situated herself in the center of the bed and leaned back against the pillows, getting comfortable. She spread her legs, cock pointing straight up in the air. She looked to Marie and had to hold back a moan.

The way Marie’s eyes roved over her body, drinking her in…Lexi was happy with the way she looked, but felt really good to have someone look at her like that. Lexi knew some people fetishized girls like her. She’d learned to identify them by the way they looked at her: like a prize, satisfied at what they’d found, anticipatory.

This wasn’t that. Marie looked at her like someone who couldn’t believe what they were seeing was real. It almost looked like the blonde thought she was dreaming.

That stirred something…unexpected in Lexi. She liked Marie. She liked the blonde as more than just a hookup and believed those feelings could grow. The way they’d laughed and talked over dinner had made her more confident in that. Much of what Lexi had felt since arriving here, however, had been desire for Marie’s touch, to finally experience what she’d wanted to so badly the previous night.

The way Marie looked at her now, though, brought forth an entirely different type of desire. Something Lexi wasn’t prepared for.

She tried to ignore it, focusing on her plan for the night.


The girl met her eyes.

Lexi raised an expectant eyebrow, “You’re not sucking my cock. Was that just a clever line before?”

Marie blinked, then moved between Lexi’s legs. Her eyes flashed with determination.

Lexi grinned at that.

As Marie situated herself between Lexi’s legs–Lexi didn’t miss the way Marie touched her thighs the same way she’d touched her abs–Lexi brought a hand down to Marie’s cheek, then past it, threading her fingers in the blonde’s hair. She tilted Marie’s head up enough that their eyes met.

“I want you to suck my cock. I’ll give you directions if you ask, but I want to see what you do, first. Make me cum, if you can.”

This time Lexi felt Marie shudder.

*Fuck…she definitely likes being told what to do.*

That was a very good sign.

On impulse, Lexi leaned forward and pulled Marie’s face to hers. She met the girl’s lips in a slow, but hungry kiss, sucking at Marie’s lips, tracing them with her tongue. Marie melted into it, letting Lexi do as she wished. It made Lexi’s cock strain, aching for her mouth.

Lexi broke the kiss and pulled back just enough to lock gazes with Marie again. She grinned at the blonde.

“Suck my cock, Marie.”



  1. Hey Everyone! Happy Sunday!

    I hope you all are staying safe!

    For those of you who haven’t read my work before, this is Part 7 of the second arc of a story I’ve been writing called *The Camgirl* so if you haven’t read that, [go read it!](

    If you haven’t read [Part I](, [Part II](, [Part III](, [Part IV](, [Part V](, or [Part VI](
    of this second arc, go check them out!

    For anyone who wants to help support me so that I can keep this story free to read, please visit either my [Ko-Fi]( if you want to just drop me a tip, or my [Patreon]( if you want to support via monthly-subscription! And don’t forget to join/subscribe to /r/taylorstormserotica!

    As always, comments and critiques are welcomed. Thank you all so much for your continued support and readership! And stay safe!

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