Having Some Brie, Chapter 1 [fm] [Incest] [Brother/Sister]

It all started when I got caught.

“What…” said an outraged feminine voice from behind me.

On instinct, I turned around to face her, my nose still buried in a pair of used panties. My twin sister Sabrina was standing in the doorway, her sports bag slipping out of her fingers and dropping onto the floor.

“… the fuck,” she finished flatly, her eyes wildly flicking between my own, her panties in my one hand, and my erection in my other. In my lustful stupor, I made time to notice the tight sports bra and tiny gym shorts she was wearing, as well as the thin sheen of sweat to complete the look.

“Please don’t tell mom,” I blurted. It was all that I could muster. I hadn’t even begun to work out how to deal with my sister’s reaction, how to even explain this. Though it would’ve been futile anyway; it wasn’t as if I could say I’d tripped into a single garment in her laundry.

“Get out of my room,” she seethed, her face contorting in contempt and disgust.

I managed to utter a dumb “We share a room, Brie,” before she stomped a foot and whipped a finger out of the bedroom we shared.

“Get out, Stefan!”

I at least made the wise decision to put away my still-throbbing manhood before slinking past her, after which she promptly slammed the door behind me. I was still clutching her panties, but I highly doubted she wanted them back now. I rested my forehead against a wall and cursed my stupidity. My life was over. At the very least, I’d be her dog for the rest of our lives.

Hastily, I stuffed Brie’s panties into my pocket. If mom saw me holding them, she’d rip me to shreds where I stood. Not like the men in our family had a stellar reputation these last months.

Dad had run off with a hot young thing not much older than me and Brie. Mom had “won” custody of the two of us. Guess dad didn’t want us kids interrupting his time with Jessica. However, in an insane turn of events, he’d kept the house in the divorce, forcing the three of us to move out. Mom had scrambled to find this place, a two-bedroom apartment with walls like paper, which brought me and my sister to our current predicament of sharing a room. Thank Christ we at least had our own beds.

It was about half an hour later when Brie opened the door. “Get in here,” she snapped after giving me a baleful look that indicated she was surprised I was still there. She’d changed into more comfortable clothes and apparently opted to wipe herself down rather than walk past me to the bathroom. Her dark hair was still in a tight ponytail, and it swished when she jerked her head, directing me to sit on my bed, which I obeyed. Afraid to meet her critical gaze, I stared at my fingers as they fidgeted in my lap, and after she closed the door we stayed silently like that for what felt like years. Finally, she broke the tension.

“Then I guess I’ll start,” she bit out. “What the hell were you doing?”

I thought the answer was obvious. I never understood girls’ need to hear it from the horse’s mouth. Everybody knows the truth, let’s move past it. I stayed silent.

“Do you even have a good excuse?”

Yeah, I’ve been cooped up for three months in this apartment with two women and nowhere to jack off. Also, you’re sexy as hell and I didn’t think a few wanks with your underwear was hurting anyone.

“No,” I mumbled.

She was quiet for so long that I actually looked up to see her expression. She had been studying me, and as soon as our eyes met she snapped out of it and continued in a stern manner.

“Then I think it goes without saying that you’ll be doing all my chores from now on,” Brie said. “*Except* my laundry. I’ll be handling that exclusively, thank you very much.” When I didn’t object, she hugged her arm to her side bashfully. “Um… Is that the first time you did that?”

“Of course!” I stammered. “Don’t flatter yourself, sis! You’re really not all that.” She gave me a skeptical look, but not before something flickered in her eyes. “I was just going nuts ‘cause there’s no damn privacy in this house.”

“You could do it in school,” she said icily. Her temper had gone from explosive to unnervingly frigid within a single minute. Was it something I’d said? “Or a restaurant toilet. Or a shopping mall changing room. Or literally anywhere else. And you didn’t need any… *accessories* when you did it.”

As she let that last statement sink in, we were both silent again. She had me there. How the hell was I gonna spin this? As my mind raced, I realized I could and needed to draw a distinction in the motivation of my actions. Better she think I was just into panties than… what I actually liked.

“I just needed some real stimulation,” I managed. “Lately, all the guys at school have been talking about this weird-ass trend in Japan. Guys buying used panties from schoolgirls, y’know? I guess I was just horny enough to fixate on the idea, alright?”

Brie glared at me before huffing and breaking eye contact. “Anyway, all my chores minus laundry, got that? I’ll think of the rest later.”

“Wait, the rest?” I balked.

“You got something to say?” she snapped.

“…No. Wait, yes. There needs to be some kind of limit.”

“Excuse me? You think you’re in a position to negotiate?”

“Nothing illegal,” I pressed on. “No hurting other people. And nothing that can get me seriously hurt.”

“You have a lot of rules for a filthy pervert,” she sneered.

“So, what, you were just gonna blackmail me for the rest of my life?”

“Yeah,” she stated matter-of-factly. When I gave her my best puppy-dog look, she rolled her eyes and said, “Fine. You’ll be my genie. Chores aside, you have to do three things I ask. Then I’ll let this go and promise not to tell anyone.

“Don’t look so relieved just yet.” She sat on the edge of her bed and crossed her legs. “First one: wash and kiss my feet.”

“Wait, what?” I almost choked on the words. “Also, that’s two things!” She raised an eyebrow, daring me to defy her. I slumped to the bathroom in defeat, returning with a bath sponge and a plastic tub full of soap water. What had I gotten myself into?

I knelt at her feet and tentatively reached for one of them. They were smooth, and dare I say elegant. I wasn’t really into feet, but she had some very cute toes that made me think of a kitten’s footpads. I squeezed water over it before beginning to scrub.

“Gentler, ass,” she barked.


Running the sponge slower across her skin, I think I felt the atmosphere in the room change. Despite what had happened not more than an hour ago, this situation we were in was surprisingly intimate. As I washed between her toes and rubbed down her ankles, I couldn’t help but notice her breathing had changed. Or was that mine?

Her skin was incredibly smooth, her legs just two supple lengths of pale flawless marble. Her muscles were toned well, a result of three years in gymnastics, and yet the small amount of fat she had been unable to burn off left her calves soft and ready for a good squeeze. But it was all no surprise to me; I’d noticed how bewitching my sister had become even before our eighteenth birthday, a month after the divorce. She’d always been gorgeous, but lately it was too much for me to keep inside.

“Are you hard?” Brie asked quietly.

Shit. She’d noticed before I had. But she wasn’t angry for some reason. Regardless, I tried to turn my lower body away to the side while I finished up the foot wash. When it was over, I dried my hands and her feet before kneeling back down in front of her. Now freshly washed, I was less reluctant than I would have been if she had asked me to kiss her sweaty gym feet. I took a deep breath before letting my lips and her foot meet halfway. I heard a shallow gasp from above and figured she was satisfied with it so far. Hopefully this would count as a successful strike off the three wishes she planned to claim.

I had to admit, her feet were pretty. It seemed like tons of people were into them, and I was beginning to see the appeal. I almost shook my head to snap out of it. As if I didn’t already have enough fetishes as it was. She raised her other foot, reminding me to distribute my attention equally between left and right.

While my fingers ran across her heels and soles as I brushed my lips across the tops, Brie whispered, “Just like that…” Taken aback, I glanced up at her. She was looking down her nose at me, but not in disdain like the more submissive guys online seemed to enjoy. She had an expression of contentment… and something else. When she saw me watching, her eyes angrily whipped down to her feet in a directive to continue.

After maybe ten minutes, Brie cleared her throat and announced, “Alright, that’s enough.” She stood up stiffly and grabbed a change of clothes before marching out of the room and down the hall without another word. I ran my hands down my face and sighed. I could still smell the soap on my skin. What the hell was that just now?

I dreaded seeing what the next few days brought.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/htj7i0/having_some_brie_chapter_1_fm_incest_brothersister