Six Shots: The Dream (part five of series)

[Six Shots: Meanwhile…(part four of series)](

Back at the hotel Phil was trying to coax me into another round. As willing as I was to try, his barely semi-erect cock and my pulsing pussy begged for rest. We cleaned up again then I led him out into the main room of our hotel suite.

I smirked as he tried to slip his hand under my towel and between my legs. I grabbed his thumb and wagged my finger at him.

“Jesus, Phil, the mind may be willing, but it already hurts to walk, are you not hurting?”

He looked down and shrugged, “I’ll heal after you’re gone.”

I laughed, “You have got to slow down. I know it’s a one time thing, but that doesn’t mean we should push ourselves to the point of not enjoying it anymore.” I hesitated as I looked him over, but continued, “I want to know…is this just about fucking cause you haven’t had any in a while or…”

He interrupted me, a scowl on his face, “I’ve gone without sex longer than this. If I just wanted sex I could go pick someone up at a fucking bar whenever I wanted.”

He sat on the couch and I straddled him, but I made sure our towel barriers remained, “So what was this then? Did you ask my husband if you could fuck me? Did you pay him to fuck me?”

Phil shook his head and placed his hands on my hips, “I didn’t ask Alex anything. Bella headed home to relieve the babysitter not long after you left, Alex and I stayed at the bar and talked a bit, he mostly raved about how you get incredibly focused on him when you two have sex, and after a few more drinks he said he would bet you wouldn’t even notice if someone started watching…then we came back to the hotel room. I was just planing to crash on the couch then go home when I sobered up in the morning.”

“So, this was just a spontaneous thing?” I asked.

“Why did you ask if I paid him to fuck you?” He asked.

I looked away from him slightly, I didn’t really want to get into it, “I just didn’t know how you managed to get him to let go of his jealousy of you so easily. Money is a good motivator sometimes.”

He didn’t seem entirely convinced of that answer, but he let it go, “Alex told me to wait outside for a minute. He went in then came back out and told me you were upset and he was going to make you feel better. He asked me to give him ten minutes then come into the bathroom myself. I thought he was going to try and cheer you up by showing you that I wasn’t upset with you or something. When I opened the door…yeah, that wasn’t what I expected at all, so I guess you could call it spontaneous? I honestly assumed I was just dreaming again. I usually wake up when you come around in my dreams.”

I tilted my head, a slight smirk lingered at the corner of my lips, “How do you know you aren’t dreaming?”

“I’m kinda hoping I got hit by a car when I walked Bella out to the cab and this is what a coma is ‘cause I don’t want it to end,” he laughed.

I looked him in the eyes, trying to gauge if he was being genuine or just buttering me up, but all I saw was my own reflection as he stroked his palm over my cheek.

He tilted his head to the side and watched me intently as he spoke, “Are we going to regret this? We’ve known each other…we’ve been friends for over half our lives. Did we just ensure the end of all of that?”

I looked away from him and climbed off of his lap, settling next to him on the couch. “I don’t know. I didn’t really think that far ahead.”

Phil shifted a bit and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me over so my head was leaning on his chest. His hand stroked up and down my arm, “Has Alex done this before?”

I looked up at him, “What? Sharing me?”

He nodded.

I shrugged and looked to the floor, “Sometimes. He gets jealous easily though,” I lied.

Phil shook his head, “He didn’t seem jealous. He seemed cocky, like he was showing off an expensive car. I couldn’t imagine doing that to Bella so willingly.”

I wasn’t sure how to respond to it so I changed the subject, “When did you know you wanted to marry Bella?”

“When she turned up pregnant. Didn’t have much of a choice after that,” he said with a sigh.

I scowled, “You only married her because you got her pregnant?”

He tilted my face up to him and looked me in the eye, “Yes. Though, now I’m not so sure I was the one that knocked her up. I was going to break things off with her, then she dropped that on me and I couldn’t.”

“What makes you think Della’s not yours?” I asked.

“She doesn’t look like either me or Bella. Doesn’t look like any of my family members and only has a slight resemblance to a couple of Bella’s. Plus I’m not even sure I was around when they said she was conceived. I know it’s just an estimate, but it’s kinda sketchy.”

“Have you asked her?”

He shook his head, “Last time I asked her about it we got into a huge fight and she blew up at me, accused me of wanting an out to our marriage. Maybe I did, I don’t know,” he said softly.

I kissed his cheek and his brow furrowed as he looked down at me.

He sighed, “Do you love him? Are you happy? Does he treat you well? ‘Cause that’s all that matters to me, Jess.”

I didn’t know how to answer, so I just nodded and looked away from him.

He smiled at me and tilted my chin back up to him, “That’s not very convincing.”

I blushed and changed the subject again,“So what do you think? Can you go back to just being my friend? Or do we part ways completely after tonight?”

“I think if just being friends is the only way you remain in my life, then I’ll take it,” he said.

I lay my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat as he stroked my hair and tucked it behind my ear.

After a while, he laid down on the couch and pulled me against him, curling us tightly to each other as we fell asleep.

I dreamed of the last “sharing” experience I’d had with Alex. He wanted to try something different, something a bit more out there than we were used to. He didn’t tell me how it was different until well after we’d arrived at our host’s house. An older man opened the door and ushered us inside, eyeing me like a piece of steak the entire time, making me regret the revealing, backless and low cut design of my violet dress.

The house was quite large and ornate, a show of wealth in the tackiest of fashions with marble staircases and gold everything. There was a charity dinner, followed by an auction and it was the auction that was Alex’s idea of different. It consisted of various partners, I’d wager the submissive ones of the couple, being offered up to the highest bidder for an agreed upon interaction and time frame. It was utterly tone-deaf and I imagine if word got out quite a few of the attending parties would have lost high profile jobs. I still participated, because Alex asked me to and I trusted him.

I was not a participant in the dream, I was sitting in a theater with Phil, watching the memory unfold on the giant screen in front of us. My eyes shifted to him often, wondering if it was going to change how he saw me or what he thought of me. Wondering if he would hurt Alex over it. I didn’t place that it was just a dream, it just felt like we were watching a movie together like we had many times before.

Oddly enough, the charity they were raising funds for was working towards ending human trafficking around the world. It made the auction seem that much more out of touch. I was purchased by the host of the party, and one of the requirements of my participation was Alex staying with me and being made to watch the entirety of our host’s entanglement with me.

The man who purchased my consent had a very specific scenario in mind from the moment he saw me. Alex and I followed him into a back bedroom at his house, it was ornately decorated in the fashion of a teenage girl’s room. The only exception being the large four poster bed that sat in the center of one of the walls. The older man sat me down at a vanity in the room and wiped the makeup I’d been wearing off of me. He let my hair down, long honey-blonde ringlets cascaded over my shoulders and he took his time gently sorting my curls until he was happy with how they framed my face.

The old man then went to the closet and dresser and pulled out what was basically a catholic school girl uniform, knee-length pleated plaid skirt, white button up blouse, white knee-high socks, white cotton panties, and a very basic plain white bra that was at least one cup size too small for me. Both the host and Alex watched me undress and re-dress, and both seemed to enjoy the spillage problem my breasts were having in the bra.

Once I was dressed the old man sat me down at the vanity again and carefully applied makeup to me in the style he wanted. He also attached a few barrettes in my hair as he went over a checklist of things I was comfortable with and things I wasn’t, things Alex was okay with and things he didn’t want me to do, though Alex had suggested not setting up any restrictions to garner us both favor with the old man and I went along with it, not realizing what that left me open to.

We were each given a safe word. If Alex became uncomfortable with the scene he could pull me out of it. If I became uncomfortable with it, I could end it myself, but the caveat to either of those outs, was if we ended the scene prematurely we would have to pay the donation that was pledged by the winner ourselves.

This man paid sixty-five grand for five hours with me. He paid more for five hours with me than I made in a year as a teacher. Alex was a doctor, but that was well beyond our ability to pay all at once without closing out a significant amount of investments or selling our house.

Once I was prepped to the old man’s liking, and Alex and I were informed of how to end things if we needed to, we started the scene. Alex was my much older boyfriend that my mother and step-father hated, and I was a 16-year-old rebelling against their rules. Music blared loudly from a radio in the corner and I was grinding on Alex’s lap, laughing and performing a bit of a strip-tease when Charles, my pretend step-father, burst into the room.

I jumped up and started buttoning my blouse back up and Charles grabbed me, pushing me back down onto Alex’s lap. He held me down by my shoulders, preventing either Alex or myself from standing up.

Charles laughed lightly, “Well, looks like I found you and rescued you just in time, darling daughter.”

I turned my head towards him, “You’re not my dad,” I scoffed.

Alex shifted in the chair and tried to push the old man’s hands off of my shoulder, but the man just grabbed me by the hair instead and pulled tightly, forcing me to turn further than I thought I could.

He smiled at me, “You’re absolutely right. I’m not your father. Your father has been soft on you. You’ve gotten away with so much shit over the years and I couldn’t do a thing about it. But daddy isn’t here right now, little girl, and mommy will never believe you over me. She’ll think you’re just trying to protect yourself from getting into trouble for fucking your pervert boyfriend.”

He bound my wrists behind me with his tie and tossed me to the ground, much harder than I thought he would as I ended up with a bruise on my hip for a week after. Then he mocked tying Alex to the chair he sat in. When he came back over to me he pulled me up to my knees by my hair and I screamed, louder than I had intended to as it actually hurt. He gripped the back of my neck and guided me up to my feet, where he pulled my panties off of me and balled them up, shoving them in Alex’s mouth. From this point out, Alex could only watch unless told otherwise.

Alex played along, pretending to struggle against imaginary ties. Charles leaned into it and held me in front of him, his hand trailed up my inner thigh and under my skirt, his lips were near my ear and he laughed with such a sadistic tone to it that I shivered, “The question now is does this happen nicely or do I just rip into you and treat you like the whore you want to be?”

My eyes locked onto Alex’s, there was no fear in his eyes, so I tried to not show fear in mine as I whimpered and tried to not pull away when the old man’s fingers lightly circled my clit then dipped down into my cunt. I wasn’t dripping, but I wasn’t exactly dry either.

There was a lecherous tone to his voice when he spoke again, “Seems like you aren’t opposed to your step-daddy using your pretty little cunt to service his cock.”

I was trying to not cry. I knew it was just a scene, but there was something real to his inflection and tone that unnerved me and I couldn’t help but wonder if this was truly just a fantasy or if it was a reenactment for him.

He picked me up by wrapping one arm around my waist and his hand grasped the front of my throat. He did it so swiftly that I didn’t really get to react until he threw me onto the bed. I bounced on the firm mattress and then I started to scramble away from him but he grabbed my ankle and pulled me back to the edge of the bed until my feet were hanging off of the side of the bed and my upper body was bent over it. His knee pressed firmly into the small of my back so that I could fight, but not get away as he flipped my skirt up and ran his hand over my butt, squeezing it gently. The pressure and weight of him on my back hurt and I was afraid to move much. Each time I tried to shift, his knee dug deeper into me and I was afraid he was going to break me if I struggled too much.

He ran his hand along the backs of my thighs and, without warning, pulled his hand back and slapped me hard on the ass. I screamed and tried to pull away, a sharp pain cut through my lower back where his knee pressed and I lay still again, the pain didn’t subside at all.

“That was for being a little slut,” he said harshly.

He spanked me three more times with increasing strength for each swat. Then he pushed his fingers down between my legs, “Looks like Daddy got you all wet,” he said harshly as he spanked my ass a few more times, checking my cunt between each smack.

I wanted to try and move again, but my back hurt a lot, so I just laid there and cried as he spanked me and dipped his fingers into me repeatedly. At the end of it, my ass was bright red and a bruise was starting to form on each cheek, that didn’t really concern me as much as the sharp pain that increased significantly and radiated from beneath his knee, the spanking had distracted him and he leaned much more heavily onto me than I think he meant to. My face was red from the intensity of my crying and holding my breath to try and ease the pain in my back.

I was sobbing hard and he finally moved his knee off of my back, it was a mix of relief of pressure and a new throbbing ache along my spine. He untied my wrists then turned me over on the bed so that I was face up. His hands roughly pushed my thighs apart and he rubbed the soft mound above my pubic bone with his palm then quickly dipped his fingers down between my pussy lips, feeling the slick coating that covered me from my clit to my ass. I put my hands over my face, trying to wipe my eyes and quiet my own sobs.

He grabbed my wrist and yanked it away from my face, pulling me up into a sitting position. It hurt, my back felt so stiff, and it hurt to be yanked up like that, I couldn’t help but cringe and stiffen up. He looked me in the eyes and smiled, “Well, you clearly didn’t hate that you beautiful little masochist,” he said coldly.

He kissed me hard and pushed me back down to the bed. I wanted to end the scene. I looked over to Alex, he knew the look on my face and he shook his head, so I bit my quivering lower lip and continued.

He ripped my blouse open and watched my breasts heave as I tried hard to control the sobbing, “Open your mouth,” he said sternly.

I looked at him and shook my head, clenching my mouth shut.

He grasped my hair and pulled me up towards him, his voice was harsh as he whispered to me, “Open your mouth you little bitch. You don’t want me to force you to open it because you will learn real quick what it feels like to gag on a dick until you pass out, understood?” He yanked my hair again and I nodded as I cringed. “Fucking say it,” he spat at me.

“I…under…under…stand,” I cried out between sobs.

He pushed me down to my knees on the floor in front of the bed and caressed the back of my neck, “Open up, baby.”

I opened my mouth and he rammed his dick down my throat so quickly that I gagged hard. He pulled himself free of me and I leaned over as he held my hair. I threw up on the floor and he rubbed my upper back as I coughed and took a deep dragging breath inward. My eyes watered and I was trembling. He turned my head back towards him, “You okay?” he asked more gently. I shook my head and sobbed as I clutched my stomach.

His attention turned to Alex and he quickly walked over to him. He leaned down and Alex looked like he’d been slapped as the man whispered something to him. He nodded and the old man came back over to me. He picked me up into his arms and carried me out of the room. I was looking at Alex, fear was very evident on my face but I was frozen, scared that however I reacted would be wrong and I’d get punished for it.

He motioned to a man standing outside of the room and he continued carrying me across the hall to the bathroom, “We aren’t ending the scene just yet,” he said softly, “but I am reassessing your limits. You told me you had none, did he make you say that?” he asked.

I shook my head, my sobs were slightly labored but they were starting to subside, “He said… would be better…if I didn’t…but he didn’t…make me…he didn’t make me say it,” I offered.

He sat me on the sink and washed my face of the vomit that lingered on me. I felt disgusting and horribly embarrassed. He smiled and rubbed my lower back and I flinched, arching my back and pulling away from his hand. The old man noticed and lifted my shirt up in back, a dark bruise was forming where his knee had been, “Shit,” he said, “okay, I’m ending the scene, I didn’t mean to do that,” he was extremely apologetic as he looked it over. He held me to his chest and tried to soothe me by stroking my hair and jaw as he apologized.

The old man got me a toothbrush, toothpaste, and mouthwash once I stopped sobbing so I could get the vomit taste out of my mouth, then he carried me back into the bedroom and lay me down on my stomach on the bed. Someone had cleaned my vomit from the floor while he was tending to me. He looked over to Alex, “I called for a doctor, he’ll be here in a little while to see if she can continue or not,” he said harshly. “I would have just asked you to look her over, but I don’t think I can trust you to be honest about her safety in proceeding.”

My eyes were red as I turned my head and looked to Alex, he looked deeply ashamed as he broke eye contact with me.

The doctor came out, practically brought any machine portable enough to transport, and took an x-ray of my back, there were no fractures that he could see, no tenderness in my abdomen to indicate damage leading to internal bleeding, it appeared to just be a bad compression bruise and, if I felt up to it, there wasn’t a medical reason to not continue, so long as he was mindful of the bruising and didn’t twist me or aggravate it further by putting pressure on me in that area.

I looked to Alex but the old man stepped between us and my gaze turned up to him, “You make the choice,” he said. “Do you want to stop or continue, I’m not going to hold you to the back end of the contract if you want to stop, I hurt you, this is my fault not yours.”

“I can keep going,” I said softly.

He stroked my cheek, “Are you sure?”

I nodded, “I can keep going,” I said again, with a little more certainty.

The doctor left and the old man went out with him and came back with a few pieces of paper. He sat them on a table near the door, “Prescriptions for you in case it causes more pain to continue,” he said.

He came back over to me and rubbed my outer thigh, under my skirt, “Can we take this off?” he asked as he tugged on the fabric.

I lifted my hips and he helped me pulled the skirt off. He guided me back up onto the bed and he looked to Alex, “Bring your chair closer,” he said sternly.

Alex did as he was told, sitting the chair next to the bed before he sat back down in it.

The old man looked at him, “How does it feel to see another man wetting his fingers in your wife’s pussy, Alex?” he taunted as he spread my legs apart and pushed his middle and ring fingers into me. He curled his fingers and I started to arch my back but a sharp pain cut through me and I stopped. He moved his fingers a little faster and harder in me, evoking a soft moan from me.

Alex didn’t answer him, he just watched my body respond, still trying to arch through the pain to allow the enjoyment of the quick and hard fingering. The old man got me off pretty quickly, a large wet spot stained his bed and his hand was coated in a clear fluid as he pulled it away from me.

He got off the bed and went over to Alex, I watched him push the fingers he’d been using to fuck me into Alex’s mouth and he leaned down to whisper something to him, to which Alex nodded. Charles came back over to me. He lifted my upper back just enough to unhook my bra and he slid it off of my arms, leaving me on the bed absolutely naked. “Turn onto your stomach for me?” he asked.

I did and he lifted my hips, placing a couple of pillows under them so I didn’t have to hold myself in that position myself. My head was still turned to where I could see Alex and I watched his reaction as the old man looked at him as well, “There’s a bottle of lubricant in the bottom drawer of the dresser over there, bring it to me,” he said. His fingers resumed playing with my cunt, dipping into me and stretching fluids over my flesh and up along my asshole.

Alex started to hand him the bottle and the old man shook his head, “No, you come here, you’re going to help her get through this,” he said.

The old man sat between my legs and Alex sat on the bed beside us. My husband could see my cunt drooling onto the old man’s hand. He turned his attention back to the old man, a bit confused about why he had the lubricant. The old man smiled, knowing what Alex was thinking, “It’s not for her cunt. I was going to fuck her pussy, but when I was spanking her I noticed how tender her flesh looked and it occurred to me that you’ve never had your own wife’s ass, have you?” he asked.

Alex shook his head.

He leaned down to me, “Has anyone ever had your ass?”

I shook my head.

“Would you like to try it?” he asked me, being careful to block my view of Alex.

I furrowed my brow, uncertain, but nodded. Alex hadn’t wanted me to limit it, so I made the choice I thought he’d want me to make.

The old man turned his attention to Alex, “Get the lube worked all over her asshole but don’t penetrate her. I get that pleasure. I want to use her mouth to get my knob all soaked and ready. Spread her cheeks to get it deeper into her hole, but only let it drip in, no pushing.”

The old man climbed up the bed and sat in front of me as he lifted my upper body and placed a pillow under my chest. “If it hurts, tell me and we’ll stop,” he offered as he stroked my cheek and I lowered my lips down over his cock. My husband carefully spread the lube around my ass, a very thick coating that seeped into me slightly as he pulled my ass open as best he could.

When Charles pulled his cock from my mouth it glistened with spit and he quickly moved back around between my legs and behind me.

He turned to Alex, “Hold her hands and let her squeeze them if she needs to,” the old man’s eyes never left my glistening ass as he spread my cheeks a little wider and angled his dick at my asshole. My toes curled and I cringed as his slow pushing and tilting, along with the generous amount of lube and spit, made my asshole open for him. His head slipped into me and he groaned in pleasure.

I squeezed Alex’s hands as the old man pushed and pulled at me gently. His dick was slipping into me with little effort and his dick was being coated in lube as he pushed into me. He squeezed my ass cheeks together and rubbed them as he pretended to be having some trouble going deeper.

He looked to my husband, “Come put some lube on my cock so I don’t hurt her.”

Alex scowled but let go of my hands to do as he was told. He started to squirt the lube directly from the bottle onto his shaft and the old man shook his head, “Use your hand, spread some more around where my dick is spreading her open too,” this was a power play for him. He was making sure Alex understood exactly where his place was here. He was punishing my husband for not informing me of things properly.

Alex squirted a hefty amount of the lube in his hand and wrapped his fingers around the old man’s dick, stroking it until he reached my ass, then he carefully circled the man’s dick right where my asshole puckered around him. The old man was smiling as he looked at Alex, “That’s it, we want her to enjoy my dick in her ass. Go watch her pretty face moan while I teach your wife how to take cock like a pro.”

We were no longer in the scene of the old man’s choosing. No, now he was reveling in making sure my husband understood what he had signed me up for and he wasn’t going to hold back unless I asked him to. I didn’t ask him to. I let him go fully into my ass and I moaned and squeezed my husband’s hands as the old man periodically checked my pussy with his fingers to see if I was still properly enjoying. My cunt drooled on him and he finally felt more confident that I wasn’t hurting as bad as I had been.

He wrapped his hands over my hips and lifted my ass a little, his thrusts pushed me into the bed a little harder and made me moan a little louder. Alex’s grip on my hands tightened as I tried to pull away so I could push myself up and move my hips back to the old man.

The old man noticed and tsk, tsk’ed Alex, “If you let her go I’ll let you eat my cum from her ass when I’m done,” he offered.

Alex didn’t release my hands and the old man smiled, “If you don’t let her go I’ll go straight from her ass to your mouth and you can eat my cum directly, without the pleasure of her pretty ass squirming against your tongue.”

He reluctantly let go of my hands and I lifted myself up and pushed myself back to the old man’s hips. Charles smiled and rubbed my side. He slowly pulled himself free of my ass and turned around so that he was sitting at the head of the bed. His back was against the headboard and he guided me up onto his lap facing him. He tilted me slightly and angled his dick so that he could go back in my ass, it was much easier for him this time. He pushed my feet so that my legs were wide open and he groaned as he watched the stretchy clear fluid glisten on my pussy and drip down onto his waist. His hand left my hip and he focused his fingers on my cunt, toying with me until I was whimpering and grinding myself against his hand and dick.

He looked to Alex, “Come look at her, she’s about to gush on me.”

I was bouncing myself on his cock at this point, my hands behind me on his upper thighs as I leaned back slightly to ensure he had a great view of my cunt as I fucked my own ass with his cock. I could feel the pleasure building. I moaned and tilted my head back and he spread my pussy lips with one hand and toyed with my clit with the other. Alex watched as I orgasmed hard, my fluids flooded the old man’s lower abdomen and I rocked myself against his lap, ensuring his dick was deeply within me as he reached his release as well. I smiled at him and lifted myself up, laying my head against his chest/shoulder area as he stroked his hand up and down my back to soothe me.

Charles laughed slightly and pushed my hair out of my face. I was breathing heavily, my cheeks and chest were flushed a bright pink and my entire body trembled and contracted as my orgasm began to subside. Charles lifted my head and kissed me on the lips. Then he looked over at Alex as he pulled me up a little higher, resting my head more firmly on his shoulder, “Go pull my dick out of her and get all of the cum that leaks like a good husband should.”

He did as he was told, pulling the old man’s cock from me then plugging my ass with his own tongue. I wanted to protest, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel nice. Alex pushed his mouth tighter against my ass and cleaned me of Charles’ cum as thoroughly as he could. When he finished Charles spread my ass open, inspecting to make sure Alex had done a good job and no cum drips were noticeable then he looked to my husband, “I have three more hours with her, the time waiting for the doctor doesn’t count. I think I’m going to take her into the bathroom so I can get my dick nice and clean before I leave a load or two in her cunt for you to clean up next.

He did just that, and left his cock in me for my husband to pull out so his mouth was flooded with the old man’s cum as soon as he got his lips to me. Charles wouldn’t let him stop until I’d cum again myself. Before the night was done he had me on my knees sucking him off. His load went partially on my tongue and partially on my tits and he took great pleasure in making my husband kiss me with his cum pooled in my mouth. To end things he made Alex suck the cum from my tits while he watched, then he took me back into the bathroom and spent the last half hour of our time together washing and massaging my entire body.

As he returned me to my husband he grabbed Alex by the back of the neck and looked him in the eye, “If you ever bring her to participate in something like this again without giving her a proper rundown of how intense things can get, I will ruin you in every way I can, and I can ruin you in many ways, Alexander. I will be checking in with her, you, and all of the other groups like this one to make sure you don’t use her to get ahead like you tried to tonight. A girl that is willing to hurt for your pleasure is rare, you fucking cherish her and treat her right, or I’ll find her someone who will, understood?”

Alex nodded while looking down to the ground, his face red with embarrassment. Charles lifted his chin and stared Alex down, “Say it,” he spat.

Alex looked him in the eye somewhat defiantly, “I understand,” he said.

Charles leaned down and whispered something to him and Alex’s eyes went wide for a moment. When the old man pulled back Alex’s eyes were watering, “I understand,” he said much more meekly.

That was the night Alex and I had our first really heated fight as a couple. I didn’t appreciate being manipulated into doing something that was much rougher than he initially lead me to believe it would be, and he turned my overall enjoyment of the night into a weapon against my character. The hurt of him calling me a rich old man’s cum dump, a position I was only in because he asked me to be, stuck with me for the rest of the dream. I also wondered what that last thing the old man said to him was.

He never would tell me and he actually blew up at me about it when I asked. It made me wonder if Charles knew something about my husband that I didn’t. The last time the old man had checked in with me was a couple of weeks before this trip. I told him about Phil and the fight Alex and I had about having kids. The old man pushed me to talk more about Phil and stressed how happy I sounded when I talked about him. He ended the call with, “Be careful. Alex doesn’t always have your best interest at heart. I know you love him, but you can love someone and still have a toxic relationship with them. I really wish you would love him from afar.”

I brushed it off as him still trying to get me to leave Alex, something he’d been trying to do since that night. But after the refresh of that night through my dream, I wondered if there was more to it that I wasn’t seeing.

Philip leaned over to me as the credits rolled on the screen, which was a weird feeling considering it was a memory and not a movie, “I can’t imagine letting anyone else touch you like that. I don’t think he loves you like I do, Jessi,” he said softly as he pulled me over to him in a hug and kissed the top of my head.

I tensed up in my sleep and Phil woke slightly. His arms tightened around me and he pulled my towel loose then stroked my breasts and up along my neck. I was breathing heavily, panicked almost, and started to stir awake. His lips lingered at my ear and he started softly singing the song he wrote for me back in high school. I relaxed, my breathing steadied, and we both fell back to sleep before he even got through the first verse.
