Six Shots: Two Last Shots (Part nine of series-The Ending)

[Six Shots: A Woman Scorned (part eight of series)](

It took a little over a week to get the results back on paternity. Phil had no kids, apparently. Alex didn’t either. The kids were little and didn’t understand what was going on, just that Daddy and Aunt Jess were going to take a trip together for a little while because Uncle Alex and Mommy had upset them and everyone needed to go into time out, far away from each other.

He didn’t abandon them, they weren’t his kids, but they were his kids and I had no intention of denying them the only father they’ve known. They were kids, they didn’t do anything wrong in any of this. Bella and Phil divorced quickly with an agreement to split custody of the kids between them.

One week we had them for four days, the next week we had them for three days, and it alternated like that through the year. Alex and Bella tried to work things out between them for a while, but he didn’t do well with the kids and he couldn’t get over the fact that they were neither his nor Phil’s. The love was there but the trust wasn’t.

The divorce for me and Alex was just a little more complicated as there were significant investments and assets to sort. I took what felt fair. I got the house, which I sold so I could move closer to Phil’s kids, and I got what was equal to my salary for every year I’d spent with him.

I could have taken a lot more than I did, his father’s prenup guaranteed me half a million dollars plus fifty thousand dollars per child if he cheated on me. I thought about setting my heels down and claiming that payout but I didn’t want to break him. His parents would have made him pay back every dime. I just wanted fair compensation for losing nearly a decade to a cruel lie. He moved out west somewhere. I looked him up online a few times. He had a new pretty little broken thing hanging off his arm. I’ve contemplated reaching out to her, to warn her, but I know I wouldn’t have listened if someone had told me what he was capable of. I just hope he learned his lesson with me.

Phil moved in with me pretty quickly after his divorce was final. I think the kids felt safer with us than at their mother’s house. The oldest called me mom once and started crying profusely over it. I promised her I wouldn’t tell her mother, that it was just an accident then I told her about the time I called my aunt ‘mom’ when she’d taken my siblings and I out, it happens. I explained to her I’m still Aunt Jess. Regardless of if I became her step-mom or not, because I knew her mom wasn’t happy that her dad and I were together and I don’t want to hurt her mom anymore than I already have. It calmed her. She understood more than she should have and I questioned if her mom had been trying to poison them against me by saying I made them split up.

It doesn’t matter, they were happy when they were with us and I never tried to be their mom, it wasn’t my place in their life.

Phil and I ended up marrying a little over a year later. A few weeks after the wedding I got sick and we found out I was pregnant. A few weeks after that we found out it was twins. Given my issues around infertility, he was afraid to fuck me while I was pregnant, afraid he would hurt me or the babies. We found other ways to scratch that itch for the duration and I got really fucking good at taking his dick down my throat. Then I had the babies and I healed over a few weeks.

The moment I knew we were truly good was around the time the babies were being weaned from breast milk and onto more solid foods. He turned me around at the sink and I laughed as he opened my robe. I tried to turn back around to finish the dishes but he brought his lips down to mine. He kissed me deeply and lifted me onto the edge of the sink, groping my body as we kissed.

Then he pulled me off the sink and rubbed my ass, “Go get in bed, I’ll finish this and be up in a few minutes okay?”

I nodded, checked on the babies then went and got ready for bed. He undressed as he came into the room a little while later. I watched him as he approached my side of the bed, “Jessica,” he said softly. My heart leaped into my chest, thinking he was going to tell me the magic had worn off and he was over us. Instead he caressed my cheek and kissed me then ran his hands down my body, “You are a god damned goddess. Would you kneel on the bed for me, sweetheart?” he cooed.

I did as he asked. He took his time groping and kissing my body as I moaned. His dick was raging hard and I felt it resting against my thigh while he knelt behind me, “Can I?” he asked as he rubbed my ass and pulled my cheeks apart. I thought he was asking if he could fuck my ass and I nodded, very willing to oblige him.

Instead, he bent me over and spread a vanilla massage oil over my pussy and very gently entered me from behind. I whimpered and moaned and he pulled me up, holding my back against his chest, his lips lingered at my ear as he whispered, “I’m going to fuck you hard now, okay?”

I nodded and he grasped my neck, gently kissing then biting my shoulder as he thrust his dick into my cunt. My back arched and I reached behind me, tangling my fingers in his hair as I held him a little tighter to me. His free hand was groping my breast, sliding down my side and over my stomach then grasped my hip. I didn’t notice how slippery his hand was until his fingertips were sliding back and forth across my clit. The light sheen of oil over my skin seemed to excite him as he pushed hard and fast into me from behind. I turned my head to look at him and he kissed me as one of the babies started crying on the baby monitor.

We both laughed and I started to pull away but he held me to him, “It’s not going to hurt to let them cry for a few minutes, Jess,” he whispered as he continued to thrust into me.

I put my hands on the headboard and grasped it as he lived up to the promise to fuck me hard. He easily got me off then grabbed my thighs and lifted me so he could go harder and deeper. My grip on the headboard was the only thing keeping me from falling over and he went at it until my arms went weak and I squirted in an intense orgasm as his dick repeatedly rammed against sensitive areas inside of me. He peaked right along with me, flooding me with his cum.

I fell to the bed, breathing heavily and turned onto my back. He smiled and kissed me then whispered, “I’m going to check on the kids, you’re going to stay here and rest because I’m not done with you yet.”

I nodded and he put his cock away in a pair of boxers and left the room. I watched on the monitor as he picked our daughter up and checked her diaper then cradled her in his arms, rocking her gently until she settled and fell back to sleep. He checked on our son just to try and avoid more interruptions and found both to be perfectly fine. He came back into the room with me and pulled his underwear back off.

“I’ve missed you, Jessi,” he said as he climbed up on the bed beside me.

I smiled, “You just fucked me a few hours ago too you know.”

He nodded, “Have you ever been starved of something you love for a long time?”

I nodded and smiled bigger as he kissed my lips.

He pulled back and ran his fingertips over my cheek and tugged on my lower lip slightly, “Then you finally get a little taste of it again and you just know you need to commit the taste of it to memory?” he asked.

I nodded again and he worked his way down my body with soft kisses. I moaned as he gently bit one nipple then the other, manipulating my breasts until a tiny bit of milk was expressed. I blushed and he smiled and licked at the bitter fluid without hesitation. He moved his way further down my body and stopped as his breath warmed my cunt. He looked up at me and smiled, “Well, your freshly fucked body is at the top of the list of flavors I want to memorize.”

He knelt down between my legs and I moaned as his tongue flicked lightly across my clit before dipping into my cunt. He pointed his tongue and curled it in me as I lifted my hips towards his mouth. I closed my eyes and welcomed his affection. He kind of loved that his dick could open me up enough to give me a cervical exam if he wanted to, but if he waited just a little bit his tongue had a tight cavern to explore again.

I wasn’t even mad at Alex and Bella anymore. They opened the door for me to have a real relationship with the love of my life. It even occurred to me on that night, as Phil groped and pleased my body, that I hadn’t needed pain or a firm grip on my throat since well before I got pregnant with the twins. In fact, I don’t think it happened again after the night I passed out and I hadn’t even noticed it was gone. There wasn’t an emptiness I needed to fill anymore. I had what I’d needed the whole time.

Tonight I noticed though, because before he was done he pulled me up onto his lap and pushed his dick back into my cunt. I knelt facing away from him and he gathered my hair and pulled it all over one shoulder as his hand tightened on my neck just the tiniest bit. He let me control the pace of fucking him this way. His lips nestled against my ear, his breath was hot and heavy against my skin as he grasped my throat and hip and began fucking me again.

I whimpered and felt him smile as he whispered to me, “Do I make you happy, Jessi?”

I nodded and turned my head slightly towards him, “I love you, Phil,” I choked out as he pushed deep and came in me again. He stroked my neck softly and kissed my cheek.

“Looks like I need to clean you up again,” he said as his dick twitched in me.

I turned a little further, “You could just give me a shower?” I offered.

“After,” he said, “I’ll wash you very thoroughly after, right now I want…ohh…” he moaned as I started moving my hips against him again.

“You want to get hard again and dump another load first, right?” I offered.

He smiled and nodded, “Now I do, but then you’re climbing that pretty cunt of yours over my face so I can get you off again.”

I leaned forward slightly and cupped his balls in my hand, “Only if I get to suck your dick while you do?”

He nodded and moaned as I quickly worked him back to full strength. We spent over an hour tiring ourselves out before we finally passed out in each other’s arms, without getting that promised shower first. When I woke up he was sitting in the rocking chair in the corner of the room, a twin on each arm as he rocked them and tried to not fall asleep. They were tuckered out so I went to get them and take them back to their cribs one at a time. We had an hour before we had to get up for the day, so I went back into the bedroom and whispered to him, “I’m going to go take that shower now, you can nap or join, me.”

I started to turn away and he sleepily got out of the chair and followed me into the bathroom, where I thoroughly washed him and encouraged him to fall asleep in the warm water as I watched over him. When I stood up to get out of the water he grabbed my hand and turned me towards him, “I love you, Jessica. Always have, always will.”

I smiled and leaned over, kissing him softly on the lips before whispering, “Go nap in bed, I’m calling the school and you’re staying home from work today, okay?”

He smiled, “Why’s that?”

“Because It’s also a daycare day and I already planned to have the day off for a doctor’s appointment later. So, you nap, I’ll get the kids ready and take them to daycare, then I’m coming home and you and I…”

“Are going to fuck all day?” he asked hopefully.

I shook my head, “Are going to go back to bed and sleep for a few hours, then fuck the rest of the day,” I offered.

He smiled and sighed happily.

That’s how our days were. Every day together held some form of intimate connection for us. We craved each other’s touch, be it a hug, a kiss, fucking, or just a light graze as we passed each other in performing whatever task we were tuned into at the moment. And we never passed each other without smiling.

We checked in with each other, we talked, we found intimacy in tasks most people took for granted. Cooking dinner was a moment for us, putting the kids to bed, cleaning up their toys became a race for us where the winner got some very intimate kisses. Everything was filled with passion and desire, but mostly genuine love. So much fucking love.

I’m glad we never took any moment for granted. I’m glad we didn’t let disagreements fester into a deprivation of that love we had for each other.

I still see him even if he doesn’t see me. I still touch him as he passes me, even if it’s just a whisper of something, a slight flutter in his stomach that brings a smile for him. He’s been good to our kids since I’ve been gone, though I know it kills him to do it without me. I’m proud of him for staying so strong for them.

I wish I could just hug him when he goes to bed alone at night and tell him he’s an amazing father and was an exceptional husband and friend to me.

The biggest argument we ever had was one sided.

He was yelling at me for being brave when I didn’t have to be. He cursed at me for protecting my students from an angry kid with a gun. Then he yelled at himself for not taking his free period in my class like he usually did. He was grading papers and didn’t realize what was happening until the kid was on the ground himself.

Alex, of all people, pulled Phil away from my casket and reminded him that our newest daughter had survived the shooting, that she was in the hospital, born much too early, but stronger than she should have been and she and the twins all needed their dad to reassure them that they were safe and they weren’t going to lose him too. Even Bella reached out to offer him comfort and help getting through.

We had just celebrated our fifth anniversary a few weeks before. We should have had so many more, but those years were the best ones of my life. Given another chance, I might’ve hid with my students instead of walking out of my classroom to lock them in and lure him away from the scared twelve-year-olds I hid in a supply closet within my room. They hadn’t wanted me to go, some tried to make me stay in the closet instead, but I told them I’d fail them if they didn’t stay put until police came through then shut the door and pulled a desk to make it a little harder for them to defy me.

I was afraid if I didn’t try to make him think my class was empty, he’d come into the room and just shoot through the door. The closet wasn’t big enough for them to lie on the ground. So I left my classroom, locked the door and walked right into him as I turned around.

He smiled, “Hey Mrs. A,” he said, “you were one of the good ones.”

I tilted my head and looked at him, “Why are you doing this, Jacob?” I asked him as I saw another student run from the bathroom into a classroom across the hall behind him.

“I don’t know,” he said as he lifted the gun in his hand.

I held my hand up, I started to say “Wait,” but he didn’t give me the opportunity. It fucking hurt. I thought it would be quick, painless, but it wasn’t. Two shots, one in the chest and one in the side of my neck, and I felt the full path each took through me. He shot me, then caught me before I fell and lay me back on the floor in front of my door, my hands were at my throat, trying to stop the bleeding as I gasped, I felt like I was suffocating, no air was getting into my lungs.

He leaned down and whispered to me, “I could take your keys and kill the kids you hid in your closet, but you were a good teacher so I won’t do that,” then he got up and walked away as my blood began to pool under me.

I heard at least a dozen more gunshots go off. I don’t actually know how many were him shooting people and how many were him being shot. I was concentrating on my breathing, trying to not panic, trying to stay calm, but I felt so weak and my grip on the wound at my throat wasn’t stopping the bleeding so much anymore.

My students were banging on the door from inside of the classroom, defying me even with the threat of failure. I’d rather they’d stayed safe, but they were trying so hard to get someone over to my classroom. I couldn’t turn to see them, but I know they could see me. They were all yelling together, “Mrs. A! Stay awake,” followed by panicked cries as they yelled for someone to come help me.

I closed my eyes and kept hoping Phil would stay in his classroom, that he wouldn’t come looking for me. But I should have known that wouldn’t be the case. He fell to the floor beside me and put his hands on my chest and throat, his eyes were wide as I tried to smile at him. I let go of my neck and put my hand on his wrist. He picked me up and ran out to an ambulance with me. They tried to stop him from going with me but he looked at the man and said, “She’s my wife, she’s seven months pregnant, I’m not leaving her to…to…,” the ambulance left with us realizing that even Phil knew I was unlikely to survive it.

There were a couple of injured students in the ambulance with us, they were scared and Phil put his hand on my jaw and stroked my cheek and started singing to me, though it was choked with sobs. One of the kids started singing too. I don’t remember getting to the hospital, I don’t think I survived that long. The last thing I do remember was Phil kissing me, stroking my cheek and his tears falling onto my face, mixing with my own.

Now, my husband, my best friend, had three kids to raise on his own and three to raise with his ex wife, and I was just a memory that was layered with as much trauma for him as love and happiness. I miss him. More than anything, I miss him. I wish I hadn’t tried to be brave, because then I might still have him and we might still have those amazing days together where love was abundant. I didn’t even get to know why it happened.

I suppose I just felt safe and happy and the universe couldn’t allow that to go on for very long. God, do I miss him. He was right, committing a taste, a smell, a touch to memory was so fucking important and I was so glad for the effort we put into those amazing, albeit short, years we had together.

Six shots ushered me into the best years of my life and two brought it to a crashing end.



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