Six Shots: A Woman Scorned (part eight of series)

[Six Shots: Revelations (part seven of series)](

When I came to, I was lying on the bed with Phil curled up beside me, salty stains on his cheeks from tears he didn’t bother to wipe away before he passed out a different kind of way than I had. I tried to say his name but my throat ached and I couldn’t speak. So I kissed him softly and stroked his hair behind his ear until he stirred.

He opened his eyes and saw me leaning over him then tackled me onto the bed in a squishing hug and cried as he pulled me from the bed and up into his arms, holding my body firmly to his as he reassured himself that I was, at least somewhat, okay. I pulled myself away from him and smiled. He lifted my chin and ran his fingers over the light bruise that discolored the pale flesh along my neck.

“I thought I’d killed you for a second,” he said softly.

I shook my head and tried to speak again, it hurt, but my voice wasn’t totally broken, “I’m okay,” I whispered, “but we are going to need a proper cue for when I need you to stop.”

“I don’t think I can do that again, Jess. It’s too easy to get caught up in being with you and not reigning in my own strength,” he said.

I smiled and nodded, “We won’t,” I couldn’t raise my voice beyond a whisper without feeling like I had sandpaper rubbing against the back of my tongue and into my throat. I think most of my inability to talk was just from my mouth being dry. “There are other ways you can hurt me if I need it,” I said.

“How?” he asked.

I smiled, “Gagging me with your cock can achieve a similar feel without the risk of crushing my throat. Or you could pin me to the bed on my stomach and fuck my ass until I cry, which I don’t think would take very long for you,” I said beginning to resume my normal voice.

He stroked my cheek and pulled me to him in a tight hug again, “Can we work on you not needing that kind of pain instead? No choking, no restricting your breathing like that, nothing that can actually cause serious damage?”

I nodded sadly. I didn’t know if I could do that, I’d needed it to stay present with Alex. But, for Phil, I would try. He kissed my neck then pulled me back against him in a tight hug. “When did you know I was okay?” I asked him.

“You took a breath when I let go…,” he said with hesitation.

“There’s more to it than that,” I said with a slight smirk.

“I called Alex and he came out to examine you to make sure you didn’t need to go to the hospital,” he said softly.

I pulled back and looked him in the eye, “Why would you do that?” My voice cracked slightly as I choked it out.

“Because he’s a doctor and he was in the hotel so he got here quick,” he said. “He checked your neck, heart rate, breathing, said you were okay and told me to just let you rest.”

“How could you even stand to look at him?” I asked.

“You being in need of a doctor made it pretty easy for me to look at him,” he said.

“He’s why your wife stopped fucking you,” I said

Phil nodded, “He’s also why I finally got to fuck you,” he said.

He seemed concerned as he reached out and stroked my cheek, “I talked to him about things, too. He said…,” he took a deep breath and looked me in the eye, “he said he fucked up by letting people hurt you early on in your relationship? That he thinks he caused you to need this?”

I nodded and looked at him, “The things he asked me to do didn’t seem like a big deal until I realized I felt more from the fear and pain involved than I’d ever felt with just him.”

“Are you sure you loved him?” he asked.

“I’m not sure of anything anymore,” I said.

“Are you sure you love me?”

I tilted my head slightly, “I’ve loved you for about half of my life, I just didn’t think you loved me back. I thought you just wanted to fuck me and be done with me,” I said softly. I stroked my fingertips over his cheek, “Do you love your wife still?” I asked.

He smiled, “I never loved her. I thought I could eventually, but now I kind of hate that I didn’t see through her shit sooner. I was just the gullible one that would play dad the best, apparently.”

“Where does this leave us?” I asked. “You and me, are we divorcing our spouses and getting together? Are we just fuck buddies? Are we just friends?”

“I’m making Bella do a paternity test to find out if any of the kids are actually mine. I’ll know better about what I want to do after those tests come back. But, Jess, they’ve been my kids since they were born, I don’t know if I can just step out of their lives if I’m not their biological dad. I don’t think I care if I am or not, I love them. How are you going to handle it if Ricky and Tessa are Alex’s kids?” he asked me as he caressed my jaw.

“Not well,” I said with a long sigh following it. “Look, you should know what you’re getting into. When I need restraint and power from you, I need it right then. It is an addiction, regardless of how it got started. Alex has been working on breaking me of it for about a year now. He had to pull a gun on a guy to get him to let me go last year and that’s when he decided it was a genuine problem and it had to stop.”

“Has it stopped?” He asked.

I shook my head, “He hasn’t denied me that release since that night. I think it scared him.”

“Can I ask what happened?”

Alex’s voice filtered in from the doorway, “He didn’t fuck her, if that’s what you’re asking,” he said as he came into the room.

We both turned towards him, tears threatened to fall from my eyes as I looked at him.

“What did happen?” Phil asked.

“When I got there she was standing on her tiptoes with her hands tied above behind her back and a noose around her neck while he undressed her. I don’t know what happened before that, but she didn’t really seem like she knew what was going on. There were about a half dozen guys standing around her, they had belts, knives…one had a billy club…”

“Enough,” I said. “You don’t get to judge me because I got in over my head once.”

“You didn’t get in over your head, you just didn’t care about what happened to you. Do you have any idea how terrifying that was? They had no intentions of letting you leave that warehouse alive and you didn’t care,” he said.

Alex looked at Phil, “I loved Jess, but it was exhausting having to be a horrible person to her just so I could be sure she would wake up after she got her fix. I ruined her, I broke her, I get that, but I never put her in a position where she was at risk of death, she did that. I just…,” he stopped, unwilling to say that he just put me in a position to be forced into sex.

He sighed before continuing, “I regret marrying you, Jess, I do. But, it’s not because I don’t love you, it’s because I don’t think you would have needed so much pain to cover the lack of love you felt if you had been with someone you actually loved. Showing you a painful option to fill that void in you was my mistake and I am sorry for that.”

Alex looked at Phil, “Can I talk to my wife privately for a minute?”

Phil’s attention turned to me and I nodded. He got up and hesitantly left the room.

Alex came over and sat on the bed beside me, “She was only supposed to take pictures of you,” he said, “so Phil wouldn’t fight for the kids in the divorce. She didn’t want paternity to come into play and now I know why. She wanted him to have to make the choice between you or his kids.”

“Or your kids,” I said coldly.

He winced but nodded, “I’m sorry.”

“Did you really not want kids, or did you just not want them with me?” I asked.

“I didn’t want kids, I still don’t, but I *really* didn’t want kids with you. I was afraid I’d have to tell our kid you died because I didn’t get rough enough with you one night. How fucked up would that be? ‘Your mom put herself in a position to be killed because I wouldn’t abuse her,’ what would that do to a kid?” He asked.

“We’re divorcing, right?” I asked, bluntly changing the subject.

He nodded.

I looked at him and noticed that he looked so much older than he was all of a sudden, “Can you at least tell me how long you’ve been sleeping with her?” I asked.

“Five years. We started talking the night after you and Phil started talking about all of us going away somewhere together for a vacation. It felt like you two were just trying to come up with a reason to be together in person. We were both jealous and we met up to talk over our frustrations, to see how we could get you two to separate from each other. I thought you might be able to grow to love me if he wasn’t hovering around you anymore.”

“Did you know why we were planning that vacation?” I asked.

He shook his head.

“Bella had a miscarriage and you were so busy with work that I hadn’t seen you beyond when you would come home at midnight and collapse into the bed, just to be up and out the door again by six in the morning. You were killing yourself and we thought both of you would benefit from a vacation and I could help Bella with Adelaide while she recovered.

He crinkled his forehead in thought and I noticed a glossy sheen to his eyes. I laughed a little, though it hurt to, “You cheated on me with her because Phil and I tried to do something nice for you two.”

He climbed over to me and kissed my lips, but I didn’t kiss back, I just backed away. He followed me to the back of the bed and I pushed him away from me, “Stop,” I said sternly.

He looked at me and cupped my jaw in his palm, “You’re still my wife,” he said softly.

“The minute you broke your vows to me, I stopped being your wife, Alex. I don’t ever want to see you again unless it’s to sign the divorce papers. I don’t want anything from you. I just want my name back, I want my life back,” I pulled my rings off of my hand and put them in his, “Give them to Belle as a trophy, she married my best friend, stole my husband from me, had kids with one of the two of them and raped me, she should have a reminder of how she bested me so she doesn’t have to continue with her hatred of me. I never hated her. I still don’t hate her and I have very good reasons to, the least of which is she might have children with you and I was outright refused that possibility by you. Get out of my room and don’t come near me ever again.”

He closed his hand around the rings and lowered his head, “You didn’t count any of the people I shared you with in the consensual tally…” he said.

“Why would I? You never asked me if I wanted to, you just presented me to them and told them what they could do with me and I let it happen.”

“Who were the second and third people you were with?” he asked.

“Both were before you, so it shouldn’t matter,” I said.

“Was Phil one of them?” he asked.

I nodded, “He fingered me once. Knowing what his dick is like now? I’m kind of glad he only fingered me, he would have destroyed me back then,” I said with a laugh.

“I really want to know who else fucked you,” he said.

“Remember Gene?” I asked.

“Yeah, your dad’s friend…wait your dad’s friend?” he asked as he looked at me.

“He came and got me from Phil’s the morning after prom and saw the blood on my thigh. He asked what happened and I grabbed his hand and showed him as he drove. Before he got me home he pulled over and he taught me how to blow him then pulled me onto his lap. He wasn’t going to fuck me at first, but I opened my top and lifted a little higher than I intended to as I rubbed myself along the side of his dick. Just high enough to get his dick at my cunt as I pushed myself back down on him. He was the first guy to wrap his hand around my throat and squeeze as he shot off a load inside of me, so that addiction I’m dealing with, it wasn’t all on you. You just made it more appealing.”

“Does your dad know?” he asked.

“In a way. I overheard Gene telling him about it in the den a couple of days later. So, unless Gene has a habit of getting teenagers to ride his cock in his car, my dad likely got off on Gene describing fucking me. What does any of this matter anyways? I’m not your problem anymore, my sexual history has no bearing on that at all, it’s one hundred percent your sexual present that got us here,” I said.

“I was a virgin when I met you, you know?” he said.

“So just me and Bella then?” I asked.

He nodded, “I never should have shared you with people,” he said.

I tilted my head, “Why did you? I never really understood that, you seemed so jealous of my friendship with Phil but you just gave me to a couple of your friends, your boss, and that old guy to use like I was nothing? We never even discussed anything like that beforehand.”

He sighed, “I don’t have a good reason for it.”

“What’s the bad reason?” I asked.

“The first time it happened I was drunk as shit and they asked if you were any good in bed or if you were a prude because you came across as naive and innocent. So I offered to show them what you were like because I was proud of how hot you were,” he said.

“You left me alone in the apartment with them,” I said softly.

He nodded, “That was really stupid of me, but they were my friends so I didn’t think they would cross the line I set for them,” he said.

“You never asked if they did.”

“They were my friends and I drunkenly undressed you for them after telling them what a good fuck you were then limiting them to…,” he paused and sighed, “Jess, they were my friends I didn’t want to know the details of what they did with you,” he stroked my cheek as he said it.

I nodded, “I guess you still don’t want to know. What about your boss? Did you have lines in place for him?” I asked.

“It was only supposed to be a blowjob,” he said softly.

“I imagine you had no recourse when you saw that he crossed that line significantly?” I asked.

He shook his head.

“You were already fucking Bella then, right? So it probably didn’t even matter to you that much,” I said.

He scowled and grasped my jaw, forcing me to look at him, “It mattered to me,” he said sternly.

I pulled out of his grip and got up, pulling an outfit together out of clothes strewn about the room as he watched me dress. He tried to approach me and I pulled away. “How much of it did you see?” I asked him.

“All of it,” he said, no emotion in his voice at all.

“Did you get off to it, Alex?”

“God, Jess, no. Why would you even ask that?” he asked.

“Because you let him? Because you could have chosen me over your job and made him stop?” I said sternly, “Was I to assume you let him because you were too pathetic to stop him or because you got off on it?”

He scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest defensively.

I looked him in the eye, “I want to hate you. But for every instance of you letting someone get off in me, whether they were supposed to or not, there’s another where you got me out of an otherwise dangerous situation.”

I sighed and moved closer to him, “The other night, in the bathroom, when I saw Phil, I thought you were rewarding me for not fussing over any of it, for going along with it and getting you the promotion and clout with the rich assholes you were so desperate to impress. For not going to the police and reporting the interactions as what they were and telling them your part in it. I thought you were being remorseful, not setting me up so you could leave me without a financial loss. When have I ever fought you on anything you wanted, Alex? The prenup was your father’s requirement, not mine. I would have walked away without a dime if you had just told me you didn’t want to be with me anymore,” I said.

He avoided eye contact with me as I continued, “Tell me something,” I asked as I put my fingers on his chin and forced him to look at me, “have you ever let anyone else use Bella?”

He shook his head.

I smiled and nodded, “Then I know where I stand with you. If you ever come near me again, I will report everything, especially her. Understand?” I asked.

He had a tear trailing down his cheek and he nodded, “Tell me what you want and it’s yours,” he said softly.

I laughed, “No shit, Alex. I kind of have you bent over a fucking barrel here if you don’t want your career to be ruined at the very least. My one regret in all of this is ignoring the blaring warning signs that went off the night you woke me up so your friends could use me to get off. I should have just walked out of the apartment that night and told you to fuck them yourself. Instead, I stayed with you because I thought it was a small price to pay to have someone like you loving me,” I sighed and stretched my fingers out, restraining myself from scratching his face and neck like I really fucking wanted to, as I looked him up and down, “I mean, did you ever even love me or was I just hot and convenient to help you advance in life?” I asked.

“I still love you…” he started.

I interrupted, “No. No you don’t. Don’t pretend like you do. You wouldn’t have cheated on me if you did. You wouldn’t have put me in a position to be raped by your boss, you wouldn’t have sold me to Charles for that perverted role play fantasy of raping his step-daughter, and you wouldn’t have shared me with your friends. You love Bella. I was just a broken piece of meat that furthered your life goals, so stop pretending it was anything more than it was. I sucked it up and did everything you needed me to do and all I ever asked from you was sex with you the way I wanted it from time to time. I wasted eight years of my life with you. I degraded myself for you. Now I’m going to reap the rewards of my hard work and sacrifice and you’re footing the fucking bill. I’m going home as soon as the paternity results come back, whether Phil comes with me or not depends on those results I suppose, but you aren’t to be within a hundred yards of me, understood?” I asked as I stood firmly, anger flushing my cheeks as I released my normally meek nature and allowed myself to speak freely.

He stepped back from me and I left the room to go find Phil.


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