A pretty, pretty good day.

Needless to say this is fictional. Unfortunately.

“You got the job!”

It was my agent and this was my first success. An aspiring model and actor, I had tried everything, even the periphery of the porn industry, without much success. Now, finally, a real gig.

“It’s for a music video…supposedly really on the edge…they asked a lot of weird questions.”

“Like what?”

“Like how hung you are…congratulations again by the way…whether you’re comfortable with nudity, stuff like that. Must be some video!”

“Yeah, did they say who it’s for?” I asked, daydreaming about artists I would want to spend some time with.

“No, but you’ll find out next week. In the meantime they said you should refrain from sex and even masturbation starting immediately.”

The next week took forever. I searched the trades and the internet for rumors or any little clue. I didn’t find anything, but I did learn that mainstream artists were resorting to more and more explicit videos, some of which were intended for mature audiences only, to boost their social media presence and compete with each other. This had to be what I was doing. But who would it be?

The night before I could hardly sleep. A week of trying to ignore my junk had left me feeling crazy. Based on the very specific instructions, I thought it would be possible I would be asked to do a money shot, although this seemed very unlikely in a music video. Nevertheless, just in case, I had been hydrating like mad, drinking coconut water and pineapple juice, taking zinc and avoiding garlic and other potentially stinky foods. If nothing else my man juice would be at its best.

The morning of, I showered and carefully groomed my tackle, thinking how dumb I would feel if I showed up and the shoot was not of the type we had guessed. But it had to be right? In just a few hours I was probably going to be naked, doing god only knows what with somebody famous. One thing I did feel confident about was my cock. I’m a shower AND a grower. Long and thick. And I have great control of my erections and orgasms. I was very, very lucky in that department. I could tell men at the gym were envious, and that women would admire me in jeans and sweatpants. I just hoped my guy would perform as expected if called upon.

I arrived at the studio about 30 minutes early, and sat in my car for a bit to collect my nerves. The security guard at the gate asked for my name, and when I gave it he directed me to park nearby and explained that I would be met by a production assistant shortly.

A few minutes later I watched as a cute girl, of Indian descent I guessed, walked toward my car. This was it. I stepped out of my car.

“Josh?”, she asked, with a beautiful smile and an outstretched hand. “I’m Amina, assistant to the director. It’s great to meet you.” We chatted a bit as she walked me into a large studio building and down a hall into a dressing room. I mostly just answered her questions, about my prior experience and that sort of thing, and I never got a chance to ask whose video it was. When we got to the dressing room she directed me inside and closed the door.

“I have to say that I’ve never been involved in a shoot quite like this.” she said, somewhat flustered, before adding, “I don’t quite know how to say this, but I’ve been asked to verify the size of your uh…your…”

“My guy down here?” I asked, pointing to my groin. I was excited that my hopes for the type of shoot had been confirmed, and at the prospect of showing “my guy” to this very beautiful woman. “Should I just…uh” I said, motioning to pull my pants down.

“Yes…please…if you don’t mind.” she said, fiddling with her clipboard and looking anywhere but at me.

“Ok, no problem” I said, as I unbuttoned my jeans, took a deep breath and pulled them and my underwear down. I always enjoyed this moment with a new woman, and this was somehow even more exciting. I watched as Amina finally directed her gaze at me. She stared at my cock for a few seconds, biting her lip, before writing something on her clipboard.

“That’s…wow…that’s uh…incredible actually” she said. She kept taking quick looks before looking down at her board. “I’ve never seen one that big….it gets bigger when….”

“Yes…quite a bit” I replied. My cock felt electric. I was so horny. “Should I put him away?” I asked, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable.

“Ok yes, that’s fine” she said, as if coming out of a trance. “If you will wait here a moment I need to speak with the director, and then I think our star wants to say hello before we start shooting.

I pulled up my pants, catching Amina looking one more time, and then just smiled as she backed out of the door. A few minutes went by, during which I touched myself a couple of times through my pants. I couldn’t believe how excited I was.

A quick knock at the door preceded Amina returning. She entered the room, turned and said, “Josh, I’d like you to meet….”

I stopped listening. Holy fuck! Standing before me was Ariana Grande. Ariana Grande! My mind couldn’t process it. She was tiny, and perfect. Everything perfect. Her hair in a perfect high ponytail, her eyelashes and eye makeup incredible, her smile, her lips, her dimples, her tiny ears, the wisps of loose hairs on her forehead. Everything I had seen and lusted after on television and YouTube was here in the flesh.

“It’s nice to meet you Josh” she said, extending a delicate hand for me to shake, which I took softly, with my mouth open and a stupid look on my face. She was wearing a loose gray sweatshirt that fell over one bare shoulder. Her olive skin was so smooth it didn’t seem real. Black leggings and white sneakers finished her outfit. “This is kinda awkward huh?” she said shyly, while also looking me up and down. I thought I might have caught her quickly glance at my crotch but maybe it was my imagination. “Anyways I’m glad we found you, and I just wanted to say that I’m really excited about today.”

“I’m speechless” I said dumbly, finally releasing her hand. “It’s an honor to meet you.” Ariana left the room, while Amina stayed behind. She handed me what looked like a towel, but with Velcro attached.

“You can wear this to the set” she said softly, and then added, “I’m going to tell you a little about the shoot. We want to keep it loose to see where things go between you two, but in general we will be capturing a bunch of video and still photos to use in a video montage of several of Ariana’s songs. One thing Ariana has expressed interest in is using a…uh….penis…I guess your penis…as if it were a microphone…”

I was trying to imagine this. It seemed like a pretty funny and cool idea given what we were up to. But the idea that Ariana Grande might soon be holding my cock in her hand, with her lips and tongue just inches away, was making my head spin.

“Her other idea for this is that you two would be…”, she used her hands to try to illustrate what she hesitated to say.

“Sixty-nining?” I asked.

“Yes, exactly” she replied. “So that is how we plan to start shooting, but what we do from there, or whether any of the other artists or dancers will participate is still up in the air.”

Other artists? Dancers? This just kept getting better and better. I was getting paid for this?

“Other artists?” I asked.

“Oh yes, sorry…Nicki Manaj and Dua Lipa will also be in the video. At this point we think they will just be performing, but we’ve never done this before, and Nicki is pretty crazy. Ok, we better get started….I will come back to bring you to set in 10 minutes.”

In a daze of excitement I changed out of my clothes and wrapped myself in the towel. My cock felt even bigger than usual, and my balls were aching slightly. “Ok, be cool and keep it together” I said to myself, and waited, with my heart pounding, for Amina to return.

She knocked, popped her head in, said “it’s time” and motioned for me to join her. My legs felt like someone else’s as I followed her down the hall and on to the set.

It was a lush and elaborate tropical scene, in the middle of which was a bed set up to look like a rock formation with a flat top. I was instructed to get on the bed, which I did, as I looked around the set. I noticed a group of five gorgeous dancers in one corner, giggling and occasionally glancing at me. Another woman approached me and introduced herself as the director, before adding that I should let her or Amina know if I needed anything or wasn’t comfortable with anything. As she left to attend to business a commotion in another corner caught my eye. There, talking to Amina and a another woman with headphones on, were Nicki and Dua. I wondered if I would have any shots with either of them, but just knowing they would be there, and that they would see my cock was a huge turn on. A couple more minutes of looking around made one thing clear…I was the only guy on set. There were probably 30 people in the room and all were women except me.

I was asked to lie down so the cameras and lighting could be adjusted. As this was going on Amina ran over and asked if I was ok, before adding, “I almost forgot…Ariana doesn’t know about the size of your…guy down there. She picked you cos she thought you were cute. We want to catch her reaction at seeing you on camera, so keep it…him covered up ok?”

I saluted and smiled as Amina rushed off again. I caught Nicki and Dua glancing at me but pretended not to notice. Then, finally, a small crowd of people preceded Ariana into the room. She ran to give her fellow artists hugs before heading in my direction, wearing a thin white robe. I felt my cock twitch as she arrived and held out her hand for me to help her onto the bed.

There was a moment then that we were relatively alone. “You ok?” she asked. “I can’t believe I’m doing this…I’m so nervous.

“You’re nervous?” I asked with a laugh. “And am I ok? I’ve never been more ok with anything in my life!” “I do have one question though,” I went on, “the…uh…microphone…is that a soft microphone or…”

She started laughing and said, “probably soft…this could take a while.” I was hoping it would take forever.

As we were talking the dancers I had seen earlier approached the bed, along with another woman who I guessed was the choreographer. She explained to Ariana that there were still a few details to work out on a dance routine, and asked if they could work on that before the shoot began.

“But I will get all sweaty before I’m here with Josh!” Ariana exclaimed. “I just showered!”

“Ariana, you could spend a summer’s day eating Mexican food in the Mojave desert and I’d be ok with it” I said, meaning every word. God she was so sexy. Just the perfect balance of naughty and innocent. The idea of her sweaty body being close to me was so exciting.

She laughed and thanked me before leaving our bed to join the girls for some dancing. Watching her dance made me even crazier. She was working hard. I could see she was flushed and breathless, and imagined the perfect little beads of sweat forming on her thighs and breasts and ass. My mouth was watering.

Finally, after about 30 minutes, she returned to the bed and the crew set up for our time together. We were instructed that still photos would be done initially, so we would need to hold positions for these. Ariana was asked to remove her robe, which she did, revealing a delicate white camisole and a shiny and incredibly short white miniskirt. She was then asked to straddle me, and as she did I caught a glimpse of her white panties, and the wet line that proved she was excited about what was to come.

The director told everyone to be quiet. I looked around to see thirty or more women standing around us, including Ariana’s fellow artists. “Ok on 3 Ariana, please remove Josh’s towel and throw it to the side ok? Ok one…two…three”

I felt the breeze as Ariana pulled my towel away, revealing my cock draped over my thigh. There was an audible reaction from the crowd as they saw my size. I glanced at a monitor that showed Ariana and my cock, and was so excited to see, in her face, a deep hunger and desire for me that I was hoping would be there.

Ariana just stared at my cock for quite a while before putting her hand over her mouth and saying, “oh fuck!”, at which point everyone else in the room started laughing and applauding. “Oh my god, why didn’t you guys warn me?” she said, laughing and shaking her head. “Is that real?”. Ariana looked back at me, then down at my cock, then back again, and mouthed the word “wow” to me as the director instructed everyone to take 5, but for us to stay put.

I watched Ariana in the monitor as she looked at my guy in amazement. I was about to say something when I heard the sound of high heels approaching, followed by, “Holy shit Ariana, where did you find this guy?” It was Nicki Minaj, who had walked up to the bed with Dua Lipa. I could see both of them staring at my cock from a couple of feet away. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. “Dude, I’ve seen some dicks in my day, but yours is something else!” said Nicki as she leaned around Ariana and gave me a thumbs up. “Does it get bigger or just harder?”

“Ok places everyone”. I didn’t get a chance to answer as the director decided the break was over. She came over and said, “We’re going to do some stills first. Ariana if you could hold him like a microphone when we start shooting please.” There was a bustle of activity as several photographers got into place. Ariana, who had been sitting on my belly, repositioned so that her face could be close to my groin, putting her ass just inches from my face in the process. I realized that this would be my view for the next couple of hours, and hoped that her losing the skirt and pantries was part of the plan. I could see the sheen of sweat on her thighs, and feel the heat from her body on my face. “Ok, we are all set” the director said finally.

I watched the monitor as Ariana carefully and softly took hold of my cock and lifted it toward her mouth. Her fingers didn’t come close to making it all the way around. The electricity from her touch made me dizzy. Ariana Grande was touching me. I could see the look of desire in her eyes as she stared at the head. She pulled up a little harder and placed her other hand on me as well.

“Ok, that’s perfect…just like that” said the director. “Hold it close to your lips just like a microphone.

I could see my cock on the monitor…the head millimeters from Ariana’s lips, and felt incredible sensations every time she adjusted her grip or moved. I could feel a throbbing in my cock and realized that I was starting to get hard. I tried to stop it but it was no use. I was just too turned on by the situation.

Ariana began to realize what was happening too. “Oh!” she said, having to change her grip as my cock grew thicker in her hands. She glanced back at me and I whispered “sorry…I can’t help it”. She then smiled sweetly and turned back around.

The crew hadn’t realized what was going on since she was pulling up on me, but then the director decided to change the camera locations and asked the make up people to touch up Ariana’s face, so she let go of me, and suddenly everyone realized that I was half hard. Seeing my semi erection standing up before Ariana’s face in the monitor was such a turn on, and my cock involuntarily jerked as it grew a little harder. Ariana covered her mouth with one hand as she looked at it.

“I’m sorry everyone!” I said loudly enough for everyone to hear. “This is just a crazy situation you know?” As I said this Ariana’s hand inadvertently brushed against my cock and it grew again. I was about 75% hard at this point, and there didn’t seem to be any turning back. I flexed him one more time, on purpose this time, and grew some more. “I’m sorry” I said again, this time just to Ariana. “You just feel incredible”.

The director and Amina then approached the bed. The sight of Amina also staring at my hardening cock made him jerk one last time, and I was now as hard as could be.

“This would actually be better…if you can maintain it” the director said. “Can you do that?”.

“I think so, yes” I said breathlessly. Ariana moved herself to sit upright again on my stomach as the make up artists touched her up while trying to avoid my hard on. I could feel dampness on my skin, and knew that she was wet and soaking through her panties. “So I’m not the only one!” I thought.

“You need some help keeping that monster awake Ariana?”. It was Nicki, who had come back and was sitting on the side of the bed. “Can I touch it?”. She asked me, and without waiting for a reply she started to caress my balls and run her fingers along my shaft. She wet her finger in her mouth before sliding it over my frenulum. My cock grew even harder, and Nicki gripped me hard around the middle of my shaft, squeezing me to feel just how hard I was. “Damn look at you!”, she said excitedly. On the monitor I could see her, Ariana and Dua Lipa’s eyes fixed on my cock, and I saw them all react in unison as my cock pulsated, and a big drop of precum formed on his head. Ariana licked her lips, as Nicki collected it on her finger and rubbed it around my cock head and frenulum. She put her finger to her lips and licked it, her eyes widening in surprise. “Shit, you actually taste good!” she said.

There was no chance for anyone to react to this, as the director instructed everyone to return to their places. Ariana got back into position, with her skirt just inches from my face. I breathed in deeply, hoping to catch her scent, but so far nothing. My cock was still rock hard, and Ariana wrapped her hands around me before the director even said anything. I could feel myself throbbing in her grasp, and watched as more precum slowly leaked from my opening and made its way toward the topside of my shaft.

“Ok Ariana…could you please lip sync to the music as you hear it.” Instructed the director. “Really imagine it’s a microphone you’re holding”.

The music came on, and I watched as Ariana began to sing into my cock. The look on her face was so beautiful. So sultry. My cock was shiny and as hard as a rock in her hands. The music changed, and she was singing a softer, more intimate lyric. Lost in the moment she brought her “microphone” even closer. I could feel my cock head touch her lips…her hot breath caressing my skin. Her mouth pulled away a little, and I could see a string of clear precum between my cock and her lips. She licked them then as she sang, and I knew that she had tasted me. My cock ached with this, and more juices started flowing, which she rubbed on to her lips as part of her performance. This was the most incredible thing that had ever happened to me. “That’s amazing Ariana!” the director said, “so fucking sexy!” She kept one hand firmly on my shaft and let the fingers of her other hand gently touch the head of my cock, making it slippery and shiny with precum. I had to remind myself of where I was to stop myself from grabbing her and pulling her ass to my face. I had never been so hard. She pumped me up and down a few times as the song reached a crescendo. And then the music stopped and everyone erupted in loud applause, praising Ariana for her incredibly sexy performance.

Unlike before, Ariana did not release my cock as everyone bustled around us. She gently stroked me up and down as more hair and make up work happened. “You do taste good Josh!” she said, turning to look at me when that was done. “I really enjoyed that!”

“Oh god me too!” I said and we laughed.

“Will you excuse me for a moment?” Ariana said, finally letting go of my cock and jumping down from the bed. She headed over to the director, who was standing with Amina, and they began to talk. Amina walked over to me while the other two continued.

“You’ve made a big impression!” She said, glancing at my cock before returning her gaze to my eyes. “The footage we got so far is unbelievable. “Can I just…..” she said then, gesturing toward my still rock hard cock with an embarrassed look on her face. I nodded and she placed her hand on my balls, feeling them before sliding up my shaft to my dripping head. She seemed mesmerized as she coated my glans with the wetness and then drew her fingers to her mouth. “Mmmm…” she moaned, closing her eyes. “I can’t believe you taste like this.”

I caught a glimpse of Ariana heading back, as Amina excused herself. There was an erotic look on the pop-star’s face as she climbed back on to the bed. She sat by my side and slowly stroked my cock. “Can’t let this guy rest just yet” she said.

The director was moving the photographers to my end of the bed, and I wondered what was next. “Ok Ariana, into position please.” the director instructed, and Ariana lay on my stomach again, before shifting her skirt covered rear end toward my face. Again I felt her wetness on my skin, but much more than before. This time, when I breathed deeply, I could smell the faintest smell of something I had been dreaming about. My mouth began to water and I licked my lips in anticipation.

“Ok Josh, when I instruct you I want you to lift Ariana’s skirt up. Got it?” I nodded. “Ok start by putting your hands on her skirt”. I did as I was told and allowed my hands to touch her ass through her skirt. I heard the clicking of cameras. “Go ahead and lift the skirt”. I carefully and slowly lifted up her skirt, feeling the heat and smelling her perfect scent just before her body came in to view. “Freeze just like that”.

The sight before me was all I could hope for. The skin of Ariana’s butt was totally flawless; the skin surrounding her butthole just slightly darker than the rest. Her labia were dark, and swollen with excitement, and parted, revealing a pink and dripping interior that begged to be licked. My mind couldn’t process it. Ariana Grande’s ass and pussy were inches from my face. Her scent filled my nose. It was perfect.

“Ok hold it like that” I was instructed. More camera clicks. “Now undo the skirt and take it off”. I did so. “Put your hands on her butt”. My hands touched her perfect skin for the first time. The cameras clicked. A line of her juices began to dangle from her pussy and head toward my face. “Oh yes! Let that fall on your tongue please.” I was happy to oblige. Click, click click as the string slowly descended. I couldn’t wait to taste this incredible woman. Ariana, who was able to see what was happening on a monitor, started to moan. Finally it reached my tongue. I held still for a few more clicks before bringing it into my mouth with my tongue. I closed my eyes and focused on tasting Ariana’s juices. She was delicious. I wanted to devour her for hours. “Pull her toward you and put your lips on her”. I pulled her close and my lips made contact with her. Her scent was intoxicating, and I could feel her wetness on my lips. “Now do the same with your tongue” I allowed my tongue to slide over her labia and toward her clit. I heard her moan as my tongue found her button. I was told to hold it there, which I did except for some tiny movements that were driving Ariana wild. More juices flowed into my mouth. Ariana was caressing my cock. “Put your tongue inside her”. I slowly licked back up her lips and slipped my tongue into her pussy. My face was enveloped by her sex. She tasted exquisite. Ariana instinctively began to rub herself back and forth on my face, moaning softly. “If you’re ok with it can you touch your tongue to her anus?”. I withdrew my tongue and allowed the tip to touch her sexy little butthole. She gasped as I again moved it around a little. “Oh fuck!” I heard her moan softly. I was dizzy with hunger for her. My hands spread her cheeks as I lost control and started eating her in earnest.

“Oh god yes!” Ariana exclaimed as I licked every millimeter of her pussy and ass.

“Get this on video!” I heard the director say.

Ariana began to fuck my face as I ate her up. My face was covered in her gushing juices. She was pumping my cock in rhythm with her pelvic thrusts…faster and faster until she cried out “oh…oh…Oh!” and began to cum. I felt her pussy and asshole pulsate as she pressed herself on to me. A stream of her hot piss squirted onto my face and into my mouth. “Oh fuck…oh fuck!” She cried, as a second orgasm hit her. This time she stayed still, except for quivering legs, as I changed from furious licking and sucking to delicate kisses all over her swollen and dripping pussy.

We stayed like that for a moment or two before the room, again, erupted in applause. I could feel Ariana breathing hard, my hands still on her ass cheeks and her hands still on me. I took in the incredible sight of her pussy and butthole again, giving them a few last kisses before we were approached with robes and towels, and Ariana slipped off me and sat by my side.

“Oh my god!” She said. “That was not in the script!”.

“You ok?” I asked, putting my hand inside her robe and resting it on her sweaty thigh.

“Yes….yes I am” she said, “I’ve just never cum so hard…and in front of all these people! On camera!”.

“You’re incredible Ariana…more than even my fantasy idea of you”. My hand stroked her thigh.

“I think I squirted a little…did I?”

“You did…I loved every last drop.”

Her hand wandered down and inside my wrap, and grabbed a hold of my still hard cock. “And this thing…oh my god” she said squeezing it. “So fucking amazing!”

“You two seem to be getting along well!” It was Nicki again, with Dua in tow. “I got so wet watching that…damn!” “You know, two more lyrics come to mind” she went on, “dick bicycle and wrist icicle!….I better be seeing some of that!” “Oh Josh, I almost forgot, my friend Dua here was wondering if she can have a little taste…she doesn’t believe me.” Dua hit Nicki playfully but didn’t deny it. “Oh shit yes!” Exclaimed Ariana, “it’s true!” As she said this she pulled my cock out from the wrap. The head was dripping with precum. Ariana milked my shaft and even more came out. She looked around, looked at me, giggled and then lowered her mouth onto the head, sucking and licking up every drop as she looked me in the eye. She licked her lips and milked me some more. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I grew harder and bigger than ever before. “Oh what the hell” said Dua, as she too lowered her head and took me into her mouth. I could feel her sucking me…her mouth open as wide as possible. “That’s crazy!” She said licking her lips afterward and staring at me with her incredibly beautiful eyes. Finally, Nicki started to tickle my balls with one hand while the other joined Ariana’s in milking me. The excitement of all this was too much, and I actually squirted a stream of precum, which landed on Nicki’s arm. She licked it off before locking her lips around my cock and sucking some more.

“Ok you three you better stop!” I said breathlessly. “ You’re going to make me cum!”

“ Please don’t! Not yet” said Amina, who had approached unnoticed in all the excitement. “You still have work to do”. Ariana’s and Nicki’s hand were still fondling my cock, and we all saw Amina look at it hungrily.

“Here, try this!” Said Nicki, collecting my juices on her finger and holding it up to Amina’s mouth. She hesitated for a moment before taking it with her tongue. “Isn’t he yummy?”

“So sweet” said Amina blushing, pretending she hadn’t already tasted me. “ I can’t believe I just did that !” She collected herself and spoke to Ariana. “I think I can guess the answer, but are you ok to try the next scene?”

“Yes, I’m ready…just hope it will fit!”

“Oh yeah!” Exclaimed Nicki, “Operation dick bicycle! I’ll ride if you don’t!”

The next few minutes were a blur of activity on set. The bed was removed, and in its place was an amazing contraption that was like a super narrow massage table, built around which was a bicycle frame that could be adjusted to put the handle on the front or back. I was told to lie on the table. After a few moments Amina approached, and removed my towel, revealing my still half erect penis.

“This is the weirdest day of my life!” She said, before adding, “are you ok if I…uh…help you get ready?”

“Sure…yes of course…but are you?”

“I’ve tasted your precum…it’s a bit late now!” She said laughing, and reached for my cock.

I watched as this beautiful, professional woman fondled me, and I still couldn’t believe what was happening. Without thinking I rested my hand on her butt. She jumped momentarily, snapping me back into reality. “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry…I just…”

“It’s ok…you can do it.” She was touching me so softly and sensually. I could feel myself growing harder, and how much that turned her on. I took a chance and dropped my hand below her skirt and then up along her thigh to touch her butt again through her panties. She was breathing heavily, and her touch was more urgent. She widened her stance, which I took as an invitation, sliding my hand into her panties until my fingers found her wetness. I rubbed her clit gently before sliding one finger inside her. She moaned softly and started to grind her mound into my hand. My cock was completely hard again, and throbbing to her touch.

We were interrupted by a yell of “Amina, is he ready?” From the director across the room. I withdrew my hand and locked eyes with her as I put it to my mouth to taste her. She held my cock hard and bit her lip before tearing herself away. I lay there, breathing hard, my fingers still at my lips, smelling her wonderful scent.

“Ok we’re ready” Said the director, and I watched Ariana as she walked over to me.

“Can I go for a ride?” She asked with a mischievous grin.

“Hop on!” I replied happily.

Amina returned with some coconut oil in her hand, and without saying a word began to lubricate me with it. This felt incredible and I grew harder still. I saw her fingers barely reaching halfway around me. I saw her collect the juices flowing from my opening and add them to the oil. “Ok Ariana” she said, and held the base of my shaft while Ariana put one foot on a pedal before straddling me, facing the other way. Amina guided the head of my cock to Ariana’s entrance and rubbed it back and forth a few times. Ariana eased herself down a little and suddenly I was inside her. We both moaned in pleasure as she began to peddle, my cock sliding in and out with each rotation. This was incredible! I could feel that I completely filled her up, and that she loved it. She was making the most amazing sounds as she began to peddle faster and faster. “Oh my god!” She cried over and over until she finally stopped peddling and stood still except for her quaking limbs, as she exploded in orgasm again. “Oh fuck!” She yelled. “This is the fucking best!” I could feel her pussy pulsating around my cock as she came. The director instructed Ariana to turn around. I glanced at my cock, shiny with her wetness, as Ariana shakily turned around. Amina helped put me inside again, and Ariana resumed peddling, breathing hard, and with a look of pure animal ecstasy on her face. Our eyes locked, and for a few minutes I was making love with Ariana Grande. It was beautiful. I wanted to take her in my arms and love her, but I knew that wasn’t what this was about. Still, when she lifted her leg and climbed off me I got up quickly and hugged her. She accepted and returned the hug, and whispered that she had never cum so hard. I just held her, with my rock hard cock in between us reminding me that there was (hopefully) one more scene to shoot.

“Ok soldier, you’ve been quite the trooper today!” Amina said as she handed me a water. “You’ve made some fans!” “I think all three singers want in on the finale!”

This was confirmed moments later when the director announced that we were ready for the climax scene and asked Ariana, Nicki and Dua to come to set. I was escorted to a chair that must have been made for this moment. I was partially reclined, with my legs parted and supported, leaving enough room for the three girls to squeeze together and kneel in front of me. “This can’t be happening!” I said as they situated themselves. They were all dressed in beautiful sequined black dresses, with amazing hair and make up. Like a dessert too pretty to eat, I thought. How could I cover these ladies in cum? It’s my job I reminded myself, and decided to let go and enjoy.

“What is your load like?” The director asked, probably a little late.

“After today? I think it’s going to be more than wrists that have icicles!”

“Are you ladies ok with that?” She asked. They all were. “Ok Ariana, you’re responsible for aiming. Mouths, hair, dresses all ok…just try to keep it out of your eyes…I need you to keep looking pretty.”

Ariana was in the middle, with Nicki to my left and Dua to my right. “Whenever you’re ready” the director said, and with that they all began to caress me. Hands and fingers were everywhere, from my asshole to the top of my cock. It felt incredible, and even more so knowing who was doing this to me. Ariana looked intensely at me as she suddenly licked my frenulum. I gasped and moaned. She was quickly joined by the other two, and all three began to lick my cock head, collecting and sharing the precum that was flowing from me.

“That’s fantastic…keep going!” Yelled the director. I couldn’t agree more.

“I’m close” I warned them…”please don’t stop!” I tried to burn the image of these sexy women licking me into my memory. I wanted this moment to last forever, but it was just too incredible.

“Oh god!” I said, “I’m gonna cum!”

They stopped licking me and moved back slightly, their mouths open and tongues out. Ariana was pumping me hard while the two caressed my thighs and balls. I felt it bubbling up inside…I was passed the point of no return. My cock started to contract and jerk…one, two, three times before the first jet of cum erupted from my cock, landing on their chins and necks and the top of their dresses. I cried out as the second spurt flew into their eager mouths. I watched them all quickly swallow, and open again, ready for more. Ariana aimed my next shot down at their hands, so the cum could drip down their arms. Each spurt was huge…like an entire regular load. I had never come like this and I could feel there was much more. Two more shots flew straight over their heads and hit a couple of the dancers, who squeaked in fake horror before feeding each other my cum. The next two were back in their mouths, as they again swallowed hungrily. Ariana aimed the next one at Nicki, who took it happily in the mouth and chin; the next on Dua who did the same. Then finally, Ariana opened up wide and took the rest of my load in her mouth, Somehow looking beautiful and loving doing this. The last few dribbles of cum were lapped up by all three as they shared a sloppy cum covered kiss, and then each took a turn sucking me to extract the last drop.

All that remained was a few still shots of the girls, holding my cock and covered in cum. They were happy and horny when they did this, and laughed as I jokingly asked for a signed 8 x 10” copy for my office wall. Then they left to clean up.

“So honey, how was your day at work?” It was Amina, teasing me as she handed me a robe. My cock had finally fallen asleep, but I still caught her taking quick glances. “Look at this mess!” She said, gesturing to the cum splattered everywhere. She dipped her finger in some that had landed on my knee and sensually brought it to her lips.

“Mmmmm…even tastier! Where do you come from?” She asked, picking up some more and doing it again. She moaned “Mmmmm!” again, shook her head in disbelief and walked away.

I slipped on my robe and started to head back to the dressing room, almost bumping into Ariana running in the other direction. “Oh there you are!” She said and ran into my arms. I gave her a huge hug. She looked up with her big brown eyes and we kissed, her hand finding its way into my robe and wrapping around my cock as we did. “Take care of that thing!” She said, and with that she was gone.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hu9cvt/a_pretty_pretty_good_day

1 comment

  1. With that title, I’m forced to believe that Larry David is the protagonist.

    *Curb Your Enthusiasm theme starts up…..*

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