Lexi Jane: International Superstar [MF] [Creampie] [Anal] [Long]

# Lexi Jane: International Superstar

*^(By Gael Ambrose)*

The bitter cold was creeping up Lexi’s spine as she took a puff from her joint absentmindedly. Her road crew was the best in the business, always helping her navigate the labyrinthine of passageways to a good smoke spot before she had to take the stage. Unfortunately, this was a rooftop access affair, the only one, Chuck assured her, would likely be free of cameras. Drone tech always made that something of an uncertainty, but the ample concrete surrounding her was reassuring.

“Damnit!” she hissed as the joint burned her fingertips. She dropped it and snuffed the little fucker out with her knee-high, ruby red boots. She had been lost in thought again. Who could blame her with the pressures she was under these days? Her enabler mother had navigated her successfully through every stage of a pop star’s career—childhood TV star, rebellious teen, and, most recently, recovering addict. Lexi Jane. International superstar, ladies and gentleman. It was hard to stay mad at mom when she was basically wiping away her tears with hundred-dollar bills in the office’s of the country’s top psychologists. That came out of mom’s half. *Fucking bitch.* She thought.

Right on cue, the old cunt burst through the door’s. She was on Chuck’s payroll too, after all, and he wasn’t one to pick sides. He did, however, know how to hold her off just long enough so he didn’t occur either party’s wrath. Good ol’ Chuck and his legendary salt-and-pepper beard was hard to stay mad at. He was a bear of a man, but a gentle soul.

“There you are!” she said, batting away wafts of pot smoke.

“Here I am.” Lexi replied.

“You better get that energy up, *Lexi Jane*.” Mom said. “You’ve got a lot of fans out there. If we don’t get their hearts pumping with tonight’s show, they won’t be making a run on the merchandise booths after the show now, will they?”

*Always money with this bitch.* Lexi thought.

**☯** **☯** **☯**

“Thank you, Seattle!” said the lead singer of the opening band. Lexi never bothered to learn their names anymore. Her mom switched them up so frequently to appeal to different markets that they never stayed long. Like most of them, the lead singer gave her a wink and a “break a leg” as he exited the stage. Lexi Jane smiled and thanked him. Lead singer’s always thought they’d get fucked after the show. Lexi was always sure to disappoint them. She preferred to fuck her fans. All the male rock stars got to, why shouldn’t she?

Lexi walked down the stairs that lead her beneath the stage. In ten minutes time, she’d be raised from beneath the stage to a hundred feet above her screaming fans, opening the show strong with her latest hit single. When she got to the base of the stairs leading to the platform waiting for her beneath the stage, Mom was there waiting.

“You look so fucking sexy, Lex.” Mom said. It was true too, objectively speaking. Those ruby red boots carried a graceful package, tan skin wrapped in a black corset held together tight with buckles that made her breasts pop, and a few thousand dollars of cutting-edge beauty routines that left her looking flawless. “Make sure to get those fuckers hard so they need to take home a piece of you.”

Lexi’s long legs carried her to the mark on the platform. She flipped her mental switch like she did every night as a trapdoor opened above her, filling the space beneath the stage with blinding light. The screams from the fans drowned out the rest of Mom’s pep talk, but she’d tuned her out now anyway. She was *Lexi Jane* now. International Superstar.

**☯** **☯** **☯**

“You all know this next one and I want you to sing it with me now.” Lexi Jane said, almost breathlessly. The cloud was riled up at this point in the show and security was working overtime at the barrier to keep her safe. Some guy was spilling his beer all over them as he was pulled over the barrier and ejected from the stadium. Her choreography was pure sex, engineered by the best minds in the industry so it was no surprise she’d turned them all into animals.

Sweat dripped down and hugged every curve of her body, which made her more fuckable-looking than ever as her image was blown up on several super-sized screens behind her.

The beat dropped. She strutted across the stage and fell into step with her dancers. She sang a few lines of her big hit from a few years back and then raised her microphone to the audience, they sang the next line. This back and forth continued as Lexi Jane flipped her hair, pushed her breasts together, and shook her ass at the crowd. They crowd went wild and her experience told her this was where the night was going to peak. Like she did every night, to the chagrin of her security team, she ran down the stage and jumped out and onto the crowd below. Hands shot up and caught her and she began to surf across them as their goddess.

Lexi Jane’s outfit left little to the imagination. As such, there were only thin layers of cloth between her and her adoring fans. She’d never admit it publicly, but as some of her fans dared to grope her breasts and pussy, she got incredibly turned on. As she was passed from fan to fan, she moaned each time her breasts were grabbed. Sometimes timidly, other times firm. She liked to think that one of the anonymous hands shooting up to grab their piece would be the same ones holding her by the hips tonight and fucking the shit out of her. Over like a flash, she was passed over the security barrier to her nervous team on the other side. Chuck shook his head as he made his way towards her.

“Goddamnit, Lexi” Chuck yelled over the drowning bass. “You need to stop with that shit!”

“Sorry, Chuck!” Lexi pecked him on the cheek. She was no longer *Lexi Jane* in that moment, but an insecure girl appreciating the only fatherly figure she’d ever had in her life. She gave him a wink and blew a kiss. She knew how to work the daddy’s girl angle and knock the wind out of his sails when he was mad. Chuck shook his head again, defeated, and lifted her back onto the stage with the help of a few of his other guys in the pit between the stage and the fans.

As a stagehand tossed her a mic, she snapped back into character. “Seattle, you’ve been amazing!!! Thank you!”

The lights dimmed just enough for Lexi Jane to exit the stage safely. She was greeted by an array of stagehands, toweling her off, handing her water, running a misting fan across her to cool her down, and she was rushed to wardrobe.

“Lex-xi Jane. Lex-xi Jane.” The crowd chanted. An encore was a certainty tonight. This had been one of her higher-energy shows on the tour. A memorable one for some, perhaps, but she never remembered them. Fame was a blur of sex, drugs, and pop music.

Her entourage stopped at the door behind her as she entered wardrobe, so abruptly you’d’ve thought it had a forcefield. Costume changes had bare bones personnel, just two female assistants, who began quickly tearing the clothes from her body. Lexi Jane locked eyes with herself in the mirror as they unbuckled her corsette, de-laced her knee-high ruby boots, and toweled the sweat from every corner of her body. She admired herself in the mirror as they worked. A body like hers didn’t come easy and she wasn’t one to miss admiring an athletic, hourglass figure like hers.

This was the ritual that got her in the zone each night. When encore hit, she became a predator, hunting tonight’s prey from the audience. She was getting dick tonight. She would make sure of that.

Lexi Jane lifted her legs one by one as her assistant pulled up a pink pair of lace panties and then a red schoolgirl skirt after. She lifted her arms for the other to put on a matching pink bra and white button-up shirt, tied in a knot above her navel.

“If looks could kill, huh?” Mom said.

Lexi Jane nearly jumped out of her skin. She hadn’t realized her mom was on the couch behind her. She never responded to her when she was in-character. Lexi dealt with that leather-skinned cunt, not Lexi Jane.

**☯** **☯** **☯**

The crowd swelled into applause as she finished the first of two encore tracks. Both hits from her more innocent years—given new meaning from her slutty schoolgirl attire.

She was nervous as she caught her breath again. The first several rows had absolutely no talent, nothing she was about to take back to the tour bus tonight. Mostly creepy old guys with their daughters. She wasn’t sure who’d dragged who to her concert.

She looked over to Chuck, who was behind a small army of security guys for this exact moment. He knew if she didn’t find what she needed in the front row; she was going to sing her next song while walking through the crowd in the bleachers surrounding the arena’s floor. Plan B wasn’t ideal, but she’d always found at least one guy worth fucking.

She walked to the edge of the stage and her security team helped her down. She walked up to Chuck who stood sentry at stairway leading up to the seats surrounding the arena. His security team enveloped her on all sides. The lights in the stadium dimmed and a spotlight hit the stage first, bringing attention to a surprise guest Bianca Klein, a rising star and talented piano player. Bianca’s fingers danced across the keys of her Baby Grand piano. The two of them had recently penned a tearjerker of a hit song, a real sensual piece that Lexi Jane couldn’t be happier for right now. Slow songs is just what she needed right now while she was on the prowl for cock.

The spotlight hit Lexi Jane just as her first line in the song started, Chuck opened up the security gate and her team began fanning out around the spotlight’s edge as she marched up the stairs and began her hunt along the arena’s edge. Almost immediately, she saw him.

His chiseled jaw could cut steel. He was well-groomed with five-o’clock shadow and short hair, wearing some metal band’s T-Shirt. The girl on either side of him might be his girlfriend, but that didn’t matter, she was Lexi-Fucking-Jane.

As the chorus to the song hit, she strode over to him, spun on her heel, spread her knees wide to drop low, and ground up against him as she made her way back up. Chuck nodded to one of his plain clothes security guys that was trailing behind her detail. This was her signal to bring him to the tour bus after the show ended. She looked back over her shoulder at tonight’s meat. The look in his eyes and wry smile knew she could expect him later. She danced her way onward through the crowd.

She made her way around the U-shaped edge of the arena before finding anything else worthwhile. A fine piece of dark chocolate. He was sitting there in his tank top, a piece of clothing she was thankful for right about now. The guy was fucking ripped and tall as all get-out. Tonight’s pecking order was made then and there. Another chorus hit—right on time—and Lexi Jane made her way to her dark prince, running her fingers across his shaved head. If he was standing, she wouldn’t’ve been able to reach. She leaned toward him, giving him a view down her shirt that he didn’t waste. He bit his lip and nodded his head in rhythm to the music. Lexi Jane’s panties were suddenly soaked. Chuck, again, nodded to his last plain clothes guy that was left as Lexi Jane danced her way back towards the stage.

The spotlight fell off Lexi now as Bianca’s verse, the last in the song began. Lexi Jane joined her at the piano just as the song ended. The two joined hands and took a bow. “Thanks again, Seattle! You’ve been fucking awesome!!” Lexi Jane said into the mic.

The spotlight cut out, the stage again dim enough for her to make her last exit of the night. Another entourage, another rush to wardrobe, but this time, she was getting dressed for *Lexi’s* night. She never let the fan’s fuck Lexi Jane. It’s how she kept the superstar hungry enough to set these nights up for her.

**☯** **☯** **☯**

“What’s it going to be tonight, honey?” One of the assistants asked as the door closed in wardrobe. Lexi took a careful look around the room. No mothers creeping in the shadows.

“An oversized shirt and nothing else. I’m going to take a quick shower first tho.” Lexi said as her assistants again began tearing the clothes off of her. She took a huge drink from her water bottle as they went to work. She studied her assistant’s face as she peeled off her panties. They were so professional, never making the slightest acknowledgement of even the blatantly obvious snail trail.

“Thanks guys. If you’re not out here when I get out, I hope you have a good night.” Lexi said as she made her way to the small shower in the miniature bathroom.

“Thanks, you too!” They both said in unison as she closed the door.

Lexi let out a big sigh as she put the exhausting night behind her. These shows were demanding physically and so was what was about to take place on her tour bus. She closed her eyes for a few minutes and collected herself. When she opened them, she stepped toward the mirror and began checking herself out. Sweat was running down her breasts and she grabbed them, making her nipples erect. She loved to watch the sweat drip off of them before she stepped into the shower. It got her wet as fuck and she wanted to be ready for what lied ahead.

Every stop on the tour was like clockwork. Chuck’s security team would remove her targets from the crowd and take them to a security room. The guys would always be pissed and confused, at first, until the plain clothes security guys joined and explained the situation. A superstar wanted to fuck them tonight. Unknown to Lexi, Mom was always there too, making sure they were STD-free and forcing them to sign NDA’s before confiscating their cellphones temporarily. If there was going to be a Lexi Jane sex tape, it would be a tightly controlled situation that Mom would make sure they were the first to profit from.

A smile swept across Lexi’s face now. She had looks to kill and she hadn’t been fucked in nearly three days, since their last stop. She was thirsty as she stepped into the shower and washed away her Lexi Jane persona.

**☯** **☯** **☯**

Wrapped in a towel, Lexi stepped back into wardrobe. An oversized sweatshirt from Disneyland was draped carefully across a chair for her. She studied herself in the mirror and let the towel fall dramatically off her body before throwing the cozy sweatshirt over her. It was just low enough to cover her pussy so long as she didn’t wave to any fans on her way out. She made a mental note of that and threw on some socks her Chuck Taylor sneakers. She reached between the cushions on her chair, where her last joint was hidden in a pack of cigarettes. She didn’t care for cigs, but they served to protect her joints in a pinch. They also served her bad girl image when the tabloids inevitably got a snap of her leaving the stadium with them in hand.

Time for a quick joint before she got her pussy wrecked. She headed back to the spot that Chuck had picked out for her earlier.

**☯** **☯** **☯**

It was colder than earlier. It might not have been, had Lexi even chosen to wear some panties with her sweatshirt. She felt the cold draft across her pussy as she took quicker and longer drags from her joint.

She just broke the halfway mark when the door opened up behind her with such force she was startled for the second time that night. Luckily, it was Chuck this time. Mom knew better than to make any appearances after a show. It was their unspoken pact that she would fuck off after Lexi Jane exited the stage for the night.

“Don’t tell me I’m late.” Chuck said, grinning.

“Cutting it pretty close there, Chuck.” Lexi said, taking a long drag from the joint. She took a quick breath after, bringing the smoke further into her lungs. She winked at Chuck. He walked over to her, pulling her close as she shotgunned the giant hit into his mouth.

Chuck inhaled it deep and then let the smoke escape lazily from his moth as he looked down at her. He was a stacked mother fucker from all the heavy equipment he’d lifted over the years. Lexi handed him the rest of the joint and began unbuckling his belt, pulling his pants down as she kept her eyes locked on him. Chuck took the last drag of the joint and flicked it across the rooftop. He and his team helped her line up dick for the night, sure, but Chuck was the first in line every night. That was *their* pact.

Lexi freed his girthy cock from his boxers. he was always instantly hard for her even though he’d fucked her a hundred times by this point. He grabbed her legs and lifted her into the air, slamming her lightly against the concrete wall behind her. He kissed her passionately as she lifted her sweatshirt over her tits. Chuck was a boob guy and Lexi liked to excite him before he entered her.

“Goddamn.” He gasped and then penetrated her deeply. She wrapped her legs around him tightly and threw her arms around his neck so that his hand’s would be free to explore her. He slapped her tits and then squeezed them before he grabbed her legs again and began pounding her pussy into oblivion. What Chuck lacked in length, he made up for in spades with girth. Lexi liked to open the night with the full feeling she got from his wide cock pounding away at her.

Chuck never lasted long, which is what made their encounters so perfect Lexi. She liked to get warmed up properly before the marathon fucks that would pass the long hours spent traveling between cities.

Chuck began panting as his thrusts became slower. He let out a long gasp as he filled her pussy with cum. Staying inside her, he caught his breath for a few moments, gave her breasts one last squeeze and lowered Lexi back to the ground. His cum began running down her leg as soon as he pulled out.

“Damn, Chuck. Didn’t masturbate since we ‘smoked’ last, huh?” Lexi chuckled. *Smoke* was their code word for fuck. The only two interests they seemed to share.

“Nah, guess I forgot.” He teased back. He was still hard as fuck and his dick was pulsating now.

He pulled up his pants enough to grab his weed vape from a pocket. He offered it to Lexi, who was not one to pass. She took a few drags, until it became warm in her hand and then handed it back.

Chuck was still standing with his cock out at full attention, not even the cold air had claimed it.

“Fill me up again before we go to the bus.” She demanded, bending over this time, hands outstretched against the concrete. “I can tell you need it too.”

“Sure thing.” Chuck replied, taking a long drag from his vape before putting it back in his pocket and letting his pants fall again. “Your pussy is something else tonight, I was hoping you’d want more.”

He slapped her ass and spread her wide, soaking in the view of her ass and pussy in the fluorescent light. Cum ran down her pussy, dripping off of Lexi’s clit and onto the rooftop. “Goddamn, Lex. You are something else.”

He rubbed his cock along the length of her pussy, teasing her. Lexi moaned.

“Chuck?” Lexi gasped.

“Yeah?” He asked, rubbing his cock up and down her pussy.

“I want need my ass fucked bad tonight. Want to warm me up on a cold night?” She whispered to him.

“Sure thing.” Chuck said again. It was one of those phrases he frequented. “But I’m gonna need you to lube me up first.”

Lexi pushed back onto him, bringing his cock as deep into her as she could. she reached her hands back and grabbed his ass, pulling him further in. Chuck wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her clit before running his hands up her sweatshirt and grabbing her breasts with both hands. She moaned, her breasts were always so sensitive after a long show in tight clothes.

For a few moments, her mind flashed back to the sea of hands that had caught her as she jumped offstage and into a sea of fans. As Chuck began caressing her nipples, she thought back to the brave fans that had copped a feel as she crowd surfed above him. Just as her mind wandered to the cute blond woman that ran her fingers along her pussy as she passed overhead, she came onto Chuck’s cock. He thighs began quivering as her orgasm continued.

“That’s better.” Chuck whispered into her ear as he pulled out of her, his cock dripping from the mixture of their cum. Chuck pulled up his pants again, this time reaching into his left pocket for some anal lube. They’d done this dance enough times across the world for him to come prepared.

“Be gentle.” Lexi said, bending low and curving her back to give Chuck free reign on her tight little asshole. “At least at first.”

She felt cold lube drip down her ass just before Chuck’s cock slowly filled it. He took a few slow thrusts at first and then pushed himself deep into her ass, stretching her as much as he could. He didn’t move for a while.

“What are you wait-“ Lexi didn’t have a chance to finish. Chuck began fucking her ass violently. She began breathing heavily as he continued mercilessly. He fucked her for what seemed like hours before he filled her ass with cum.

“That better?” He asked as he pulled his dick slowly out of her ass. A thick stream of cum followed, dripping down Lexi’s messy pussy and joining the puddle they left on the ground earlier.

“Yeah,” Lexi said breathlessly. “I think I’m ready now. Thanks daddy.” She pecked him on the cheek and then pulled his pants up for the last time, buckling his belt back up. She pulled the blue bandana from his neck and cleaned herself up. Chuck came in fountains, which she appreciated, but she still had to walk back to the tour bus without any panties.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hwg4nk/lexi_jane_international_superstar_mf_creampie