The whole world now knows about my affair, and I couldn’t be happier [MF, no sex, betrayal fantasy]

I can’t believe it. I just can’t.

Told my friends, colleagues, kids and family (including my in-laws) about my 4-year full-on, love-and-fuck affair with my AP (=Adultery Partner), who’s a single mom herself.

I was expecting everything; from hateful messages to loathing death-wishes. That my parents and siblings would disown me, that my sister-in-law would immediately call my wife of 14 years to tell her about my wrongdoings. That my colleagues would tatle on me and get me fired, and my friends abandon me. That my own two children would despise me from then on and decide to live with their mother, breaking up any contact with me. I surely would’ve been devasted and a broken man if any of that had happened.

Surprisingly, it didn’t. Rather (and much to my soul’s wellbeing), the opposite happened. I gathered all of them together at home, having ordered some food as well to make the situation a little more comfy. Wifey was getting sterilisation treatment at the hospital at the time so I had plenty of time to break the news.

As the overall mood was approaching it’s climax, I thought “now’s the time” and gathered everyone together in the living room. In respect of the kids, no alcohol was served, so every mind in that room was as sober and clear as possible.

Nervously, I read a little speech I’d prepared the night before, something about “changes in one’s life” and the ultimate importance of “pursuing your own happiness”. Cheerful applause from the crowd, that sounds good.

Then, the painfully dreaded momentum came. “Much talk, little sense: I want all of you to meet, but also keep quiet about, my deeply loved woman, the jewel in my life, my girlfriend, AP.” Said beauty comes out of the kitchen, modestly dressed. But even with her thick sweater and oversized jogging pants, all eyes make out her courageous curves, her portrait-like face, and the aura of pure, raw divinity surrounding her.

Confident as she is, she runs up to me, jumping into my arms. We embrace a pure-hearted kiss (with tongue ?) in front of all the guests, and stand there like lovers who think “everything’s lost, so what the hell?!”

After a seeming infinity, we break up the smooch, turn to the gasping faces and hands on mouths. Ready to be judged. Ready for everything. We didn’t care, still don’t. We’re destined for each other, we know that whenever we look into each other’s eyes.

Apparently, our true affection for one another infected my family and friends and loved ones, as, instead of massacring us, hurling cursed slurs into our direction, half the room began crying. Tears of joy, as we were later told. The other half slowly clapped their hands, warm smiles of understanding acceptance shining towards my AP and me.

Shocked as we were, the situation truly wasn’t uncomfortable, nonetheless. Lots of hugging and kissing and hand-shaking was exchanged. My mother nearly drowned my AP in kisses, calling her her “daughter-in-law” ?.

Mind you, I had expected the worst to happen, and was met with the best to come. And indeed, better things were to come.

My family stood behind me like a rock. Mom and Dad hugged me. While my dad was busy listing all the qualities he sees in AP as my secret wife, my mother almost choked on her words, as she was talking fast, talking about how lovely my AP was, how happy she was for her and her son, and so on. My brother and his wife said they were excited and would be happy to ditch my wife and sneak to double dates with AP and me. My little sister giggled constantly as she was chit-chatting with AP about our future secret wedding and possible pregnancies. She told me afterwards she was very happy for me, and that AP seemed like someone she’d known for years, after a few talks, already.

From my colleagues’ side, many jokes were made. Some were laughing about how awkward our company picnics would, saying they had to do two from now on, one for my wife, the other for AP. My boss, that dirty cheapskate, smacked me on the back and wheezed, told me he’d just cancel all the ones were my wife was coming. Why waste a penny on a woman that’s not my true love, anyway, right? That old goat even winked and suggested my AP is welcome at the office whenever she pleases.
I was blown away by the kindness of some souls who went as far as to promise me to become volunteers at the office christmas party, confusing and leading my wife willingly through false doors and directions in the building, so that AP and I could have our time to shine at the fest, embracing our desire in from of the rest.

Awesome, right?

But what almost made me tear up were my in-laws’ reactions. Holy shit, how supportive they were of our relationship!

My wife’s father had always been a strict man, stern, loyal to his words, and never seen with a sad face. Yet even he couldn’t help but cry into his tissue. How proud he was of me for finding the right woman, he told me, how he would gladly pay for our secret wedding ceremony if I wanted, of course.
Approving of the two us, my SIL admitted my AP already had become a sister to her, jokingly suggesting she looked forward to donating a kidney if she ever needed one.
My father-in-law laughed loudly and nod along with her. In fact, they assured me my AP was welcome in their home as they’d happily look to introduce us to the rest of the family. Their doors were open to us whenever we wanted and on every holiday. Cue to my mother-in-law’s mother joking about making a sacrifice and having my wife “accompany” her to the hospital every Christmas family meeting.
Long story short, they loved my AP (“But not as much as you love her, honey. ?” Oh, Grammy….)And should she ever be in need of financial need, she and her son could move into my SIL’s sister’s room, rent free.

More than welcoming than any of them, however, was my dearest mother-in-law. Boy, she was THIS close to talking my ears off, as she went into a looooong rant about how my love for AP was sacred, how society should be more open Christian (yeah, she is THAT kind of person..) and follow the godly teachings of the Bible that support us 100 percent. And if the Lord himself shines upon my everlasting commitment, so does she.
More words of familiar warmth. She suggested my AP wear her old wedding dress for our expensive ceremony (“At least it would fit her”, she chirped) and that she come with her to the spa and the high-class charity organizations where she could boast about her to all the other mothers with their daughters.
How she’d gladly spoil her new grandson with high priced toys and well-adjusted college funds.
Finally, she cried and wrapped me into a strong hug, letting me know she was so happy I finally found the right woman for me and the children.

Oh, shoot! Almost forgot the kids, lol. Thank goodness they knew her from before.
Seriously, these sweet angels had already fallen in love with her the second I introduced them to her when I picked them up from school during the time my wife had a minor heart operation a few months ago.

Since then, there wasn’t a week where we didn’t “accidentally bump” into each other at Costco, met for play dates (her son is roughly my boy’s age) that progressed into vacations together. Some sleepovers surely happened as well.

Anyway, that’s a short little summary of what happened on that happy little day in my happy life. If you wanna know more, dm me.

God bless you and have a wonderful evening :)

(Author’s note: original story is longer. This is the beginning, cut off and equipped with this fast finisher, dm if you’re interested in more)


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