Say it again…

I was told to write a fantasy of mine… I’m quite shy and very new to this scene… but I’ll do as im told soo yh. And quite frankly I’m good at story writing. Enjoy…

I looked at the clock… 8pm on a Saturday night. Dammit. Another boring, worthless day gone by and soon to go by again tomorrow. I looked around me and there was nothing but noise, chatter and the clinking of beer glasses as guys roared at the game seated at the other side of the bar… I’m at a bar… alone too…my life really was going to shit.

It was time to leave…my ass was starting to hurt from sitting so long and my legs felt funny. I needed fresh air….Mmm…that was nice.

I always walk with my music blasted… its one of the only exciting times I can give myself now.. music, daydreaming and dreaming. Pathetic right? Trust me I know. Why couldn’t I have that excitement i saw in every book i opened… every movie I watched… why was there no adventure calling my name? I just woke up to want to go to sleep again… but I dont want to sleep and I dont want to wake up. WHY!? Is this my life now- wait… why is he walking in the same footsteps behind me… I could barely even hear him… that’s creepy but whatever.

Its probably nothing… I’ll just turn my music louder and enjoy it until I get inside and stare at the ceiling for the rest of the night, ~sigh~. I couldn’t help but dance when I listened too. My body does it’s own thing sometimes. I probably looked like an idiot to oncoming cars. Lol… what did I care though.
Wait… I’ve turned into various streets like 3- 4 times… he’s still behind me?? Who is this guy??
My heart was beating fast and I could hear it now… I need to turn somewhere else and not lead him home… yes! Good idea! I turned the next right. Its a long narrow path into a forest. He turned in too.


I quickened my pace …I was almost running… “low battery”, my phone displayed.
FUCK! MY PHONE! …5%… how did I not see this?? I need to turn on power mode NOW. I furiously started clicking my phone, not realising that I was slowing down. Ugh..why is it taking so long, HURRY UP!
Wait… Oh shit… the guy. I quickly looked behind me. Wait …what? Where is he… he was just-

I feel a huge cold hand clasp over my mouth and another around my waist tight from behind me. I can’t breathe…I can’t breathe!

I kicked and struggled to get free. How is he so strong?? He’s not even moving. I need to breatheee!!

“I dare you to scream”, he said as he made room for my nose then slowly left my face all together. I gasped for air! And he tightened his grip from behind. I wouldn’t dare…

He put a blindfold around my eyes and roughly took me somewhere… where are we going?!… omg… my phone.. i can’t call anyone… where’s he taking me?!!

He spun me around and sat me on something cold and hard. I was so cold…I was shivering.
“Stay here”, he ordered with such a cold, strong tone.
Five minutes passed and I quickly took a peak out of the blindfold. It was pitch black. I couldn’t see shit!…including him. Where did he go?

I made a run for it, only to hear the sexiest laugh I’ve ever heard in my entire life… it almost made me stop. Was that him?? Why was he laughing?!
I ran as fast as I could. If I was walking any other day i would be tiptoeing. Avoiding all the dead leaves and bugs… but today I didn’t care. It didn’t even cross my mind in that moment. I ran and ran, tripping 3 times. I was so dirty… but I didnt care.

At that point i needed an inhaler. I couldn’t breathe and my legs wouldn’t move anymore. I don’t know where I was and I was hurt.
I let out a scream. I couldn’t help it, I was just too scared. Something is there…or him. I’m already afraid of the dark as it is. I tried to run again before I was pulled back and slammed against a huge tree. My head really hurt from that. I was getting dizzy.
“What do you want from me!” I sputtered as tears came down from my eyes.
He slammed me again, this time harder and just looked at me like with a smirk on his face.
“Are you lost babygirl?”, he asked.
I looked at him like he was the craziest person I’ve ever met. “ARE YOU DUMB-“, he slapped me so hard and gentle at the same time that I couldn’t even move from where my head landed.
“Are you..lost..babygirl?” He asked again while he gently moved my face with two fingers towards his until his was inches away from mine.
“You look lost to me..”, he whispered in my ear as he used his hands to caress my body up and down… landing on my throat.
“Your so beautiful you know? I’ve always wondered what it would be like to take you for myself”, he remarked.
“Take me?” I asked.
He pinned my throat against the tree and stood back to admire and look my body up and down.
“Yes… take you”.
“Please… please just let me go. I’ll give you anything you want”, I pleaded while grabbing his hand on my throat. He was so strong.

From the way he arched his eyebrows at me after I said that… I knew I fucked up and I wasn’t going anywhere until he was done with me.

He grabbed me with his other hand and pulled me close to him
“Say it again”, he ordered.
He arched his eyebrow with a dangerous look in his eye. His eyes… why do I have this feeling… like.. I’m excited… but… down there…
“Let me go… I’ll…I’ll give you anything you want…” I hesitantly repeated.
He looked past me and as he did I saw how sexy this guy was… if only he wasn’t a kidnapper or something!!

“Yes …yes you will”, he said in that monotone voice of his as he pushed me to the ground hard. My head… my body… it was getting slow. I was tired too.

He started to undo himself.
“Please please please, I just want to go home”, i cried.
I tried to crawl away but he dragged me back by one leg.
My gosh.. is this guy the hulk or something? I KNOW I’m not THAT light.
I don’t like this but why do I like it… I like it but I don’t like it. What is wrong with me?? There’s butterflies…down there. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME???

“Please.. just leave me alone!” I say as I’m hitting and kicking him with what strength I had left.
“Keep going little girl… it only makes me want you more…” he said pinning down both my hands with only one of his and reaching for my underwear under my skirt with the other…

Loool …yh…thanks for reading.
Part 2 out now!
