A True Submission Story for Submissive Women Part One

Before I start the story I wanted to tell you a little about myself for context. This is the first erotica story I have ever written and my dearest friend has encouraged me to post it here for feedback. I’m a virgin and I’ve never been on a date before. The only porn I’ve really seen has been R rated movies and spanking only videos online. I’m a male dom, but in fantasy only. I’m looking for honest opinions on the writing but keep my situation in mind as you read.

I wrote this series of stories with interactivity in mind, and the story is written for female subs to read and play along with. I am fascinated with the act of submission and domination and I try to explore those concepts in my writing. Because of this I have added a play along with my story that tries to put you in the shoes of the main character. I call it **true submission** any time you see *** in the story you will be instructed on what to do in order to play along with the story. Most of these are done in the privacy of your own home, but you are also given an extra assignment that would require you to DM me your personal thoughts and experiences of your play. This is for any female interested in trying submissive play out, or for experts who are bored. I hope you enjoy my first ever erotic fiction. I have this story and another one finished and ready to post. Each story has 3 chapters so follow me if you are interested in reading more.

True Submission: Book One

Teaching a Friend to Submit

Emotion One: Anticipation

I had just talked to him the night before. The things he had said, the things I had said, still whirled around in my head. Had I really said those things out loud? The restaurant wasn’t crowded, but still there were people there, and the waitress. Why couldn’t I have just sent him a text? I knew why, he had told me why. I couldn’t believe that I was about to say it. I sure as heck wasn’t going to say it with the waitress in earshot. I’ll say it after she brings the water, I thought.

The bread was on the table and I still hadn’t said it. It was a simple sentence but the ramifications were major. I couldn’t get the sentence out of my mind ever since I found out. I don’t even think he realized what he said. It was a couple of weeks ago and I was complaining, like always, about something. He never minded my complaints, he was always a good listener. He said it as a joke, he must have, but after he said It I couldn’t stop thinking about it. “I just can’t get myself motivated you know.,” I said. It was a simple phrase, I say it all the time, but his response threw me. “Sounds like a good spanking would straighten that right out.” We both laughed of course. He wasn’t serious, he couldn’t be serious, but still I couldn’t get that sentence out of my mind. When he said it I felt an instant tingle deep inside of me. It took me a week to ask him if he was just joking. He wasn’t. He told me that he actually thought it would make me feel better, and that I should think about it, then I should ask him to spank me. “Can’t I just text you?” I joked. “No,” he said. “You must ask me in public. There don’t have to be many people around, but if you really want to do something like this then it has to be done right.”

I didn’t really understand what he meant until that moment, over the appetizers (the bread was long gone) I said it. “I want you to spank me.” My ears were singing. I could feel my panties touching my quivering bottom as I shifted back and forth in my seat. Why did I wear a dress? I had no idea what would come next. What did come next I was not prepared for. “Wow. That took a lot of courage for you to say here. I’m proud of you. Are you sure this is what you want?” His response caught me off guard. I don’t know what I expected him to say but the fact that he was proud of me wasn’t it. His demeanor was so disarmingly warm that I could have stayed there all night.  I was only able to nod my head in agreement. After that, we just talked. I had known him for forever, we were best friends, but I had never known him in this context. I thought his response would have been “check please,” and we would be off to spankland or wherever it is these things happen, but it wasn’t. We were there for what seemed like hours just talking. He wanted to make sure I understood what I had had asked him to do to me.

“You don’t really want a spanking,” he said. “What you are really looking for is an act of submission. Sure a spanking is going to be a part of it, but it isn’t the only part, and it certainly isn’t the most important part. What you are looking for is a release from the control you assert over your life. An act of submission, like being spanked, can give you that release.”

I had never really thought of that before. I was pretty hard on myself and kept myself on a pretty tight schedule. Maybe there was something to what he was saying. “What do I have to do?”

“First you have to really understand what submission is. Most people think that being submissive is about someone asserting their power over you. That couldn’t be further from the truth. True submission is knowing that you hold all the power, and then choosing not to use it. In essence that is the ultimate use of power. To hold all power over a situation and then choose not to act. If you agree to this that is exactly how this will work. When I spank you I’m not going to tie you up in a basement where no one can hear you. I’m going to ask you to bend over my knee and you are going to do it.” That last part sent a twinge down my spine. I knew I wanted him to spank me, but I never stopped to think how it might happen. Just hearing the words sent a flood of emotions through my mind that I didn’t quite comprehend yet.

He went on. “After I start spanking you the only thing keeping you there is you, your conscious act of submission. You’ll be safe in your own home and the only thing stopping you from getting up and asking me to leave is…you.” Another thing I didn’t think about, where it would happen.

Finally, I was able to speak again. You said that a spanking wasn’t the only part of this act of submission.  What are the other parts?”

“Well, you have to realize that a true spanking is made up of so much more than just the act itself, or the pain that comes with it. There are so many emotions involved with being spanked and I make sure that each emotion has its time, place, and is felt with as much intensity as possible. The first emotion that comes with a spanking is the anticipation that comes with waiting for it to happen. Think back to when you were a kid and got in trouble, what was the worst thing you could hear? ‘Just wait until I get you home.’ You didn’t talk about it, or maybe you did, but either way the ride home was torture. That’s why your spanking won’t happen tonight. You need time to think about it, to picture it, or try not to picture it if you can. That’s the first part of the process.”

“What about part two of the process?” I almost didn’t want to know. I already wished he would just spank me now, right here on this table if it’s quicker…nice little waitress be damned, but I understood what he wanted me to feel.

“The second emotion that you feel with a spanking…” He trailed off as the waitress was coming by with the change. After the extended pleasantries (he was just playing with me now I know it) he resumed. “The second set of emotions involve shame and embarrassment. That’s why you will be completely naked before your spanking can begin.”

What! Why do I have to be naked? Here it is, just an excuse to get my clothes off, I thought. The absolute nerve, yes we’re friends, but not friends with benefits, I’m not taking my clothes off for him. Something about the way he continued made me change my mind. I think he could see the distaste with the idea on my face.

“I know what you’re thinking, here it is, what he really wants, but please hear me out, you’ve made it this far haven’t you?” I nodded. “Spankings have always been shameful and embarrassing. From everyone in your house knowing that you were about to get it, maybe even watching if you had siblings. Then there is the famous bare bottomed spanking. Spankings have always been embarrassing events. Another emotion is the unwanted nature of the beast. You just asked me to spank you. You want to be spanked. You see, in order for there to be submission there has to be something there that is unsavory, or unwanted at first.  To go a step further in order achieve true total submission you have to find a way to take that thing that you would rather not have done to you and turn it into something that you do want to happen to you. If you can make that happen. You truly do have the idea of submission down. See I can tell instantly that you are hesitant about being naked in front of me, but don’t you see that is exactly why it has to happen. The question isn’t why am I having to do this or why am I letting this happen, the question is…how do I make this wanted? How do I make this thing I don’t want to do my favorite part of the experience?”

“And how do you do that,” I asked.

“By another act of submission…by seeing how you can make this thing that you don’t like about the other person, and not about yourself. Ask what they can get out of it.”

“And what are you getting out of it, a peep show?”

“I’m getting to see you. The real you. The you when everything else is gone and there is nowhere to hide and nowhere to go. The you when there is no reason to hide anything from me. The you that very few people see. I think I would like that person. There is also the symbolism of the nakedness. If you are already naked what do you have left to hide? You can be completely and totally open and honest. There isn’t anymore shame or embarrassment to be had. You can be free.”

“And when will this take place?”

“In two days. I won’t see you until then, but I’ll send a list of instructions soon.”

And that was it, we left and went our separate ways like we always did, but this time was different. This time I couldn’t get him or what he had said out of my mind. I don’t know if I got any sleep that night, if I did it wasn’t much.  Thats why I was surprised by the knock on my door this morning. Who comes by unannounced at seven in the morning?

When I got to the door no one was there but there was a small envelope held down by two roses, one white and one red. I picked up the flowers and the letter and sat down at the table. It was from him:

“Good morning, I hope you slept well. I told you last night that your spanking would happen in two days. I will be at your house promptly at 6 tomorrow. Today I would like you to prepare things for your spanking. Please make sure that you follow this letter exactly or more punishment may be given. Today, as you prepare I want you to think of nothing but your bare bottom. I want you to think of your bare bottom waiting to be spanked. I want you to think about it bent over my knee perfectly displayed for me to see. I want you to think about your bare bottom afterwards, when you are in the corner of your room and it is sceaming at you to rub it, but you won’t be allowed to do so. Most of all I want you to think of the color of your bare bottom, right now as white as this first rose, but tomorrow as red as the second. I have included a list of things that I would like you to do in order to prepare for your punishment tomorrow:
1. Prepare your wardrobe. Wear your hair down, glasses, no contacts. Pick panties that cover your whole bottom, thongs spoil the reveal. Make sure that everything matches.
2. Rearrange your furniture in your living room so that there is a six foot empty space with only one kitchen chair.
3. Since this is your first time I want you to spend the day seeing what is to come. I have attached a website for you to visit. This is your new Netflix until your spanking is over. Watch nothing else.
4. Leave your door unlocked and be standing beside your chair before 6pm.
5. When I ask you why you wanted me to come you must reply: “I want you to strip me naked, take me over your knee, and give me the spanking that I deserve.”

Instructions for viewing your new website: Spankingtube
1. Make sure the two roses are in view to either side of your computer
2. Sit in a wooden chair with no cushion the entire time you view the website.
3. Before sitting down pull your pants and your panties down to your ankles. Do not take them off. They should remain there for the rest of the night. Including when you go to bed.*
4. Watch as many videos as you want, but watch enough to get an idea of what to expect tomorrow.

*this is your first submissive act. Can you ignore these things completely? Yes. Can you lie to me tomorrow and tell me that you did it? Yes. Will I ever know? No, but you will. In a way this is the most important test, because if you cannot do this one submissive act while you are alone, how can you expect to remain submissive when the pain starts to build?

***play along with the main character at home. Remove your pants and panties completely and sit on a hard surface for the remainder of your time reading the story. Look up a video on the website in the story if you wish **true submission** remain naked from the waist down for rest of the day and night if possible. If you cannot Do this then remove the lower half of your clothes whenever you can. Try to be sneaky about it and get away with it while no one else notices. DM me your experiences while reading and playing along. You can dm pictures of your play along if you like***

Okay that’s just dumb, I thought as I placed the letter aside. I’m not doing any of that. And he wants me to say what? “Strip me naked, bend me over…” I can barely even read it. How am I going to say it? Even though I felt a slight tingling between my legs every time I read the words “bare bottom.” Something about the combination of the two words made me giddy. As the day wore on I found myself coming back through the kitchen to look at those two flowers. As dumb as it sounded in the letter I couldn’t get the idea of a red bottom out of my mind. After about the fourth time of making up ridiculous reasons to go past the flowers I decided to screw it and give it a go. I placed the flowers beside the computer and typed in the address. Spankingtube, I thought. They have a whole site dedicated to this. I’m not pulling my panties down. I’m a grown woman. And I’m sitting on my couch. If this is my new Netflix I’m going to treat it as such. As I looked at the website I was overwhelmed. There were so many videos with naked bottoms…most of them various shades of red. I clicked on a video and was equally overwhelmed. The acting was horrible and fake, but these were amateurs it seemed, but when the spankings started they were real. I was mesmerized at the bright fleshy white bottoms turning darker and darker shades of red. Then my eye caught a glimpse of the red rose and I started to think of my own bottom. Would my bottom be that red? Would he spank me THAT hard? Would he use one of those canes? I hope not, that woman’s ass looked like a set of Venetian blinds when they finally stopped. After almost finishing up my third video I saw it. A girl had just been spanked with her mother’s hairbrush and was made to go to the corner and sit down on a small wooden stool.  Then it hit me all at once. A phrase my mom used to say before she would spank me: “when I get done with you you won’t be able to sit down for a week.” I saw the pain on the girls face as she sat down and my heart started pumping faster and faster. I had only been focusing on the spanking itself. I never thought about after.  Then I remembered my test and again his reasoning made sense. I grabbed my laptop and flowers an ran to the dining room table. I pulled my sweatpants down to my ankles followed quickly by my favorite worn out pair of pink panties. They hung at my knees, but with a quick shake they reluctantly joined my sweats. I sat down at the kitchen table. The chair was cold on my bottom and genitals and I could feel the cracks in the wood rubbing up against my bottom. All I could think of was what it must feel like to sit here after a spanking. Was this what he wanted me to feel and think about? Well he had my attention. I must have sat there for hours watching video after video. I even found some that were actually real, no acting. A couple actually filmed the discipline sessions they carried out in their home regularly. As the light faded I decided to move into the bedroom. My laptop needed juice and my bottom was stuck to that chair. I need to clean it tomorrow. As I went to pull my panties up I remembered again the letter. That I was to wear my pants and panties around my ankles for the rest of the night. That was the test. Silly, but effective. Well, I had made it this far, might as well do it all, no one is here.

Thank God no one was there. Walking to my bedroom with my laptop in my hands and my pants around my ankles was a sight to behold. Think watching a penguin using a laptop. When I finally got to my bed I remembered that I hadn’t gotten anything ready for tomorrow. I sighed, can’t I just wear whatever until I’m naked?

As I wadled to the closet I thought about something he had said last night at the restaurant. True submission is taking something you don’t want to do and making it about the other person. So I thought about what he might like for me to wear. I ended up picking a nice blue laced bra and panty set. Blue was his favorite color. I picked a nice pair of pants and a new blouse I had been dying to try. They may spend most of tomorrow wadded up on the floor, but at least I’ll look good until they get there.  I got in bed, panties still at my ankles and watched some more videos before falling asleep in the early hours of the morning.

When I woke up something wasn’t right. The room was way too bright for morning. My panties were somewhere lost in the covers at the bottom of the bed, but that wasn’t the problem. It was 2pm. I had slept right through my clock and most of the day. I was going to be spanked in four hours. I jumped up, threw off what little clothes I still had on and jumped in the shower. I remembered watching videos last night of girls being spanked while in the shower. I wondered if it hurt more having a wet soapy bottom.  I can’t remember if I completely washed or not, as I spent most of my time letting the water run over my naked bottom while I slowly rubbed it in anticipation. Before I got out of the shower I decided to add in my own submissive act. If I was going to be naked I was going to look good, so before getting out I decided to shave weeks, lets face it, months of hair away.

After the shower I remembered that I hadn’t done anything to set the room up. I decided to test myself again and let the towel drop in the bathroom. If I can’t get used to being naked alone…I thought as I rearranged my living room without a stitch of clothing on. By this time it was already close to 5. I fixed my hair, straight and down like he said, put on my glasses and the clothes I had picked out. I didn’t know what the letter meant by extra punishment, but after watching those videos I did not want to find out. At 5:58 I stood beside the kitchen chair that I had brought to the living room and my knees were trembling. Everything he said about anticipation came true. In two days I had elevated what was about to happen to me to a whole new plateau of emotions. I was both terrified and exhilarated all at the same time. Half of me wants to shrink away into nothingness while the other half of me can’t wait to be naked in front of him. Half of me hopes he doesn’t hit hard and the other half of me wants him to spank my brains out. Half of me wants this to all be over and the other half wants this high to last forever. Half of me wants to be silent when he asks me why he is here and the other half of me wants to stand naked in my yard and yell what he wrote for me to say at the top of my lungs. Is it possible to truly want two opposite things so badly at the same time? My emotions reached a paradoxical high. Then I heard it, the doorbell. He was two minutes early and I had forgotten to unlock the door…

*** **True submission** DM me something that has happened in your life that you feel you need to be spanked for. ***
Emotion Two: Burden

I knew that something was different from the start. She never wanted to have dinner at 4:30 in the afternoon before, but I have also learned that if a woman says she’s hungry you had better feed her. That wasn’t the only sign though, she was right there in front of me, but she looked a million miles away. I was currently way less interesting than a glass of water so something has to be bothering her. “Is everything okay?” I said, finally.

“What, oh yea, everything’s fine its just been one of those weeks you know. Um, do you want to get an appetizer this time?”

She never wants an appetizer. “I know how those are, and sure I’m up for anything.”

“Cool…appetizers it is then.”

The bread was even more interesting than the water had been. I remember the waitress bringing a whole loaf, but I swear I only got one piece. She seemed almost disappointed in the crumbs that were left over. At least we were in agreement on that one. I chose the smallest piece first because it is the gentlemanly thing to do.

“Is there a problem with the waitress?” I asked. She had been shooting her daggers all night long.

“No, she’s a little clingy though. I have a full glass of water she can’t fill it any fuller.”

When the appetizer came I knew something was definitely up. We’ve been best friends for a good while now and I’ve gotten pretty good at reading her. I had never seen this particular expression. Her face was flush and she hadn’t made eye contact with me all night long. I had to ask again. “Are you sure that everything is…”

“I want you to spank me.”

I was absolutely shocked by what I had heard her say. I remember having the conversation with her weeks ago about being spanked and I remember telling her that she needed to ask me in public if she wanted it to happen, but I honestly thought that would have been it.

It was a couple of weeks ago and she was telling me about all the stress she had been under lately. I remember her saying something about not being able to get motivated and it just came out of me without even thinking. “I’m sure a good spanking would be enough to motivate you.” I didn’t even think, it just kind of fell out of my mouth. I had always been afraid that I would slip up and say something like this to someone one day. I’ve never told anyone that I was into spanking because of how taboo the subject is, and this was my best friend, I didn’t want to lose her. I could see the shocked look on her face. It clearly surprised her. I had no idea what to do so I just started laughing really loudly. She finally joined in. Crisis averted, but I was going to have to be more careful in the future. I already felt pretty comfortable around her, but I had better not let that comfort lull me and have another slip happen.

*** DM me a time when you almost let the cat out of the bag about your kinks. What was it like? **True Submission** DM me a person that you would like to spank you but are afraid to ask ***

About a week later it all came out anyway via text. I had left my phone in the other room and didn’t hear the notification sound. When I finally checked my phone the phrase “so last week when you said I needed a good spanking, were you joking or being serious?” Had been sitting unanswered in cyberspace for almost a half hour. She had given me an out, I could have kept up the charade and said I was joking. I had been doing it my whole life. However, this time felt different. I’ve always felt super close to her and to be honest I was tired of lying to her. If I’m really having thoughts about doing something like that to her then she deserves to know.

So I replied. “To be honest I wasn’t joking, I’m kind of into spanking and I actually think it would help you focus more.” Send. Pushing that button was the hardest thing I have ever done. Well, that’s it, I thought. Time to find a new friend.

Its amazing how staring at those 3 dots in a text message can ilicit so many different types of emotions. I was currently experiencing agony. Usually a long … Is a bad sign. Finally the response came through.

“Wow. I had no idea you were into stuff like that. That’s kind of cool actually. Do you really think it would help, lol.”

I actually don’t know what she put after that’s kind of cool. My eyes were so full of water by that point I couldn’t even see. Years of repression was pouring out of me over one sentence in a text. I honestly had no idea what to do next. Acceptance is never something I had planned for.

“Yes, I’ve been into it for a long time now. They call what I like a dominate or dom for short.”

“I’ve heard of it. Honestly I think bdsm is kind of cool, I like the sub stuff personally.”

Again, I couldn’t really believe what I was reading on my screen. Had we really been friends that long and not known this about each other?

“Wow. I had no idea. Have you ever been spanked?”

“Um no, just when I was a kid by my parents.”

“Gotcha. I do think it would it would help you if you wanted to work things out. Lots of people get spanked for reasons like that. If you want to try it all you have to do is ask and we can talk about it.”

“Can’t I just text you, lol.”

A text was too easy, and I didn’t want her to make a decision like this too quickly. She needed to be sure.

“Lol, no. With a decision like this you have to actually ask me, preferably in a public place.” I added.

“I have to ask in front of other people?”

Maybe I had gone a bit too far, but it was for the best, at least it would make sure that she really thought about it. “Yes, there don’t have to be many people around and they certainly don’t have to hear, but I’ll know you are serious if you do it in public.”

“Wow. This is a lot to take in. I’ll have to think about it.”

I honestly thought that would be it. And probably for the better too. I’ve never really spanked anyone before, what would I do if she ever said yes?

She said yes. It was both the happiest and scariest day of my life. Happy in that after so many years I finally feel accepted for this, but also terrified because my best friend in the whole world has just asked me to cause her physical harm. I was aware of the paradox that comes with being a dom. With having so much love and respect for someone while at the same time being willing to inflict enough pain on them to make them cry. I had thought about the paradox for years, but the actual weight of the responsibility is crushing. I have to make sure that she fully understands what she has just asked me to do.

It was at this point I realized that this was all going on in my head and she has just said probably the hardest sentence in her whole life and I haven’t responded yet. “Wow. That took a lot of courage for you to say here. Are you sure that this is what you want?”

“Yes, I’ve been thinking about it non stop since we last talked and you are one of my closest friends and I trust you so if you say it will help then I’m willing to try.”

Trust. She trusts me the way that I trust her. I can’t break that trust. The weight was heavier now. ” I know that must have been a scary thing for you to say. Are you okay?”

“Scary? I was terrified! But after you said you were proud of me I don’t know it started to feel okay.”

“Good. I know it’s a scary concept and no matter what I say or do if we do this thing you will probably be really scared the first time, but its my job as a dom to make sure you are comfortable with everything that is going to happen. Well as comfortable as possible. A spanking wouldn’t really be a spanking if it was completely comfortable. Do you have any questions?”

“So many! Does it really hurt that bad? When do we do it? How do we do it?” I stopped her there.

“Would it be better if I just kind of explained everything from start to finish so you can kind of have an idea about how it goes?”

“Yes that would be great!”

I proceeded to tell her about the real thing she wanted, total submission. So many doms focus on the spanking act, but women have always been more interested in the build up. I didn’t really know that for sure but years of tv and films have pretty much taught me that women prefer foreplay.

It was weird to hear my thoughts on submission actually coming out of my mouth. It was weird to hear me say the word spanking so many times in one conversation. Years of thinking was finally being put into practice. I never really believed it would happen.

Everything was going smoothly until we got to the naked part of the conversation. I knew this would be a tough one for her. Of course you can spank someone with their clothes on, but then what’s really the point? Any real dom knows that you have to spank someone on the bare bottom because you have to be able to see what you are doing to their bottom. Everyone is different and you have to be sure that you aren’t doing any damage that would take an inordinate amount of time to heal. Because of that I have to see her private areas when her panties are pulled down and the optimal spanking positions leave her genitals exposed. We are literally only talking about throwing her breasts into the mix, but I understand why she is cautious. Hopefully I can make her feel comfortable. And if I’m being completely honest I would like to see her naked.

As I explained everything I could see her demeanor starting to calm down again. That eased some of my tension too. I finished laying everything out for her from start to finish. I left a couple of things out on purpose because I had another way that I wanted her to find out.

We finished up and left the restaurant and went our separate ways. I cried in my car in the parking lot. Again the reality of the situation hit me. She is my best friend and yet I had asked her to eventually undress in front of me. She is my best friend and I’m about to cause her pain. It has to be perfect. She deserves no less. She has put everything in my hands. She is the one that is laying everything on the line. The respect has to be there. The gravity of what she had agreed to do for me was starting to set in. We had always spoken about our closeness and our trust. This was the test, and anything less than a 100 is failing. Go too far and you can scare her away, Or even worse leave physical and emotional scars, don’t go far enough and she gets nothing out of it. It took a good ten minutes for me to calm down. I cared too deeply for her to let her down. It would be perfect. I would make sure of it. I had planned for this moment my whole life but now that it was here I felt as unprepared as ever. I had so much planning to do, and so much writing. I always had this idea of how to tell my sub about how to prepare for her spanking in a nicely handwritten letter that she could read over and over in the time before her spanking. It was already getting late so if I didn’t get going I was going to be up all night. I hope I can find a flower shop that’s still open…

*** if you feel like sharing your comments via dm I would be happy to read and reply. Or comment below. All comments are welcome. I hope you liked the story***

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hvx4tf/a_true_submission_story_for_submissive_women_part


  1. Thanks for the upvotes. Any feedback or comments would be appreciated.

  2. I really enjoyed the description of submission and what it means to the character!

  3. Love the layout and two sided aspect of the story.

    If I had a complaint it would be saying disobeying the instructions would lead to “more” punishment. I’d say there’s a difference between punishment and a wanted scene involving some pain. Spankings seem like they should always be relegated to the punishment side of the Dom/sub dynamic but that’s really not the case.

    Sometimes the denial of a spanking is more punishment than a brutal spanking could ever be. Where this is being set up as a want for her, I wouldn’t refer to it as a punishment. I’d remove the ‘more’ before punishment in the directions and avoid calling the spanking a punishment in any capacity as long as the anticipation of it is meant to be positive.

    Otherwise, you seem to know a fair bit more than many “Doms” I’ve come across that are self-proclaimed experts on all things Dom/sub yet have no idea how to dominate in a non-abusive way. So kudos for doing your homework on your kink!

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