How my parents believed that I was high because I had a orgasm in front of them

I had just gotten a new small bullet looking vibrator that had 10 different modes going low to high with each press of a button that was on the end off it.

It was pretty late so I wanted to try it really bad, this was also right as I was going into butt-play, so I got myself ready and injected it into my by butt, then my parents call from the living room and instead of just quickly taking it out again I decide that I’ll just take my jeans on and then go talk to them.

The second I sit down on the chair I hear a small click sound, then starts feeling something vibrating in between my cheeks, I tried turning it off by giving small hops but only slightly pushed it in further and went a step up on speed. At this point I’m in all panic mode. I tried to follow whatever my parents were talking about but couldn’t concentrate, I only felt it building up. As my breathing got more and more heavy I started to feel an orgasm coming. Im not sure how much time had passed but it all went pretty quick.

I then out off nowhere just get the “feeling funny” face as my legs spasms for a bit. My mom immediately starts asking me if I was high or drunk which I just answered with no.

I end up just rushing to my room, locking the door and removed the vibrator then went back out there and said I just got hit with headaches. And that I was very tired, they still wanted to make sure that I didn’t smell of drugs or alcohol plus some dumb exercises with going in a line and checking my pupils.

Sorry for the bad punctuation or whatever it’s called



  1. Hah. Nice story, always a surprise finding a humorous story in this page. You could try that same routine in other situations if you’d like to get off from it. How did you feel coming (close?) to orgasm right in front of your parents?

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