Thanks, Dad! (Part six) [ff] [mFf] [Father] [Adoptive Daughter] [Daughter] [Incest] [Light Femdom] [Apologizing]

I wrapped a towel around me and went back to my bedroom. Ella was taking care of Sophie, doing what I should have done. El glared at me when I opened the door and I almost turned and left again, but a door down the hall opened and I tucked myself into my room then looked back down the hallway. Tristan was leaving Rachel’s room. My mind immediately went to ‘he’s fucking his sister,’ then I reminded myself that she was helping him with coursework that he had and he wasn’t being sneaky about leaving her room, so it was likely innocent with me projecting my own sins onto them.

I closed my door and approached the bed, “Soph…” I started.

Ella moved herself between me and Sophie, fire in her eyes, “You just left her here, bleeding on your bed to go shower?” she scoffed.

I shook my head, “To throw up. I fucked her. I fucked my own daughter. How am I supposed to live with that El?” I asked.

She looked to Sophie then back to me, “She was scared and you abandoned her. That’s the part you should be focused on. You’re her dad, you’re supposed to comfort her and be there to take care of her…” her voice was raising and I tried to quiet her by putting my finger to my lips.

She scoffed and turned her attention back to Sophie, “I’m taking her back to my room and you…you can think on how you reacted and how it made her feel. Having sex with you was what she wanted, Dad. She never thought you, of all people, would just use her for your own wants then run away.”

My cheeks were flushed in embarrassment, “I didn’t…I wasn’t…”

I did. I fucked my daughter then left her bleeding alone on my bed so I could go wash the evidence from myself before I tended to her. Father of the fucking year, here.

Sophie and Ella got dressed and Ella helped her back to their room and I just watched. Ella looked so disappointed in me and Soph looked scared. I should have tended to her. I should have swallowed the fucking vomit and stayed to take care of my daughter. I needed to know how to make it up to them. Both of them.

I got dressed and started to climb into bed, but noticed the sheets and comforter were stained with blood, just a few spots here and there mostly, but there were a few in the diamond shape that told me Soph had sat there while she was bleeding. I felt the need to throw up again. I went to go check on the girls twice and listened at Tristan and Rachel’s rooms before I headed back to bed. I fucked up.

The next day was Thanksgiving and we trudged through it with me getting a slight cold shoulder from both Ella and Sophie. When I went to bed I tossed and turned for hours. I headed down to the living room and found Tristan and Rachel lying on the couch watching a movie. I thought I might get a reprieve from the cold shoulder and my own guilt by spending some time with my oldest two kids. I stood behind the couch and started to say something when I looked down and noticed…movement…beneath the blanket draped over them both.

I could have scared the shit out of them, but I chose to leave it alone. What right did I have to prevent them from doing anything? They weren’t related by blood so I didn’t have a god damned leg to stand on, morally speaking.

I turned around and went upstairs to Sophie and Ella’s room. They were sleeping in the same bed together and I gently woke both of them, “Girls?” I asked softly.

They sleepily opened their eyes and looked at me, “Yeah, Dad?” Ella asked.

“Can you sit up and talk to me please?” I asked.

El looked at Soph and Soph nodded so El turned back to me and nodded.

They sat up on the bed and I knelt in front of them, “I did something I never thought I would. Crossing that boundary so easily scared me to death and I panicked. Sophie, baby, I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to just leave you hurting like that. I was disgusted with myself and I should have put that aside to take care of you and do whatever you needed me to do and I’m so sorry that wasn’t what you got from me,” I looked to Ella, “El, I left you to clean up my mess, and I’m so sorry. I broke my promise to you and I didn’t even have the courage to face you after. I was a coward and you stepped up and helped your sister where I failed and I’m so proud of you for that. But it never should have been necessary. If you girls want to hate me, I’m not going to stop you. I hate myself right now too, but I love you both and all I want is for you to be happy, so tell me what you need from me for that to happen?”

Ella looked to Sophie then leaned over and whispered in my ear, “We want to make you breakfast together while you watch,” she said softly.

“What do you need to make it? I’ll get up early and go to the store so…”

Ella shook her head, “Not that kind of breakfast. A long breakfast, with just the three of us and you aren’t allowed to cum unless we say so,” she said in such a soft, sweet voice that the demand sounded more like a request.

I nodded, “I’ll…I’ll send Tristan and Rachel out for the day, my treat.”

Sophie was blushing and Ella leaned over and kissed my lips. I closed my eyes. I was addicted to this little girl’s taste and I think she knew it. When she pulled out of the kiss she whispered, “Now kiss, Sophie, daddy.”

I turned to Sophie and pressed my lips to hers, mimicking Ella’s kiss with me. Soph moaned and when I went to pull my lips back from hers she grabbed me by the sides of my face and held me there as her tongue invaded my mouth, then I moaned. When she stopped, Ella turned me back to her, “Daddy, do you want to cum just from kissing us?” she asked in a taunting tone.

I looked down and my dick was raging. I blushed and nodded.

Ella took pity on me and kissed me again. Her sweet lips and tongue savored me and she moaned softly as I brought my hand up to her cheek and caressed her. When she pulled back from the kiss she smiled and looked over to Sophie and kissed her just as passionately. The girls moaned and began removing each other’s night clothes until their naked bodies were pressing against each other. “Your clothes need to come off too, Dad,” Sophie said.

I undressed and knelt back down on the floor beside the bed.

Ella turned to me and wagged her finger at my hand, “No touching, either us or yourself, Daddy. You watch and you don’t cum or else Sophie and I get to punish you.”

They stood next to each other, their bodies turned towards me as I knelt on the floor with my hands on the edge of their bed. My dick fucking hurt as I watched them. Everything was soft and painfully slow as the girls began to finger each other. The sloppy wet sounds of dainty fingers bringing soft moans from the lips of my two beautiful daughters was fucking unbearable. My dick ached for release, but I just watched my babies’ breasts graze and squish against each other. Watched Sophie suck most of Ella’s firm tit into her mouth as El tipped her head back in ecstasy while Sophie’s fingers lightly danced across her pink clit.

Their little pussies looked so fucking kissable and were just inches from my face, the softly onion-like scent wafting from them was amazing. They teased me horribly. Kneeling with their pussies facing me as they fondled and kissed one another. Soph and Ella took turns sitting on my lap as the other sat on the bed with her legs wide open so the one on my lap could eat her out and finger her until she came.

They made me keep my dick where they could see it, so they could see that it wasn’t getting any relief beyond a constant dribble of precum that ached to coat their holes. Then they sat facing one another, Ella had one leg under Sophie’s leg and over Sophie’s other leg. Their pussies pressed together, clit to clit and they held hands as they kissed and rubbed their bodies against one another. I had a few tears streaming down my face as Sophie whispered to Ella. Ella looked down at my dick and back to Sophie and nodded.

“Daddy, sit on the bed?” El asked sweetly.

I climbed up slowly, my dick aching as I moved. The skin felt like it was going to rip if I didn’t cum soon. The girls separated their bodies from one another and looked at me, “Lay down all the way and grab the spokes in the headboard?” Ella asked.

I did as I was directed then the girls repeated their intertwined bodies position, but now they held my dick between their squishing wet pussies as they lifted their slick cunts up and down either side of my shaft.

Sophie smiled at me as I groaned, and said, “Don’t cum until we let you, Daddy.”

I nodded, but I watched them kiss one another and moan, their breasts and nipples pushing and scraping against each other, and my dick pulsing between their firmly embracing cunts. Ella moaned and grabbed the back of Sophie’s hair and Soph did the same thing to Ella, they kissed and whimpered as their bodies quivered and squirmed with my cock between them. I came fucking hard, groaning and grunting as my cum spurted up to their faces and dripped back down their breasts, thighs, and stomachs. A torrent of cum in multiple, somewhat painful, spurts.

The girls were smiling and panting and both turned to look at me, “You came without permission, Daddy,” Ella said sweetly. “Your first punishment,” she said as she intentionally hesitated, dragging it to create an intense anxiety about what she was going to demand, and what I was going to, undoubtedly, do, “is to sleep in bed with us, naked, with the bedroom door wide open.”

I closed my eyes and swallowed hard, thinking about Tristan and Rachel walking past the girls’ room to get to their own bedrooms. I fucking prayed that my two oldest kids got caught up in fooling around downstairs and fell asleep with each other on the couch. Ella got up and opened their bedroom door up wide then ran back to bed and hopped under the sheet with me and Sophie. Each girl chose a side to lay on. One girl resting their head on each of my shoulders, each had one leg draped over one of my legs, their wet pussies pushed against my hip and their hands were clasped with each other, laying on my chest. My hands were on their hips, holding them close to me.

They fell asleep easily snuggled against me, I stayed awake and stared at the door, waiting for my two oldest kids to catch me in bed with their younger sisters. I was afraid to close my eyes, so I stayed awake all night and endured the soft moans and movements of my girls as they slept. The sun was starting to come up and I leaned down and whispered to Ella, “El, can I go and get something figured out to get Tristan and Rachel out of the house now?”

She half woke up and smiled as she looked at me, “Yeah, but as soon as they’re gone you have to come back in here, okay?”

I nodded, “I promise I will.”

She climbed over me and took the place of my shoulder and leg in the hopes of Sophie staying asleep as I pulled myself from them reluctantly. I pulled on my pajamas and closed the door behind me as I left. I looked up events going on in town and there honestly wasn’t much the day after thanksgiving. But I found a saving grace, a concert the next town over for a band that I know both Tristan and Rachel love. I ordered them tickets and a hotel room within walking distance of the venue then went downstairs to find both of them passed out on the couch.

Their blanket had fallen off of them and I was surprised to see them both fully clothed, but Rachel slept soundly with Tristan’s arms wrapped around her, he had one hand under her shirt and the other down her pajama bottoms. I put the blanket back over them. Tristan’s hands moved over his sister’s body while they both slept and she moaned softly and smiled. I sat on the coffee table and waited as Rachel started to wake up, her voice was quiet as she grasped her brother’s hand under the blanket, “Trist,” she said sleepily, “Dad’s gonna be up soon, we have to go to our rooms.”

Neither one opened their eyes, Tristan smiled and snuggled tighter against her, “We have a few minutes before anyone comes down here,” he whispered. I saw his hand shift under the blanket, I was pretty sure he was pulling her pajama bottoms down, and I cleared my throat as his hand moved back.

They both froze and I was trying hard to look stern and not smile. Rachel tilted her head up and Tristan just stared straight ahead, suddenly very awake. “Hi…Dad…umm…,” she started, her cheeks flushing as she thought of an excuse on the fly, “I was helping him study and we watched a movie and just fell asleep.”

“Rachel,” I said, “I love you, but you’re a terrible liar. I put the blanket back over you before your sisters came down and found you. Explain, now.”

Tristan finally turned his head up towards me as Rachel fixed her pajama bottoms, “Guys kept hitting on her at college, she didn’t want them to and no one there knew we were from the same family, so…I started pretending to be her boyfriend so the creeps would back off. Then we both realized we liked the pretending?” he said apologetically.

I looked to each of them, “Are you happy?”

They nodded.

“If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t affect our family status?” I asked.

They shook their heads and Rachel spoke up softly, “We’re only step-siblings?” she offered.

I nodded, “I know. How long has it been going on?” I asked.

“Since the summer I came back home after college,” Rachel said softly.

I smiled and shook my head, “And that’s why you had a sudden interest in attending?” I asked as I looked to Tristan.

He nodded, “I mean, it got me to go like you wanted…” he said.

They both sat up and looked at me as I pretended to contemplate the situation, waiting a painfully long time for both of them before I looked up and said, “No more hand jobs on the couch, bedrooms only, Mom and I had these conversations with you two before, privacy things in private where no other family has to know about it,” then handed them the printout of the tickets to the concert and the hotel room, “Get it out of your system tonight, then come home by Saturday afternoon for a family day before going back to school, okay?”

They looked at the tickets and back at me, “Seriously?” Rachel asked.

“You’re not mad?” Tristan looked almost scared as he asked.

“You two were born three days apart. Trist, I didn’t even know about you until after Mom had Sophie. You’re family, but you’re not related by blood. If you’re happy, I’m happy. Family stuff isn’t optional if you guys break up, understood?”

They both nodded and I smiled at them, “Go get ready and head out before your sisters wake up and try to tag along. The hotel knows you’ll be there early and that you’re going to leave late, I paid for an extra day to get them to go along with it, so make use of it. Text me when you get to the hotel so I know you’re safe and use the card I gave you for emergencies at school to get yourselves food and such,” I said.

They both jumped up and ran to their rooms to throw a bag together for the night. I know I probably shouldn’t be encouraging them, but what right did I have to say shit about it? I saw them out then went back up to Sophie and Ella’s room. When I opened the door they were lying in bed together, kissing, and I just smiled as they pulled away from each other to look at me, “Are they gone?” Ella asked.

I nodded.

She smiled, “Go take a bath then come to the kitchen for breakfast,” she said softly.

Ella took Sophie’s hand and stopped at the door as she looked at me, “No clothes, Daddy. Come down naked.” The two girls were also completely nude as they made their way towards the kitchen.

I did as I was told. I took a long, cool shower to try and reign things in then dried off and headed down to the kitchen to find the girls kneeling on the kitchen counter, facing each other,. They were kissing, each with one hand fondling the other’s breasts. A loud buzz and their soft moans permeated the otherwise silent house. As I came around to the other side I could see things more clearly.

Their legs were spread and there was a plate beneath them, between their legs. Ella’s cunt dripped freely in long thin strands of stretchy fluid and Sophie’s was more gradual, thicker strands of a milkier fluid dripped onto the plate from her. Between them they each held a massaging wand set to the highest pulse. There was no hiding my reaction to the sight and Ella smiled as she was the first to see me.

The girls kissed and I moved to stand beside them, watching closely, smelling their excitement in the air. Ella turned both wands off and held them up as Sophie stroked her ass, “Wanna lick the beaters, Daddy?”

I nodded and she handed me the one from Sophie’s cunt first, she had a very mild taste that was slightly musky, but mostly just thick water. When I’d cleaned that one fully, Ella handed me hers, her taste I’d memorized, a lightly honeyed musk and nectar-like water. I cleaned both toys thoroughly then the girls watched me bend down and savor their fluids from the plate they made for me.

Each whined as they watched my dick twitch while I went from one flavor to the other. When I was done I looked at them, awaiting my next instruction. Ella helped Sophie to the edge of the counter and spread her legs open, the milky cream coated her inner labia and some dried along the insides of her thighs, “Clean up your daughter, Dad,” Ella demanded.

I kissed and sucked on Soph’s thighs, leaving a glistening trail of saliva where her fluids had been, then I slowly and teasingly dragged my tongue up through her puffy little lips. I was avoiding touching her, as I hadn’t been given permission, but I wanted to spread her open and pull her cream from her opening without restraint.

I glanced up to see Ella kissing Sophie and I mimicked the motion of her lips on my daughter’s cunt. Soph moaned loudly, her toes curled on the edge of the counter and her hips lifted to me just a little. I pointed my tongue and teased her clit until more juice clung to her hole for me. I pressed my mouth firmly into her lips and made her whimper. My dick twitched and Ella was watching again.

She reached down and lifted my chin so that I was looking into her eyes, “Daddy, if you can eat us both until we orgasm twice, without cumming yourself, We’re going to turn around and you’re going to take turns grabbing our hips and pumping your dick in us until we both cum again. Then, we’ll turn around, and sit on our knees on the floor with our mouths open and help you cum on our faces and tongues.”

Just the fucking thought of it nearly made me blow and Ella smiled, “If you don’t hold out then you’re not going to have a very good day, daddy. If you cum before we’re ready for you to cum, Sophie’s going to go get a big dildo and we’ll see if we can make you bleed like you made her bleed.”

I swallowed hard, but the smile on her face was so fucking full of innocence, I just nodded, “Anything you want, El.”

She kissed me and whispered, “Won’t Sophie look so pretty with your cum on her tongue, daddy?”

My dick twitched and she giggled and guided my head back down to Sophie’s cunt and I ate her like my life depended on it. After a few minutes of deep tonguing and forceful licking I was given permission to use my hand on her. Ella watched Sophie arch and squirm as I sucked on her clit and fingered her hard and fast. She squirted with my mouth covering the area and I greedily drank the slick fluid from her. She lay back on the counter and Ella sat beside her and spread her own legs.

I moved more slowly and softly with Ella. Teasing her until I knew she needed my fingers to help and she begged me for it, “Use your fingers now, please, Dad?”

She had better control of her orgasm than Sophie as I know she was ready to go while I had my lips over her, waiting for her fluid to release. She was sweating but was trying to wait until I moved my lips. I glanced up at her and smiled. She was biting her lip and breathing heavily. I hooked my fingers towards her forward wall and pushed hard and fast a few times. Forcing her to throw her head back and moan as her hips bucked and I got to drink her fluid just like I had for her sister.

The girls climbed up and Sophie looked at me, “That’s one,” She said sweetly. She pulled Ella up onto her and they both spread their legs wide as they lay chest to chest and clit to clit. This was just like in the story I’d read and I had to wait a second to get control of my aching dick. Then I started long licks from one pussy down to the other as their fingers helped each other out.

Sophie and Ella were kissing again, moaning as I pushed my tongue deeply into one then the other. When I knew they were getting close, I pulled Sophie’s ass a little further off the counter and bent under her, sticking my tongue into her ass as she squirmed. I licked around a little, opening her up just a tiny bit as she clenched on me, then I moved up to Ella’s ass and did the same, flicking my tongue in and out of her ass as she tensed up and lifted her ass to me slightly.

Ella’s fingers sped up on Sophie’s clit and Sophie matched her sister’s pace. Both girls were whimpering and Ella looked back to me, “Again, Daddy,” she whined. I repeated the motion, carefully tonguing Ella’s ass then moving down to Sophie’s, then Sophie’s and moving back up to Ella’s, until their hips were quivering in orgasm, mostly from their mutual stimulation. I hadn’t cum yet.

Each girl inspected my cock with a quick lick to make sure then they turned around on the counter and maneuvered so I could fuck them just like they asked. Sharing me, moving from one pussy to the next after a set number of thrusts, I was supposed to be trying to get them off, but honestly, I was just enjoying comparing their sex. Ella was like a warm wet hug around my dick, fitting against and squeezing my dick tightly. Sophie had a firm grip on my cock, but she didn’t hug so tightly against it that I felt my dick being squeezed. She spread to accommodate my dick much more easily than Ella’s cunt did.

I found myself missing Ella while I fucked Sophie. The novelty of dicking my own daughter might be wearing off, but I wasn’t exactly over the prospect completely either. Sophie had a very nice body and it felt less like I was forcing a puzzle piece into place and more like I just fit with her anatomy extremely well. I just really favored the tightness of Ella, the taste of Ella, the smell of Ella. I favored Ella.

Ella turned and looked at me. She made eye contact and smiled, “Now our asses, Dad.”

I stopped, “El, we haven’t done that yet…” I started.

She nodded, “I know. Sophie hasn’t done it before either, but if you want to make it up to us, you’re going to fuck our asses without hurting us, and you have to do it without cumming.”

I nodded, “I need to get lubricant?”

She smiled and nodded, “No hurting us, promise?” she asked.

“I don’t know if I can make that promise. I won’t know if it’s going to hurt a lot or a little until we try, but I promise I will do my best to make it as painless as possible and I will help you through it if you want to keep going,” I said.

She thought it over and nodded. I ran upstairs to get a bottle of lubricant from my dresser then headed back down to the kitchen. Ella and Sophie were laying crotch to face on the counter and I stopped, “Girls?” I asked.

They turned and looked at me, “It’s less likely to hurt in my bed because I can control our angles better,” I said.

They got off the counter and walked with me back to my room. They climbed up on my bed and I climbed up behind them. Sophie bent over and Ella looked at me, “Sophie first, you have to keep going until we make her cum, and then it’s my turn.”

Ella lay with her head between my legs and lifted her mouth to Sophie’s cunt as I liberally coated my daughter’s asshole in a thick jelly-like fluid, pushing it into her, then rubbing it all over my dick. I grabbed her hip and lined my dick up with her ass and gently pushed forward. Sophie moaned, “Oh, Daddy,” and I almost fucking lost it as her ass gently opened up to accept the head of my cock. I slid in her easily, her ass was much more like Ella’s cunt, a firm tight hug of a grip on me. She didn’t seem to hurt at all and I asked her, “You okay, baby?”

She nodded, “Just feel full,” she said in a slight whimper as she pushed her ass back towards my dick.

I groaned and gripped her hips, moving slowly and deeply within her. Ella was fingering Sophie and tonguing her cunt and I had to grab Sophie’s hips and hold her still as she started to orgasm. Her ass was squeezing me and I groaned but managed to hold out as her orgasm subsided and Ella let me pull my dick from Sophie’s ass.

I watched Sophie lay down on the bed for a minute before getting into position under Ella and I repeated the liberal lubrication with the thick gel on her ass then my dick, and then her ass again for good measure. I started the tip of my dick at her hole and groaned as she opened up to me. We’d tried this again a few weeks ago and it was still too tight. So now, to see her puckering flesh open to me with such little hesitation…I wanted to blow.

I grunted and thrust into her as Sophie sucked and licked her cunt, “Have you been practicing, baby?” I asked her, having a hard time catching my breath from the strain of not unloading with barely my head inside of her.

She nodded, “Yes, Daddy. I really wanted you to fuck my ass, so I bought toys to work me up to you.”

“You know I really want to cum in you right now, right?” I asked with a stifled laugh.

She turned her head and looked at me, the cutest smirk on her lips, “Yes, but you’re not allowed to.”

I nodded, “I’m trying, really hard not to.”

She shoved her ass back towards me a little and I groaned, “Not helping, Ella.”

She giggled then moaned as Sophie started fingering her hard and fast. I kept thrusting in and out of her ass. I expected it to be so much tighter than her cunt, but it really wasn’t. It was about the same, actually. I think I actually preferred her cunt in this position too. Though seeing her skin puckered around my cock was definitely nice. I wasn’t going to get a kid out of this and I really wanted to see her little tummy grow with a baby and her tits swell with milk. I was lost in my pregnant Ella fantasy and didn’t even realize she’d cum already as I started fucking her ass deeper and harder.

I came back to the present when Sophie kissed me. I instinctively stopped thrusting and Ella pulled herself off of my rod then sat up beside Sophie and kissed me as soon as Sophie stopped. “You didn’t cum,” she said softly. “Go wash your dick in the bathroom while Sophie and I get ready, okay?”

I nodded and did as I was told. My dick ached from the restraint, the head was slightly discolored and I washed myself thoroughly, not losing an ounce of the hard-on I had for my girls. When I came back to the room, Ella and Sophie were kneeling on the floor beside my bed, shoulder to shoulder and I walked over to them.

They eagerly put their hands on my cock and started stroking me. Their hands were covered in Ella’s lotion and she was smiling as she looked up at me. I closed my eyes, savoring their soft hands on my rod then opened my eyes and cupped my hand over their jaws and behind their ears, “Do I have permission, girls?” I asked in a low groan.

“Yes, Daddy,” they said together.

I smiled, a few tears streamed over my cheeks, “Then I’m gonna cum really soon, girls,” I choked out.

A few more soft tugs of my cock and I spurted onto Ella’s lip and chest then a second spurt landed on Sophie’s chest. They aimed me where they wanted me and by the time I was done my legs were weak and I knelt on the ground in front of them.

They licked my cum from each other’s body then came over to me and took turns kissing me deeply. Then Sophie looked me in the eye and said, “Dad, I know that me and you can’t keep doing this and that you and Ella are more than just messing around, but I’d really like it if you’d both agree to not push me aside for each other?”

I pulled her to me in a tight hug and she sniffled as she cried a little, “We won’t, Sophie, I swear it to you.”

Ella came over to her and hugged her too, whispering in her ear so that I couldn’t hear her. Sophie smiled and nodded and I looked curiously at Ella, who stood up and looked to me as she spoke assertively, but resumed her place as my daughter rather than my overlord, “Daddy…will you sneak into our bedroom tonight and eat us then fuck us while we pretend to be asleep?”

I nodded, “Why though?” I asked.

Ella smiled, “Because we used to masturbate with each other at the idea of you secretly wanting to have your way with us without us ever really knowing?”

“Can I make a request of you girls?” I asked.

Ella smirked and Sophie was biting her lip in anticipation, “Maybe,” Ella said.

“Can I ask?”

They nodded and I took a deep breath, “Can you two always sleep naked in my bed with me when you’re home?”

Both girls smiled and held hands, “Yes, Daddy,” they said simultaneously.

I reached my hands out to them and started rubbing their pussies as they moved closer to me. Ella leaned forward and put her hand on my thigh as I fingered her cunt to her soft moans, “Just so you know,” she said softly, “if we sleep naked with you, we get to have permission to climb on your cock or use your fingers to get us off whenever we want.”

I nodded, “Anything you want, baby,” her slick pussy was gripping my finger as she moaned and looked to Sophie, who was in her own throws of passion with my fingers ramming her cunt. As much as I was loving this, I was anxious for it to be just me and Ella again. I think she’s afraid to let on at just how much she enjoys me with Sophie here, and I miss my eager to please baby girl.

I could get behind the assertive powerful little girl act from time to time, but there’s just something really special about Ella hooking her pinky in mine and begging me to cum in her pussy with such a needy look in her eyes. I think when Sophie goes back to school, I’m going to take a week off of work to make sure I assert my dominance over Ella by making her turn back into a needy little cum-filled slut for Daddy. This denying me opportunities to breed my baby wasn’t going to fly when we were alone again.
