Say it again… Part 2

I suggest reading part 1 if haven’t… enjoy…

…. As he reached for my underwear, I break one hand free from his grip and forcefully place in on his clearly toned chest to fight back as I came into eye contact with him with half opened eyes. Because my strength was so drained it was no different than just regularly touching a man’s chest. He smiled at me and slowly moved my hand from his toned chest to his flat stomach, then from his stomach to down and then more down… I quickly snatched my hand back and he let out small laugh as if to say, ‘don’t worry.. next time’.
He reached for my underwear again and this time I went for his structured-too-well face and slapped him hard but to my surprise… it was alot harder in my head. He turned furious with seconds. He moved his head back to look at the sky then closed his eyes and looked back down at me. He grabbed my throat and squeezed it as he kneeled on top of my body and slapped the shit out of me. My face was throbbing as I let out a desperate cry. He raised his hand to slap me again with his other still on my throat and I flinched for my dear life. He didn’t do it. Instead he stood up and stood me up with him. As soon as I stood up I knew I was gonna pass out. My legs gave way first and he caught me before picking me up. “Put me down! Put… me…” and everything went black.


The sounds of chains woke me up. Oww my head… I seriously needed paracetamol right then. I slowly opened my eyes to see a topless figure handling all sorts of equipment. My hands.. I couldn’t move them… ugh he tied my hands behind my back with his belt!
As I’m sitting on the floor of an…abandoned warehouse in nothing but my black lace underwear and the blue tank top I wore under my shirt, I watch him work and pull chains and ropes… his back was so muscular… his movements so.. unbothered and smooth. I was in too much pain and confusion to admire it fully though.
“What are you going to do to me?”, I quietly trembled. Without turning around he answered, “Teach you a lesson”, in that sexy voice. “We could have been done in the forest a long time ago… but I like to tame my bratty little girls”.
I was shocked. Teach me a lesson? For what? And who was he calling a brat???

“What?” I asked.
“You slapped me”, he said as he turned around and walked towards my scared self. “Do you know what I do to little girls who misbehave?” He chuckled, “You’ll know when I’m done with you”.
I was terrified. I would have swapped this for the forest in a heart beat. I’m in serious danger now.. and there’s no way out. I started to cry. I struggled to get my hands free and I failed. He then reached behind me, undid his ties and grabbed both my hands.

Why did he untie my hands… what is this. I caught a glimpse of the door to the warehouse from the corner of my eye. I looked back at him not to make it obvious I discovered my escape route. He suddenly stood up and his bulge hovered above my head as he looked down at me.
“What are you doing?”, I quietly asked almost whispering.
“Nothing… yet”, he implied as he walked away.

This is my chance! I bolt! Omg the pain! I was already getting dizzy again. The door! Almost there! Got it! I pressed down on the handle 10 times and… I’m still here… I looked behind me and with his legs crossed and arms folding, he just stared at me… observing me… every move… every mistake i made that he would make me pay for.

I screamed and shouted as if it would somehow assist with the opening of my only way to freedom. I was frantically playing with the handle as I slowly dropped to the ground in tears. He started to walk over. I shoot up from the ground. Owww the pain! I tried running to the other side but he blocks my path. I change route but he blocks that too. I try to running past him but there was no use… I ran straight into his arms in which he used to slam me down onto a cold low table.

I kick and scream for him to let me go but he says nothing, bites his lip and looks me up and down. He doesnt care… he doesn’t care for my screaming.. which could only mean one thing… no matter how loud i scream today, no one will hear me. I’m fucked.
I kick him and struggle with his hands on mine by either side of my head. “STOP”, he says in the calmest voice I’ve ever heard.
“You put up a good but weak fight”, he exclaims. “I love it when I have to TAKE what I want little girl, so this simply only arouses me even more than I already am”.
He moans a little from the look of fear I have as I struggle against him.
His moaning and body against mine Is making me wet… I can feel it. What is happening…

He let’s go of me and I’m left paralysed on the table staring at the ceiling questioning myself. I’m scared… but… there a dangerous part of me that like this. I cannot bring that part to light. I absolutely cannot. I sit up slowly and then stand up and try to walk away before he steps in front of me about to say something. I tried to push him out of my way before he grabbed my wrist and before I knew it I was pushed against the wall with his full body weight against the back of me. Omg.. I can feel him… all of… him.

“You think you can walk around looking as good as this and not get what you’re clearly asking for?”, he says in my ear with the sexiest calmest tone I’ve ever heard. “Mmm… your one of my favourites so far. As I watched you at the bar my imagination grew every SECOND thinking of what I’d do when I got my hands on this ass!” He slaps my ass so hard I squeal in pain and struggle to break free the grasp he has me in. As I struggle.. I feel him… i feel him grow a good deal and my pussy is soaked…. WHAT IS HAPPENING… WHAT DO I DO?!

He throws me onto the floor, grabs my leg and drags me across the room and through my locked escape door he has now opened with a key. The room is red and black. He drops my leg and walks out of the room so I look back and I see a giant bed with white sheets and black metal bars… bars on the walls… on the bed…on the ceiling. My heart stops as soon as I see it.

I heard the door close and I look back again to see him with heaps of rope and chain in his hand.

“Oh babygirl… you look so small and pathetic… It’s time you learned that lesson”…
