My Ex’s Notebook [MF], [BBW], [Milf]

Preface from the author: Its been a while since Ive written any smut here and I want to get back into it. This is part one of probably a 2 part story the first part is relatively tame. The second part… will not be. I welcome literally ANY feedback/comments.

It had been 3 months since my wife left me. Ours was a typical college affair. She was a free spirit and I was the rock she clung to. Sadly it was her free spirit that caused our downfall. With one year into marriage and settling into a new home with the prospect of kids on the horizon it was too much for her. She sat me down and calmly and cooly explained that it wasn’t going to work. I barely was able to get a word in edgewise before she showed me that she had packed her bags into her little car. She told me it wasn’t my fault, she told me it was her… not me. She drove out of my life and didn’t look back.

For the first two months I took solace in the bottom of a bottle. It was all a haze. My friends came by occasionally trying to console me, my job was flexible and understanding, and I just drifted. After two months I was starting to get a grip. A few weeks later I had put the house on the market and began plans to move out. As I went through the house I was stunned at how well my ex-wife had cleared out of there. It truly was like she never lived there. But even the most free of spirits leave behind a hairbrush here and a knick knack there. By the time I was done cleaning I had compiled a decent sized box of her things.

My gut told me to set fire to them but after two months the anger had subsided into something else. I was moving on, slowly but surely. That being said, I had no contact information for my ex and I couldn’t stomach the idea of talking to her. She had sent me the divorce papers via a courier and she ultimately wanted nothing from me but a clean break. I got the house, the rings, the furniture, everything. So maybe the right thing to do was to get her this box.

I had a really good relationship with my ex-father-in-law but he had died shortly after our wedding. My ex-mother-in-law was the quiet type. She was always very kind and seemed to really struggle after her husband died. I offered for her to stay with my wife and I but she demurred saying it wasn’t right to intrude on newlyweds.

Now with my ex-wife’s stuff the only thing left to deal with before the move I decided to call her mother.

“So this is awkward but… uhhh I have some of your daughters things and I thought it would be right to get them back to her”

“Oh… that’s… extremely kind of you. You didnt have to do all that considering….” she trailed off

“Its fine. I just don’t know how to get this stuff to her. “

“Well I’ll get in touch with her but… “ she sighed

“She is just going to ask me to come pick it up for her”

“That’s fine. I don’t hold any of this against you and to be honest id prefer not to see her, if it isn’t too much trouble”

“I understand. Yes i’m sure I can stop by after I talk with her. Are you free this afternoon?”

“Yeah Ill be here finishing up the packing”

“I’ll see you in a few hours then.”

I hung up the phone feeling better. It would be good to close things off with my ex mother-in law. I had fond memories of her and really didn’t bear any ill-will to my ex’s family.

As I stood in the hallway of my house with the phone in my hand my mind drifted a bit. It occurred to me that aside from a pizza girl or two over the past few months I haven’t even spoken to a woman since my wife left.

My ex mother in law had clearly had her daughter when she was quite young. She was still in her early 40s. She was so different from her daughter. My ex-wife was the quintessential flower child. She was very concerned with what she put into her body when it came to food. She was vegan and to be honest I always worried about how thin she had gotten not long before she left.

Her mother in contrast had always been a stocky woman. My father would have called her “sturdy”. Since her husband passed though she had started eating more and had gained quite a bit of weight. I would assume that she was now pushing 250 lbs. For me I dealt with losing my spouse by chasing the bottle. For her it was clearly food. Admittedly though somehow this weight gain really suited her. She always had an attractive face but the last time I saw her I started noticing other things about her. I remember it was my wife’s birthday and her mother invited us over for cake. My wife cruelly remarked about how her mother would overdo the whole affair and the smug look on her face when her mom came to the door in a fancy dress. I suspect my mother in law was using this party as a desperate excuse to get dressed up for someone. She looked great. Specifically If i am to be honest. It enhanced some features that as a man married to her daughter I shouldn’t have taken notice of. The dress was designed with a low cut in the cleavage area and generally it fit her pretty snuggly all around. I couldn’t help but catch a few good looks down her dress and at her swaying hips as she served us cake and ice cream. Fortunately my wife was as oblivious as she was flighty and didn’t notice my glances. In short I got an eyeful.

Standing there in my vacant house that memory was stuck in my mind. I don’t know how long i stood there but I started noticing that the memory of her in that dress was distracting in a really pleasant way. I shook the cobwebs out of my head and shifted my pants a bit as the doorbell rang. I apparently had been daydreaming for a while

I opened the door and smiled at her. She was wearing a thin purple sun-dress. Again I suspected she didn’t get to dress up much these days and clearly she had used this as another excuse. It was sweltering hot outside and the dress clung to her in interesting ways. She greeted me with a practiced smile. She held up her hands and showed that she had brought a bottle of tequila and a bottle of what was clearly her famous homemade margarita mix. I remembered now how she made excellent margaritas at the family functions. I opened the door to let her in.

“There is no normal protocol to this so… i thought I might as well bring a peace offering” She was clearly uncomfortable.

“Oh that’s not necessary but.. I could use a drink”

“Well alright then. I got in touch with her… and she gave a list of… things that she left behind that she still wanted… but before we get to all that. Where are your glasses?”

I gestured behind the kitchen island.

“I still haven’t packed them yet. And I still have ice in the freezer”


She strode around the island and I sat down on one of the stools there. She set the two bottles down and reached up for souvenir margarita glasses on the high shelf. Her light sundress clung to her tightly as she reached and I found myself staring. Without her looking I indulged myself in thinking about what she looked like underneath that sundress..

She got the glasses and turned around and caught my gaze. Her face was flush from the reaching and it was really attractive on her. She began the process of fetching the ice and putting the drinks together. While she did so I drank in the image of her. The first woman I had really spoken to since my wife left.

Once the drinks were ready she stood on the other side of the island and took a big swig of her drink.

“Oh… I suppose we should have toasted” she said, embarrassed.

“Im sorry but I don’t really have much to toast these days”

“Oh dear.. I am so sorry. How have you been these last few months?”

Her maternal instincts were kicking in.. which made me feel awkward about staring at her ass just moments before

“Well… I’ll give you a demonstration” at which point I proceeded to down the whole margarita.
“That bad huh….? I don’t know what to say I can tell you we have always liked you and I am so sorry about all this. Are you getting out and meeting new people?” she pried

“Not really, I don’t really feel the need to at this point.” I insisted

“What about…?” she started

“No… I know what you are going to ask, I am not ready to move on. I thought I loved your daughter and I can’t look at another woman without thinking of her” I loudly proclaimed.

She sighed and took my hand.

“I understand. Its just I know my daughter is selfish… but in her own way I think she left because she wanted you to be happy”

“I guess” I agreed resigned as she refilled my glass

“Is there anything I can say or do to help you move on?” she said in earnest.

At this point my mind wandered to a game my wife and used to play. She came up with this game where after we would be out talking with friends or just random people she would write down some comment they made or off hand question in her notebook and then in private try to come up with the most inappropriate response as possible. I remember we were out at a fancy hotel when the concierge asked if “There was anything I can do to make your stay more pleasurable” which she wrote down and later exclaimed to me “yes you can lay down on that bed and pleasure yourself with my suitcase handle”. The comments were always sexual in nature and often (though she would never admit it) were based on a private desire she held for the parties involved. She was a hyper sexual person and I was always flattered that she chose to enact those desires on me over anyone else. We had a great sex life largely because sex was seemingly always on her mind. This game of hers was just her way of expressing that. Here I was alone with her mother and her stupid game popped into my head. I burst out laughing.

“What is it” my mother in law smiled confusedly.

My brain screamed in my ex-wife’s voice. “You can lift up that sundress and show me your ass”

“Oh nothing… just remembering something your daughter used to do” I deflected

A brief quizzical look crossed her face. Before the slightest slyest smile took over
“Oh…. like… suck your cock like it was a tootsie pop trying to calculate how many licks it takes to get to the center” she said bluntly..

I spit out my margarita

She blushed but settled her gaze strongly on mine

“You are thinking of that notebook game she plays, Who do you think taught her that?”

“Uhhhhh… Whaaa….”

“Come now… this situation is already as awkward as it can be… and its even more awkward considering what she asked me to get…” (she mumbled)

“I taught her that notebook trick to deal with awkward situations…. And well.. I need it now too… I feel terrible about how she left you. I am embarrassed. So. when i get embarrassed… I play the notebook game.”

“I uhh… had no idea… Ill bet you have quite the notebook by now”

“What?, because I’m so OLD?” she said jokingly.

“Well that and because clearly awkwardness runs in the family”

She had downed her drink by now too. She sighed as she poured another. She sat for a moment thinking

“It’s true you know… I kept a notebook or two I hid them away in my attic. Even my late husband didnt know”

I should have felt uncomfortable about this but it also was kind of relieving to be talking to her on a more human level. Plus by now I had a pretty good buzz on. Her margaritas were strong.

“That reminds me. She wanted me to get something from the kitchen”

She quickly downed her second glass and turned around to the sink. She then bent over low into the cabinet below the sink. By now I felt more free to enjoy the view. The dress positively clung to her round ass and I could see the outline of her panties and their V-cut. I licked my lips.

She continued to fumble around reaching up into the underside of the sink area. Her hips swayed as she moved and jerked something free from the underside of the sink. She stood up still facing the sink and looking at what she had pulled out from under there.

“So what were you going to say earlier… when i asked how i could help”

I gulped…
“Heh… you dont want me to say… I mean… “

Still facing away she kept on.

“Honey… we are past awkward… just say it.”

“Heh well… I THOUGHT of telling you to lift your sundress up…” I fumbled… “to cut the tension i mean… to cut the tension i thought of saying it…”

Still facing away from me she took one hand and went to her dress. Was she going to do it?! My heart raced… but then she let go of her dress and went back to the thing she had pulled from the sink.

I thought I heard… a sob? I went to the other side of the island.

“Are you ok?” I asked

She pulled back from the sink and I saw the notebook in her hands. It was my ex-wife’s notebook. It was probably 20 pages of the dirtiest smut a mind could think of.

“It’s so… small,” she said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

I could see her mascara was running a bit. She wasn’t crying heavily but something was affecting her.

“I suspect you probably already guessed that the notebook thing isn’t just a way to cut tension or defer awkwardness. I taught her to use it to express desires that she couldn’t act on… that she wouldn’t act on”

“Yeah I guessed as much” I said confused.

She turned to face me. Her puffy eyes and running mascara looking straight into mine. She looked so vulnerable. So lovely

“I am only 23 years older than my daughter…. I have 10 Notebooks in my attic… which are all 3 times as big as this…. I have missed out on so much in life and my daughter has just ignored what I taught her.. And hurt you in the process” the tears welled up again.

I looked around panicked as I had a tendency of doing when a woman is crying. I grabbed the notebook from her hands and threw it behind me and outstretched my arms and embraced her.

She felt so warm against me. But even in this heat it was so wonderful to feel. After a minute or so I let myself enjoy the other sensations of her body against mine. Her breasts felt so soft and inviting against my chest. I craned my neck a bit to look down at her and got an eyeful of them as they pressed up against me. My mind started to wander and my pants got tighter…. I pulled away.

“I… thank you for that” she said. “Its been so long since I have been held at all.. ”

“Of course… me too”

She wiped the mascara out of her eyes and walked to the other side of the room where her daughter’s notebook was laying on the floor. I went to rinse out the glasses in the sink. A moment later I heard her make an odd noise. It was sort of like an exclamation combined with a soft moan. I turned to look at what she was doing. She was looking great again with her ass facing me bending over low to pick up the notebook. I could see that the notebook had fallen open. She was reading it. She gasped lightly again. She stayed bent over and reading. I stepped forward a bit. By now the buzz had taken my better judgement and I just wanted to stare at that beautiful ass. I made no effort to avert my gaze when she turned behind her looking from the journal.

“There is some truly filthy stuff in here. But… I will say I think my notebooks can give her a run for her money”

“Is that so?” I swallowed hard.

Still on the floor and bent down. She turned back to the notebook and continued.

“Oh yeah…. I dont have them with me but… “

She paused to think for just a second before her hand went to the side of her dress slowly bunching it up in her fist more and more and the hem of her dress crept up her thigh, I was fixated as the glimpse of her white satin panties slowly came int view. They were full backed silk white panites. The sight of the covered mound of her between her thick thighs made my breath catch a little. A moment later she pulled up hard in one snap motion and the dress which was clinging to her round ass snapped over it.

“I dont suppose you would be willing to help me… cut through the awkwardness a different way?” she cooed

I swallowed hard. Every fiber of my being wanted to do… everything right then and there. A small voice crept up in my subconscious. In some ways it sounded like the voice of my ex

“You can’t do this… that is my mom…. She is 20 years older than you… and she is vulnerable” it cruelly scolded.

My conscious mind snapped back

“Shut up! You underestimate her and me… you always have. You left me, Im horny and lonely and so is she. And I am going to make your mom cum so hard and so many times she will forget she even had a heartless daughter like you. “

I stepped forward.


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