My big brother – Part 5 (Incest)

I lay there on my bed after experiencing my life’s first and second orgasm back to back and not understanding how I felt about the whole situation. I was obviously old enough to understand that I just did something the world would see and heinous and disgusting, but when I thought of Nicky, I couldn’t imagine anything wrong with what we did. We were siblings, we grew up together and knew each other better than anybody else knew us, we never had to second guess our love for each other, so what was so wrong about it? It was too much for me to process at that moment.. all I wanted to do was to relish the final lingering sensation of my big brother’s tongue on my pussy, which was hands down the best sensation I had felt in my life. I felt happy, loved, admired and comfortable in my own body. Something I always considered as gross coming out of my body was licked clean right from the source and called delicious enough for a second goddamn serving. Heck yeah I felt great. I just lay there not bothering to cover myself or switch off the light, because I didn’t have anything to hide anymore. My brother and I currently lived alone and he clearly knew my body better than I knew it at the moment. I fell asleep content and wet.
The next morning was a whole different ball game. I woke up naked, partially covered by my comforter. It took me a few seconds to recall everything that went down the previous night and I sat up straight and wrapped myself up. WTF did I give into. Things could sure as fuck not go back to normal now. We were supposed to do a tit for tat and just see each other naked. We did so much more than that. I wasn’t sure if I had the guts to face my brother. I remembered him wimpering as my hand went up and down his shaft.. I was pretty sure if I kept doing that he was probably gonna shoot his juices or whatever just like me, but now he had the upper hand, because he stopped me from going all the way on him, but I didn’t stop him. I was gonna make sure I levelled out the playing field once again. I quickly took a shower and wore my bra, tank top, panties and shorts and was about to head to the kitchen when I had an idea. I realized that I didn’t have to wear a bra anymore! Nothing to hide! I noticed that my tank top was white and pretty much transparent. Good. I was honestly shocked by my own bravery. I skipped to the kitchen and saw my brother eating cereal. I walked in and wished him good morning in a chirpy tone. I could see him stare at me awkwardly and definitely notice my chest through the old tank top. I confidently avoided eye contact, poured myself some cereal as well and sat opposite him. Poor guy was still staring awkwardly. “What’s up, dork”, I asked. “Uh nothing.. you looked different”. “Different? Oh what you mean me not wearing a bra? Yeah I figured why bother anymore, it’s so uncomfortable and annoying anyway”. “Oh okay..”. I knew I’d made him feel something, because he started getting red and uncomfortable and quickly got out of the kitchen, and I’m pretty sure he had his hand covering his penis, I wasn’t sure why.. after breakfast I flopped down on my bed and started going through my IG feed, plotting how I could get my brother to let me make him squirt his juices or cum or whatever. I was on my stomach and my top’s neckline was hanging so low, one could practically see both my breasts. Good. Maybe I could sneak into his room at night and rub his dick? Na.. he’d surely wake up.. should I mix a Nyquil in some juice? No.. that just sounded wrong. I wanted him to LET me do it, just the way I let him have his way with me. Hmm.. what could I do.. while I was lost in my thoughts, I heard someone knock on my open door. I looked up to see Nicky awkwardly standing at the doorway. He asked if I wanted to get pizza for lunch. Yeah sure, pizza sounds great, I said. “By the way, your neckline is so low, I’m not sure of why you’re even wearing a top”, he said. Something snapped in me and I said “Oh you know what, you’re right, it’s fucking hot and I don’t even feel like wearing anything. I was just wearing this for your sake, but apparently you don’t care for it so I might as well get rid of it”. He scoffed at me and said “yeah right, what are you gonna do, walk around topless? Ha, you’re a girl!”. Did he just “you’re a girl” me right now? That was it. I stood up and removed my top in a flash and stood right in front of his face and said “Problem?”. I guess that startled him and he just gaped at me saying “uh..uh..”. Yeah that’s what I thought. At that second he immediately grabbed his crotch and was about to run again. I grabbed his arm and pulled him close to me. “Why do you keep covering your damn crotch. What are you hiding?” I yanked his hand off his crotch and could see his bulge. I put 2 and 2 together and figured that happened only when he saw me naked or something similar. So I made him feel things.. that felt good. I held both his hands and told him he had nothing to hide or feel awkward.. I was literally standing in front of him unashamed with my ugly unequal breasts exposed. He snapped at me and asked my to shut up and never call my chest ugly. He said it was beautiful and one day would grow big and serve its purpose, and he’d be there with me to see it happen. I smiled at him with tears in my eyes. He came closer and gently caressed my hair and moved the hair that was covering my left nipple. He turned me to face my mirror and whispered “Beautiful” in my ears. I turned around to face him and he hugged me tight. This time it was different from yesterday. It wasn’t awkward, it was almost authoritative. He grabbed me and pulled me close to his chest. I hugged him right back. His hand rubbed my back and slowly went down to reach the elastic band of my shorts. A moment later I could feel his hand going inside my shorts.. I clenched my bum as a reflex and he whispered “Relax” in my ears, and that’s all I needed. I would let this guy strip my naked on the street and let people watch him feel my up and not give a fuck. I would do anything for him. His hand traveled down my buttcrack and his fingers lingered over my moist pussy. He rubbed it with his fingers for a minute and before I could understand what was going on he somehow slipped a finger inside me. I gasped and hugged him tighter. Somehow he slipped his middle finger in and out of me with extreme ease. He chucked and told me I was dripping wet. I guess he meant for that to be embarrassing, but I just felt good. It was my body’s way of showing him that I was excited for him. I pulled back and dragged him to my bed.
“Let’s do this the right way if we are doing it”

To be continued.
